Zone1 Francis says Evangelization (proselytism) is... (get this!) PAGAN!


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2022

This is somethtng both catholics & Protestants know is BAD, to say the least.

If this does not prove Sedevacantism (The Chair [of St Peter] is vacant), nothing does...


from site

Novus Ordo apologists [the Vatican sect] have [has] been bending over backwards trying to defend Jorge Bergoglio’s constant condemnation of “proselytism.” He doesn’t mean convincing people of the true Faith, much less converting them, we were told. Rather, he means pressuring people to convert, using deceptive means to convert them, bullying them into conversion, threatening them with damnation if they don’t convert.



The author goes on to say this is bogus (my words) if only because no one in the novus ordo (clergy anyhow) is trying to convert anyone anyway...


so so true
You can't force some one to the christian faith but you can point them in the correct direction through education,counseling and being a good example. A person must come to God on their own.
You can't force some one to the christian faith but you can point them in the correct direction through education,counseling and being a good example. A person must come to God on their own.

that goes w/o saying because no one is going to convert to anyone or any thing unless they CHOOSE to.. I mean it totally goes w/o saying

But that is irrelevant because Jesus told us to share the Gospel with the whole world.. . I don't recall Him saying you have to be successful with every single soul you speak to... (or its not in the bible anyhow... lol)

and He said that those who believe [can be] saved, those who do not believe are DAMNED

So there you have it... Francis (who is called "anti-pope" by this author)


Jesus Christ

You can't force some one to the christian faith but you can point them in the correct direction through education,counseling and being a good example. A person must come to God on their own.
Only God has the power to force people to convert, yet he chooses not to use force

Man, however, has no problem trying to force people to do pretty much anything, which is why Mohammad tried to convert with the sword.
Only God has the power to force people to convert, yet he chooses not to use force

Man, however, has no problem trying to force people to do pretty much anything, which is why Mohammad tried to convert with the sword.
true. A lot of people are control freaks. But if you are going to be one of those anyhow (bc it's in your nature)

might as well be a control freak trying to control people's eternal destinies...

Chesterton said that Whatever is worth doing is worth doing badly...

I agree

Jesus told us to share the Gospel with the whole world.. . I don't recall Him saying you have to be successful with every single soul you speak to... (or its not in the bible anyhow... lol)

and He said that those who believe [can be] saved, those who do not believe are DAMNED

I believe that is at the very end of Matthew... Chapter 28, I think...

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