For All Those People Who Think Sharia Law Is Not In USA...


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 12, 2007
The usual loons hyperventilate about islamophobia and claim that Sharia Law is not practiced in the U.S. (They also ignore how gays and rape victims are executes in other countries).

Well, the lie has been exposed. Female Genital Mutilation is practiced in the U.S., with 500,000 girls at risk. Instead of worrying about inane micro-aggressions and Fake Rape Culture, how about addressing this REAL ABUSE of young girls?

For the second time in a week, authorities have charged a Detroit-area doctor with breaking a federal genital mutilation law, this time arresting a suburban physician and his wife for allegedly helping another doctor perform genital cutting on 7-year-old girls in a Livonia clinic.

According to a criminal complaint unsealed Friday, while a doctor removed parts of the girls' genitals, the wife of the clinic owner held the girls' hands "in order to comfort them."

Dr. Fakhruddin Attar, 53, and his wife, Farida Attar, 50, both of Livonia, were arrested Friday morning at the Burhani Medical Clinic in Livonia, where the alleged cuttings took place.

They're charged with conspiring to perform genital mutilation on minor girls by letting a doctor use their clinic to perform the procedure. Prosecutors say two Minnesota girls had their genitals mutilated in February by Dr. Jumana Nagarwala, who was charged last week in what is the nation's first federal prosecution of genital cutting. She was arrested April 12 and ordered jailed pending the outcome of her case involving the two Minnesota girls, though the FBI believes she has several more victims....

2nd doctor charged in genital mutilation case
how many Muslim girls in the US been genitally mutilated, boedicca?

how many attempts?

What you have proven, boedicca, is that a rare crime in America is being arrested and prosecuted.

Number, lady, numbers, please.
I'm still trying to figure out the reason why any one would want a woman who had this operation

People who think of women as evil and chattel.

The girl's clitoris is removed and her labia are sewn up.
how many Muslim girls in the US been genitally mutilated, boedicca?

how many attempts?

What you have proven, boedicca, is that a rare crime in America is being arrested and prosecuted.

Number, lady, numbers, please.

I think the main issue should be, that Female Genital Mutilation is an evil practice and NO girl should be subjected to it. Anyone who commits this should be just be taken out and shot.

FGM is one of the most heinous crimes, on par with paeodophilia, it's that wicked.

For those who think there is some comparison between FGM and male circumcision, well there isn't, with the former everything is removed, with the latter the foreskin is removed, to have a comparison between the two would mean that not only the foreskin is removed but pretty much the entire penis is removed.

Also there is no actual medical reason for FGM, unlike male circumcision which can have a variety of reasons, including in teenage boys and adult males if the foreskin becomes too tight.

FGM is done for the sole twisted purpose of keeping women completely controlled sexually and socially and with bizarre ideas about purity and modesty.

With FGM, the mutilation is they remove ALL of the female lower body part and then leave a tiny hole through which to urinate. When the girls get older if they become pregnant and they go into labour, many of them die from haemorrhage because they can't get them proper medical assistance in time.
how many Muslim girls in the US been genitally mutilated, boedicca?

how many attempts?

What you have proven, boedicca, is that a rare crime in America is being arrested and prosecuted.

Number, lady, numbers, please.

How many such mutilations are acceptable to you?
The same number as are acceptable to you. You must be glad the authorities are busy ferreting out these monsters.

We have FLDS marrying off young girls here in America just as if they were living in Iran. What are you doing about that?
And once again, we see the Regressive Left equating modern day Islam with modern day Christianity - one of their core deflection strategies..
how many Muslim girls in the US been genitally mutilated, boedicca?

how many attempts?

What you have proven, boedicca, is that a rare crime in America is being arrested and prosecuted.

Number, lady, numbers, please.

How many such mutilations are acceptable to you?
The same number as are acceptable to you. You must be glad the authorities are busy ferreting out these monsters.

We have FLDS marrying off young girls here in America just as if they were living in Iran. What are you doing about that?

B'loney. Your multicultural equivalency is showing again.

But just keep defending the mutilation of little girls. It shows you for what you are.
how many Muslim girls in the US been genitally mutilated, boedicca?

how many attempts?

What you have proven, boedicca, is that a rare crime in America is being arrested and prosecuted.

Number, lady, numbers, please.

How many such mutilations are acceptable to you?
The same number as are acceptable to you. You must be glad the authorities are busy ferreting out these monsters.

We have FLDS marrying off young girls here in America just as if they were living in Iran. What are you doing about that?

B'loney. Your multicultural equivalency is showing again.

But just keep defending the mutilation of little girls. It shows you for what you are.
Equivalency nonsense on your part.

There are criminals religious in our culture we must catch, not only the Islamic mutilators but also the FLDS abusers of young girls.

If you condemn the one right but refuse to condemn the other wrongly, you are hypocrite.
how many Muslim girls in the US been genitally mutilated, boedicca?

how many attempts?

What you have proven, boedicca, is that a rare crime in America is being arrested and prosecuted.

Number, lady, numbers, please.

How many such mutilations are acceptable to you?
The same number as are acceptable to you. You must be glad the authorities are busy ferreting out these monsters.

We have FLDS marrying off young girls here in America just as if they were living in Iran. What are you doing about that?

What is FLDS?
how many Muslim girls in the US been genitally mutilated, boedicca?

how many attempts?

What you have proven, boedicca, is that a rare crime in America is being arrested and prosecuted.

Number, lady, numbers, please.

How many such mutilations are acceptable to you?
The same number as are acceptable to you. You must be glad the authorities are busy ferreting out these monsters.

We have FLDS marrying off young girls here in America just as if they were living in Iran. What are you doing about that?

What is FLDS?

I believe FAKEY is trying to make MORMONS the equivalent of genital mutilating Islamists.
The usual loons hyperventilate about islamophobia and claim that Sharia Law is not practiced in the U.S. (They also ignore how gays and rape victims are executes in other countries).

Well, the lie has been exposed. Female Genital Mutilation is practiced in the U.S., with 500,000 girls at risk. Instead of worrying about inane micro-aggressions and Fake Rape Culture, how about addressing this REAL ABUSE of young girls?
Female Genital Mutilation is not part of Sharia. It is not mentioned in the Koran, and while mentioned positively in the hadiths it is not required. It predates Islam in Africa, and Christian and animist groups in Africa are known to practice it.
how many Muslim girls in the US been genitally mutilated, boedicca?

how many attempts?

What you have proven, boedicca, is that a rare crime in America is being arrested and prosecuted.

Number, lady, numbers, please.

How many such mutilations are acceptable to you?
The same number as are acceptable to you. You must be glad the authorities are busy ferreting out these monsters.

We have FLDS marrying off young girls here in America just as if they were living in Iran. What are you doing about that?

What is FLDS?

I believe FAKEY is trying to make MORMONS the equivalent of genital mutilating Islamists.
That's how the Regressive Left rolls.

Take the heat off their pet constituent religion by comparing it to Christianity, regardless of how weak the logic is.

Imagine how much they have to ignore to try something like that.
How many male babies suffer gentile mutilation thanks to Judeo Christians ? Circumcision is acceptable child abuse .
how many Muslim girls in the US been genitally mutilated, boedicca?

how many attempts?

What you have proven, boedicca, is that a rare crime in America is being arrested and prosecuted.

Number, lady, numbers, please.

How many such mutilations are acceptable to you?
The same number as are acceptable to you. You must be glad the authorities are busy ferreting out these monsters.

We have FLDS marrying off young girls here in America just as if they were living in Iran. What are you doing about that?

What is FLDS?
Fundamentalist Latter Day Saints.
The usual loons hyperventilate about islamophobia and claim that Sharia Law is not practiced in the U.S. (They also ignore how gays and rape victims are executes in other countries).

Well, the lie has been exposed. Female Genital Mutilation is practiced in the U.S., with 500,000 girls at risk. Instead of worrying about inane micro-aggressions and Fake Rape Culture, how about addressing this REAL ABUSE of young girls?
Female Genital Mutilation is not part of Sharia. It is not mentioned in the Koran, and while mentioned positively in the hadiths it is not required. It predates Islam in Africa, and Christian and animist groups in Africa are known to practice it.

What a sad attempt at diversion and justification. SRSLY

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