For Democrats : Are you feelin' the Bern ?

For Democrats : Are you feelin' the Bern ?

  • Yes , he will win!

    Votes: 4 57.1%
  • No, Hillary will win!

    Votes: 3 42.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
His explanation is that families who pay 10 grand a year in private premiums will be ahead of the game under single payer because they’ll only see their taxes go up by 5 grand a year, so they’re saving 5 grand.

LOL That's it Sanders run on the platform that families are going to get hit for 10K a year. Only a left loon is going to vote for that
Bernie Sanders is on the rise this winter.
Doesn't make any difference, even if by some miracle (i.e. her Majesty gets indicted) he was able to win the Democrat Nomination he isn't electable; his policy prescriptions are completely insane. He's like McGovern on steroids and we all know what happened to good ole George and George wasn't proposing ideas that would bankrupt the country in short order and drive every corporation of scale out of the country.

Sorry Bernie, you seem like a sincere fellow (for a politician) but the American People aren't so far gone that they're ready to turn the United States into Venezuela.
Bernie Sanders is on the rise this winter.
Doesn't make any difference, even if by some miracle (i.e. her Majesty gets indicted) he was able to win the Democrat Nomination he isn't electable; his policy prescriptions are completely insane. He's like McGovern on steroids and we all know what happened to good ole George and George wasn't proposing ideas that would bankrupt the country in short order and drive every corporation of scale out of the country.

Sorry Bernie, you seem like a sincere fellow (for a politician) but the American People aren't so far gone that they're ready to turn the United States into Venezuela.
Allow me to differ, given that the most likely rep. candidate will be Trump, it is quite possible that Bernie can beat him.
Trump's statements have made him quite unpopular among minorities ( which actually constitute 47% of the US population), this isn't a good start, even when he might be quite popular among hard core republicans.

I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
Bernie Sanders is on the rise this winter.
Doesn't make any difference, even if by some miracle (i.e. her Majesty gets indicted) he was able to win the Democrat Nomination he isn't electable; his policy prescriptions are completely insane. He's like McGovern on steroids and we all know what happened to good ole George and George wasn't proposing ideas that would bankrupt the country in short order and drive every corporation of scale out of the country.

Sorry Bernie, you seem like a sincere fellow (for a politician) but the American People aren't so far gone that they're ready to turn the United States into Venezuela.
Allow me to differ, given that the most likely rep. candidate will be Trump, it is quite possible that Bernie can beat him.
Highly doubtful IMHO, once the general public gets a look at the details, costs and economic ramifications of what Bernie is offering it's likely even Trump would beat him in all 50 states. Right now Bernie has the advantage of playing to the left wing echo chamber and the general electorate really has no idea of who is he or the specifics of what he's proposing, that isn't going to be the case in the General Election.

Like I said; my predication is if Sanders does get the Democrat nod it'll be a repeat of 1972 (Nixon barely bothered to campaign and won 49 states).

You have my respect for supporting an "outside the box" candidate who is far more honest and sincere than the Queen of Crime but alas he doesn't have a realistic shot at winning the Presidency.
Forbes has a good article about Sander's single payer healthcare proposal. It would increase federal spending by 28 TRILLION dollars. Sanders is a phucking moron and anyone supporting this economic illiterate is as well.

Bernie Sanders' Single-Payer Health Care Plan Would Increase Federal Spending By At Least $28 Trillion

Right, I do find necesary to point out that those 28 Trillion would be spent over a decade according to the article.
And I see no reason why it can be spread into a larger time span ( e.g 15 years).
Cause things are working out so great in Venezuela, let's do it here.

Pulling 19.6 trillion out of the private sector to throw into the gaping maw of a bigger, more bloated government will have a hard time passing congress. A lot of workers feel like they are overburdened enough providing for those who just can't be bothered to work. Many congressmen and senators know they'd pay at the polls for squeezing the turnip for more blood.

Bernie is still far more attractive than Her Royal Thighness. He's been in a government job since 1981. He knows how the system works. If he gets the WH, he'll know he'll have to compromise or it will just be more gridlock and people are sick of that. The "I'll give you all free stuff" is working for now with the young and naïve but his campaign will soon have to get more realistic to reach thinking adults. If it doesn't and it becomes clear he really does want to turn this country into a larger Venezuelan catastrophe, he'll have an impossible sale.

Here's a list of Bernie Sanders' $19.6 trillion in tax hikes

Bernie's the man. Free bicycles, free ice cream cones, free candy bars. All paid for by the mean old rich people. Indeed, why should we not enjoy the fruits of their success. We're ENTITLED to it. We deserve it. Why should we be expected to work hard for the American dream?
The kiddies dismissed him all last fall. Now they're scared.

They've already played the "He's a [I don't understand what the word means, but it scares me] socialist!!!" card.

Let's see how many play the "He's old[er than Trump by five years]!" card...
Bernies proposals are unrealistic and quite frankly, absurd. Now, some are all right, but wanting a $15 minimum wage? Bernie doesn't want to lower the corporate tax rate, which is something I believe needs to happen. If anything, he wants more taxes on corporations. (I'm fine with closing loopholes though.) I find myself in a situation where the only candidate I find myself attracted to is Hillary.
Bernie's the man. Free bicycles, free ice cream cones, free candy bars. All paid for by the mean old rich people. Indeed, why should we not enjoy the fruits of their success. We're ENTITLED to it. We deserve it. Why should we be expected to work hard for the American dream?
...? You should offer an actual criticism.
Bernies proposals are unrealistic and quite frankly, absurd. Now, some are all right, but wanting a $15 minimum wage? Bernie doesn't want to lower the corporate tax rate, which is something I believe needs to happen. If anything, he wants more taxes on corporations. (I'm fine with closing loopholes though.) I find myself in a situation where the only candidate I find myself attracted to is Hillary.

Yet you find Hillary's realistic?
Bernies proposals are unrealistic and quite frankly, absurd. Now, some are all right, but wanting a $15 minimum wage? Bernie doesn't want to lower the corporate tax rate, which is something I believe needs to happen. If anything, he wants more taxes on corporations. (I'm fine with closing loopholes though.) I find myself in a situation where the only candidate I find myself attracted to is Hillary.

Yet you find Hillary's realistic?
Yes, I do. It should be noted nothing is perfect and I find faults with some of her ideas, but this is the real world. Hillary is better then any of the GOP choices as of right now. Her record speaks for itself, once you look past the partisan dog shit. You can read her plans if you like.

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