For Thin-Skinned Students, We Have Nobody to Blame But Ourselves


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Warning, liberals, you will have to exit your "safe space" to read the article.

It's so true that all the things done to build children's self-esteem has merely rendered them incapable of handling life. For too many, their self-esteem is non-existent because some idiots tried to hand them artificial self-esteem. You can't give someone self-esteem or create it by handing them a ribbon just for showing up. People become confident by going through difficulties and learning how to deal with things.

For thin-skinned college students, we have nobody to blame but ourselves
Liberals feel better about themselves, when they feel sorry for others
The liberal agenda does not work alongside self esteem. Liberal agenda is only taught alongside cowardice. It needs to maintain that cowardice in order to keep the "group" think like Sheep.
Liberals would be irrelevant if not for all the victims. That is why they create so many. From the generational welfare recipients to the dumbing down of students, it's all designed to keep people ignorant, scared and believing that government or other authorities are supposed to take care of them.

It's insane that college students, who are young adults, are whining about safe spaces away from opinions they can't handle or these protests over next to nothing. The college was not responsible for the few little incidents. Seriously, if someone was rude or yelled a racist remark, can't they just say 'fuck off' and go about their business? If someone on the college was discriminating, then they'd have a complaint, but they are in a tizzy over hearing about someone else being insulted. Now they want heads to roll because of a few idiots who were not employed by or under the control of the college. But, the students are trained to expect others to do everything for them. The students have been conditioned to just want their reward for showing up, not actually growing up and learning to deal with things on their own.

The safe spaces were stupid enough, now they have a list of demands that are insane. Once BLM got involved, the little sheep on campus became another arm of their radical group. BLM members asked for people to shoot cops and white people. One of the idiotic demands is for campus security people to stop wearing bullet proof vests. That would make it easier for the BLM whackos to kill them. And the little babies haven't learned empathy since they only know how to cry to get what they want.
Liberals have done a poor job raising their blacks
Warning, liberals, you will have to exit your "safe space" to read the article.

It's so true that all the things done to build children's self-esteem has merely rendered them incapable of handling life. For too many, their self-esteem is non-existent because some idiots tried to hand them artificial self-esteem. You can't give someone self-esteem or create it by handing them a ribbon just for showing up. People become confident by going through difficulties and learning how to deal with things.

For thin-skinned college students, we have nobody to blame but ourselves

They aren't thin skinned. They are cold blooded killers.

The bullies hold the whip hand today, and they guise it as compassion.
It's just insane that these young 'adults' are protesting even though nothing happened to most of them. They are offended on behalf of others who claim they encountered rude people and comments. BLM has turned into a radical and vicious group that has called for the killing of cops and whites. They think this is a reasonable response to a few bad cops out there and they are merely parroting the Obama administration with the constant fanning the flames of racism. This seems to be the only way the left can get some people to the polls on election day. Have to have them mad as hell or afraid. Never mind that many minorities have come forth to say they never experienced problems at the college. To say the whole thing is exaggerated is a gross understatement.

BLM has their own agenda and these young students might not have any idea what they are going along with. They were easy prey for the BLM because they were already trained to believe what they are told and have been fed lies about how whiteness = terror. I'd like to know who is funding BLM. Definitely some community agitator.

These students cry about unfair treatment and demanding their safe spaces, yet BLM has a nasty habit of rudely violating everyone else's personal space. It's not just the in-your-face irrational rantings. Some people have lost their lives due to the vitriol spouted by these thugs.
I agree. This safe zone stuff is just silly. Imagine if any of them posted here? Oh! Ha-ha-ha! That would be hilarious! :2up: Their safe spaces would be so violated.

I wonder if this site has a warning so the fragile little children don't accidentally read something that would cause them to come so unhinged that they'd end up in a padded cell. I think the rule on colleges is that they have to have warning so an opposing opinion doesn't cause fainting spells. Then there are the 'trigger' words. I think if they hear 'cutting taxes', 'liberty'. 'constitution', 'freedom', 'Bill of Rights' or 'personal responsibility', they know to quickly run to the nearest panic room before their tender little ears are brutally assaulted with the truth. Maybe they should have a special emergency number to call if they see a Confederate flag. American flag, or NRA logo and a liberal counselor can pick them up in his/her Smart Car and rush them to a therapy session.
In the 1940's, 18-20 year olds stormed the beaches of Normandy.

Today, 18-20 year olds need to have their transgender genitalia pandered.

Yup. Now they think people like Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner are heroes.
"For Thin-Skinned Students, We Have Nobody to Blame But Ourselves"


Citizens are at liberty to express their opinions and viewpoints, including opining about that which they might oppose or find offensive – where such expression does not constitute being 'thin-skinned.'

Consequently there is no 'blame.'

And that you and many others on the right are hostile to expressions of dissent and opposition, hostile to, and frightened by, viewpoints and opinions different from your own and others on the right comes as no surprise, where attempts to belittle and ridicule those viewpoints in an effort to silence that opposition is consistent with most on the reprehensible right.

Indeed, this is a non-issue, another 'controversy' contrived by conservatives for some perceived partisan gain.
"For Thin-Skinned Students, We Have Nobody to Blame But Ourselves"


Citizens are at liberty to express their opinions and viewpoints, including opining about that which they might oppose or find offensive – where such expression does not constitute being 'thin-skinned.'

Consequently there is no 'blame.'

And that you and many others on the right are hostile to expressions of dissent and opposition, hostile to, and frightened by, viewpoints and opinions different from your own and others on the right comes as no surprise, where attempts to belittle and ridicule those viewpoints in an effort to silence that opposition is consistent with most on the reprehensible right.

Indeed, this is a non-issue, another 'controversy' contrived by conservatives for some perceived partisan gain.

You missed the point. Too many young people don't appreciate freedom of speech and differing views. That is why we have safe spaces. We have whiners who are protesting because of some comments made and they are demanding that the college do something. Aside from forming the language police, I don't know what they expect.

I have heard too many liberal professors telling students that there is a problem even if they don't see or experience it themselves. It's been a matter of convincing them that they are victims of racism or racist even if they have been unaware.

Several lady professors have made false claims of discrimination by police. One professor told his students that whiteness equals terror. I wonder how many students were doing just fine until teachers started preaching to them and telling them they were either victims or privileged. Racial tensions have increased under Obama's reign. He and Michelle have taken every opportunity to whine about racism and bash America here and abroad. The protests and violence we are seeing is a result of that.
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