Fluke: Slurs won't silence women

Nearly two-thirds of Americans favor President Barack Obama’s policy requiring birth control coverage for female employees, including clear majorities of Roman Catholic, Protestant evangelical and independent voters, a poll showed on Thursday.

A Kaiser Family Foundation survey of 1,500 adults showed public opinion breaking more strongly according to party affiliation than gender on contraceptives, with 83 percent of Democrats, 62 percent of independents and 42 percent of Republicans favoring the policy.

Sixty-three percent of Americans overall supported it, according to the data.

63 percent favor Obama birth control policy | Updated News

Maybe you should take into consideration polls that say the exact opposite instead of focusing on one questionable one.
OMG, what's wrong with that woman!?! She just wants free shit that other other people pay for. She should just got to Planned Parenthood and get free shit that other people pay for.

Never was about free shit. Thats the point. This whole thing was hopeless grasping for an issue by a desperate administration. The proof that this was a loser is the fact that Saundra Fuke is on her way to media mediocrity. This slut statement is among some of the most mundane of Limbaugh's stunts. A few years ago, there was the little song parody he did titled "Barak the magic negro", not a peep from the peanut gallery on that one because he was loved, admired, and could do no wrong. The administration would have loved for that one to come up again so they could play the race card like all cowards do when they lose. But all they got was this to try and distract the country from this administrations failure, and it just did not work. It was a fake issue. It still is a fake issue.

Actually, they tried to make the "Barack the magic negro" song parody a big deal. Problem is it was parodying an article from a leftist in the LA Times calling Barack the magic negro.

Kind of hard to have righteous outrage that is taken seriously when someone makes fun of your characterization of someone.

This is true, but he has said much worse, and nary a peep in better times. This was a desperate move to stir the base. It was a sad one to. Pretty weak for this administration.
Fluke has disappeared off the front page and lives in prominence in the minds of liberals. Rush is still on the air and still has plenty of sponsors.

From International Business Times:

Nearly 100 advertisers have withdrawn their commercials from Rush Limbaugh's radio program in the past two weeks.

Limbaugh, whose three-hour talk show reaches as many as 20 million listeners each weekday, said he is doing well and denied hostility toward women. On Wednesday, he complained on the air: "How can I be anti-woman? I even judged the Miss America pageant!"

And I'm sure he pays his household help minimum wage. How can anyone say he's anti-women?
Rush Limbaugh & Co are learning this lesson well. The GOP will pay dearly at the ballot-box come Nov. 2012 for their devious war on women.

Sandra Fluke: Slurs won't silence women - CNN.com

(CNN) -- Last month, students from several Catholic universities gathered to send a message to the nation that contraception is basic health care. I was among them, and I was proud to share the stories of my friends at Georgetown Law who have suffered dire medical consequences because our student insurance does not cover contraception for the purpose of preventing pregnancy.

I joined these students in speaking at a media event because I believe that stories of how real women are affected are the most powerful argument for access to affordable, quality reproductive health care services.

I also joined these students because now is a critical time to raise this issue in our public consciousness.


Read the rest of article at the source.

HELLOOO! Time for a reality check! Are you for REAL? Since Republicans didn't do anything to start any change in who pays for birth control pills, how is Democrats suddenly trying to force those who don't want them to pay for them amount to Republicans waging some imaginary "war on women" in your delusional little world, huh? Republicans didn't DO anything and didn't wage any war. This was nothing but phony ass Democrats trying to force those who don't want birth control pills to foot the bill for them so those who do want them didn't have to. THEIR money is too special and how MY money gets spent is actually THEIR "right" because women are just so...........special and all, right? ROFL That way those "special" widdle helpless women get to keep both the birth control pills AND their money -and those being robbed get NEITHER! See how that works out for the nonstop thieving leftists who think the fruits of my labor actually belongs to THEM?

NOW Democrats act like wimps pretending they are SO deeply offended if a woman is called a "slut"? Oops -except they aren't, are they! Not at all! Only if a LEFTWING EXTREMIST woman is called a slut. THAT'S totally different! Because we all know the left actually thinks it is HILARIOUS when a well known leftwing extremist hosting a leftwing politically slanted show and pretends it is "humor" when he vents his hatred and venom and calls a conservative female VP candidate is called a "c-nt", right? And it is HILARIOUS when the host of a late night tv talk show talks about an entire basketball team gang raping the minor daughter of that same VP candidate, right? And side splitting funny when that same VP candidate woman is called a slut, twat, slutty over and over and over and over to this DAY -and another comedian talks about how he wants to fuck her before beating the shit out of her. Now THAT is what passes for HUMOR among these leftwing extremists now pretending to be so......daintily OUTRAGED when one of their own is called a "slut" for expecting others to pay so she can have sex? What would YOU call a woman who expects others to pay for her to have sex? I'm not so dainty as to be unable to call a spade a spade honey. I'd say the term "slut" was far more appropriately used for the leftwing extremist than it ever was for Palin frankily. It would be a double standard to insist it is only wrong to refer to leftwing extremist females as "slut" -except you have to have standards first and the left has none at all. The tactic of using the power of government to FORCE others to do what you want is typical leftwing extremism -as is the tactic of pretending anyone who objects to it is being the real "bully" on the issue. Only those who bend over and take it up the shorts without squealing too loudly aren't bullies in your world, right? The left always expects their chosen victims to shut the fuck up and just take it and will denounce any who refuse to be forced against their will as "bullies" and then pretend those doing the forcing are the "real" victims. Excuse me while I vomit. In their world it is NEVER those who are actually forcing others against their will to do exactly what THEY order them to do who are the bullies. How very fascist of you.

On THIS manufactured issue women do NOT support the leftwing extremist liar Fluke. They also do NOT view her as THEIR spokesperson and none of them asked her to insert herself into this and most women know she is is now LYING about what she even said. NOW she claims she was speaking on behalf of "poor women" who would be denied "access" -and it is a LIE. Lying is second nature for leftists -just ask the Secretary of Energy about that. She wasn't discussing "poor women" because poor women were getting them for FREE anyway and still are at any Planned Parenthood or neighborhood free clinic. Who pays for them -those who want them or those who don't, has NOTHING to do with being denied ACCESS to them which remains the same as it was last month when no one was claiming women were being denied access to birth control pills. Her testimony was about how the privileged like HER who are attending an expensive law school are being "unfairly" burdened with paying for their own birth control pills and why she thinks it would be more "fair" if those who didn't want birth control pills were paying for them instead because we all know how important it is for privileged law students like HER to be able to have carefree sex on the dime of someone else and that way those who want birth control pills get to keep the pills AND their money and those who didn't want them get to have neither the pills nor their money -and testified to this as someone even a Democrat aide admitted was one of the LEAST qualified people to ever testify before a Congressional committee. Think women don't know that women weren't being denied access to birth control pills a month ago -so pretending unless others are forced to buy them against their will equals "being denied access" to them is PURE BULLSHIT. This woman is a FUCKING LIAR who now wants to pretend she is a "victim" in this when SHE is the one intent on forcing others to buy HER pills against their will? She is actually claiming HER PERSONAL DESIRE for birth control pills trumps the right of others not to be forced to buy goods and services that violate their moral and religious beliefs! Her desire to have more carefree sex is a "greater" right than the 1st amendment guaranteeing the right of people to actually LIVE in accordance with their religious beliefs. And not a peep to any "right" to the goods and services produced by others -including contraceptives. Hmm. What a good little extremist to insist our "real" rights are just the goods and services produced by others that we COVET!

This entire MANUFACTURED PHONY ISSUE only goes to show what total cows the left believes women to be. Too bad they failed to MOO, isn't it? Obama's approval ratings among women took a nosedive -because women really aren't as dumb as the left thinks they are. The left owns their useful idiots -but not everyone is willing to play one, are they? Gee I guess it means women just aren't stupid enough after all since they were able to spot this as the phony, manufactured issue intended to distract people from the REAL ISSUES. I know the left is shocked to find out the majority of women are NOT raging leftwing extremists intent on existing as parasites demanding others pay for whatever goods and services they may covet in life!

Obama's approval ratings took a nosedive among women because of this phony ass totally manufactured issue -not in spite of it. And did so for two reasons -women know it was a totally manufactured issue, they know Stephanopolous's role to start fanning a little flame was part of it (reaffirming their other belief about the liberal media as well) and they resent being treated like the complete morons Democrats really do believe they are, existing to be lead around by their nose and told by their leftwing handlers to "moo" on cue. Most disappointing to find out women do NOT believe they are OWED birth control pills by everyone else. So it is actually totally backfiring on Obama himself -as he so richly deserves.
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On THIS manufactured issue women do NOT support the leftwing extremist liar Fluke. They also do NOT view her as THEIR spokesperson and none of them asked her to insert herself into this and most women know she is is now LYING about what she even said. NOW she claims she was speaking on behalf of "poor women" who would be denied "access" -and it is a LIE. Lying is second nature for leftists -just ask the Secretary of Energy about that.

I'm only quoting part of your post, but please, keep believing all of it. Please. The truth will be apparent soon enough.
On THIS manufactured issue women do NOT support the leftwing extremist liar Fluke. They also do NOT view her as THEIR spokesperson and none of them asked her to insert herself into this and most women know she is is now LYING about what she even said. NOW she claims she was speaking on behalf of "poor women" who would be denied "access" -and it is a LIE. Lying is second nature for leftists -just ask the Secretary of Energy about that.

I'm only quoting part of your post, but please, keep believing all of it. Please. The truth will be apparent soon enough.

No, you keep telling yourself the election is going to hinge on the MASSIVELY IMPORTANT issue of who pays for birth control pills (those who want them or those who don't) instead of the critically important and very real national issues. So the left once again covets the goods and services created and produced by others and believes the proper role of government is to use its powers to force others against their will to pay for them so they don't have to -what else is new? Why wasn't this a national issue at mid-terms? Three years ago? Ten years ago? WHAT CHANGED that morons like you think this a major issue that eclipses the real issues? Hmm? Think everyone else too dumb to figure that out -or just you?

I have yet to hear any liberal explain how this is SUDDENLY such a national issue that it trumps all the very real issues - much less find the constitutional justification where federal government and the Executive branch have the authority to order religious institutions and employers with religious beliefs to violate their religious tenets or face punishment. Where in the 1st amendment does it say "the people have the right to believe as they choose -but oh man, not actually LIVE by those beliefs"? Because I see "government shall make NO LAW that interferes with the free exercise". "No law" is pretty explicit and has no caveats like "unless government wants to force them to foot the bill for abortifacients and contraceptives, the "right" to carefree fucking obviously superseding all religious rights for anyone".

In reality it proves ONCE AGAIN the FACT the left is anti-freedom and in reality believes we are government owned property who have no choice and right except to live and do exactly as the ruling elite order us to do and not as we wish to live. Or else. Liberalism and freedom inevitably prove over and over they are not compaitible -because in order for the left to enact its real agenda REQUIRES citizens be systematically stripped of their rights and the Bill of Rights ignored and treated like a bad joke. It is never done by targeting the majority first but by targeting some minority viewed as being unsympathetic where they don't expect others to defend their rights. Then when it is time to strip the rest, they already gave that power to government to do against others anyway so no way to prevent or stop it when it finally comes after THEIR rights. Getting their foot in the door is done by dangling cheap baubles and insisting it won't hurt if we deprive this group over here of their rights -and if you agree, you get this bauble and for a real laugh, we'll even make those whose rights we are destroying pay for it! Enjoy the show! This isn't MY interpretation -it is the specific plan as laid out by left wing extremists themselves -and they count on their useful idiots like you totally willing to see OTHERS stripped of their rights for whatever cheap bauble they dangle in front of you. In your case you would gladly cheer watching others being stripped of their rights -because you have no use for those rights yourself-so why should others be allowed to value or have a use for them -for $9 fucking bucks a month.

What is it you don't get? The fact you really don't have a right to the goods and services produced by others just because YOU choose to value and over value them? Your REAL rights are NEVER the goods and services produced by others -or that would make those who create and produce them government owned slaves. Your rights aren't GIVEN to you, especially not given to you by government of all things! Your real rights protect you FROM government -because it is the nature of the beast to constantly seek to expand its size and power -which can only happen by stripping it from you. You want a life as government owned property? You should be required to exist as one for a minimum of ten years elsewhere first. I recommend Cuba. Or do you just not get that you have no right to the fruits of the labor of others or a right to use the force and power of government to force everyone else to pay for it against their will -because you don't want to and want to pretend calling it a "right" will hide the fact it is actually theft? Using government to do it only increases the severity of the crime-it never changes the fact it is still theft.
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If Fluke were really silenced it might mean something, but Fluke has been on every show that she could get on talking about how she's silenced.

She was silenced on the radio, silenced on The View, silenced on Rosie O'Donnell, silenced on Oprah, I'm not sure about Ellen Degeneres, she might have been silenced there too.

Sandra Fluke was silenced once the public got bored with her yammering on about being silenced.
If Fluke were really silenced it might mean something, but Fluke has been on every show that she could get on talking about how she's silenced.

She was silenced on the radio, silenced on The View, silenced on Rosie O'Donnell, silenced on Oprah, I'm not sure about Ellen Degeneres, she might have been silenced there too.

Sandra Fluke was silenced once the public got bored with her yammering on about being silenced.

LOL... You may thank Rush Limbaugh for the worldwide spread attention that Fluke deservedly recieved. Rush's attempt to humiliate and silence Fluke backfired majorly! Thank you America! :clap2:
If Fluke were really silenced it might mean something, but Fluke has been on every show that she could get on talking about how she's silenced.

She was silenced on the radio, silenced on The View, silenced on Rosie O'Donnell, silenced on Oprah, I'm not sure about Ellen Degeneres, she might have been silenced there too.

Sandra Fluke was silenced once the public got bored with her yammering on about being silenced.

LOL... You may thank Rush Limbaugh for the worldwide spread attention that Fluke deservedly recieved. Rush's attempt to humiliate and silence Fluke backfired majorly! Thank you America! :clap2:

Haven't you figured it out yet? This is so last weeks news, the dems are now on the Traynor Martin news.
If Fluke were really silenced it might mean something, but Fluke has been on every show that she could get on talking about how she's silenced.

She was silenced on the radio, silenced on The View, silenced on Rosie O'Donnell, silenced on Oprah, I'm not sure about Ellen Degeneres, she might have been silenced there too.

Sandra Fluke was silenced once the public got bored with her yammering on about being silenced.

LOL... You may thank Rush Limbaugh for the worldwide spread attention that Fluke deservedly recieved. Rush's attempt to humiliate and silence Fluke backfired majorly! Thank you America! :clap2:

Haven't you figured it out yet? This is so last weeks news, the dems are now on the Traynor Martin news.

The Butt Hurt runs deep it does.
If Fluke were really silenced it might mean something, but Fluke has been on every show that she could get on talking about how she's silenced.

She was silenced on the radio, silenced on The View, silenced on Rosie O'Donnell, silenced on Oprah, I'm not sure about Ellen Degeneres, she might have been silenced there too.

Sandra Fluke was silenced once the public got bored with her yammering on about being silenced.

LOL... You may thank Rush Limbaugh for the worldwide spread attention that Fluke deservedly recieved. Rush's attempt to humiliate and silence Fluke backfired majorly! Thank you America! :clap2:

Haven't you figured it out yet? This is so last weeks news, the dems are now on the Traynor Martin news.

No room in the 'big tent' for women (Fluke), blacks (Traynor Martin) and now the latest... Iraqi-Americans (Shaima Alawadi). Try to keep up, will you?
Rush Limbaugh & Co are learning this lesson well. The GOP will pay dearly at the ballot-box come Nov. 2012 for their devious war on women.

Sandra Fluke: Slurs won't silence women - CNN.com

(CNN) -- Last month, students from several Catholic universities gathered to send a message to the nation that contraception is basic health care. I was among them, and I was proud to share the stories of my friends at Georgetown Law who have suffered dire medical consequences because our student insurance does not cover contraception for the purpose of preventing pregnancy.

I joined these students in speaking at a media event because I believe that stories of how real women are affected are the most powerful argument for access to affordable, quality reproductive health care services.

I also joined these students because now is a critical time to raise this issue in our public consciousness.


Read the rest of article at the source.

Fluke does not represent all women. And no matter what people say, it won't dissuade the takers from demanding every freebie they can get from the tax payers. Fluke is a disgrace to women. She is saying women are helpless and need big government to come to their rescue.
Fluke has disappeared off the front page and lives in prominence in the minds of liberals. Rush is still on the air and still has plenty of sponsors.

The administration is continuing its war on Americans by handing the trial lawyer lobby a fat new cause of action that they can mine for millions.

How odd...Hannity was on and on about her this last Friday nite.
LOL... You may thank Rush Limbaugh for the worldwide spread attention that Fluke deservedly recieved. Rush's attempt to humiliate and silence Fluke backfired majorly! Thank you America! :clap2:

Haven't you figured it out yet? This is so last weeks news, the dems are now on the Traynor Martin news.

No room in the 'big tent' for women (Fluke), blacks (Traynor Martin) and now the latest... Iraqi-Americans (Shaima Alawadi). Try to keep up, will you?

Trippin' on drugs again? :D
Rush Limbaugh & Co are learning this lesson well. The GOP will pay dearly at the ballot-box come Nov. 2012 for their devious war on women.

Sandra Fluke: Slurs won't silence women - CNN.com

(CNN) -- Last month, students from several Catholic universities gathered to send a message to the nation that contraception is basic health care. I was among them, and I was proud to share the stories of my friends at Georgetown Law who have suffered dire medical consequences because our student insurance does not cover contraception for the purpose of preventing pregnancy.

I joined these students in speaking at a media event because I believe that stories of how real women are affected are the most powerful argument for access to affordable, quality reproductive health care services.

I also joined these students because now is a critical time to raise this issue in our public consciousness.


Read the rest of article at the source.

Fluke does not represent all women. And no matter what people say, it won't dissuade the takers from demanding every freebie they can get from the tax payers. Fluke is a disgrace to women. She is saying women are helpless and need big government to come to their rescue.

That, of course is merely your opinion. When have you ever stood up for a cause you believe in?
Haven't you figured it out yet? This is so last weeks news, the dems are now on the Traynor Martin news.

No room in the 'big tent' for women (Fluke), blacks (Traynor Martin) and now the latest... Iraqi-Americans (Shaima Alawadi). Try to keep up, will you?

Trippin' on drugs again? :D

I think he is just pissed he found out Kid Rock lives further out of the hood then Eminem. :lol:
Rush Limbaugh & Co are learning this lesson well. The GOP will pay dearly at the ballot-box come Nov. 2012 for their devious war on women.

Sandra Fluke: Slurs won't silence women - CNN.com

(CNN) -- Last month, students from several Catholic universities gathered to send a message to the nation that contraception is basic health care. I was among them, and I was proud to share the stories of my friends at Georgetown Law who have suffered dire medical consequences because our student insurance does not cover contraception for the purpose of preventing pregnancy.

I joined these students in speaking at a media event because I believe that stories of how real women are affected are the most powerful argument for access to affordable, quality reproductive health care services.

I also joined these students because now is a critical time to raise this issue in our public consciousness.


Read the rest of article at the source.

Women can yell and scream all they want. That’s why we have a 1st Amendment. However, if they think they can use their freedom of speech to overturn long held freedom of a very well established and recognized religious practice, then they’ve got another thing coming. That’s also why we have a 1st Amendment. By using your freedom to associate with a religious employer or institution of which you are subject to by virtue of an object that they provide, you are by consent guaranteeing that you adhere to their freedom of conscious. Why? Because you are not limited to choosing that one religious institution. You cannot demand that an institution violate its unalienable freedom of religion and conscious just because you CHOOSE to work for them or go to school under them. Their organization, their religion, their conscious, your choice, and their rules. End of story. You do not have an unalienable right to healthcare, birth control, abortion, or any other goodies that you want all of us to pay for your benefit. Pointing out the hilarious nature of Flukes fallacious thinking (no pun intended) is not an assault against women. Asserting that her freedom of speech is heroism and equivocating someone else’s as assault is moronic, stupid, ignorant, contradictory and a form of hypocrisy.
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