Federalist Editor: The Mueller Team Was Desperate To Prove Trump-Russia Collusion..

The Purge

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Aug 16, 2018

Townhall.com ^ | April 19, 2019 | Matt Vespa

Well, the circus is back in town, everyone. The Russian collusion circus has set up shop. The liberal media is going bananas. The Democratic Party has not been dissuaded. It’s your typical reaction from a party that’s dabbled in this nonsense for two years. For the media, well, they’ve peddled Russian collusion trash for years as well. In some cases, they’ve gone way, way off the deep end to drum up the hysteria that now grips the entire political left. It’s taken a cult-like form now. Still, the report is clear and definitive. There was no Russian collusion. There’s zero evidence to support any of the cuckoo left-wing theories about this story that’s dominated the liberal media bubble for two years. A bubble that’s also published fake news rash about collusion. This report kills it. It’s done. Done like when Eli Manning lobbed it to Plaxico Burress in Super Bowl 42. Done like when Tiger Woods sunk the 18thhole in less than three putts to win the Masters.

And yet, the media has been pushing the goals posts. It’s truly pathetic to watch. I know you as Townhall readers already know this; I’m preaching to the choir. But it’s just sweet, sweet vindication. Half the nation knew this whole circus had zero evidence to prove Russian collusion. Now, the Democrats get to eat crap on this…again.

Still, that doesn’t mean we should let go of the Clinton-Russia collusion that occurred during the 2016 election. Folks, the Steele Dossier was a Clinton campaign funded the venture. It had former and current sources from the Kremlin. It was an opposition research project that was allegedly used to secure a FISA spy warrant against Carter Page, Trump’s former foreign policy adviser for his campaign. In fact, the Mueller report makes it quite clear that Page was not at all in cahoots with the Russians, which we already knew, and actually worked with the FBI to nab unregistered Russian agents in years past. But no, he’s a traitor or something because that’s what the trash liberal media doled out when this clown show became an unstoppable force of idiocy. The Federalist’s Sean Davis took to Twitter with his analysis of the report. He noted that there appears to be evidence that the Mueller team really tried to pin collusion to Trump, but couldn’t find anything.

I'm trudging through the collusion section of the Mueller report, and it's difficult to convey how unimpressed I am with it. For example, the Papadopoulos/Downer meeting, which we're told sparked the *ENTIRE* 2016 anti-Trump investigaiton, is barely a footnote. pic.twitter.com/QeVzKqDHZx— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) April 18, 2019

In the Carter Page section, the report never discloses that Page previously served as an FBI informant in 2013 and helped DOJ snag several unregistered Russian foreign agents. Instead, the language in the report makes it sound like he was a co-conspirator. pic.twitter.com/Gx1hGdYEyQ— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) April 18, 2019

The section on contacts between Roger Stone/Michael Caputo and Henry Oknyansky aka Henry Greenberg also failed to disclose that federal court documents indicate Oknyansky was an FBI informant using his FBI work to justify his continued stay in the U.S. pic.twitter.com/s4S94iHnHk— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) April 18, 2019

The Mueller report section on the Trump Tower meeting somehow never mentions that the Russian lawyer who requested the June 9 meeting was at that very moment a top client of the Clinton campaign contractor which fed false information on Carter Page to the FBI and DOJ. pic.twitter.com/wVVOF6DrOg— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) April 18, 2019

The breathless tone of the collusion section of the report and the blatant omission of material facts pertaining to actual Russian collusion by the Clinton campaign makes clear that Mueller and his lawyers were desperate to find collusion by Trump. And yet they still found none.— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) April 18, 2019

The report also notes Veselnitskaya's work for Prevezon, which was charged with money laundering and sanctions violations, yet fails to note that Clinton campaign contractor Fusion GPS was working for her and Prevezon on that issue. How does a collusion investigation miss that? pic.twitter.com/aepx2Zih5X— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) April 18, 2019

Mueller's report suggests that Trump's desire to improve U.S.-Russia relations was potential evidence of obstruction of justice, in case you were still on the fence about whether unelected officials waged a coup attempt against the president b/c of his foreign policy views. pic.twitter.com/NQlrxY6VF8— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) April 18, 2019

Under the heading "Trump Continues to Deny Any Contacts or Connections with Russia" cites Trump's criticism of the bogus Clinton-funded Steele dossier as potential evidence that he obstructed justice. pic.twitter.com/ygJVz5uFhb— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) April 18, 2019

The Mueller report uses as obstruction evidence *against Trump* an illegal anti-Trump leak of top secret wiretap transcript information to the Washington Post, makes no mention of the breach of national security, and spends no time or effort searching for the source of the leak. pic.twitter.com/QgHkKuxciU— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) April 18, 2019

The Mueller report suggests that Trump ordering Comey to investigate the Steele dossier allegations, which Comey swore to a FISA court were true, potentially constituted obstruction of justice. You can't make this up. This entire investigation was a farce. pic.twitter.com/DjgfkNrIYV— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) April 18, 2019

I’m waiting for SCOTUS Roberts to comment on how he allowed the FISA court to be used. He has oversight responsibility.

Was Roberts also a part of the coup d’etat?
Mueller report: Donald Trump collusion conspiracy theories are now exposed. Will they end?

“After two years of what can fairly be described as mass hysteria afflicting a huge portion of our political class, the cognitive dissonance is painful. . . . It’s like a doomsday cult whose predicted apocalypse fails to appear on schedule: They just announce that they made a mathematical mistake, and doomsday will actually come next year. Then they ask for more donations. The trouble is, this time it’s a cult that’s running a significant part of our nation.”
Since most of Mueller's team were Dem Trump hating lawyers you can bet they wanted to prove Trump colluded with the Russians.

Of course it was all a big bust. No collusion. No obstruction.

Sucks to be their biased stupid asses.

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