FOX News vs the State Run Media


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2011
In Liberal minds, rent free.
Once again, in a last aptain Ahab-like dying effort, a losing leftie lashed out in frustration with the claim that I get my information from FOX News. After I informed him that I don't watch FOX News, he attacked me for listening to Glenn Beck, which I informed him that I do not and I get my information from the Orlando Sentinel, USA Today, and the internet (mostly here). I have had this experience here on the USMB many times. The lefties use it as if it makes a point of some kind.

I know that at least two of the Major outlets of the State-Run Media have had to apologise publically for lying or falsifying information that they claim was news, but has FOX?

I have on occasion listened to Rush, and Neal Boortz, and Sean Hannity but it is rare because I'm usually at work during the times they are on, and although I have heard them omit details sometimes when they are making statements, I have never heard them lie.

So, I started this thread to discuss why FOX is so demonized by the left (I have my opinons on the matter) and to get to the bottom of the question of whether being accused of listening to FOX or Rush or Hannity, or Beck, is something to be concerned about or if the lefties are just trying to marginalize them because they don't like to hear the truth.
Since you proven to be a person with logic and an open mind to the truth, the Leftis and brainwashed Socialists of this board despise you for not marching to their disinformation and propaganda machines.
Since I don't watch FOX and I only occasionally go to their web site, I cannot vouch for them. I can though comment on the news sources I am exposed to.

USA Today. Definately left wing slant but they do give the right wing view a chance. Mostly it's in the Political Cartoon section and in the OPED pages. Their news is often quite slanted left and they also leave some of the details out of their stories. They fail to adequately persue important stories like Ben Ghazi from time to time.

Our hometown Orlando Sentinel is kinda-sorta balanced except in the editorial department. Many of the writers are decidedly left as well. It seems that the fact that it's in the deep south keeps them honest.

The USMB is a great source of news, and I can instantly get both sides of any issue.

I never ever watch the news on NBC, ABC, CBS, or CNN or any of the State-Run Media stations. they are nauseatingly left wing and can't stop sucking obama's dick 24/7/365.
There have been too many topics started simultaneously by too many people about the most inane shit on here not to conclude there is a lot of orchestration on the part of the loonier right wing media/information networks.

Obama's 54 Christmas trees. The cost of Obama's trip to Hawaii. As if that is why our country has a $16 trillion debt, and not all that defense and entitlement spending, of which the GOP refuses to cut defense in any significant way. No, it has to be all those goddam Christmas trees.

I swear, some days it is like there are firebells mounted by the computers of some of the piss drinkers here to alert them of the latest missive to strew as quickly and widely as possible.

The past few days, it has been the "tax increase on 77 percent of all Americans". Shit, just google that and be amazed at the orchestrated dissemination.

About 22,400,000 results
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Since you proven to be a person with logic and an open mind to the truth, the Leftis and brainwashed Socialists of this board despise you for not marching to their disinformation and propaganda machines.

I forgot to mention that the guy who was losing the discussion with me that I referenced in the OP was on FaceBook. But yeah, the lefties here use it a lot.
There have been too many topics started simultaneously by too many people about the most inane shit on here not to conclude there is a lot of orchestration on the part of the loonier right wing media/information networks.

Obama's 54 Christmas trees. The cost of Obama's trip to Hawaii. As if that is why our country has a $16 trillion debt, and not all that defense and entitlement spending, of which the GOP refuses to cut defense in any significant way.

I swear, some days it is like there are firebells mounted by the computers of some of the piss drinkers here to alert them of the latest missive to disseminate as quickly and widely as possible.

Oh, no doubt but what they are getting fed and then regurgitating here, is it wrong? Just because they heard it on Beck, or on FOX, does that mean it's wrong? To a leftie, it does.

I prefer to use my own mind and to post topics that reflect my thoughts and opinions, and not those of some talking head or voice on the radio. That said, I don't believe thet the left wing tactic of attempting to dismiss an argument by saying "You heard that on Glen Beck" should go without a challenge.
State run media. Good one!

Once again, in a last aptain Ahab-like dying effort, a losing leftie lashed out in frustration with the claim that I get my information from FOX News. After I informed him that I don't watch FOX News, he attacked me for listening to Glenn Beck, which I informed him that I do not and I get my information from the Orlando Sentinel, USA Today, and the internet (mostly here). I have had this experience here on the USMB many times. The lefties use it as if it makes a point of some kind.
If you walk and talk like a.....

....what are people expected to think?
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Once again, in a last aptain Ahab-like dying effort, a losing leftie lashed out in frustration with the claim that I get my information from FOX News. After I informed him that I don't watch FOX News, he attacked me for listening to Glenn Beck, which I informed him that I do not and I get my information from the Orlando Sentinel, USA Today, and the internet (mostly here). I have had this experience here on the USMB many times. The lefties use it as if it makes a point of some kind.

I know that at least two of the Major outlets of the State-Run Media have had to apologise publically for lying or falsifying information that they claim was news, but has FOX?

I have on occasion listened to Rush, and Neal Boortz, and Sean Hannity but it is rare because I'm usually at work during the times they are on, and although I have heard them omit details sometimes when they are making statements, I have never heard them lie.

So, I started this thread to discuss why FOX is so demonized by the left (I have my opinons on the matter) and to get to the bottom of the question of whether being accused of listening to FOX or Rush or Hannity, or Beck, is something to be concerned about or if the lefties are just trying to marginalize them because they don't like to hear the truth.

I watch Fox News and I don't give a damn who on the brain dead left bitches about it. they can scratch where it itches.
Every news center/agency is going to have bias... because they have to play to audiences.. have something that the other agencies/centers/channels do not have to get people to tune in, read, etc...

Fox is not leaning the way the CNN's, CBS's, MSNBC's, etc are... and many people can openly say that commentary wise, talk show wise, etc, Fox does lean right... But you will never get a lefty to admit the obvious leanings of their news sources (especially the likes of huffo puffo, msnbc, etc).. and that is where the problem is
There have been too many topics started simultaneously by too many people about the most inane shit on here not to conclude there is a lot of orchestration on the part of the loonier right wing media/information networks.

Obama's 54 Christmas trees. The cost of Obama's trip to Hawaii. As if that is why our country has a $16 trillion debt, and not all that defense and entitlement spending, of which the GOP refuses to cut defense in any significant way.

I swear, some days it is like there are firebells mounted by the computers of some of the piss drinkers here to alert them of the latest missive to disseminate as quickly and widely as possible.

Oh, no doubt but what they are getting fed and then regurgitating here, is it wrong? Just because they heard it on Beck, or on FOX, does that mean it's wrong? To a leftie, it does.

I prefer to use my own mind and to post topics that reflect my thoughts and opinions, and not those of some talking head or voice on the radio. That said, I don't believe thet the left wing tactic of attempting to dismiss an argument by saying "You heard that on Glen Beck" should go without a challenge.

You ask, "Just because they heard it on Beck, or on FOX, does that mean it's wrong?"

I would say most of the time what is heard on Beck or Fox or MSNBC is probably wrong, or at the very least a half-truth or lie of omission. Taking advantage of brainless piss drinkers to further a bullshit agenda is always wrong.

You asked if Fox has ever made up shit.

The answer to that question is an unequivocal, "HELL YES".

The Benghzi stand down order and the "Obama watched as they died" lies were originated by Fox.

So if you happen to say something that just happens to tangentially align with some of the orchestrated stuff cranked out on a daily basis for the piss drinkers, it will happen that people will believe you got your opinion from those sources.
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It's about balance or "fair and balanced" if you will. It wasn't long ago when liberal Walter Cronkite was acclaimed as "the most trusted American". Cronkite was "trusted" for no other reason than he was a grandfatherly media personality with a pleasing voice. Liberals long for the day when the only news available to Americans had a liberal spin. Fox is the enemy because the union based US education system made sure liberals aren't intellectually equipped to defend the crazy issues they support. They prefer that American accept junk science and assaults on the Constitution and they become enraged when they are forced to argue about their opinion. Fox forces them to argue. Look at the forum. Most of the liberal arguments are gleaned verbatim from left wing blog sites and if you challenge their claims they either quit or try to insult you rather than post a legitimate argument.
It sounds like it needs to be clarified as to whether you are talking about the NEWS or the talking heads? There is a huge difference.

The NEWS is reported pretty much the same at the 3 cable news stations. The "information" that comes from the talking heads is vastly different.

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