'Fountains' of methane 1,000m across erupt from Arctic ice

Fuck it.
I'm getting one of these.


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So, in the last two years we have seen weather disasters around the world in very rapid succession.

Here, have yourself a little shot of reality and stop wringing your hands.

World’s Top Climate Scientist Fails At Climate History | Real Science

You do realise that all history that occured prior to 35 years ago doesn't count right? They have decided that the history of the world is a impedance to their stated political goals so all weather related history prior to that is hereby declared illegal and may not be mentioned. So you better watch it buddy!:lol:
Wow, just imagine NONE of this has ever happened before...in the WHOLE 4.5 billion year history of this planet man is in the space of 200 years destroying everything. Man we kick ASS!

Give me a time when man has made more rapid, major alterations to the natural world than in the last 200 years.

Man has a tremendous ability now to do terrible damage at the local level. Strip mines are the best example of that. However, look at a google image of Earth. Find five strip mines and locate them on a map for us. Let us know how much fun you have trying to find them.
10,000 sq. miles. A square one hundred miles on the side. And in this small area, they found over 100 of these plumes. Some exceeding 1/2 mile wide.

If you have a reasonable way of capping this, patent it. It will be a real money maker, and a boon to us all.

However, returning to reality, last year, they were looking at some plumes 100 meters across. And ten years ago, they were measuring methane in solution in the ocean, and the increase in percentage of methane in the air above the oceans. This is releases on an order of magnitude in the space of a year. That is correct, they did not have these plumes in the MWP when it was not warmer than at present. And it was not warmer the world over in the '30's, only in the continental US.

Methane, once it is in the atmosphere, for the first 20 years is over 60 times as effective of a greenhouse gas as CO2. The higher the percentage of methane in the atmosphere, the longer this more effective period lasts. In other words, an addition of 1 ppm would be the equivelant of an increase of over 60 ppm of CO2. Even discounting present methane and other GHG increases, that 1 ppm would push us over the equivelant of 450 ppm of CO2.

Going to be interesting to see what happens in 2012 in this region. A major burp, such as that of the Storega Slide of 8000 years ago could provide us with some real entertainment.

Wow, just imagine NONE of this has ever happened before...in the WHOLE 4.5 billion year history of this planet man is in the space of 200 years destroying everything. Man we kick ASS!

WOW!!! Just imagine that we're expected to fall for this line of reasoning..., AGAIN!!! It isn't about whether or not it's happened before, but how fast and WHY!!! Doesn't everyone see right through that particular logical fallacy by now?!?!

Oh no dudette. I'm agreeing with you. We kick ASS on an epic scale. I predict that within the next 25 years we should be beating the shit out of the Moon too. Leave no planet un-soiled!
Of course methane has and will continue to bubble ip from the ocean's floors naturally.

That will happen if the climate remains the same.

But if the methane that is trapped as ICE on the oceans floors is relased in masive amounts?

Well kids, that really could trigger events that rapid change the nature of the earth's atmosphere.

DID YOU KNOW that one theory about the Burmuda triangle is that occassionally massive methane plumes erupt causing boats which happen to be crursing over that site to instantly sink?

Interesting theory, eh?

Of course if a methane plume is large enough that is exactly what would happen to boat crusing over it.

Did you know that in the history of the world there is no evidence of that ever occuring? On the other hand there is ample evidence of meteor strikes and near meteor strikes occuring. The last occured in Siberia (thankfully) a little over a 100 years ago. we just had a rock the size of an aircraft carrier zip between the Earth and the Moon.

You want to see civilisation end? Let one of those hit us. Man finally has the ability to prevent a true worldwide disaster that would, if not end higher level life on this planet at the very least end civilisation, and your hero's are fiddling like Nero over a non problem.

Look throughout paleo history. When it was warm life flourished. When it has been cold life was terribly hard. Don't believe a word I say, go look it up for yourself. But if you truly wish to save the world invest in finding the rocks that can and WILL kill us. This AGW BS is just that BS.
Jeez, it didn't happen in the 1930's (when it was warmer) it didn't happen in the MWP (when it was way warmer, and it didn't happen during the RWP (when it was likewise way warmer). I say get a team down there and cap the plumes at their source and start generating some power with it!

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.....wow, big surprise, the walleyedretard is insanely wrong again...as usual for the poor confused imbecile...

The world was not warmer in the 1930's, but the walleyedretard has fixated on the old news that the continental US (only 2% of the Earth's surface) was a tiny fraction of a degree warmer in 1934 than 1998 compared to the 1951-1980 average. Like two one hundredths of one percent (1934 ~ 1.25ºC vs. 1998 ~ 1.23ºC). The difference is not statistically significant. In the global mean, 2005 remains the warmest year with 2010 in a close tie.

The world was not warmer either during the MWP or the RWP according to the scientific evidence, even though the walleyedretard's denier cult myths say the opposite. The world is warmer than it has ever been in at least the last six thousand years, maybe eight.

Talking about "capping" a multitude of methane plumes each a thousand meters wide just demonstrates how insane and clueless the walleyedretard really is.

Wow, you bring new meaning to the term moron.
No, walleyedretard, that is your job and one that you're doing very well. As your every post demonstrates.

The plume may be 1000 meters across when it reaches the surface but I assure you the point of origin is smaller then that.
LOL. You really like talking out of your ass, don't you, you poor imbecile. You obviously have no idea what you're talking about but you talk anyway. LOL. Methane clathrates are distributed across the sea floor. There is no "smaller point of origin". It is not like a leaking undersea oil well that can be "capped", as you idiotically imagine.

As far as the MWP goes, you are as usual, wrong. Here are a few links from peer reviewed papers from all over the world (including Antarctica) that show the MWP was global and warmer then the current day.
Oh you poor walleyedretard, you still seem to imagine that repeating your denier cult myths over and over will somehow magically make them turn into reality. LOL.

Denier cult myths - ‘The Medieval Warm Period was just as warm as today’—Repeating this point does not make it true

Objection: It was just as warm in the Medieval Warm Period (MWP) as it is today.

Answer: There is no good evidence that the MWP was a globally warm period comparable to today. Regionally, there may have been places that exhibited notable warmth -- Europe, for example -- but all global proxy reconstructions agree it is warmer now, and the temperature is rising faster now, than at any time in the last one or even two thousand years. On its website, NOAA has a wide selection of proxy studies, accompanied by the data on which they are based. Specifically, they have this to say on the MWP:

"The idea of a global or hemispheric "Medieval Warm Period" that was warmer than today, however, has turned out to be incorrect."​
Wow, just imagine NONE of this has ever happened before...in the WHOLE 4.5 billion year history of this planet man is in the space of 200 years destroying everything. Man we kick ASS!

Give me a time when man has made more rapid, major alterations to the natural world than in the last 200 years.

Man has a tremendous ability now to do terrible damage at the local level. Strip mines are the best example of that. However, look at a google image of Earth. Find five strip mines and locate them on a map for us. Let us know how much fun you have trying to find them.

Egad, Walleyes, you are getting senile. Flew over these a few years ago. One try on google to locate them. Center on 38 degrees 08' 06" by 80 degrees 28' 48"
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.....wow, big surprise, the walleyedretard is insanely wrong again...as usual for the poor confused imbecile...

The world was not warmer in the 1930's, but the walleyedretard has fixated on the old news that the continental US (only 2% of the Earth's surface) was a tiny fraction of a degree warmer in 1934 than 1998 compared to the 1951-1980 average. Like two one hundredths of one percent (1934 ~ 1.25ºC vs. 1998 ~ 1.23ºC). The difference is not statistically significant. In the global mean, 2005 remains the warmest year with 2010 in a close tie.

The world was not warmer either during the MWP or the RWP according to the scientific evidence, even though the walleyedretard's denier cult myths say the opposite. The world is warmer than it has ever been in at least the last six thousand years, maybe eight.

Talking about "capping" a multitude of methane plumes each a thousand meters wide just demonstrates how insane and clueless the walleyedretard really is.

Wow, you bring new meaning to the term moron.
No, walleyedretard, that is your job and one that you're doing very well. As your every post demonstrates.

The plume may be 1000 meters across when it reaches the surface but I assure you the point of origin is smaller then that.
LOL. You really like talking out of your ass, don't you, you poor imbecile. You obviously have no idea what you're talking about but you talk anyway. LOL. Methane clathrates are distributed across the sea floor. There is no "smaller point of origin". It is not like a leaking undersea oil well that can be "capped", as you idiotically imagine.

As far as the MWP goes, you are as usual, wrong. Here are a few links from peer reviewed papers from all over the world (including Antarctica) that show the MWP was global and warmer then the current day.
Oh you poor walleyedretard, you still seem to imagine that repeating your denier cult myths over and over will somehow magically make them turn into reality. LOL.

Denier cult myths - ‘The Medieval Warm Period was just as warm as today’—Repeating this point does not make it true

Objection: It was just as warm in the Medieval Warm Period (MWP) as it is today.

Answer: There is no good evidence that the MWP was a globally warm period comparable to today. Regionally, there may have been places that exhibited notable warmth -- Europe, for example -- but all global proxy reconstructions agree it is warmer now, and the temperature is rising faster now, than at any time in the last one or even two thousand years. On its website, NOAA has a wide selection of proxy studies, accompanied by the data on which they are based. Specifically, they have this to say on the MWP:

"The idea of a global or hemispheric "Medieval Warm Period" that was warmer than today, however, has turned out to be incorrect."​

There is no good evidence that the MWP was a globally warm period comparable to today. Regionally, there may have been places that exhibited notable warmth -- Europe, for example -- but all global proxy reconstructions agree it is warmer now

Are those the reconstructions with real data, or the reconstructions where they left out the inconvenient data?
Give me a time when man has made more rapid, major alterations to the natural world than in the last 200 years.

Man has a tremendous ability now to do terrible damage at the local level. Strip mines are the best example of that. However, look at a google image of Earth. Find five strip mines and locate them on a map for us. Let us know how much fun you have trying to find them.

Egad, Walleyes, you are getting senile. Flew over these a few years ago. One try on google to locate them. Center on 38 degrees 08' 06" by 80 degrees 28' 48"

Yes, now find five of them. It's easy to find one or even a group of two or in a couple of cases three in a group. But find five.
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.....wow, big surprise, the walleyedretard is insanely wrong again...as usual for the poor confused imbecile...

The world was not warmer in the 1930's, but the walleyedretard has fixated on the old news that the continental US (only 2% of the Earth's surface) was a tiny fraction of a degree warmer in 1934 than 1998 compared to the 1951-1980 average. Like two one hundredths of one percent (1934 ~ 1.25ºC vs. 1998 ~ 1.23ºC). The difference is not statistically significant. In the global mean, 2005 remains the warmest year with 2010 in a close tie.

The world was not warmer either during the MWP or the RWP according to the scientific evidence, even though the walleyedretard's denier cult myths say the opposite. The world is warmer than it has ever been in at least the last six thousand years, maybe eight.

Talking about "capping" a multitude of methane plumes each a thousand meters wide just demonstrates how insane and clueless the walleyedretard really is.

Wow, you bring new meaning to the term moron.
No, walleyedretard, that is your job and one that you're doing very well. As your every post demonstrates.

The plume may be 1000 meters across when it reaches the surface but I assure you the point of origin is smaller then that.
LOL. You really like talking out of your ass, don't you, you poor imbecile. You obviously have no idea what you're talking about but you talk anyway. LOL. Methane clathrates are distributed across the sea floor. There is no "smaller point of origin". It is not like a leaking undersea oil well that can be "capped", as you idiotically imagine.

As far as the MWP goes, you are as usual, wrong. Here are a few links from peer reviewed papers from all over the world (including Antarctica) that show the MWP was global and warmer then the current day.
Oh you poor walleyedretard, you still seem to imagine that repeating your denier cult myths over and over will somehow magically make them turn into reality. LOL.

Denier cult myths - ‘The Medieval Warm Period was just as warm as today’—Repeating this point does not make it true

Objection: It was just as warm in the Medieval Warm Period (MWP) as it is today.

Answer: There is no good evidence that the MWP was a globally warm period comparable to today. Regionally, there may have been places that exhibited notable warmth -- Europe, for example -- but all global proxy reconstructions agree it is warmer now, and the temperature is rising faster now, than at any time in the last one or even two thousand years. On its website, NOAA has a wide selection of proxy studies, accompanied by the data on which they are based. Specifically, they have this to say on the MWP:

"The idea of a global or hemispheric "Medieval Warm Period" that was warmer than today, however, has turned out to be incorrect."​

Read the links twit. They are all from peer reviewed papers (one was even published by the AGU:wink_2:)and they all say the same thing, the world was warmer and it was global.

Go ahead read them you little denier you! I dare you! And, if we're doing such a bad job...why are you losing? You must REALLY be dumb to let retards like us wipe the floor with you!
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A snowstorm in NYC in Oct is "evidence" of "ManmadeGlobalWarmerCooleringClimateChangeDisruption" but warmer weather in the USA in the 30's is ignored due to its small size.

Are you writing this down?
Wow, you bring new meaning to the term moron.
No, walleyedretard, that is your job and one that you're doing very well. As your every post demonstrates.

LOL. You really like talking out of your ass, don't you, you poor imbecile. You obviously have no idea what you're talking about but you talk anyway. LOL. Methane clathrates are distributed across the sea floor. There is no "smaller point of origin". It is not like a leaking undersea oil well that can be "capped", as you idiotically imagine.

As far as the MWP goes, you are as usual, wrong. Here are a few links from peer reviewed papers from all over the world (including Antarctica) that show the MWP was global and warmer then the current day.
Oh you poor walleyedretard, you still seem to imagine that repeating your denier cult myths over and over will somehow magically make them turn into reality. LOL.

Denier cult myths - ‘The Medieval Warm Period was just as warm as today’—Repeating this point does not make it true

Objection: It was just as warm in the Medieval Warm Period (MWP) as it is today.

Answer: There is no good evidence that the MWP was a globally warm period comparable to today. Regionally, there may have been places that exhibited notable warmth -- Europe, for example -- but all global proxy reconstructions agree it is warmer now, and the temperature is rising faster now, than at any time in the last one or even two thousand years. On its website, NOAA has a wide selection of proxy studies, accompanied by the data on which they are based. Specifically, they have this to say on the MWP:

"The idea of a global or hemispheric "Medieval Warm Period" that was warmer than today, however, has turned out to be incorrect."​
Read the links twit. They are all from peer reviewed papers (one was even published by the AGU and they all say the same thing, the world was warmer and it was global. Go ahead read them you little denier you! I dare you!
I read your links, you half-wit twit, something you very obviously failed to do, and none of them say that "the world was warmer" during the MWP or that "it was global". Not one of those papers even hints at such conclusions. You must just scrape these bogus citations off some denier cult blog and then you must foolishly believe them when they misinform you that these papers say anything pertinent about the MWP without you bothering to actually make any attempt to read them or comprehend them, you sad sorry retard. I dare you to quote any line from those abstracts that says anything about "warmer" than the present "globally".

And, if we're doing such a bad job...why are you losing? You must REALLY be dumb to let retards like us wipe the floor with you!

You have no idea what is going on, you sorry-ass brainwashed moron, or what the issues are or what arenas they will be settled in, so your foolish fantasies about you 'winning' are completely meaningless. As far as "winning" any debates about climate science, you lost those a long time ago but you're too retarded to get it so you keep repeating your debunked drivel and lies, ad nauseam.
No, walleyedretard, that is your job and one that you're doing very well. As your every post demonstrates.

LOL. You really like talking out of your ass, don't you, you poor imbecile. You obviously have no idea what you're talking about but you talk anyway. LOL. Methane clathrates are distributed across the sea floor. There is no "smaller point of origin". It is not like a leaking undersea oil well that can be "capped", as you idiotically imagine.

Oh you poor walleyedretard, you still seem to imagine that repeating your denier cult myths over and over will somehow magically make them turn into reality. LOL.

Denier cult myths - ‘The Medieval Warm Period was just as warm as today’—Repeating this point does not make it true

Objection: It was just as warm in the Medieval Warm Period (MWP) as it is today.

Answer: There is no good evidence that the MWP was a globally warm period comparable to today. Regionally, there may have been places that exhibited notable warmth -- Europe, for example -- but all global proxy reconstructions agree it is warmer now, and the temperature is rising faster now, than at any time in the last one or even two thousand years. On its website, NOAA has a wide selection of proxy studies, accompanied by the data on which they are based. Specifically, they have this to say on the MWP:

"The idea of a global or hemispheric "Medieval Warm Period" that was warmer than today, however, has turned out to be incorrect."​
Read the links twit. They are all from peer reviewed papers (one was even published by the AGU and they all say the same thing, the world was warmer and it was global. Go ahead read them you little denier you! I dare you!
I read your links, you half-wit twit, something you very obviously failed to do, and none of them say that "the world was warmer" during the MWP or that "it was global". Not one of those papers even hints at such conclusions. You must just scrape these bogus citations off some denier cult blog and then you must foolishly believe them when they misinform you that these papers say anything pertinent about the MWP without you bothering to actually make any attempt to read them or comprehend them, you sad sorry retard. I dare you to quote any line from those abstracts that says anything about "warmer" than the present "globally".

And, if we're doing such a bad job...why are you losing? You must REALLY be dumb to let retards like us wipe the floor with you!

You have no idea what is going on, you sorry-ass brainwashed moron, or what the issues are or what arenas they will be settled in, so your foolish fantasies about you 'winning' are completely meaningless. As far as "winning" any debates about climate science, you lost those a long time ago but you're too retarded to get it so you keep repeating your debunked drivel and lies, ad nauseam.

Ahhh, now I KNOW you're lying. I ignore lying sacks of poo. They stink up the place.
Read the links twit. They are all from peer reviewed papers (one was even published by the AGU and they all say the same thing, the world was warmer and it was global. Go ahead read them you little denier you! I dare you!
I read your links, you half-wit twit, something you very obviously failed to do, and none of them say that "the world was warmer" during the MWP or that "it was global". Not one of those papers even hints at such conclusions. You must just scrape these bogus citations off some denier cult blog and then you must foolishly believe them when they misinform you that these papers say anything pertinent about the MWP without you bothering to actually make any attempt to read them or comprehend them, you sad sorry retard. I dare you to quote any line from those abstracts that says anything about "warmer" than the present "globally".

And, if we're doing such a bad job...why are you losing? You must REALLY be dumb to let retards like us wipe the floor with you!

You have no idea what is going on, you sorry-ass brainwashed moron, or what the issues are or what arenas they will be settled in, so your foolish fantasies about you 'winning' are completely meaningless. As far as "winning" any debates about climate science, you lost those a long time ago but you're too retarded to get it so you keep repeating your debunked drivel and lies, ad nauseam.
Ahhh, now I KNOW you're lying. I ignore lying sacks of poo. They stink up the place.

Are you in the third grade or are you just that retarded? The papers you cited say nothing whatsoever about the global climate being warmer during the MWP. I dared you to quote any line from the papers you cited that supported your claim that those papers "show the MWP was global and warmer then the current day" and you have failed to even try to meet the challenge. That tells me that you know they are bogus citations, you corrupt lying troll.
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Walleyes posted an article about the evidence from the ocean floor sediment cores from the Indian Ocean, stating that showed it was warmer in the MWP. However, on reading the article, it stated clearly that the average obtained from those cores and other sites indicated a warmiing of about 0.2 C compared to 0.7 today, globally.
Jeez, it didn't happen in the 1930's (when it was warmer) it didn't happen in the MWP (when it was way warmer, and it didn't happen during the RWP (when it was likewise way warmer). I say get a team down there and cap the plumes at their source and start generating some power with it!

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.....wow, big surprise, the walleyedretard is insanely wrong again...as usual for the poor confused imbecile...

The world was not warmer in the 1930's, but the walleyedretard has fixated on the old news that the continental US (only 2% of the Earth's surface) was a tiny fraction of a degree warmer in 1934 than 1998 compared to the 1951-1980 average. Like two one hundredths of one percent (1934 ~ 1.25ºC vs. 1998 ~ 1.23ºC). The difference is not statistically significant. In the global mean, 2005 remains the warmest year with 2010 in a close tie.

The world was not warmer either during the MWP or the RWP according to the scientific evidence, even though the walleyedretard's denier cult myths say the opposite. The world is warmer than it has ever been in at least the last six thousand years, maybe eight.

Talking about "capping" a multitude of methane plumes each a thousand meters wide just demonstrates how insane and clueless the walleyedretard really is.

Wow, you bring new meaning to the term moron. The plume may be 1000 meters across when it reaches the surface but I assure you the point of origin is smaller then that. As far as the MWP goes, you are as usual, wrong. Here are a few links from peer reviewed papers from all over the world (including Antarctica) that show the MWP was global and warmer then the current day.

Evidence for a warmer period during the 12th and 13th centuries AD from chironomid assemblages in Southampton Island, Nunavut, Canada

Generation, transport, and preservation of the alkenone-based <b xmlns="">U</b> <sub xmlns=""> <b>37</b> </sub> <sup xmlns=""> <b>K&#8242;</b> </sup> sea surface temperature index in the water column and sediments of the Cariaco Basin (Venezuela)

ScienceDirect - Quaternary Research : Unstable Climate Oscillations during the Late Holocene in the Eastern Bransfield Basin, Antarctic Peninsula

Short-term climate change and New Zealand temperatures during the last millennium

ScienceDirect - Quaternary International : Climate changes and flood/drought risk in the Yangtze Delta, China, during the past millennium

Alkenone-based reconstruction of late-Holocene surface temperature and salinity changes in Lake Qinghai, China

Very interesting. A point source for an area of a kilometer in water 50 to 150 meters deep. Those are quite some angles on the sides of that cone. Walleyes, do you ever think before you post?
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.....wow, big surprise, the walleyedretard is insanely wrong again...as usual for the poor confused imbecile...

The world was not warmer in the 1930's, but the walleyedretard has fixated on the old news that the continental US (only 2% of the Earth's surface) was a tiny fraction of a degree warmer in 1934 than 1998 compared to the 1951-1980 average. Like two one hundredths of one percent (1934 ~ 1.25ºC vs. 1998 ~ 1.23ºC). The difference is not statistically significant. In the global mean, 2005 remains the warmest year with 2010 in a close tie.

The world was not warmer either during the MWP or the RWP according to the scientific evidence, even though the walleyedretard's denier cult myths say the opposite. The world is warmer than it has ever been in at least the last six thousand years, maybe eight.

Talking about "capping" a multitude of methane plumes each a thousand meters wide just demonstrates how insane and clueless the walleyedretard really is.

Wow, you bring new meaning to the term moron. The plume may be 1000 meters across when it reaches the surface but I assure you the point of origin is smaller then that. As far as the MWP goes, you are as usual, wrong. Here are a few links from peer reviewed papers from all over the world (including Antarctica) that show the MWP was global and warmer then the current day.

Evidence for a warmer period during the 12th and 13th centuries AD from chironomid assemblages in Southampton Island, Nunavut, Canada

Generation, transport, and preservation of the alkenone-based <b xmlns="">U</b> <sub xmlns=""> <b>37</b> </sub> <sup xmlns=""> <b>K&#8242;</b> </sup> sea surface temperature index in the water column and sediments of the Cariaco Basin (Venezuela)

ScienceDirect - Quaternary Research : Unstable Climate Oscillations during the Late Holocene in the Eastern Bransfield Basin, Antarctic Peninsula

Short-term climate change and New Zealand temperatures during the last millennium

ScienceDirect - Quaternary International : Climate changes and flood/drought risk in the Yangtze Delta, China, during the past millennium

Alkenone-based reconstruction of late-Holocene surface temperature and salinity changes in Lake Qinghai, China

Very interesting. A point source for an area of a kilometer in water 50 to 150 meters deep. Those are quite some angles on the sides of that cone. Walleyes, do you ever think before you post?

Yes I do, unlike yourself. The bottom is fractured throughout the region. It is a relatively simple matter to seal up the fractures to get one hole that you cap. But that's called engineering and clearly anything more complicated then 2+2 is beyond your ability.
Wow, you bring new meaning to the term moron. The plume may be 1000 meters across when it reaches the surface but I assure you the point of origin is smaller then that.

Very interesting. A point source for an area of a kilometer in water 50 to 150 meters deep. Those are quite some angles on the sides of that cone. Walleyes, do you ever think before you post?
Yes I do, unlike yourself. The bottom is fractured throughout the region. It is a relatively simple matter to seal up the fractures to get one hole that you cap. But that's called engineering and clearly anything more complicated then 2+2 is beyond your ability.

LOLOLOL....jeez but you're funny, walleyed. You are sooooo ignorant and naive about things like the difficulty involved in doing something "to seal up the fractures" in the ocean floor over hundreds of square miles. LOLOL.

Moreover you obviously have no idea what methane hydrates actually are or where they are found or how and why they dissolve and outgas. You seem to imagine that the methane is coming from deeply buried sources and is seeping up through cracks in the seabed. LOL. You are so completely clueless about this, as well as everything else, and yet you still continue to make a fool out of yourself by posting your ignorant drivel here no matter how many times it is completely debunked. So you're either really retarded or you're a paid troll here to spread disinformation, lies and propaganda. Or perhaps a combination of the two.

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