Florida Judge voids FLORIDA GOP created congressional map

For the record the most notorious gerrymandered district in history was created by the NC democrat majority in the early 1990's. In some areas NC district 12 is no wider than the interstate. Also for the record Fla circut court judge Terry Lewis was appointed by democrat gov Chiles.
For the record the most notorious gerrymandered district in history was created by the NC democrat majority in the early 1990's. In some areas NC district 12 is no wider than the interstate. Also for the record Fla circut court judge Terry Lewis was appointed by democrat gov Chiles.

On this point, you are probably quite correct.

But this thread is not about NC-12 from the 1990's, now is it.

This thread is about a current happening RIGHT NOW.

Is this the best the Right has to offer? To deflect? To relativize?

In the OP, I wrote very clearly at the end that the Democratic Party is often every bit as guilty of Gerrymandering as the GOP, so quit the fucking bellyaching and actually take time to read and OP for once.

In other words, righties: grow up and learn to debate like adults.
Protecting the GOP; E-mails destroyed; Unfair advantage in favor of Republicans; Secrecy....

So, given the shenanigans going on in this redistricting case with gerrymandering in favor of Republicans as the judge ruled, there can be no doubt that we are seeing yet another example of what happens in Fla. as we saw during the presidential elections between Gore and Bush where even though Gore was to be awarded the presidency, it went to Bush instead. And the final say was with the U.S. Republican-led Supreme Court. So, it's Deja Vu all over again with Republicans caught with their hand in the cookie jar yet again!

Their Republican Congressional Map plan therefore was
i doubt statist would have created this thread if it was about democrats. he admits both parties are guilty of this, but of course, he only cares when it is about republicans.

For the record the most notorious gerrymandered district in history was created by the NC democrat majority in the early 1990's. In some areas NC district 12 is no wider than the interstate. Also for the record Fla circut court judge Terry Lewis was appointed by democrat gov Chiles.

Who cares which party is doing it??? The bottom line is it's wrong and shouldn't be done!
For the record the most notorious gerrymandered district in history was created by the NC democrat majority in the early 1990's. In some areas NC district 12 is no wider than the interstate. Also for the record Fla circut court judge Terry Lewis was appointed by democrat gov Chiles.

Who cares which party is doing it??? The bottom line is it's wrong and shouldn't be done!

statist cares very much which party is doing it. hence his thread title and laser focus on only the GOP.
No, that is not true, and Yurt is just trolling, as usual.

As a matter of fact, I went out of my way to include information in the OP about Corinne Brown, a DEMOCRAT, who is also in on this.

It's a story that could have far-reaching implications in the house races in 2016.
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statiststalker, your OP and the title are clear where your focus is: on the GOP

you may think people are stupid, but they are smarter than you
I'd void it too...district 5 is a joke.

Now, who is going to void Maryland's far more hilarious DNC gerrymandering?


I don't consider it worse then Florida's since it really just covers up 1 GOP seat with 1 Dem seat.

But anyway...go ahead and scrap Maryland's gerrymander too! Get rid of all of them, it doesn't matter which party does it, the fact is that it happens.
What those on the partisan right fail to understand that the issue is not gerrymandering per se, but the fact that gerrymandering in Florida violates the state's constitution.

Yet in NC we have 2 districts that violate the State Constitution made by FEDERAL Judges. I notice no complaint by you because they are democrat districts.

North Carolina has a solid base of Democratic voters....split the districts up anyway you like...the Democrats are still going to win "some" seats.

Given how compact the blue districts are already...I would consider the status quo in NC the best the GOP is going to get.
I'd void it too...district 5 is a joke.

Now, who is going to void Maryland's far more hilarious DNC gerrymandering?


I agree with you - it is absolutely ridiculous and needs to go.
The only difference is, unfortunately, the Maryland law was not broken when that district was so grotesquely formed - another reason to rethink federalism vis-a-vis electioneeering.

See the last part of my OP, please.
What those on the partisan right fail to understand that the issue is not gerrymandering per se, but the fact that gerrymandering in Florida violates the state's constitution.

Yet in NC we have 2 districts that violate the State Constitution made by FEDERAL Judges. I notice no complaint by you because they are democrat districts.

Please name the two districts (by number) and the specific violations. I will research it.
What those on the partisan right fail to understand that the issue is not gerrymandering per se, but the fact that gerrymandering in Florida violates the state's constitution.

Yet in NC we have 2 districts that violate the State Constitution made by FEDERAL Judges. I notice no complaint by you because they are democrat districts.

Please name the two districts (by number) and the specific violations. I will research it.

I believe it is 12 and 10 Or might be 12 and 1. Both were designed to get blacks elected and both were mandated by the feds. Further one of the bed wetters listed them as republican gerrymandering because they were to stupid to research the districts.

12 is the worst it stretches along an interstate for like 80 miles. he other is a big blob.
Yet in NC we have 2 districts that violate the State Constitution made by FEDERAL Judges. I notice no complaint by you because they are democrat districts.

Please name the two districts (by number) and the specific violations. I will research it.

I believe it is 12 and 10 Or might be 12 and 1. Both were designed to get blacks elected and both were mandated by the feds. Further one of the bed wetters listed them as republican gerrymandering because they were to stupid to research the districts.

What, you don't even know the district numbers for sure, and you expect me to take you seriously? Really?

Let's start over again.

Please name the two districts (by number) and the specific violations. I will research it.
Please name the two districts (by number) and the specific violations. I will research it.

I believe it is 12 and 10 Or might be 12 and 1. Both were designed to get blacks elected and both were mandated by the feds. Further one of the bed wetters listed them as republican gerrymandering because they were to stupid to research the districts.

What, you don't even know the district numbers for sure, and you expect me to take you seriously? Really?

Let's start over again.

Please name the two districts (by number) and the specific violations. I will research it.

MORON. they are 12 and 1 I just looked.
I believe it is 12 and 10 Or might be 12 and 1. Both were designed to get blacks elected and both were mandated by the feds. Further one of the bed wetters listed them as republican gerrymandering because they were to stupid to research the districts.

What, you don't even know the district numbers for sure, and you expect me to take you seriously? Really?

Let's start over again.

Please name the two districts (by number) and the specific violations. I will research it.

MORON. they are 12 and 1 I just looked.

And the specific violations? Why have they not made it into the news?
What, you don't even know the district numbers for sure, and you expect me to take you seriously? Really?

Let's start over again.

Please name the two districts (by number) and the specific violations. I will research it.

MORON. they are 12 and 1 I just looked.

And the specific violations? Why have they not made it into the news?


Because you haven't deemed it worthy yet.


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