Gabby Gifford resigns from Congress

The first sentence. Note I said 'unconditional'. But Cesspit is so narcisstic, self-absorbed, full of herself, and full of hate that she just can't even say something nice with no conditions attached. Instead it has to be abut her, her, her...Then again, she is a neocon whackjob - it's in their DNA...

BTW, Dunno what advil is. Prolly some dozy drug, right? You're the country that seems to oversubscribe to prescription meds..

Advil = over the counter pain reliever, similar to aspirin.

I didnt read anything evil in her post. I saw a sympathetic voter that still wanted representation. That is a very legitimate complaint. How it is remedied is for debate.

I didn't think it was evil either. I just have an opinion of Cesspit, that would be nice to be dispelled once and a while. But at the end of the day, when all is said and done, she's just not a very nice person. Or maybe a very unhappy one.

And if she had/has a problem with Gifford, start a new thread...

FAIR ENOUGH. The representation issue is why I piped up.
I guess we should have a second thread on this. Once for decent people to commend her and one for you fucking morons to lie your little asses off and pretend it was the evil TEA Partiers. God knows, you appear not to need evidence for anything else, so why would this be any different?

^^^ Decent Americans thread.

I'll leave this one for partisan assholes to lie in.
I guess we should have a second thread on this. Once for decent people to commend her and one for you fucking morons to lie your little asses off and pretend it was the evil TEA Partiers. God knows, you appear not to need evidence for anything else, so why would this be any different?

^^^ Decent Americans thread.

I'll leave this one for partisan assholes to lie in.

Good point...I just don't think the jackass deserves his own thread, but then again why sully the other one. So, let it stand.
I guess we should have a second thread on this. Once for decent people to commend her and one for you fucking morons to lie your little asses off and pretend it was the evil TEA Partiers. God knows, you appear not to need evidence for anything else, so why would this be any different?

^^^ Decent Americans thread.

I'll leave this one for partisan assholes to lie in.

Fuck you, skank.
There were a lot of people on here who thought she should resign and I stated that if she felt she couldn't represent her district she would do just that as she was an ethical person. She has made the correct decision and i respect her for that. And I too wish for her speedy recovery so she can get back to doing the Peoples work she did so well before.

1st blow...
California Girl said:
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California Girl

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Now to top it off, you're going to whine about a neg, which will just get you more negs.:lol:

ETA: I have a general rule to only neg after getting a neg, but your little game of intimidation by listing the neggers is very tempting to make me break my rule...hey, you could neg me first.:thup: :D
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1st blow...
California Girl said:
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California Girl

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sorta dumb to whine about negs dont you think?
Hey don't forget my neg you twit!

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