For left-wingers who want to end a right to bear arms...


Senior Member
Nov 26, 2019
View attachment 294645

So I borrowed a picture of this young woman from Mr. Osiris, who is apparently well-trained with a gun.

I'm curious, in practice, let's say a white, male left-winger, in practice wanted to put an end to our right to bear arms, such as this young woman's.

Pray tell, how you would actually do this in practice? What specifically, would it entail.

Would you even be able to tell her with a straight-face that she doesn't have a right to own a gun, and risk getting laughed at by a little girl? Or, would you even be able to get past pissing yourself over the thought of actually talking to a girl (consensually) face-to-face, who isn't your mother, a woman in ".jpg" format.

Hypothetically (I don't THIS young woman would), but let's say a different hypothetical woman didn't take kindly to your assertion that she doesn't have a right to bear arms?

What ever would you do, would you attempt to force yourself on her, take her gun away by force, and risk getting shot in the groin, getting your ass proverbially wubbed by a 120 young woman? Would you even have the courage to approach without getting tingly, or would you run home and cry for mommy's attention, or hang your head, and go beat off to some softcore pornography?

Please, oh please tell me what you'd actually do in practice, or be able to do at all, assuming the thought of a well-armed woman doesn't intimidate you a little, make you feel a tad in secure in your imagined, and mostly fictitious, masculinity, gentlemanliness, or whatever your old issues of Esquire all your to imagine yourself as?.

We don’t want to end a right to bear arms

We want to end these fucking massacres and 30,000 people killed each year by guns
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We don’t want to end a right to bear arms

We want to end these fucking massacres and 30,000 people killed each year by guns
Or more importantly, the 300,000 deaths caused by the obesity epidemic per year.
We don’t want to end a right to bear arms

We want to end these fucking massacres and 30,000 people killed each year by guns

Recently Trump has been stating that the problem is a lack of access to mental health care. In part he is correct.

It was a perfect opportunity for the House to have passed a bill with universal mental health care.

What have the Democrats done instead?

There are certain subjects that are nothing more than divisive issues used to keep the people divided. Guns are one of them (immigration and abortion are others).

We are not going to ban guns. We are never going to do anything major. We could have done something positive though.
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People who actually want to ban all guns are pretty rare. We like our guns here in America. Most of us are just not paranoid kooks who think gun ownership is a political statement. I have a bunch of nail guns as well but they don't mean anything in a political sense. That's how sane people own firearms. They own guns but don't vote with them.
We don’t want to end a right to bear arms

We want to end these fucking massacres and 30,000 people killed each year by guns
Suicides are not massacres
99% of all murders are not massacres

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Dead is still Dead

When 30,000 people die each year from falling down staircases, we need to look into making staircases safer
People who actually want to ban all guns are pretty rare. We like our guns here in America. Most of us are just not paranoid kooks who think gun ownership is a political statement. I have a bunch of nail guns as well but they don't mean anything in a political sense. That's how sane people own firearms. They own guns but don't vote with them.

I don’t want to ban all guns. Most are used safely
We couldn’t ban them if we wanted to

I do want guns registered, ownership tracked, licensing, mental health restrictions, restrictions on domestic violence access, mandatory background checks on ALL sales, ban on large capacity magazines
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We don’t want to end a right to bear arms

We want to end these fucking massacres and 30,000 people killed each year by guns
Suicides are not massacres
99% of all murders are not massacres

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

Dead is still Dead

When 30,000 people die each year from falling down staircases, we need to look into making staircases safer
Totally off topic. I build a lot of stairs and see a lot of stairs other people build. Most stairs have irregularities in height that trip people up.
We don’t want to end a right to bear arms

We want to end these fucking massacres and 30,000 people killed each year by guns
Suicides are not massacres
99% of all murders are not massacres

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

Dead is still Dead

When 30,000 people die each year from falling down staircases, we need to look into making staircases safer
Totally off topic. I build a lot of stairs and see a lot of stairs other people build. Most stairs have irregularities in height that trip people up.
Very true..
And if we had 30,000 people dying falling down those stairs, we would have tougher laws

For now, we have 30,000 people dying from guns and only offer thoughts and prayers
We don’t want to end a right to bear arms

We want to end these fucking massacres and 30,000 people killed each year by guns
Suicides are not massacres
99% of all murders are not massacres

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

Dead is still Dead

When 30,000 people die each year from falling down staircases, we need to look into making staircases safer
Totally off topic. I build a lot of stairs and see a lot of stairs other people build. Most stairs have irregularities in height that trip people up.
Very true..
And if we had 30,000 people dying falling down those stairs, we would have tougher laws

For now, we have 30,000 people dying from guns and only offer thoughts and prayers

We could have offered health care.
We don’t want to end a right to bear arms

We want to end these fucking massacres and 30,000 people killed each year by guns
Suicides are not massacres
99% of all murders are not massacres

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

Dead is still Dead

When 30,000 people die each year from falling down staircases, we need to look into making staircases safer
And over 2/3 of those people CHOSE of their own volition to die.

Why do you want to tell people they can't choose whether to live or die?

The pinnacle of of all free will is the absolute right to choose your own fate
We don’t want to end a right to bear arms

We want to end these fucking massacres and 30,000 people killed each year by guns
Suicides are not massacres
99% of all murders are not massacres

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

Dead is still Dead

When 30,000 people die each year from falling down staircases, we need to look into making staircases safer
Totally off topic. I build a lot of stairs and see a lot of stairs other people build. Most stairs have irregularities in height that trip people up.
Very true..
And if we had 30,000 people dying falling down those stairs, we would have tougher laws

For now, we have 30,000 people dying from guns and only offer thoughts and prayers

People who take their own lives do not die "because of guns" they die because the chose to die by their own hand and that is their absolute right
We want to end these fucking massacres and 30,000 people killed each year by guns
each year? really? for how many years now, or is that number not available for some reason?...prior to the 60's this was not the case...white liberalism are the cause and gun control is their cover.
Like most disingenuous gun control freaks he is adding suicides into the mix

over 2/3 of all deaths involving firearms are suicides
We don’t want to end a right to bear arms

We want to end these fucking massacres and 30,000 people killed each year by guns
Suicides are not massacres
99% of all murders are not massacres

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

Dead is still Dead

When 30,000 people die each year from falling down staircases, we need to look into making staircases safer
Totally off topic. I build a lot of stairs and see a lot of stairs other people build. Most stairs have irregularities in height that trip people up.
Very true..
And if we had 30,000 people dying falling down those stairs, we would have tougher laws

For now, we have 30,000 people dying from guns and only offer thoughts and prayers
300,000 dying from obesity every year, and no law against "fat people"...
We want to end these fucking massacres and 30,000 people killed each year by guns
each year? really? for how many years now, or is that number not available for some reason?...prior to the 60's this was not the case...white liberalism are the cause and gun control is their cover.
Like most disingenuous gun control freaks he is adding suicides into the mix

over 2/3 of all deaths involving firearms are suicides
I also showed him statistics showing that 10X the that of people die from obesity every year; car accidents also kill more, around 40,000 deaths per year.

This more or less proves that "anti-gun" logic isn't based on facts or evidence, given that there's no major effort to ban cars or make obesity a crime punished by mandatory physical fitness.

It's just based on childish whims or appeals to emotion rather than reason or logic (much as pseudo-scientific global warming alarmism merely preys on the uninformed's fears of death by unlikely catastrophe); because a person dying from a gun appears more "shocking" to people on the news than dying from obesity or a car accident does; it's documented, such as by evolutionary psychology, that such things appeal to our "fight-or-flight" response, despite not being real or a clear perspective on reality to begin with.

This again, is why I'm glad we're a Republic rather than a direct democracy, since it would give people who vest themselves in these silly whims and fantasies more say in actual government or law than they do.

Government was, thankfully designed to be a bulwark against mob rule, and the childish fears and whims upon which most infantile anti-gun sentiments are predicated.
View attachment 294645

So I borrowed a picture of this young woman from Mr. Osiris, who is apparently well-trained with a gun.

I'm curious, in practice, let's say a white, male left-winger, in practice wanted to put an end to our right to bear arms, such as this young woman's.

Pray tell, how you would actually do this in practice? What specifically, would it entail.

Would you even be able to tell her with a straight-face that she doesn't have a right to own a gun, and risk getting laughed at by a little girl? Or, would you even be able to get past pissing yourself over the thought of actually talking to a girl (consensually) face-to-face, who isn't your mother, a woman in ".jpg" format.

Hypothetically (I don't THIS young woman would), but let's say a different hypothetical woman didn't take kindly to your assertion that she doesn't have a right to bear arms?

What ever would you do, would you attempt to force yourself on her, take her gun away by force, and risk getting shot in the groin, getting your ass proverbially wubbed by a 120 young woman? Would you even have the courage to approach without getting tingly, or would you run home and cry for mommy's attention, or hang your head, and go beat off to some softcore pornography?

Please, oh please tell me what you'd actually do in practice, or be able to do at all, assuming the thought of a well-armed woman doesn't intimidate you a little, make you feel a tad in secure in your imagined, and mostly fictitious, masculinity, gentlemanliness, or whatever your old issues of Esquire all your to imagine yourself as?.

Getting 3/4 of the guns in this country out of the hands of untrained and unvetted folks is going to make us greatly safer. You can cast aspersions on our sexual prowess all you want, but that is the truth.
We don’t want to end a right to bear arms

We want to end these fucking massacres and 30,000 people killed each year by guns
Suicides are not massacres
99% of all murders are not massacres

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

Dead is still Dead

When 30,000 people die each year from falling down staircases, we need to look into making staircases safer
And over 2/3 of those people CHOSE of their own volition to die.

Why do you want to tell people they can't choose whether to live or die?

The pinnacle of of all free will is the absolute right to choose your own fate
They choose to use a gun.
We allow people with severe depression or anger issues to have stupid is that?
View attachment 294645

So I borrowed a picture of this young woman from Mr. Osiris, who is apparently well-trained with a gun.

I'm curious, in practice, let's say a white, male left-winger, in practice wanted to put an end to our right to bear arms, such as this young woman's.

Pray tell, how you would actually do this in practice? What specifically, would it entail.

Would you even be able to tell her with a straight-face that she doesn't have a right to own a gun, and risk getting laughed at by a little girl? Or, would you even be able to get past pissing yourself over the thought of actually talking to a girl (consensually) face-to-face, who isn't your mother, a woman in ".jpg" format.

Hypothetically (I don't THIS young woman would), but let's say a different hypothetical woman didn't take kindly to your assertion that she doesn't have a right to bear arms?

What ever would you do, would you attempt to force yourself on her, take her gun away by force, and risk getting shot in the groin, getting your ass proverbially wubbed by a 120 young woman? Would you even have the courage to approach without getting tingly, or would you run home and cry for mommy's attention, or hang your head, and go beat off to some softcore pornography?

Please, oh please tell me what you'd actually do in practice, or be able to do at all, assuming the thought of a well-armed woman doesn't intimidate you a little, make you feel a tad in secure in your imagined, and mostly fictitious, masculinity, gentlemanliness, or whatever your old issues of Esquire all your to imagine yourself as?.

Getting 3/4 of the guns in this country out of the hands of untrained and unvetted folks is going to make us greatly safer. You can cast aspersions on our sexual prowess all you want, but that is the truth.
Why would legitimate gun owners object to gun safety training and preventing the mentally ill, domestic violence perpetrators, severe depression or anger issues from having guns?

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