Former Romney supporter says US set for Energy Bonanza

U.S. set for fracking bonanza, says historian Ferguson -

And poor Willard could have claimed credit for it...if he had been elected...:mad:

Not if Obama and the EPA have anything to say about it

The top White House energy aide says new regulations gripping the technology responsible for unlocking America's vast oil and gas reserves will be ready by year's end. Team Obama's war on fossil fuels continues.

EPA Finalizes New Rules On Shale Fracking For After November Elections -
$40 billion (at least) in taxes waiting in Obama's budget. Just for oil and gas.
Now isn't that special?

If Obama would allow us to exploit our energy resources to their fullest extent it would mean 100s of billions of dollars in revenue and 100s of thousands to millions of jobs, just think of the revenue it would generate in bankrupt California alone, instead Obama sends billions to failed green energy bullshit..Fossil fuels are evil
If I may post a couple of key passages from the article.

Ferguson, who says America could actually be heading toward a new economic "golden age."
And it has nothing to do with Washington and everything to do with energy.

"Conceivably it does mean a new golden age."

There are also some key words in these passages one being could the other conceivably. Given the regulations the Obama administration and the EPA want to impose there are some big if's in here.

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