Freddie Gray had spine surgery one week BEFORE his arrest by Baltimore cops

Even if this was true, it's irrelevant...'s like the police throwing a suspect into the river and then claiming it was his fault he couldn't swim.
If true it is VERY relevant. IF

lol, why? Because police brutality is okay if they only damage a person at his weakest spot?

lol, go change your diaper, Grandpa.
Not being strapped in in the back of a police wagon is not police brutality dumbass.

Why can't everyone PRETEND they have a brain & use it. WAIT FOR THE EVIDENCE before jumping to all these conclusions

Why didn't you start with the OP?
Even if this was true, it's irrelevant...'s like the police throwing a suspect into the river and then claiming it was his fault he couldn't swim.
If true it is VERY relevant. IF

lol, why? Because police brutality is okay if they only damage a person at his weakest spot?

lol, go change your diaper, Grandpa.
Not being strapped in in the back of a police wagon is not police brutality dumbass.

Why can't everyone PRETEND they have a brain & use it. WAIT FOR THE EVIDENCE before jumping to all these conclusions

NICKEL DIMED TO DEATH Is a long-standing Philly cop technique to blame for a Baltimore fatality

THE PHILADELPHIA cops called it a "nickel ride."

The name came from the prevailing price for a ride down a rickety roller coaster in an early 20th-century amusement park - which should give some idea of the ancient roots of this particularly cruel form of police torture.

For decades, cops abused criminal suspects by throwing them - handcuffed but unsecured - into the open back of a police van, then careening around sharp curves or slamming the brakes during a rough ride to central booking.

Reports are now surfacing that Freddie Gray, who died in police custody in Baltimore from spinal injuries (triggering the Baltimore riots), had spinal injuries requiring surgery BEFORE he was ever arrested by the cops.

It hasn't been documented when Gray was injured, or by whom or what. Court records show that he was receiving a structured settlement from his insurance company, suggesting that the injuries occurred weeks or even months before his arrest. But it is more and more clear that he incurred his injuries before the cops ever laid a finger on him.

Has there been ANY object of liberal outrage in recent memory, that hasn't turned out to be falsely reported or outright faked?


BREAKING Freddie Gray Allegedly Had Spine Surgery Just One Week Before Arrest The Fourth Estate

BREAKING: Freddie Gray Allegedly Had Spine Surgery Just One Week Before Arrest

April 28, 2015 · by fourthestate2014 · in U.S.

UPDATE: More information has serviced, and a story will be released at 6 PM EST Wednesday that blows the Freddie Gray settlement/surgery/car accident story WIDE open

CONFIRMED: Court records show Freddie Gray was receiving a structured settlement from Allstate Insurance and attempted to convert it into one lump sum in early March


EXCLUSIVE: The Fourth Estate has been told that Freddie Gray’s life-ending injuries to his spine may have possibly been the result of spinal and neck surgery that he allegedly received a week before he was arrested, not from rough excessively rough treatment or abuse from police.

The Fourth Estate has contacted sources who allege that Freddie Gray received spinal and neck surgery a week before we was arrested, and was allegedly receiving a large structured settlement from Allstate Insurance. The surgery is allegedly related to a car accident in which Gray was involved.

Sources allege that Gray also attempted to refinance his structured settlement into one lump sum payment through Peachtree Funding.

If this is true, then it is possible that Gray’s spinal injury resulting from his encounter with the Baltimore Police was not the result of rough-handling or abuse, but rather a freak accident that occurred when Gray should have been at home resting, not selling drugs.

The structured settlement from Allstate and Gray’s attempt to convert it into one lump sum payment has been confirmed by Howard County Circuit Court Records
You're an idiot. The Fourth Estate, LOL
Even if this was true, it's irrelevant...'s like the police throwing a suspect into the river and then claiming it was his fault he couldn't swim.
If true it is VERY relevant. IF

lol, why? Because police brutality is okay if they only damage a person at his weakest spot?

lol, go change your diaper, Grandpa.
Not being strapped in in the back of a police wagon is not police brutality dumbass.

Why can't everyone PRETEND they have a brain & use it. WAIT FOR THE EVIDENCE before jumping to all these conclusions

NICKEL DIMED TO DEATH Is a long-standing Philly cop technique to blame for a Baltimore fatality

THE PHILADELPHIA cops called it a "nickel ride."

The name came from the prevailing price for a ride down a rickety roller coaster in an early 20th-century amusement park - which should give some idea of the ancient roots of this particularly cruel form of police torture.

For decades, cops abused criminal suspects by throwing them - handcuffed but unsecured - into the open back of a police van, then careening around sharp curves or slamming the brakes during a rough ride to central booking.
If true that is pretty awful but hardly police brutality. I have endured much worse multiple times at the hands of police.
There is CLEARLY more to this story that NO ONE seems to be willing to wait for.
Even if this was true, it's irrelevant...'s like the police throwing a suspect into the river and then claiming it was his fault he couldn't swim.
If true it is VERY relevant. IF

lol, why? Because police brutality is okay if they only damage a person at his weakest spot?

lol, go change your diaper, Grandpa.
Not being strapped in in the back of a police wagon is not police brutality dumbass.

Why can't everyone PRETEND they have a brain & use it. WAIT FOR THE EVIDENCE before jumping to all these conclusions

NICKEL DIMED TO DEATH Is a long-standing Philly cop technique to blame for a Baltimore fatality

THE PHILADELPHIA cops called it a "nickel ride."

The name came from the prevailing price for a ride down a rickety roller coaster in an early 20th-century amusement park - which should give some idea of the ancient roots of this particularly cruel form of police torture.

For decades, cops abused criminal suspects by throwing them - handcuffed but unsecured - into the open back of a police van, then careening around sharp curves or slamming the brakes during a rough ride to central booking.
If true that is pretty awful but hardly police brutality. I have endured much worse multiple times at the hands of police.
There is CLEARLY more to this story that NO ONE seems to be willing to wait for.

How in the world could you say somehting that they promised to stop doing and paid out victims to it isnt brutality?

Oh, by not reading the article I posted right? Or its not brutal because you claim to have gone through worse?
If true it is VERY relevant. IF

lol, why? Because police brutality is okay if they only damage a person at his weakest spot?

lol, go change your diaper, Grandpa.
Not being strapped in in the back of a police wagon is not police brutality dumbass.

Why can't everyone PRETEND they have a brain & use it. WAIT FOR THE EVIDENCE before jumping to all these conclusions

NICKEL DIMED TO DEATH Is a long-standing Philly cop technique to blame for a Baltimore fatality

THE PHILADELPHIA cops called it a "nickel ride."

The name came from the prevailing price for a ride down a rickety roller coaster in an early 20th-century amusement park - which should give some idea of the ancient roots of this particularly cruel form of police torture.

For decades, cops abused criminal suspects by throwing them - handcuffed but unsecured - into the open back of a police van, then careening around sharp curves or slamming the brakes during a rough ride to central booking.
If true that is pretty awful but hardly police brutality. I have endured much worse multiple times at the hands of police.
There is CLEARLY more to this story that NO ONE seems to be willing to wait for.

How in the world could you say somehting that they promised to stop doing and paid out victims to it isnt brutality?

Oh, by not reading the article I posted right? Or its not brutal because you claim to have gone through worse?
Because it isn't brutality. And yes, I have been through much worse.
In the end it is I who am being rational about this and refraining from passing judgment until all the facts are known.

Keep peddling your pointless judgements
If true that is pretty awful but hardly police brutality. I have endured much worse multiple times at the hands of police.
There is CLEARLY more to this story that NO ONE seems to be willing to wait for.

I don't know, Gramps.

It could be that Cops simply get enough of arresting the same scumbags day in and day out.

They chase a scumbag, fight him, get dirty and scratched up arresting him, catch him with drugs on him or a stolen item from a strong-arm robbery the day before and --

A Judge lets him go.

The next day, the same scumbag is back doing the same shit all over again. Rinse, lather, repeat.

Almost like a Lt Calley type of thing.

I understand their frustration but they do NOT HAVE THE RIGHT to be Judge, Jury and Executioner.


And while I despise, detest, hate and loathe dimocrap scum with every fiber of my being, with all my heart and soul........

The Cops are wrong on this one.
lol, why? Because police brutality is okay if they only damage a person at his weakest spot?

lol, go change your diaper, Grandpa.
Not being strapped in in the back of a police wagon is not police brutality dumbass.

Why can't everyone PRETEND they have a brain & use it. WAIT FOR THE EVIDENCE before jumping to all these conclusions

NICKEL DIMED TO DEATH Is a long-standing Philly cop technique to blame for a Baltimore fatality

THE PHILADELPHIA cops called it a "nickel ride."

The name came from the prevailing price for a ride down a rickety roller coaster in an early 20th-century amusement park - which should give some idea of the ancient roots of this particularly cruel form of police torture.

For decades, cops abused criminal suspects by throwing them - handcuffed but unsecured - into the open back of a police van, then careening around sharp curves or slamming the brakes during a rough ride to central booking.
If true that is pretty awful but hardly police brutality. I have endured much worse multiple times at the hands of police.
There is CLEARLY more to this story that NO ONE seems to be willing to wait for.

How in the world could you say somehting that they promised to stop doing and paid out victims to it isnt brutality?

Oh, by not reading the article I posted right? Or its not brutal because you claim to have gone through worse?
Because it isn't brutality. And yes, I have been through much worse.
In the end it is I who am being rational about this and refraining from passing judgment until all the facts are known.

Keep peddling your pointless judgements

He ended up dead so I suspect his was worse

Last edited:
If true that is pretty awful but hardly police brutality. I have endured much worse multiple times at the hands of police.
There is CLEARLY more to this story that NO ONE seems to be willing to wait for.

I don't know, Gramps.

It could be that Cops simply get enough of arresting the same scumbags day in and day out.

They chase a scumbag, fight him, get dirty and scratched up arresting him, catch him with drugs on him or a stolen item from a strong-arm robbery the day before and --

A Judge lets him go.

The next day, the same scumbag is back doing the same shit all over again. Rinse, lather, repeat.

Almost like a Lt Calley type of thing.

I understand their frustration but they do NOT HAVE THE RIGHT to be Judge, Jury and Executioner.


And while I despise, detest, hate and loathe dimocrap scum with every fiber of my being, with all my heart and soul........

The Cops are wrong on this one.
You could be right OR


see how that works.....

Jesus Christ people. It's like thus website is suddenly populated with imaginative 8 year Olds rather than adults with rational we'll thought out opinions
Dumfucks automatically think that dying in police custody is the fault of the police.

Rational people wait for ALL the facts

It might be their fault, it might not be their fault.

But while you're in their care, custody and control -- They are responsible for you.

It pains me to think I might be thought of as being on the same side as these dimocrap scum --

Elijah Cummings To Crowd Of Blacks Defying Curfew: “I’m Begging You. Go Home.” – Crowd To Cummings: “Fuck You, N*gga”…
These are the same people Baltimore’s Mayor just apologized to for calling them “thugs.”



10 11 0
Not being strapped in in the back of a police wagon is not police brutality dumbass.

Why can't everyone PRETEND they have a brain & use it. WAIT FOR THE EVIDENCE before jumping to all these conclusions

NICKEL DIMED TO DEATH Is a long-standing Philly cop technique to blame for a Baltimore fatality

THE PHILADELPHIA cops called it a "nickel ride."

The name came from the prevailing price for a ride down a rickety roller coaster in an early 20th-century amusement park - which should give some idea of the ancient roots of this particularly cruel form of police torture.

For decades, cops abused criminal suspects by throwing them - handcuffed but unsecured - into the open back of a police van, then careening around sharp curves or slamming the brakes during a rough ride to central booking.
If true that is pretty awful but hardly police brutality. I have endured much worse multiple times at the hands of police.
There is CLEARLY more to this story that NO ONE seems to be willing to wait for.

How in the world could you say somehting that they promised to stop doing and paid out victims to it isnt brutality?

Oh, by not reading the article I posted right? Or its not brutal because you claim to have gone through worse?
Because it isn't brutality. And yes, I have been through much worse.
In the end it is I who am being rational about this and refraining from passing judgment until all the facts are known.

Keep peddling your pointless judgements

He ended up dead so I suspect his was worse
People end up dead EVERY FUCKING DAY while riding in SECURED ambulances.

Must be the ambulance drivers fault right?

Jesus, it really is like arguing with children.

Find YOUR narrative & fuck everything else....
Simply pathetic
Gramps gonna tell you about the time he had an intense match of slap and tickle with his celly once
You could be right OR


see how that works.....

Jesus Christ people. It's like thus website is suddenly populated with imaginative 8 year Olds rather than adults with rational we'll thought out opinions


The Cops are NOT your friends. They serve THE STATE. THE STATE is the enemy of THE PEOPLE.

ESPECIALLY when THE STATE is in the hands of the scum of the fucking earth dimocrap filth

You better figure that out -- Soon.
Dumfucks automatically think that dying in police custody is the fault of the police.

Rational people wait for ALL the facts

It might be their fault, it might not be their fault.

But while you're in their care, custody and control -- They are responsible for you.

It pains me to think I might be thought of as being on the same side as these dimocrap scum --

Elijah Cummings To Crowd Of Blacks Defying Curfew: “I’m Begging You. Go Home.” – Crowd To Cummings: “Fuck You, N*gga”…
These are the same people Baltimore’s Mayor just apologized to for calling them “thugs.”



10 11 0
While you are in their custody they are responsible for how they treat you. If you believe hitting a few speedbumps while not wearing a seat belt is deadly you are an idiot.

Stop applying your narrative to the situation & wait for the facts. You sound JUST LIKE these liberal morons
You could be right OR


see how that works.....

Jesus Christ people. It's like thus website is suddenly populated with imaginative 8 year Olds rather than adults with rational we'll thought out opinions


The Cops are NOT your friends. They serve THE STATE. THE STATE is the enemy of THE PEOPLE.

ESPECIALLY when THE STATE is in the hands of the scum of the fucking earth dimocrap filth

You better figure that out -- Soon.
You are a paranoid nut.

Neither the cops nor the government are my enemies.
Find a doctor and seek help

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