ANTIFA bomb maker arrested.


Gold Member
Oct 9, 2015
BFE Texas.
Yet every one is going on about TRUMP! Had a story broke about an ISIS guy who was busted in the past for bomb making it would have sent us back to the color coded terriorist alert. But since he is a rich white kid (avrage democrat) he gets no mention. This guy was hard core. Definite bomb maker wannabe. He is typical of ANTIFA and where they would like to head. Must be a big case to, no one is talking about it. Just odd.
You just know the lefties are gonna want a link. So I'll go ahead and ask ya for one.....LOL
You just know the lefties are gonna want a link. So I'll go ahead and ask ya for one.....LOL

I was waiting. ANTIFA in this town is all hush, hush. You see the reasoning behind the "no leader " stuff? In all honesty, this happened Saturday. None have the balls to commen because when they did hit the links they learn this guy has a history of making bombs. It's sounding like he got an easy sentence and let off early because he is a rich white boy. No leftard will respond because to do so would admit support for he kids actions. Shows the cowardly nature of the left.

Houston man charged with trying to plant bomb at Confederate statue in Hermann Park
Yet every one is going on about TRUMP! Had a story broke about an ISIS guy who was busted in the past for bomb making it would have sent us back to the color coded terriorist alert. But since he is a rich white kid (avrage democrat) he gets no mention. This guy was hard core. Definite bomb maker wannabe. He is typical of ANTIFA and where they would like to head. Must be a big case to, no one is talking about it. Just odd.

the left always use violence
Yet every one is going on about TRUMP! Had a story broke about an ISIS guy who was busted in the past for bomb making it would have sent us back to the color coded terriorist alert. But since he is a rich white kid (avrage democrat) he gets no mention. This guy was hard core. Definite bomb maker wannabe. He is typical of ANTIFA and where they would like to head. Must be a big case to, no one is talking about it. Just odd.

the left always use violence

Yes and just look how cowardly they are. Where are the democrats denouncing violance. Details on the bomb are few, but it really freaked out the Feds. I'm hoping the FBI and BATF really go after ANTIFA and all the groups that associate with them. They have a history of bomb making.
But they oppose Nazis so bomb making is allowed

You should google earth the area he was planting the bomb. He wasn't so much trying to blow up a statue as they were going for casualties. Just like a jihadi or a Klan church bomber.
Yet every one is going on about TRUMP! Had a story broke about an ISIS guy who was busted in the past for bomb making it would have sent us back to the color coded terriorist alert. But since he is a rich white kid (avrage democrat) he gets no mention. This guy was hard core. Definite bomb maker wannabe. He is typical of ANTIFA and where they would like to head. Must be a big case to, no one is talking about it. Just odd.
I am very glad this guy was caught.....seems he's got a thing for explosives having been arrested before......did he even have a political side or just a crazy who likes to make things go boom?
Yet every one is going on about TRUMP! Had a story broke about an ISIS guy who was busted in the past for bomb making it would have sent us back to the color coded terriorist alert. But since he is a rich white kid (avrage democrat) he gets no mention. This guy was hard core. Definite bomb maker wannabe. He is typical of ANTIFA and where they would like to head. Must be a big case to, no one is talking about it. Just odd.
I am very glad this guy was caught.....seems he's got a thing for explosives having been arrested before......did he even have a political side or just a crazy who likes to make things go boom?

ANTIFA, but who knows. They claim his actions in their mission statement. It's a weird, weird thing ANTIFA is, but the Feds are hush hush. They are always like that when they are building a case. The speculation is that they may get him to snitch, but no one has come out and said.
Yet every one is going on about TRUMP! Had a story broke about an ISIS guy who was busted in the past for bomb making it would have sent us back to the color coded terriorist alert. But since he is a rich white kid (avrage democrat) he gets no mention. This guy was hard core. Definite bomb maker wannabe. He is typical of ANTIFA and where they would like to head. Must be a big case to, no one is talking about it. Just odd.
Communist Revolutionaries must fucking die!!!
Yet every one is going on about TRUMP! Had a story broke about an ISIS guy who was busted in the past for bomb making it would have sent us back to the color coded terriorist alert. But since he is a rich white kid (avrage democrat) he gets no mention. This guy was hard core. Definite bomb maker wannabe. He is typical of ANTIFA and where they would like to head. Must be a big case to, no one is talking about it. Just odd.
Communist Revolutionaries must fucking die!!!

I can deal with the ones who aren't trying to kill people.
Yet every one is going on about TRUMP! Had a story broke about an ISIS guy who was busted in the past for bomb making it would have sent us back to the color coded terriorist alert. But since he is a rich white kid (avrage democrat) he gets no mention. This guy was hard core. Definite bomb maker wannabe. He is typical of ANTIFA and where they would like to head. Must be a big case to, no one is talking about it. Just odd.
Communist Revolutionaries must fucking die!!!
that would eliminate 47% of the US voting block. America would be Great Again, though if that would ever happen.
And it diddnt stop there. Feds are following a trail and building a case. I'm thinking more ANYIFA associates will be going to jail.
Home » City Life
Houston terrorism probe reaches a Texas college: FBI descends on dorm
By Tyler Rudick

10.8.13 | 10:23 pm

Located an hour north of Dallas, Austin College appears to be involved in a massive FBI search potentially dangerous chemicals. Austin College/Facebook

A source close to the school says the student believed to be involved in the case attends the college. Courtesy of Courtesy of KXII Ch. 12

Austin College student Raz Fyfe spoke to the FBI on Friday, but revealed few details to reporters. Courtesy of Courtesy of KXII Ch. 12

While federal agents and a terrorism task force searched for dangerous chemicals at three homes in the Houston area and two in Michigan on Friday, FBI investigators made a surprise appearance at Austin College during the Sherman school's family weekend.

A source with ties to the college tells CultureMap that the son of Cecily Horton and Andrew Schneck — the couple who owns the five raided homes — is a student at the school. College spokesperson Lynn Womble confirmed that agents did arrive on campus, but she said she could not say who was at the center of the investigation.

No wonder the democrats ignore this. It's not going to help them at all.
Yet every one is going on about TRUMP! Had a story broke about an ISIS guy who was busted in the past for bomb making it would have sent us back to the color coded terriorist alert. But since he is a rich white kid (avrage democrat) he gets no mention. This guy was hard core. Definite bomb maker wannabe. He is typical of ANTIFA and where they would like to head. Must be a big case to, no one is talking about it. Just odd.
I am very glad this guy was caught.....seems he's got a thing for explosives having been arrested before......did he even have a political side or just a crazy who likes to make things go boom?
Just because you like to make things go boom, that doesn't mean you're crazy.
Yet every one is going on about TRUMP! Had a story broke about an ISIS guy who was busted in the past for bomb making it would have sent us back to the color coded terriorist alert. But since he is a rich white kid (avrage democrat) he gets no mention. This guy was hard core. Definite bomb maker wannabe. He is typical of ANTIFA and where they would like to head. Must be a big case to, no one is talking about it. Just odd.
I am very glad this guy was caught.....seems he's got a thing for explosives having been arrested before......did he even have a political side or just a crazy who likes to make things go boom?
Just because you like to make things go boom, that doesn't mean you're crazy.

Hell no, I love that myself! It's just when you make really big.bombs I have reservations, and planting them out in publicly makes me nervous some.
I can deal with the ones who aren't trying to kill people.
That makes one of us.

Think about it. The little proletariat commie, pissed off that his life sucks because he is an idiot or lazy as fuck, is trying to overthrow your government so he can steal the resources you accumulated with your hard work. You spent your time (part of your life) accumulating resources, and along comes proletariat, and steals it from you.

All communist revolutionaries must fucking hang.

But, I guess if they don't try to overthrow the government or steal shit and be violent, I can live with them.
Uh-Oh, Time to go to DHS Threat Level Pink

Here is the FBI statement from Saturday

This while two big black bomb squad trailers were trying to part. 5 homes raided as well. And the investigations has led to The collage in Austin and other people. This on will be interesting, but ignored because democrats at courting ANTIFA.

FBI, ATF, Houston Police swarm street near Museum District

The FBI said it was "lawfully present conducting law enforcement operations" that are "in the interest of public safety," according to an agency statement. "Since the matter is ongoing, we are unable to provide additional details at this time."
I can deal with the ones who aren't trying to kill people.
That makes one of us.

Think about it. The little proletariat commie, pissed off that his life sucks because he is an idiot or lazy as fuck, is trying to overthrow your government so he can steal the resources you accumulated with your hard work. You spent your time (part of your life) accumulating resources, and along comes proletariat, and steals it from you.

All communist revolutionaries must fucking hang.

But, I guess if they don't try to overthrow the government or steal shit and be violent, I can live with them.

You are turning out to be right. His parents are in the "weltodo" uptown crowed here in Houston. I figure lawyers are keeping it quiet as the boys moms and daddy own a business in the arts district. Wonder if they will take his Xbox away for this one?

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