Fort Myers, Last Night

I disagree. First what is victory in Afghanistan? We don't want to lose. But what is the victory going to look like? We have no idea. We are clueless. We want to end the Islamic Terror, but how the hell do you drag a bunch of people stuck in the seventh century into modern secular society? Victory is impossible. We can't win in less than a century. John McCain was right about that. We have to being modern civilization and education to the people, and it will take three or four generations to make a dent.

We are throwing good money and lives after the bad. All so we don't have to admit we lost. The best we can hope for is Nixons peace with honor which lasted about a year until the North came down and won.

One day we will be forced to leave Afghanistan. We will blame liberals and whoever we want. But the truth is that you can't conquer a people who won't quit. More people wasted. More money wasted. All so we can fight not to lose.

Are you familiar with General MacArthur forcing the Japanese to alter their religion as a result of the military conflict?

The Japanese people were more than ready to do so. The decade of militarism and nationalism had destroyed much of what the people liked, western dance clubs for example, and punished the opposition voices. The people wanted more say in their world, and did not want a return to the militarist mentality. SO much so that during the Korean Conflict five years later, the Japanese were given the option of forming a military again, instead of a "self defense force" and they voted overwhelmingly no.

The "religious" changes you mention weren't really religious. Most of that was done by the Emporer himself, starting with allowing his picture to be taken standing next to MacArthur. MacArthur kept the changes to society minimal, because he understood and respected the Japanese Culture. He was nearly as revered by the people as the Emporer.

Next example? I mean since the people were obedient in Japan, but that did not make them believers, it was just unthinkable to go against authority.
Under Obama's ROE's our troops had to let the enemy sneak up on them and fire their RPG's, only after the enemy blew up our soldiers could they fire back at the enemy.

Where do you get this stuff? Snipers were taking out people who were planting bombs all the damned time.
Under Obama's ROE's our troops had to let the enemy sneak up on them and fire their RPG's, only after the enemy blew up our soldiers could they fire back at the enemy.
That ROE was very apparent when they got Bin Laden...

What are you yapping about libwit?
Take a night class and get back with us when you learn to read...

There are night classes on liberal stupidity?
Under Obama's ROE's our troops had to let the enemy sneak up on them and fire their RPG's, only after the enemy blew up our soldiers could they fire back at the enemy.

Where do you get this stuff? Snipers were taking out people who were planting bombs all the damned time.

From my vet friends who were among those half blown up under Obama's dumb shit ROE's dumb ass.
Under Obama's ROE's our troops had to let the enemy sneak up on them and fire their RPG's, only after the enemy blew up our soldiers could they fire back at the enemy.
That ROE was very apparent when they got Bin Laden...

What are you yapping about libwit?
Take a night class and get back with us when you learn to read...

There are night classes on liberal stupidity?
There maybe,, where did you learn yours at?
Under Obama's ROE's our troops had to let the enemy sneak up on them and fire their RPG's, only after the enemy blew up our soldiers could they fire back at the enemy.
That ROE was very apparent when they got Bin Laden...

What are you yapping about libwit?
Take a night class and get back with us when you learn to read...

There are night classes on liberal stupidity?
There maybe,, where did you learn yours at?

Your posts are at best an IQ of 89.
3. The men and women of our military operate as one team, with one shared mission and one shared sense of purpose. They transcend every line of race, ethnicity, creed and color ... all service members are brothers and sisters. They’re all part of the same family. ... America requires love for all of its people.

[And, again....the very opposite of the Democrat/Liberal Identity Politics. I bet he even included white males in that!]

And transexuals..
who ISIS hate. why do you like ISIS so much. We wish to rid the world of those who hate transexuals.
When we voted for President Trump(you disrespectful asshat) we knew he wasn't perfect, but he said he was going to Make America Great Again, while you bitch was talking about continuing the divisiveness of Obama. Guess what ? Now for Mr. President flip and flop, remember this guy? Obama's Sec of State(2nd term)

So tell me, Einstein, how does one MAGA by a build up in Afghanistan an un winnable war? No better than Obama or Bush. I guess if Trump walk into an active volcano you would follow. No one has ever won there and no one will. Just more kids and grandkids dying to protect us from what again? Don't tell me terrorists, they will always be.

It's only unwinnable if you are a Terrorist Coddling and Financing Scum Bag Leftist Like Obama who undermined our military, actually gave millions in weapons and money to terrorists, and who hamstrung our military and our generals with micromanagement, and social experimentation for bathroom confused genetically defective morons.

Just some advice.... You aren't supposed to lick the toilet bowl clean when you are doing your janitorial duties at Obama's "Resist" headquarters.

Next Question want to WIN in Afghanistan....what does a WIN look like to you?

Kinda like more of this..

And a lot of this.

US military release cockpit video showing Thursday’s Moab strike in Afghanistan. The GBU-43/B bomb - colloquially called the “mother of all bombs” - targeted a tunnel complex in the Achin district of the eastern province of Nangarhar, used by Isis’s Afghanistan affiliate

Hopefully more Liberals will join the Jihad and end up on the wrong side of a MOAB.
Doubtful since No Liberal ever Voluntarily died for any cause they bitched about. are claiming that we win in Afghanistan when we drop a MOAB? Oh....if it were only that easy. Try again.

drop a hundred of them would be cool. don't you think?
I disagree. First what is victory in Afghanistan? We don't want to lose. But what is the victory going to look like? We have no idea. We are clueless. We want to end the Islamic Terror, but how the hell do you drag a bunch of people stuck in the seventh century into modern secular society? Victory is impossible. We can't win in less than a century. John McCain was right about that. We have to being modern civilization and education to the people, and it will take three or four generations to make a dent.

We are throwing good money and lives after the bad. All so we don't have to admit we lost. The best we can hope for is Nixons peace with honor which lasted about a year until the North came down and won.

One day we will be forced to leave Afghanistan. We will blame liberals and whoever we want. But the truth is that you can't conquer a people who won't quit. More people wasted. More money wasted. All so we can fight not to lose.
Per The President's Statements, we aren't dragging anyone in to modern secular society.
We are going to KILL TERRORISTS. End of story.

If they want to marry sheep and goats, and treat their women like cattle, we don't have to deal with them economically. Nor are we going to care if they become democracies or not. This is THE RIGHT STRATEGY.

The only thing important is to make Terrorism Painful for the people that engage in it and countries that encourage it and give safe harbor to it.

If you are so confident we are going to lose, then go join ISIS and the Taliban and quit vomiting their propaganda up here on our message board. We do not need, do not want, and should not tolerate traitors in our midst.

Ollie Assburn!

Let me get this straight. Either I convert to a faith I don't believe in, or I support useless and wasteful military action because. Um. 'Merica dude.

We haven't made a dent in Terrorism since 9-11. We haven't. Terrorists now have huge swaths of Territory in Libya, thanks to an asinine belief that we had to get Gadaffi out. Thank Hillary and Obama, or blame them, but their actions were no dumber than anyone else who thinks that the answer is more war.

Tell me the one time a people were conquered in history successfully. Go ahead. I'll tell you now, the answer is not what you think. The only time was the American fight to occupy America. The Indians were not unified, and were taken piecemeal, if the Indians had a million people the colonists would have fled back to Europe with their tails between their legs.

Otherwise, if the people don't want to live with us, they don't. Look at Africa, the Whites were in charge, for a while, a blip in the thousands of years of history. Yet, who is in charge now? The Whites could not keep the people subjugated forever. People want to make their own decisions, and live according to their own beliefs.

So you bomb a few terrorists, and create that many more believers who are out to avenge the death of a friend, a relative, whatever. We crushed Al Queda, and created ISIS. We were going to defeat them by calling them Daesh. Which was asinine. We won World War II because the people had endured enough. But even then, we had to rebuild them as nationalists instead of subjugated people. Nationalists in the region we're talking about are Islamic, which means they will always resent the Infidels who fought and "freed" them.

Islamic Terror is worse now than it was before 9-11. Sixteen years of war on terror, and we've accomplished nothing except making defense industries richer making new high tech awesomeness that will kill terrorists by the thousands.

I'm not saying surrender. I'm saying realize the fucking truth. Pouring more into Afghanistan is stupid. Trump was right during the campaign, it was past time to get the hell out. It was past time to cut our losses and leave the people to their own hell. A hell they have to decide to change, a hell of their own making. Nope, we might look like we lost, and no politician will ever admit defeat. Hillary on election night is proof of that. The democrats since if you need more proof.

Look, we're pouring lives and treasure into a cesspool. We can't defeat terrorism with bombs. We have to have the people reject it. The people who want to join it. The Israeli have been bombing and killing Palestinians since the inception, and guess what, they're still fighting today. This is just the rocket attacks so far this year. List of Palestinian rocket attacks on Israel, 2017 - Wikipedia

If killing the terrorists was the answer, don't you think it would have worked by now for Israel?

People have to want to live together, before they can. If one half of the equation doesn't want to, then peace is not an option. Go into Afghanistan if you want. Kill all the Terrorists you want. We have people looking to retire from the military in the next few years who literally joined after 9-11 and have spent their entire careers fighting and have accomplished jack shit. The names change, but the game remains the same.

In the meantime, we're fighting and killing the sons, nephews, and kids from the neighborhoods of the first bunch of idiots we killed.

We won't win. Well, I suppose we could nuke the region and turn it into a glass parking lot, but short of that, no. We could amend the constitution and show that Islam is not a protected religion, and that would hurt for a while, and might help in the long run, it's hard to say.

Make no mistake. We are not fighting for victory, we're fighting to keep from admitting that we lost.
ahhh the blinders. obummer pulls out of iraq and ISIS is born. and we haven't beaten terrorists yet. not when obummer was president that is for sure. he gave them life.
These fucking Jihadi sympathizers continue to come here and shit on America, and peddle their lies on this forum? Fuckem. Roll out the Nukes then, and dump em on North Korea, Afghanistan and Libphuckistan.

Bring on Judgment day and let God sort em out.

Damn Liars and Subversives.

Iraq's economy was rebounding, growing and Democracy was taking root before Shit Stain became The Traitor In Chief.

Blair: Iraq's economy growing since Saddam ousted
Iraq's economy better, Bush says
The Road to Economic Prosperity for a Post-Saddam Iraq

The Hidden Imam is none other than Obama Bin Plottin Treason
The betrayer of Nations as prophesied in the Koran.
The Trickster, who is like his father The Great Deceiver, the Islamic god, allah
or as some like to call him, "he who would be like god, and he who would sit upon the throne of god." the lesser light....the morning star (names for allah)


Who here knows who 'the morning star' is?
Last edited:
Interesting and well delivered speech from President Trump at Ft. Myers last night. I wonder if the foaming mouthed, bulging eyes Trump haters found much with which to disagree.

How about these points:

1. Since the founding of our republic, our country has produced a special class of heroes whose selflessness, courage and resolve is unmatched in human history. American patriots from every generation have given their last breath on the battlefield for our nation and for our freedom.

[I hear 'American exceptionalism' there......quite a change from the previous President, huh?]

2. ...we can find the inspiration our country needs to unify, to heal, and to remain one nation, under God.

[Wait.....did he mention God???? He must be familiar with the Founders!]

3. The men and women of our military operate as one team, with one shared mission and one shared sense of purpose. They transcend every line of race, ethnicity, creed and color ... all service members are brothers and sisters. They’re all part of the same family. ... America requires love for all of its people.

[And, again....the very opposite of the Democrat/Liberal Identity Politics. I bet he even included white males in that!]

4. ....nearly 16 years after the Sept. 11 attacks, after the extraordinary sacrifice of blood and treasure, the American people are weary of war without victory.

5. I share the American people’s frustration. I also share their frustration over a foreign policy that has spent too much time, energy, money — and most importantly, lives — trying to rebuild countries in our own image instead of pursuing our security interests above all other considerations.

[Wait....didn't the Democrats decide that some judge in Hawaii was in charge of foreign policy???]

6. My original instinct was to pull out. And historically, I like following my instincts.....many meetings, over many months, we held our final meeting last Friday at Camp David with my cabinet and generals to complete our strategy.

[Remember that last guy, the one who ignored his advisers....and failed miserably at everything he did?]

7. ....our nation must seek an honorable and enduring outcome worthy of the tremendous sacrifices that have been made, especially the sacrifices of lives. The men and women who serve our nation in combat deserve a plan for victory.

[Remember that last guy, who pulled all the troops out to leave a vacuum for 'the JayVee...ISIS'???? What a dunce.]

8. Today, 20 U.S.-designated foreign terrorist organizations are active in Afghanistan and Pakistan, the highest concentration in any region anywhere in the world.

[Of course, Obama handed over the ability to produce nuclear missiles to a nation that fits that description.]

9. When I became president, I was given a bad and very complex hand. But I fully knew what I was getting into, big and intricate problems.

[Remember 8 years of hearing Boooooossshhhhh as an excuse for every failure?]

10. But one way or another, these problems will be solved. I’m a problem solver. And in the end, we will win.

[Echoes of Reagan's famous 'We win, they lose.' And he did.....let's hope for the same consummation.]

If the guy would keep delivering messages like this and stay the hell off his twitter account, he might accomplish some meaningful things.

The left won't allow it.

I disagree. First what is victory in Afghanistan? We don't want to lose. But what is the victory going to look like? We have no idea. We are clueless. We want to end the Islamic Terror, but how the hell do you drag a bunch of people stuck in the seventh century into modern secular society? Victory is impossible. We can't win in less than a century. John McCain was right about that. We have to being modern civilization and education to the people, and it will take three or four generations to make a dent.

We are throwing good money and lives after the bad. All so we don't have to admit we lost. The best we can hope for is Nixons peace with honor which lasted about a year until the North came down and won.

One day we will be forced to leave Afghanistan. We will blame liberals and whoever we want. But the truth is that you can't conquer a people who won't quit. More people wasted. More money wasted. All so we can fight not to lose.
Per The President's Statements, we aren't dragging anyone in to modern secular society.
We are going to KILL TERRORISTS. End of story.

If they want to marry sheep and goats, and treat their women like cattle, we don't have to deal with them economically. Nor are we going to care if they become democracies or not. This is THE RIGHT STRATEGY.

The only thing important is to make Terrorism Painful for the people that engage in it and countries that encourage it and give safe harbor to it.

If you are so confident we are going to lose, then go join ISIS and the Taliban and quit vomiting their propaganda up here on our message board. We do not need, do not want, and should not tolerate traitors in our midst.

Ollie Assburn!

Let me get this straight. Either I convert to a faith I don't believe in, or I support useless and wasteful military action because. Um. 'Merica dude.

We haven't made a dent in Terrorism since 9-11. We haven't. Terrorists now have huge swaths of Territory in Libya, thanks to an asinine belief that we had to get Gadaffi out. Thank Hillary and Obama, or blame them, but their actions were no dumber than anyone else who thinks that the answer is more war.

Tell me the one time a people were conquered in history successfully. Go ahead. I'll tell you now, the answer is not what you think. The only time was the American fight to occupy America. The Indians were not unified, and were taken piecemeal, if the Indians had a million people the colonists would have fled back to Europe with their tails between their legs.

Otherwise, if the people don't want to live with us, they don't. Look at Africa, the Whites were in charge, for a while, a blip in the thousands of years of history. Yet, who is in charge now? The Whites could not keep the people subjugated forever. People want to make their own decisions, and live according to their own beliefs.

So you bomb a few terrorists, and create that many more believers who are out to avenge the death of a friend, a relative, whatever. We crushed Al Queda, and created ISIS. We were going to defeat them by calling them Daesh. Which was asinine. We won World War II because the people had endured enough. But even then, we had to rebuild them as nationalists instead of subjugated people. Nationalists in the region we're talking about are Islamic, which means they will always resent the Infidels who fought and "freed" them.

Islamic Terror is worse now than it was before 9-11. Sixteen years of war on terror, and we've accomplished nothing except making defense industries richer making new high tech awesomeness that will kill terrorists by the thousands.

I'm not saying surrender. I'm saying realize the fucking truth. Pouring more into Afghanistan is stupid. Trump was right during the campaign, it was past time to get the hell out. It was past time to cut our losses and leave the people to their own hell. A hell they have to decide to change, a hell of their own making. Nope, we might look like we lost, and no politician will ever admit defeat. Hillary on election night is proof of that. The democrats since if you need more proof.

Look, we're pouring lives and treasure into a cesspool. We can't defeat terrorism with bombs. We have to have the people reject it. The people who want to join it. The Israeli have been bombing and killing Palestinians since the inception, and guess what, they're still fighting today. This is just the rocket attacks so far this year. List of Palestinian rocket attacks on Israel, 2017 - Wikipedia

If killing the terrorists was the answer, don't you think it would have worked by now for Israel?

People have to want to live together, before they can. If one half of the equation doesn't want to, then peace is not an option. Go into Afghanistan if you want. Kill all the Terrorists you want. We have people looking to retire from the military in the next few years who literally joined after 9-11 and have spent their entire careers fighting and have accomplished jack shit. The names change, but the game remains the same.

In the meantime, we're fighting and killing the sons, nephews, and kids from the neighborhoods of the first bunch of idiots we killed.

We won't win. Well, I suppose we could nuke the region and turn it into a glass parking lot, but short of that, no. We could amend the constitution and show that Islam is not a protected religion, and that would hurt for a while, and might help in the long run, it's hard to say.

Make no mistake. We are not fighting for victory, we're fighting to keep from admitting that we lost.
ahhh the blinders. obummer pulls out of iraq and ISIS is born. and we haven't beaten terrorists yet. not when obummer was president that is for sure. he gave them life.

He supported them because he's a Muslim at heart.

He should be impeached post-presidency, tbh. That trading 5 terrorist leaders for a traitor sticks in my craw.

It was there and then that I knew he was the enemy.
I disagree. First what is victory in Afghanistan? We don't want to lose. But what is the victory going to look like? We have no idea. We are clueless. We want to end the Islamic Terror, but how the hell do you drag a bunch of people stuck in the seventh century into modern secular society? Victory is impossible. We can't win in less than a century. John McCain was right about that. We have to being modern civilization and education to the people, and it will take three or four generations to make a dent.

We are throwing good money and lives after the bad. All so we don't have to admit we lost. The best we can hope for is Nixons peace with honor which lasted about a year until the North came down and won.

One day we will be forced to leave Afghanistan. We will blame liberals and whoever we want. But the truth is that you can't conquer a people who won't quit. More people wasted. More money wasted. All so we can fight not to lose.
Per The President's Statements, we aren't dragging anyone in to modern secular society.
We are going to KILL TERRORISTS. End of story.

If they want to marry sheep and goats, and treat their women like cattle, we don't have to deal with them economically. Nor are we going to care if they become democracies or not. This is THE RIGHT STRATEGY.

The only thing important is to make Terrorism Painful for the people that engage in it and countries that encourage it and give safe harbor to it.

If you are so confident we are going to lose, then go join ISIS and the Taliban and quit vomiting their propaganda up here on our message board. We do not need, do not want, and should not tolerate traitors in our midst.

Ollie Assburn!

Let me get this straight. Either I convert to a faith I don't believe in, or I support useless and wasteful military action because. Um. 'Merica dude.

We haven't made a dent in Terrorism since 9-11. We haven't. Terrorists now have huge swaths of Territory in Libya, thanks to an asinine belief that we had to get Gadaffi out. Thank Hillary and Obama, or blame them, but their actions were no dumber than anyone else who thinks that the answer is more war.

Tell me the one time a people were conquered in history successfully. Go ahead. I'll tell you now, the answer is not what you think. The only time was the American fight to occupy America. The Indians were not unified, and were taken piecemeal, if the Indians had a million people the colonists would have fled back to Europe with their tails between their legs.

Otherwise, if the people don't want to live with us, they don't. Look at Africa, the Whites were in charge, for a while, a blip in the thousands of years of history. Yet, who is in charge now? The Whites could not keep the people subjugated forever. People want to make their own decisions, and live according to their own beliefs.

So you bomb a few terrorists, and create that many more believers who are out to avenge the death of a friend, a relative, whatever. We crushed Al Queda, and created ISIS. We were going to defeat them by calling them Daesh. Which was asinine. We won World War II because the people had endured enough. But even then, we had to rebuild them as nationalists instead of subjugated people. Nationalists in the region we're talking about are Islamic, which means they will always resent the Infidels who fought and "freed" them.

Islamic Terror is worse now than it was before 9-11. Sixteen years of war on terror, and we've accomplished nothing except making defense industries richer making new high tech awesomeness that will kill terrorists by the thousands.

I'm not saying surrender. I'm saying realize the fucking truth. Pouring more into Afghanistan is stupid. Trump was right during the campaign, it was past time to get the hell out. It was past time to cut our losses and leave the people to their own hell. A hell they have to decide to change, a hell of their own making. Nope, we might look like we lost, and no politician will ever admit defeat. Hillary on election night is proof of that. The democrats since if you need more proof.

Look, we're pouring lives and treasure into a cesspool. We can't defeat terrorism with bombs. We have to have the people reject it. The people who want to join it. The Israeli have been bombing and killing Palestinians since the inception, and guess what, they're still fighting today. This is just the rocket attacks so far this year. List of Palestinian rocket attacks on Israel, 2017 - Wikipedia

If killing the terrorists was the answer, don't you think it would have worked by now for Israel?

People have to want to live together, before they can. If one half of the equation doesn't want to, then peace is not an option. Go into Afghanistan if you want. Kill all the Terrorists you want. We have people looking to retire from the military in the next few years who literally joined after 9-11 and have spent their entire careers fighting and have accomplished jack shit. The names change, but the game remains the same.

In the meantime, we're fighting and killing the sons, nephews, and kids from the neighborhoods of the first bunch of idiots we killed.

We won't win. Well, I suppose we could nuke the region and turn it into a glass parking lot, but short of that, no. We could amend the constitution and show that Islam is not a protected religion, and that would hurt for a while, and might help in the long run, it's hard to say.

Make no mistake. We are not fighting for victory, we're fighting to keep from admitting that we lost.

You have already converted philosophically, so why not just have some courage and out yourself?
You preach the doctrine of our enemies, and that classifies you as an Enemy of The United States.
I disagree. First what is victory in Afghanistan? We don't want to lose. But what is the victory going to look like? We have no idea. We are clueless. We want to end the Islamic Terror, but how the hell do you drag a bunch of people stuck in the seventh century into modern secular society? Victory is impossible. We can't win in less than a century. John McCain was right about that. We have to being modern civilization and education to the people, and it will take three or four generations to make a dent.

We are throwing good money and lives after the bad. All so we don't have to admit we lost. The best we can hope for is Nixons peace with honor which lasted about a year until the North came down and won.

One day we will be forced to leave Afghanistan. We will blame liberals and whoever we want. But the truth is that you can't conquer a people who won't quit. More people wasted. More money wasted. All so we can fight not to lose.

Are you familiar with General MacArthur forcing the Japanese to alter their religion as a result of the military conflict?

The Japanese people were more than ready to do so. The decade of militarism and nationalism had destroyed much of what the people liked, western dance clubs for example, and punished the opposition voices. The people wanted more say in their world, and did not want a return to the militarist mentality. SO much so that during the Korean Conflict five years later, the Japanese were given the option of forming a military again, instead of a "self defense force" and they voted overwhelmingly no.

The "religious" changes you mention weren't really religious. Most of that was done by the Emporer himself, starting with allowing his picture to be taken standing next to MacArthur. MacArthur kept the changes to society minimal, because he understood and respected the Japanese Culture. He was nearly as revered by the people as the Emporer.

Next example? I mean since the people were obedient in Japan, but that did not make them believers, it was just unthinkable to go against authority.

Calling the emperor 'God' makes it a religion. are familiar with the fact that it has been done before.

That's my point.
That ROE was very apparent when they got Bin Laden...

What are you yapping about libwit?
Take a night class and get back with us when you learn to read...

There are night classes on liberal stupidity?
There maybe,, where did you learn yours at?

Your posts are at best an IQ of 89.
Phrenology your only skill?
3. The men and women of our military operate as one team, with one shared mission and one shared sense of purpose. They transcend every line of race, ethnicity, creed and color ... all service members are brothers and sisters. They’re all part of the same family. ... America requires love for all of its people.

[And, again....the very opposite of the Democrat/Liberal Identity Politics. I bet he even included white males in that!]

And transexuals..
who ISIS hate. why do you like ISIS so much. We wish to rid the world of those who hate transexuals.
Like Trump?
I disagree. First what is victory in Afghanistan? We don't want to lose. But what is the victory going to look like? We have no idea. We are clueless. We want to end the Islamic Terror, but how the hell do you drag a bunch of people stuck in the seventh century into modern secular society? Victory is impossible. We can't win in less than a century. John McCain was right about that. We have to being modern civilization and education to the people, and it will take three or four generations to make a dent.

We are throwing good money and lives after the bad. All so we don't have to admit we lost. The best we can hope for is Nixons peace with honor which lasted about a year until the North came down and won.

One day we will be forced to leave Afghanistan. We will blame liberals and whoever we want. But the truth is that you can't conquer a people who won't quit. More people wasted. More money wasted. All so we can fight not to lose.

Are you familiar with General MacArthur forcing the Japanese to alter their religion as a result of the military conflict?

The Japanese people were more than ready to do so. The decade of militarism and nationalism had destroyed much of what the people liked, western dance clubs for example, and punished the opposition voices. The people wanted more say in their world, and did not want a return to the militarist mentality. SO much so that during the Korean Conflict five years later, the Japanese were given the option of forming a military again, instead of a "self defense force" and they voted overwhelmingly no.

The "religious" changes you mention weren't really religious. Most of that was done by the Emporer himself, starting with allowing his picture to be taken standing next to MacArthur. MacArthur kept the changes to society minimal, because he understood and respected the Japanese Culture. He was nearly as revered by the people as the Emporer.

Next example? I mean since the people were obedient in Japan, but that did not make them believers, it was just unthinkable to go against authority.
He gave them an ERA addition to their constitution....and our country has yet to pass such an Amendment.
Under Obama's ROE's our troops had to let the enemy sneak up on them and fire their RPG's, only after the enemy blew up our soldiers could they fire back at the enemy.

Where do you get this stuff? Snipers were taking out people who were planting bombs all the damned time.

From my vet friends who were among those half blown up under Obama's dumb shit ROE's dumb ass.
How many have told you that? BTW...ROE's are easy to look up.

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