Framing the Narrative

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
The Israeli government confiscated every recording and communication device it could find—devices containing almost all the recorded evidence of the raid. The Israelis selected, edited and released footage they wanted the world to see. We speak to two veteran reporters who were covering the Gaza Freedom Flotilla for Australia’s Sydney Morning Herald.

Framing the Narrative: Israeli Commandos Seize Videotape and Equipment from Journalists After Deadly Raid

Israel is learning how to play the game--public relations and spin doctoring.
Nothing new; they've been trying to do this for a while. Recall operation Cast Lead - no foreign journalists allowed, nothing. Whatever they can they will hide.

Not like that makes any difference. We could be getting pictures of the maimed, mangled bodies of lifeless Palestinian 10-year-olds and none of the disgusting troglodytes on this board could give a damn.

Dead children are only tragic if it is "our" enemies who kill them. Our friends? There surely must've been a good reason, or otherwise they wouldn't be our friends.
Isn't that what you are doing? What Palestinian terror groups have been successfully doing for years? Are you upset that Israel is finally catching on?
This is not new. Israel has been spinning like crazy for decades.


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