What does it really mean if the GOP takes the Senate?


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2011
Chicago, Chicago, that Toddling Town
This is the thing that warms the hearts of Conservatives, that they have a good shot at taking the Senate this year if they can just keep their candidates from putting adjectives in front of the word "Rape".

Currently, RCP has the GOP picking up six seats, three of which they are only picking up because of retirements. but then you look at the populations of those states, and you wonder...

Montana - 1,015,165
South Dakota -844,877
Alaska - 735,132
West Virginia- 1,854,304
Arkansas 2,959,373
Louisiana - 4,625,470

So the Senate will be decided in six states, containing less than 12 million people, and the Conservatives will call this a "victory".
Reid has tossed the dems under his stupid bus. If the dems had somone rational running the show ,they could have kept control.
If the Republucans take the Senate, they will immediately end the filibuster
Reid has tossed the dems under his stupid bus. If the dems had somone rational running the show ,they could have kept control.

again, I don't see how.

Three of these are vacancies. Nothing Reid could do about that.

The other three are Begich, who only won because the week before the election, Bush's Justice Department won a bogus conviction against Ted Stevens. Pryor, and Landrieu.

Pryor and Landrieu have hardly been loyal soldiers. Their problem is just as much the unwillingness of rank and file democrats to go out and work for them again.

But to put it in perspective,t here are more voters in IL than there are in all six of these "Swing States" combined. And Dick Durbin is going to cruise to an easy re-election.

If we made Puerto Rico a state, it would have 8 congressmen and two Senators, all Democrats. It has more people in it than five of these six states that are likely to flip.
Democrats are defending the seats they won in the 2008 landslide. They will have to give some of them back and the Senate will go back to about 50-50

This is the last chance for Republicans to take the Senate taking advantage of a non presidential cycle

In 2016, Republicans have to defend the seats they won in 2010 and deal with a presidential election

Any Republican gain will be short lived
What does it really mean if the GOP takes the Senate?

That idiot, Harry Reid, will finally be told to sit down and shut up.
Not to mention that North Carolina, Alaska, Louisiana, and Arkansas will probably be decided with a few thousand votes each...it's not like it's going to be some blow out win or anything.
What does it really mean if the GOP takes the Senate?


Their majority will be too small to accomplish anything, and democrats will obstruct as did republicans.

Whatever republican nonsense might get through will be vetoed by the president.

And it would actually work to the benefit of democrats come 2016.
I love seeing Americas' Domestic Enemies get nervous. It means we're headed in the right direction.
Conservatives need to stop being crooks and help congress serve our community by means of police. And social security people mean more than this country , people who are on it that what keeps this people moving.
I mean business I am jehovah god I stand with josh at my right side sometime and in welcomed people also I want them out of my prescience and in with the new I do t have vote we get eye service.
I hand
E certain type of business in this country, city of Chicago I graduated diplomat basic instruction about how to get along with people and form alliance in this country heart soul and spirit. I got kicked out of high school , for a good reason to better people relations with the people they vote to watch over 50 communities. Everybody has a chance to be at least , a relative to somebody people cursed me about it I'm real successful, I don't need socially anything or anybody but there is insecurities I'm on social security disability they need to a 20th century foundation for receiving life and speaking on eternity. I was 19th century also, I expect 1991 foundation and respect to 1 century ce that a lot of they family here.
Not much, but the statistical probability that the GOP takes the Senate is exceedingly high. It is also squarely in line with electoral history:


But unless Mitch McConnell (assuming he is re-elected, and right now, that is a big assumption) does away with the Filibuster, a slight R majority in the Senate doesn't mean much.

It absolutely means nothing in terms of a possible impeachment process, since you need 67 AYE votes out of 100 in the Senate to impeach.

It sure looks like deadlocked government to me, either way.
Democrats are defending the seats they won in the 2008 landslide. They will have to give some of them back and the Senate will go back to about 50-50

This is the last chance for Republicans to take the Senate taking advantage of a non presidential cycle

In 2016, Republicans have to defend the seats they won in 2010 and deal with a presidential election

Any Republican gain will be short lived
the thing about this is that the GOP isn't gaining traction with voters so far in this cycle, and are blowing their chance to get control of the Senate.

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