France's Overstretched Law Enforcement

Principles aren't meaningful or admirable when somebody figures out a way of turning them against you.
Standing by them when you're under attack is difficult and admirable.

That could possibly be if there were any redeeming qualities to them. But there isn't. And being worthless sand negro human proboscus monkeys is yet another strike against them. Also, standing by a rattle snake after it has bitten you, and knowing that it will bite again, isn't admirable. It's psychotic at best.
"Liberate, egalite, fraternite" has no redeeming qualities?

The word is Liberty not Liberate, and for France to live up to its motto they would need to evict every muslim and give the people back their Liberty

Evict them to where? Muslimland?

I'm not sure that the French Muslims, born and bred in France, would be so keen on being evicted to a foreign country!

Exactly. To muslimland. Just like overpopulating illegal invader scab scum mexicans here need to be deported back to spickland. I don't care if they're anchor babies or if they have lived in the U.S. for generations.
That's not what they're doing.

They're currently profiling mosques all over France....closing them down.

So spare me the lecture, dipshit.
They're investigating and shutting down centres of insurrection and hate, which is what any country concerned with their internal security would do.
They're also continuing to admit refugees because they recognise that refugees and terrorism are not the same thing...not falling prey to kneejerk right-wing xenophobic fear-mongering while under attack is true leadership.

You are a total shithead. Mohammed himself is said to, with his own two hands, cut off between 600 and 900 peoples heads with a knife. When a muslim tells you they believe in peace, whether or not they are refugees, they are LYING to you. It's like trying to find a Christian who is against Jesus. It isn't the violent muslims who are extremists. It is the ones who aren't. Because they are going against what their political religion is all about. Empathy knee-jerk and politically correct monger your way out of that one.
So, let me sum up your position.
I'm a total shithead because France are moving against terrorists and criminals in their own country.
1.6 billion people are automatically violent extremists because...why?...because their Bible has violent bits.

No. You are a total shithead, for one reason, you didn't read the title of my thread. Frances ability to keep track of muslim "extremists" is overstretched. They can't do it. The last thing they need to be doing is letting more of the things into their country. Also, if they didn't have to worry about moving against terrorists in their country, they would be more able to move against the criminals. Muslims just aren't worth the lack of security. There are many who would say that it would be better if they were all dead.

Next, I told you why muslims are violent extremists. What part of it didn't you understand. There is a documentary out there that you need to see. It's called, "Islam: What the west needs to know." Also, muslims are FUCKING LIARS!!!! When it comes to dealing with infidels, they consider it to be a god dammed motherfucking cock sucking VIRTUE!!!!! Mohammed himself condoned it. In the koran it even says that allah is the greatest deceiver.

As for the koran having violent bits in it, it does. But as I said before, Mohammed himself is said to cut off between 600 and 900 people's heads with a knife. You know. The person who is so holy to muslims that it is offensive to muslims to even show a picture of him. That wasn't anything in some book. That is something that he actually did. There are those out there who would say that all muslims need to be guillotined. It may not be as bloodthirsty as muslims like to do such things. But it would work well enough.
Well, that's a bit longer than my summing up but you've said pretty much the same things...except to add your own bit of bigotry I suppose.

Feel free to speak up if you disagree with anything I've said. Also, you say "bigotry" as if it were a bad thing.
The Republic of France was built on noble was the US.
It's nothing short of admirable that France is demonstrating that their principles are truly meaningful.

Principles aren't meaningful or admirable when somebody figures out a way of turning them against you.
Standing by them when you're under attack is difficult and admirable.

That could possibly be if there were any redeeming qualities to them. But there isn't. And being worthless sand negro human proboscus monkeys is yet another strike against them. Also, standing by a rattle snake after it has bitten you, and knowing that it will bite again, isn't admirable. It's psychotic at best.
"Liberate, egalite, fraternite" has no redeeming qualities?

No they aren't. They're just bullshit words used to pull the wool over people's eyes. And they definately shouldn't apply to people from other countries. Especially if they're psycho scum enemies like the muslims. Also, in the eighteenth century a French person said something that held a lot more weight in many ways than "liberate, egalite, fraternite." He basically said, "The more that things change, the more they stay the same."
Don't forget "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush"
Principles aren't meaningful or admirable when somebody figures out a way of turning them against you.
Standing by them when you're under attack is difficult and admirable.

That could possibly be if there were any redeeming qualities to them. But there isn't. And being worthless sand negro human proboscus monkeys is yet another strike against them. Also, standing by a rattle snake after it has bitten you, and knowing that it will bite again, isn't admirable. It's psychotic at best.
"Liberate, egalite, fraternite" has no redeeming qualities?

No they aren't. They're just bullshit words used to pull the wool over people's eyes. And they definately shouldn't apply to people from other countries. Especially if they're psycho scum enemies like the muslims. Also, in the eighteenth century a French person said something that held a lot more weight in many ways than "liberate, egalite, fraternite." He basically said, "The more that things change, the more they stay the same."
Don't forget "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush"

And ten thousand muslims back in muslim land are worth one "extremist" in Europe.
No muslims should be in Europe, period.


Because muslims are pure sand negro filth. And their political system-religion promotes slaughter, enslavement and deception. Also, they treat their women like cattle. In some countries, they even cut off their clits. Muslim countries also allow polygamy. With the raito of men and women being roughly 50/50, that means many men are left without any women at all. That has turned muslims into a bunch of fags. And violent ones at that. But the two most important reasons are that being White matters. Also, White people have a right to exist. That is hard to accomolish when you have a bunch of worthless sand negros in your country. Another reason is that White people deserve to have their own homeland. Europe isn't very large. If muslims need somewhere to go, they need to go elsewhere.

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