Fox's Unethical Debate

Nope, you are wrong. The venues are different, their purposes and intent are different, and your argument falls flat.
Nope, you are wrong. The venues are different, their purposes and intent are different, and your argument falls flat.
Yes, Megan choose to be on a much trashier venue than Trump. However, they both were entertainment venues.
Part one of Megan's question was do you think (those comments) are the temperament of a man to be President. Let's look at some precedents. President Kennedy, one of our most beloved presidents, is famous for cheating on his wife while president, perhaps maybe even having an affair with Marilyn Monroe. President Clint, beloved by democrats and many moderates, had sex with an intern in (or very near) the Oval Office, and then lied about it. Donald Trump, made an innuendo on a reality show. Considering the precedents set by Kennidy and Clinton, it seems pretty presidential to me. Let's not even bring up Clinton's cigars.

This morning, news sources quoted Megyn Kelly as saying, “I hope Donald Trump will show up for the debate.” Fox News has announced that it will be hosting the next presidential debate with Megyn Kelly returning once again, as one of their moderators.

Is it ethical for Fox News to allow Megyn Kelly to force herself upon Donald Trump? Kelly knows that Mr. Trump bowed out of the last debate because she was going to be one of the moderators. Americans still remember how she viciously targeted the GOP front runner, making it about herself rather than a presidential debate. Megyn Kelly has went on record stating that she would ask the same questions. Apparently she sees nothing wrong with how she handled herself during the presidential debate.

Perhaps Ms. Kelly does not realize how this looks to others. She comes off as a woman who is more concerned with making a name for herself than fairly moderating a presidential debate. She seems incapable of letting something go and worse yet wants to use another presidential debate to keep it going. It is as if she is “forcing herself” upon Donald Trump and the American people….

I believe Mr. Trump will show up for the debate and once again, prove that he is not a man to be intimidated. One can only hope that Megyn Kelly keeps her personal issues to herself this time. Her past behavior has been unprofessional to say the least.

Trump bowed out of the former debate to make a point.
It comes down to the leadership at Fox News.

When Roger Ailes – head of Fox apologized to Donald Trump, there should have been a change made so that the former offense did not happen again. There is no evidence that Fox News has changed anything.

In my opinion, there is a great deal of dishonesty going on at Fox News. I believe Fox is using their own people to sway the vote towards Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz. Rubio has been tied with Kaisach and Carson more than Cruz yet he's received far more coverage than either candidate at Fox.

Frank Luntz was a former employee of Marco Rubio. Can he keep his professional job and his political preferences separated? Apparently not.

In the days before the August 6th debate, Luntz (Pollster at Fox News) held a closed door meeting for a large group of conservatives. The pollster told the group that Donald Trump was dangerous to Republicans and was turning what “we” believe into a joke.

This news did not sit well with Donald Trump and he immediately called for Roger Ailes to fire Luntz.
Donald Trump said that he believes Frank Luntz has a long standing vendetta against him for refusing to do business with his polling company.

Once again, good leadership is absent and the employees at Fox News are permitted to use their position at the network for their own personal agenda.

Is it ethical for a pollster at Fox News to use a closed door meeting with a group of conservatives to slander the GOP front runner in a presidential election? How can Americans believe any poll results on the word of Frank Luntz at Fox News after seeing what has happened already?

Neither Megyn Kelly or Frank Luntz should be permitted anywhere near the presidential election debates.

If they had any integrity at all they would recuse themselves from this upcoming debate.
Fox News may well win Trump's attendance at their next debate but they have lost something greater.
The respect of the American people.

News sources
Megyn Kelly Hopes Trump Shows Up at Next Fox GOP Debate
Updated: Donald Trump 'Definitely Not' Doing Fox News Debate - Breitbart
Marco Rubio Previously Paid Pollster Frank Luntz, Who Praised Rubio on Fox News - Breitbart
Frank Luntz Plays Favorites With Marco Rubio
Fox's Luntz blasted Trump at Koch seminar

The words, "Fox News" and "Ethics" do not be long in the same sentence

Der Trumpenfuhrer is under the sadly misinformed opinion that he has a right control the media.
Trump will be out of the race before SuperTuesday if he refuses to face Megyn. If he can't face Megyn, how the heck is he going to face Putin?
He will have no problem facing Megan. Also he will be ready for her next time.
Rubio was looking somewhat acceptable until the "mainstream" (read "Closetcrats") united behind him. Now it's clear. If it's not Trump or Cruz then we might as well elect Nutty Old Uncle Bernie on the theory that he would do the least harm and provide the biggest laughs.
What does it matter? The debates are nothing more than a bunch of showmanship anyway. What I, and ALOT of other people, care about is what a canidate has, and can accomplish, as well as what they stand for. Trump has publicly supported conflicting positions on so many topics that I cannot trust anything he says. Other canidates could, if they chose, let their records speak for themselves, not Trump, he has no record. Only support for various proposals and people that where of benefit to him and his business at the time. Name one thing the man stands for, other than "winning". How will he do it? when? where? on what? These are the questions we need answers to, not "is he tough enough?", Is he this, is he that? I just want him to say what he stands for already. What does he intend to accomplish? If we look at his business record (the only one we have), he has failed several times (financially), he's a bully, he does not negociate (only dictate), he is a totalitarian dictator. He is using the same tactics Obama did:
  • Tell anyone who will listen YOU are the ONLY one for the job.
  • Anyone who disagrees is a moron.
  • Assassinate the character of any threats.
  • Tell anyone who will listen YOU are the ONLY one for the job.
And look what we got when we fell for THAT crap.

Bullshit. You nutbags can't go a day without trying to convince yourselves that your shitty candidates are similar to the sitting president. It's got to suck knowing that your guys would lose to the man again if he were able and willing to run.
What? Where you drunk when you posted that? Trump IS using the same tactics as Obama. Think I am wrong? Show me evidence to the contrary. Furthermore, I would have no problem discussing the canidate I ACCUALLY like with someone who is willing to have a serious debate, based on real topics, not slander, and name calling. Guess that rules YOU out! Now, get back to your drink before you sober up.

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