Freedom of the Press in America falls again.

Thank you Donal;d Trump & his band of feeble minded followers for putting the USA at 48th place in countries ranked by freedom of the press.

2019 World Press Freedom Index | Reporters Without Borders

Freedom of the press is an important aspect to democracy.

Trump hates this. Why? The Mueller report sheds light on just how disgusting the Trump administration actually is. How badly he has duped the Trumpettes.

What kind of fricken moron wants to diminish the freedom of the press?
It has not been diminished by trump regardless of what some self serving group claims.
So, you assfucks aren't running in circles screaming "OMG OMG Fake News!!!".

2015 Obama had us at 49th, why weren’t you concerned why Obama was stifling free press? Britain isn’t allowed to identify Terrorists religion if they are Muslim. Canada has strict rules regarding what can be broadcast on their networks, yet both are rated above the United States.

Can you explain why it is only now that you are concerned?

One year. The reasons were :"The index cited "judicial harassment" of New York Times reporter James Risen, the arbitrary arrest of at least 15 journalists during the Ferguson, Missouri clashes, and the fact that U.S. journalists are still not legally entitled to protect sources who reveal confidential information about their work." Risen was reporting on government leaks & suspected of pursing leaks.

Obama had many years in the 20's.

Trump has been bad every year.

And Obama gave him the 40’s, sorry, it is a liberal source and when Britain, Denmark and Czech, get higher ratings than the US, it is absolute BS. You can’t say anything about Muslims being involved in violence in Britain. Denmark does not allow any hate speech to be published. As offensive and bad as it is, it is an integral part of free speech.

Defend your Messiah and your left wing hate.
Correcting your dishonesty is not defending anyone. You are defending Trump's record by lying about Obama's record.
Trump hasn't stopped or hindered freedom of the press. Just more partisan, hyperbolic silliness.

What he has done is everything he can to contribute to and nurture this alternate, binary, informational/ideological closed circuit in which much of the Right now operates.

As usual, the two whacked out ends of the spectrum are more than happy to put party and ideology over country.
Thank you Donal;d Trump & his band of feeble minded followers for putting the USA at 48th place in countries ranked by freedom of the press.

2019 World Press Freedom Index | Reporters Without Borders

Freedom of the press is an important aspect to democracy.

Trump hates this. Why? The Mueller report sheds light on just how disgusting the Trump administration actually is. How badly he has duped the Trumpettes.

What kind of fricken moron wants to diminish the freedom of the press?
Name one thing Trump has done to limit freedom of the press.
Convince yeahoos that the press is fake news. Drive by media.

Tried to limit CNN.
No, name a Presidential action he took to limit the press.
Trump lied to the press

Sounds awful!

When Trump lies to the press he lies to you. I am glad you like it when the government lies to you. Your head is so far up Trtimp's ass, how can you breathe?

When Trump lies to the press he lies to you

That has fuck-all to do with "press freedom", idiot.
Freedom of the press includes the press having access to the truth from our government officials.

I guess we should swear in the White House people before they address a press conference?

Freedom of the press includes the press having access to the truth from our government officials.


the right to publish newspapers, magazines, and other printed matter without governmental restriction and subject only to the laws of libel, obscenity, sedition, etc.

the definition of freedom of the press
By the government lying to the press that are restricting access.

By the press lying to the people they are restricting access.
Trump lied to the press

Sounds awful!

When Trump lies to the press he lies to you. I am glad you like it when the government lies to you. Your head is so far up Trtimp's ass, how can you breathe?

When Trump lies to the press he lies to you

That has fuck-all to do with "press freedom", idiot.
Freedom of the press includes the press having access to the truth from our government officials.

I guess we should swear in the White House people before they address a press conference?

No, Freedom of the Press is defined as the ability to write any story.

The Declaration of Human Rights from 1948 has it that freedom is the expression. In other words, you have the right to say anything you want, but that doesn’t mean that someone has to provide you with the information you want. Universal Declaration of Human Rights - Wikipedia

Now, do I wish that the Press would cover other stories? Yes I do. I wish they would discuss the obvious violations of the Right to Privacy that is Stingray, The NSA’s Data Centers, the tapping of International Data Lines, and I could go on, and on, and on.

But we don’t see many stories about that. It doesn’t mean that the Press is not free to write the stories, it just means they don’t.

I’d love to see some stories on the Routine Lies told by the police day in and out. I’d love to see some stories on how the police departments encourage and reward the Blue Wall Of Silence. I’d love to see stories where Prosecutors are asked to defend their complicity in these things. I don’t read many if any stories about it, but that doesn’t mean the Press isn’t free to write them. It just means they’re too lazy.

The Press has written exhaustively about all the imaginary Russian Links that Trump has. None of them vanished in the night, and none of them saw their news offices closed and a big Censored sign slapped on it. In fact, the Press is only hounded by others when they write a story that isn’t critical of Trump. The others they are hounded by are the radical left. Not Government forces.

Today in Washington, there is no shortage of people willing to talk to the Press. Tell them that Trump is going to be indicted, arrested, deported to Mars, whatever. That none of it is true doesn’t mean the Press isn’t free. It just means that the Press is chasing stories, and willing to suspend disbelief to get an outcome they desire.

So, the Russians arte known to interfere in Trump's favor. Trump lied about his campaign's Russian contacts. Trump lied about his business in Russia, Trump campaign advisor got caught in Russia wire tap, an investigation is launched & the press is not supposed to report on it.

I get it.

They have reported on NOTHING else since the rumors broke. The problem is that most people are now inoculated against it. They don’t care. Because what the truth is, turns out to be very different. The worst thing that happened was the Steel Dossier. Because it was so salacious and outrageous, that any truth that might have been found, couldn’t compare.

It’s like claiming you have proof that your wife cheated on you with the entire Hockey Team. Then the truth comes out, and she slept with a guy who had season tickets to the Hockey Games. Yeah, she cheated, but nothing nearly as bad as you claimed, and it becomes a so what issue.

The charges, and claims, were all either completely shot down, or at worst, only tangentially verified. Claim Trump had illegal contacts with Wikileaks to arrange the theft of the DNC emails with Russian Assistance. Truth, after the emails were stolen, the Trump Campaign called to find out what was in the damned things. That isn’t illegal, or anything approaching the claims. It may be slimy, or unethical, but compared to what was alleged by wild eyed lunatics it is the equivalent of jaywalking. Nobody is going to care.

Claim Trump obstructed Justice by instructing people to refuse to cooperate with the investigation. Nonsense. First, everyone has the Fifth Amendment Right to shut the hell up. Telling someone you have the right to shut the hell up, and I would personally appreciate it if you did is not obstructing Justice. But what was proven beyond a doubt? The existence of the alleged “deep state conspiracy” to target political opponents. Why are you not the least bit upset that the Government turned it’s attention to political opponents like it did? Is it because the target was Trump?

One thing I’ve noticed in my life, nobody expects the rule changes to bite them in the ass. Democrats to get past Republican Obstructionism, changed the rule that required a Supermajority to end debate to vote on Judges. Instead changing it to a simple majority which they had. That is fine, and dandy, what we need to do to fill vacancies in the courts. Republicans use the same rule, and they are awful, terrible, and evil for limiting debate and putting unqualified judges on the bench. The same rule, applied the exact same way, and it’s just not fair now.

But all that aside, we were talking about freedom of the press weren’t we?

Free Speech Puts U.S. on ‘a Collision Course’ With Global Limits on Big Tech

It isn’t the Government of the United States limiting Free Speech. It is the Tech and the Media. We are not going to allow hate speech. Hate Speech is what we say it is, and it is merely a curiosity, or our patriotic duty, depending on the speaker, that we use it to silence our political opponents.

You want to know who is screwing this up, it isn’t the Right. It isn’t the Government. It is folks like you who demand that Twitter shut down feeds you disagree with. It is folks like you who cheer Facebook for shutting down “hate groups” or Hate Speech.

What you should be doing, and what I do when someone says something I think is stupid, or just racist or whatever. Thank God for the First Amendment. I prefer those idiots be out there speaking, because when you try and silence them, all you do is get more people to turn to them to hear what horrible things they are saying. The same way that banning books got people to read them. Fahrenheit 451 is a terrible book. It would have gone the way of the Dodo by now except that morons keep putting it on the banned book list. The only reason it is relevant in any way is that it is constantly objected to by small minded idiots.

Half the rock bands of the 1980’s only had the careers they did, because Tipper Gore and the Washington Wives objected to the songs. You could get a Gold Record out of being listed by them amid demands for restrictions to prevent it. Every kid rushed out and bought a Tape or CD when they came out, to hear what it was they weren’t supposed to hear.

Women’s groups today object to Grand Theft Auto where the player gets points for raping and killing a woman. This game would be a minor phenom without those objections. It isn’t especially original or anything. But thank God that the people objecting are unable to resist screaming insanely. Because that makes the game sell out faster, and the makers add in even more of it to keep the objections coming.

Think it through. A nutter is on the street screaming that the Devil is among us. Nobody pays him any attention. The cops show up to arrest him for disturbing the peace. Everyone pays attention. Let the nutters scream, and they’re harmless. Nobody pays any attention to them. Oh a few might, but they’re nutters too.

Want to see Press Freedom skyrocket? Stop trying to silence anyone who disagrees with you.
It has not been diminished by trump regardless of what some self serving group claims.
So, you assfucks aren't running in circles screaming "OMG OMG Fake News!!!".

2015 Obama had us at 49th, why weren’t you concerned why Obama was stifling free press? Britain isn’t allowed to identify Terrorists religion if they are Muslim. Canada has strict rules regarding what can be broadcast on their networks, yet both are rated above the United States.

Can you explain why it is only now that you are concerned?

One year. The reasons were :"The index cited "judicial harassment" of New York Times reporter James Risen, the arbitrary arrest of at least 15 journalists during the Ferguson, Missouri clashes, and the fact that U.S. journalists are still not legally entitled to protect sources who reveal confidential information about their work." Risen was reporting on government leaks & suspected of pursing leaks.

Obama had many years in the 20's.

Trump has been bad every year.

And Obama gave him the 40’s, sorry, it is a liberal source and when Britain, Denmark and Czech, get higher ratings than the US, it is absolute BS. You can’t say anything about Muslims being involved in violence in Britain. Denmark does not allow any hate speech to be published. As offensive and bad as it is, it is an integral part of free speech.

Defend your Messiah and your left wing hate.
Correcting your dishonesty is not defending anyone. You are defending Trump's record by lying about Obama's record.

I didn’t lie, he was ranked 49th. You dislike it, take it up with those that wrote it.
When Trump lies to the press he lies to you. I am glad you like it when the government lies to you. Your head is so far up Trtimp's ass, how can you breathe?

When Trump lies to the press he lies to you

That has fuck-all to do with "press freedom", idiot.
Freedom of the press includes the press having access to the truth from our government officials.

I guess we should swear in the White House people before they address a press conference?

No, Freedom of the Press is defined as the ability to write any story.

The Declaration of Human Rights from 1948 has it that freedom is the expression. In other words, you have the right to say anything you want, but that doesn’t mean that someone has to provide you with the information you want. Universal Declaration of Human Rights - Wikipedia

Now, do I wish that the Press would cover other stories? Yes I do. I wish they would discuss the obvious violations of the Right to Privacy that is Stingray, The NSA’s Data Centers, the tapping of International Data Lines, and I could go on, and on, and on.

But we don’t see many stories about that. It doesn’t mean that the Press is not free to write the stories, it just means they don’t.

I’d love to see some stories on the Routine Lies told by the police day in and out. I’d love to see some stories on how the police departments encourage and reward the Blue Wall Of Silence. I’d love to see stories where Prosecutors are asked to defend their complicity in these things. I don’t read many if any stories about it, but that doesn’t mean the Press isn’t free to write them. It just means they’re too lazy.

The Press has written exhaustively about all the imaginary Russian Links that Trump has. None of them vanished in the night, and none of them saw their news offices closed and a big Censored sign slapped on it. In fact, the Press is only hounded by others when they write a story that isn’t critical of Trump. The others they are hounded by are the radical left. Not Government forces.

Today in Washington, there is no shortage of people willing to talk to the Press. Tell them that Trump is going to be indicted, arrested, deported to Mars, whatever. That none of it is true doesn’t mean the Press isn’t free. It just means that the Press is chasing stories, and willing to suspend disbelief to get an outcome they desire.

So, the Russians arte known to interfere in Trump's favor. Trump lied about his campaign's Russian contacts. Trump lied about his business in Russia, Trump campaign advisor got caught in Russia wire tap, an investigation is launched & the press is not supposed to report on it.

I get it.

They have reported on NOTHING else since the rumors broke. The problem is that most people are now inoculated against it. They don’t care. Because what the truth is, turns out to be very different. The worst thing that happened was the Steel Dossier. Because it was so salacious and outrageous, that any truth that might have been found, couldn’t compare.

It’s like claiming you have proof that your wife cheated on you with the entire Hockey Team. Then the truth comes out, and she slept with a guy who had season tickets to the Hockey Games. Yeah, she cheated, but nothing nearly as bad as you claimed, and it becomes a so what issue.

The charges, and claims, were all either completely shot down, or at worst, only tangentially verified. Claim Trump had illegal contacts with Wikileaks to arrange the theft of the DNC emails with Russian Assistance. Truth, after the emails were stolen, the Trump Campaign called to find out what was in the damned things. That isn’t illegal, or anything approaching the claims. It may be slimy, or unethical, but compared to what was alleged by wild eyed lunatics it is the equivalent of jaywalking. Nobody is going to care.

Claim Trump obstructed Justice by instructing people to refuse to cooperate with the investigation. Nonsense. First, everyone has the Fifth Amendment Right to shut the hell up. Telling someone you have the right to shut the hell up, and I would personally appreciate it if you did is not obstructing Justice. But what was proven beyond a doubt? The existence of the alleged “deep state conspiracy” to target political opponents. Why are you not the least bit upset that the Government turned it’s attention to political opponents like it did? Is it because the target was Trump?

One thing I’ve noticed in my life, nobody expects the rule changes to bite them in the ass. Democrats to get past Republican Obstructionism, changed the rule that required a Supermajority to end debate to vote on Judges. Instead changing it to a simple majority which they had. That is fine, and dandy, what we need to do to fill vacancies in the courts. Republicans use the same rule, and they are awful, terrible, and evil for limiting debate and putting unqualified judges on the bench. The same rule, applied the exact same way, and it’s just not fair now.

But all that aside, we were talking about freedom of the press weren’t we?

Free Speech Puts U.S. on ‘a Collision Course’ With Global Limits on Big Tech

It isn’t the Government of the United States limiting Free Speech. It is the Tech and the Media. We are not going to allow hate speech. Hate Speech is what we say it is, and it is merely a curiosity, or our patriotic duty, depending on the speaker, that we use it to silence our political opponents.

You want to know who is screwing this up, it isn’t the Right. It isn’t the Government. It is folks like you who demand that Twitter shut down feeds you disagree with. It is folks like you who cheer Facebook for shutting down “hate groups” or Hate Speech.

What you should be doing, and what I do when someone says something I think is stupid, or just racist or whatever. Thank God for the First Amendment. I prefer those idiots be out there speaking, because when you try and silence them, all you do is get more people to turn to them to hear what horrible things they are saying. The same way that banning books got people to read them. Fahrenheit 451 is a terrible book. It would have gone the way of the Dodo by now except that morons keep putting it on the banned book list. The only reason it is relevant in any way is that it is constantly objected to by small minded idiots.

Half the rock bands of the 1980’s only had the careers they did, because Tipper Gore and the Washington Wives objected to the songs. You could get a Gold Record out of being listed by them amid demands for restrictions to prevent it. Every kid rushed out and bought a Tape or CD when they came out, to hear what it was they weren’t supposed to hear.

Women’s groups today object to Grand Theft Auto where the player gets points for raping and killing a woman. This game would be a minor phenom without those objections. It isn’t especially original or anything. But thank God that the people objecting are unable to resist screaming insanely. Because that makes the game sell out faster, and the makers add in even more of it to keep the objections coming.

Think it through. A nutter is on the street screaming that the Devil is among us. Nobody pays him any attention. The cops show up to arrest him for disturbing the peace. Everyone pays attention. Let the nutters scream, and they’re harmless. Nobody pays any attention to them. Oh a few might, but they’re nutters too.

Want to see Press Freedom skyrocket? Stop trying to silence anyone who disagrees with you.

The press isn’t suppressed this is a left wing nut, who is trying to make Trump look bad. The criteria to make this list is also questionable.

Dave is a left wing partisan hack, he just loves his left wing spin on everything, dishonest yes, effective yes.
Thank you Donal;d Trump & his band of feeble minded followers for putting the USA at 48th place in countries ranked by freedom of the press.

2019 World Press Freedom Index | Reporters Without Borders

Freedom of the press is an important aspect to democracy.

Trump hates this. Why? The Mueller report sheds light on just how disgusting the Trump administration actually is. How badly he has duped the Trumpettes.

What kind of fricken moron wants to diminish the freedom of the press?
Freedom of press?! Ha ha ha...what a joke! How about Un-freedom of the press? In a day and age when the media in the US have turned into shills and liars for the Democratic Party. I don't think they should be called "press" any longer. More like agents and spies for the Democratic Party.
Proof Trump's efforts worked.
The so called "press" were in the bag for Democrats before Trump came into the picture, dufus!
Trump lied to the press

Sounds awful!

When Trump lies to the press he lies to you. I am glad you like it when the government lies to you. Your head is so far up Trtimp's ass, how can you breathe?

When Trump lies to the press he lies to you

That has fuck-all to do with "press freedom", idiot.
Freedom of the press includes the press having access to the truth from our government officials.

I guess we should swear in the White House people before they address a press conference?

Freedom of the press includes the press having access to the truth from our government officials.


the right to publish newspapers, magazines, and other printed matter without governmental restriction and subject only to the laws of libel, obscenity, sedition, etc.

the definition of freedom of the press
By the government lying to the press that are restricting access.
It is the press, directed by Democrats, that is lying about the govt. to the people,
If America has failed and America sucks then GET THE FK OUT!
It has not been diminished by trump regardless of what some self serving group claims.
So, you assfucks aren't running in circles screaming "OMG OMG Fake News!!!".

2015 Obama had us at 49th, why weren’t you concerned why Obama was stifling free press? Britain isn’t allowed to identify Terrorists religion if they are Muslim. Canada has strict rules regarding what can be broadcast on their networks, yet both are rated above the United States.

Can you explain why it is only now that you are concerned?

One year. The reasons were :"The index cited "judicial harassment" of New York Times reporter James Risen, the arbitrary arrest of at least 15 journalists during the Ferguson, Missouri clashes, and the fact that U.S. journalists are still not legally entitled to protect sources who reveal confidential information about their work." Risen was reporting on government leaks & suspected of pursing leaks.

Obama had many years in the 20's.

Trump has been bad every year.

And Obama gave him the 40’s, sorry, it is a liberal source and when Britain, Denmark and Czech, get higher ratings than the US, it is absolute BS. You can’t say anything about Muslims being involved in violence in Britain. Denmark does not allow any hate speech to be published. As offensive and bad as it is, it is an integral part of free speech.

Defend your Messiah and your left wing hate.
Correcting your dishonesty is not defending anyone. You are defending Trump's record by lying about Obama's record.
And despite the 24/7 media pile-on and a hoax investigation, Trump's approval numbers are still higher than Obama's at the same time. Besides, if Obama was so good, Hillary who ran on his legacy would have been elected, but she didn't.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®
So, you assfucks aren't running in circles screaming "OMG OMG Fake News!!!".

2015 Obama had us at 49th, why weren’t you concerned why Obama was stifling free press? Britain isn’t allowed to identify Terrorists religion if they are Muslim. Canada has strict rules regarding what can be broadcast on their networks, yet both are rated above the United States.

Can you explain why it is only now that you are concerned?

One year. The reasons were :"The index cited "judicial harassment" of New York Times reporter James Risen, the arbitrary arrest of at least 15 journalists during the Ferguson, Missouri clashes, and the fact that U.S. journalists are still not legally entitled to protect sources who reveal confidential information about their work." Risen was reporting on government leaks & suspected of pursing leaks.

Obama had many years in the 20's.

Trump has been bad every year.

And Obama gave him the 40’s, sorry, it is a liberal source and when Britain, Denmark and Czech, get higher ratings than the US, it is absolute BS. You can’t say anything about Muslims being involved in violence in Britain. Denmark does not allow any hate speech to be published. As offensive and bad as it is, it is an integral part of free speech.

Defend your Messiah and your left wing hate.
Correcting your dishonesty is not defending anyone. You are defending Trump's record by lying about Obama's record.
And despite the 24/7 media pile-on and a hoax investigation, Trump's approval numbers are still higher than Obama's at the same time. Besides, if Obama was so good, Hillary who ran on his legacy would have been elected, but she didn't.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

Rasmussen always leans right.

The media reports what Trump does. Why are you people too stupid to get that.

Was there an investigation? Why shouldn't the press report on it?

illsary got 3 million more votes. Despite Russian help for Trump. Why was that?
When Trump lies to the press he lies to you. I am glad you like it when the government lies to you. Your head is so far up Trtimp's ass, how can you breathe?

When Trump lies to the press he lies to you

That has fuck-all to do with "press freedom", idiot.
Freedom of the press includes the press having access to the truth from our government officials.

I guess we should swear in the White House people before they address a press conference?

Freedom of the press includes the press having access to the truth from our government officials.


the right to publish newspapers, magazines, and other printed matter without governmental restriction and subject only to the laws of libel, obscenity, sedition, etc.

the definition of freedom of the press
By the government lying to the press that are restricting access.
It is the press, directed by Democrats, that is lying about the govt. to the people,

Thank you Donal;d Trump & his band of feeble minded followers for putting the USA at 48th place in countries ranked by freedom of the press.

2019 World Press Freedom Index | Reporters Without Borders

Freedom of the press is an important aspect to democracy.

Trump hates this. Why? The Mueller report sheds light on just how disgusting the Trump administration actually is. How badly he has duped the Trumpettes.

What kind of fricken moron wants to diminish the freedom of the press?
Freedom of press?! Ha ha ha...what a joke! How about Un-freedom of the press? In a day and age when the media in the US have turned into shills and liars for the Democratic Party. I don't think they should be called "press" any longer. More like agents and spies for the Democratic Party.
Proof Trump's efforts worked.
The so called "press" were in the bag for Democrats before Trump came into the picture, dufus!

Reporting on the stupid shit Trump does & says is not "being in the bsag" for Democrats.

Ttuim,[ was a piece of shit when you elected him. Did you expect the press not to report on it?
When Trump lies to the press he lies to you

That has fuck-all to do with "press freedom", idiot.
Freedom of the press includes the press having access to the truth from our government officials.

I guess we should swear in the White House people before they address a press conference?

No, Freedom of the Press is defined as the ability to write any story.

The Declaration of Human Rights from 1948 has it that freedom is the expression. In other words, you have the right to say anything you want, but that doesn’t mean that someone has to provide you with the information you want. Universal Declaration of Human Rights - Wikipedia

Now, do I wish that the Press would cover other stories? Yes I do. I wish they would discuss the obvious violations of the Right to Privacy that is Stingray, The NSA’s Data Centers, the tapping of International Data Lines, and I could go on, and on, and on.

But we don’t see many stories about that. It doesn’t mean that the Press is not free to write the stories, it just means they don’t.

I’d love to see some stories on the Routine Lies told by the police day in and out. I’d love to see some stories on how the police departments encourage and reward the Blue Wall Of Silence. I’d love to see stories where Prosecutors are asked to defend their complicity in these things. I don’t read many if any stories about it, but that doesn’t mean the Press isn’t free to write them. It just means they’re too lazy.

The Press has written exhaustively about all the imaginary Russian Links that Trump has. None of them vanished in the night, and none of them saw their news offices closed and a big Censored sign slapped on it. In fact, the Press is only hounded by others when they write a story that isn’t critical of Trump. The others they are hounded by are the radical left. Not Government forces.

Today in Washington, there is no shortage of people willing to talk to the Press. Tell them that Trump is going to be indicted, arrested, deported to Mars, whatever. That none of it is true doesn’t mean the Press isn’t free. It just means that the Press is chasing stories, and willing to suspend disbelief to get an outcome they desire.

So, the Russians arte known to interfere in Trump's favor. Trump lied about his campaign's Russian contacts. Trump lied about his business in Russia, Trump campaign advisor got caught in Russia wire tap, an investigation is launched & the press is not supposed to report on it.

I get it.

They have reported on NOTHING else since the rumors broke. The problem is that most people are now inoculated against it. They don’t care. Because what the truth is, turns out to be very different. The worst thing that happened was the Steel Dossier. Because it was so salacious and outrageous, that any truth that might have been found, couldn’t compare.

It’s like claiming you have proof that your wife cheated on you with the entire Hockey Team. Then the truth comes out, and she slept with a guy who had season tickets to the Hockey Games. Yeah, she cheated, but nothing nearly as bad as you claimed, and it becomes a so what issue.

The charges, and claims, were all either completely shot down, or at worst, only tangentially verified. Claim Trump had illegal contacts with Wikileaks to arrange the theft of the DNC emails with Russian Assistance. Truth, after the emails were stolen, the Trump Campaign called to find out what was in the damned things. That isn’t illegal, or anything approaching the claims. It may be slimy, or unethical, but compared to what was alleged by wild eyed lunatics it is the equivalent of jaywalking. Nobody is going to care.

Claim Trump obstructed Justice by instructing people to refuse to cooperate with the investigation. Nonsense. First, everyone has the Fifth Amendment Right to shut the hell up. Telling someone you have the right to shut the hell up, and I would personally appreciate it if you did is not obstructing Justice. But what was proven beyond a doubt? The existence of the alleged “deep state conspiracy” to target political opponents. Why are you not the least bit upset that the Government turned it’s attention to political opponents like it did? Is it because the target was Trump?

One thing I’ve noticed in my life, nobody expects the rule changes to bite them in the ass. Democrats to get past Republican Obstructionism, changed the rule that required a Supermajority to end debate to vote on Judges. Instead changing it to a simple majority which they had. That is fine, and dandy, what we need to do to fill vacancies in the courts. Republicans use the same rule, and they are awful, terrible, and evil for limiting debate and putting unqualified judges on the bench. The same rule, applied the exact same way, and it’s just not fair now.

But all that aside, we were talking about freedom of the press weren’t we?

Free Speech Puts U.S. on ‘a Collision Course’ With Global Limits on Big Tech

It isn’t the Government of the United States limiting Free Speech. It is the Tech and the Media. We are not going to allow hate speech. Hate Speech is what we say it is, and it is merely a curiosity, or our patriotic duty, depending on the speaker, that we use it to silence our political opponents.

You want to know who is screwing this up, it isn’t the Right. It isn’t the Government. It is folks like you who demand that Twitter shut down feeds you disagree with. It is folks like you who cheer Facebook for shutting down “hate groups” or Hate Speech.

What you should be doing, and what I do when someone says something I think is stupid, or just racist or whatever. Thank God for the First Amendment. I prefer those idiots be out there speaking, because when you try and silence them, all you do is get more people to turn to them to hear what horrible things they are saying. The same way that banning books got people to read them. Fahrenheit 451 is a terrible book. It would have gone the way of the Dodo by now except that morons keep putting it on the banned book list. The only reason it is relevant in any way is that it is constantly objected to by small minded idiots.

Half the rock bands of the 1980’s only had the careers they did, because Tipper Gore and the Washington Wives objected to the songs. You could get a Gold Record out of being listed by them amid demands for restrictions to prevent it. Every kid rushed out and bought a Tape or CD when they came out, to hear what it was they weren’t supposed to hear.

Women’s groups today object to Grand Theft Auto where the player gets points for raping and killing a woman. This game would be a minor phenom without those objections. It isn’t especially original or anything. But thank God that the people objecting are unable to resist screaming insanely. Because that makes the game sell out faster, and the makers add in even more of it to keep the objections coming.

Think it through. A nutter is on the street screaming that the Devil is among us. Nobody pays him any attention. The cops show up to arrest him for disturbing the peace. Everyone pays attention. Let the nutters scream, and they’re harmless. Nobody pays any attention to them. Oh a few might, but they’re nutters too.

Want to see Press Freedom skyrocket? Stop trying to silence anyone who disagrees with you.

The press isn’t suppressed this is a left wing nut, who is trying to make Trump look bad. The criteria to make this list is also questionable.

Dave is a left wing partisan hack, he just loves his left wing spin on everything, dishonest yes, effective yes.
Like Trump needs help looking bad. My God.
So, you assfucks aren't running in circles screaming "OMG OMG Fake News!!!".

2015 Obama had us at 49th, why weren’t you concerned why Obama was stifling free press? Britain isn’t allowed to identify Terrorists religion if they are Muslim. Canada has strict rules regarding what can be broadcast on their networks, yet both are rated above the United States.

Can you explain why it is only now that you are concerned?

One year. The reasons were :"The index cited "judicial harassment" of New York Times reporter James Risen, the arbitrary arrest of at least 15 journalists during the Ferguson, Missouri clashes, and the fact that U.S. journalists are still not legally entitled to protect sources who reveal confidential information about their work." Risen was reporting on government leaks & suspected of pursing leaks.

Obama had many years in the 20's.

Trump has been bad every year.

And Obama gave him the 40’s, sorry, it is a liberal source and when Britain, Denmark and Czech, get higher ratings than the US, it is absolute BS. You can’t say anything about Muslims being involved in violence in Britain. Denmark does not allow any hate speech to be published. As offensive and bad as it is, it is an integral part of free speech.

Defend your Messiah and your left wing hate.
Correcting your dishonesty is not defending anyone. You are defending Trump's record by lying about Obama's record.

I didn’t lie, he was ranked 49th. You dislike it, take it up with those that wrote it.

You chderryp[icked the informatuion. Why? Why did you pick out 2015? Try to be honest.
2015 Obama had us at 49th, why weren’t you concerned why Obama was stifling free press? Britain isn’t allowed to identify Terrorists religion if they are Muslim. Canada has strict rules regarding what can be broadcast on their networks, yet both are rated above the United States.

Can you explain why it is only now that you are concerned?

One year. The reasons were :"The index cited "judicial harassment" of New York Times reporter James Risen, the arbitrary arrest of at least 15 journalists during the Ferguson, Missouri clashes, and the fact that U.S. journalists are still not legally entitled to protect sources who reveal confidential information about their work." Risen was reporting on government leaks & suspected of pursing leaks.

Obama had many years in the 20's.

Trump has been bad every year.

And Obama gave him the 40’s, sorry, it is a liberal source and when Britain, Denmark and Czech, get higher ratings than the US, it is absolute BS. You can’t say anything about Muslims being involved in violence in Britain. Denmark does not allow any hate speech to be published. As offensive and bad as it is, it is an integral part of free speech.

Defend your Messiah and your left wing hate.
Correcting your dishonesty is not defending anyone. You are defending Trump's record by lying about Obama's record.
And despite the 24/7 media pile-on and a hoax investigation, Trump's approval numbers are still higher than Obama's at the same time. Besides, if Obama was so good, Hillary who ran on his legacy would have been elected, but she didn't.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

Rasmussen always leans right.

The media reports what Trump does. Why are you people too stupid to get that.

Was there an investigation? Why shouldn't the press report on it?

illsary got 3 million more votes. Despite Russian help for Trump. Why was that?

So the press is free to report whatever they want. So no squashing our freedoms. Thanks for proving you are wrong again.
2015 Obama had us at 49th, why weren’t you concerned why Obama was stifling free press? Britain isn’t allowed to identify Terrorists religion if they are Muslim. Canada has strict rules regarding what can be broadcast on their networks, yet both are rated above the United States.

Can you explain why it is only now that you are concerned?

One year. The reasons were :"The index cited "judicial harassment" of New York Times reporter James Risen, the arbitrary arrest of at least 15 journalists during the Ferguson, Missouri clashes, and the fact that U.S. journalists are still not legally entitled to protect sources who reveal confidential information about their work." Risen was reporting on government leaks & suspected of pursing leaks.

Obama had many years in the 20's.

Trump has been bad every year.

And Obama gave him the 40’s, sorry, it is a liberal source and when Britain, Denmark and Czech, get higher ratings than the US, it is absolute BS. You can’t say anything about Muslims being involved in violence in Britain. Denmark does not allow any hate speech to be published. As offensive and bad as it is, it is an integral part of free speech.

Defend your Messiah and your left wing hate.
Correcting your dishonesty is not defending anyone. You are defending Trump's record by lying about Obama's record.

I didn’t lie, he was ranked 49th. You dislike it, take it up with those that wrote it.

You chderryp[icked the informatuion. Why? Why did you pick out 2015? Try to be honest.

The same reason you picked 2019.

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