FL GOPer: Conservative by day, BDSM vampire-rape role-player by night

File under: you just can't make this shit up.

Meet Jacob Rush, 35 years old, lawyer, and candidate for the GOP primaries for Florida-03:


"Conservative Straight Shooter"

Did he ever go by the name Carlos Danger and tweet pics of his manhood to young girls? No? Then what business is it of yours, you Jew-faker?
I thought Democrats were the party of accepting people? I thought they didnt judge people? I guess not. That must be the GOP. Democrats are open to other points of view. Until they discover there ARE other points of view.
Any of that illegal?


Regards from Rosie

Having sex with your employees in the Government is illegal, using State troops to procure your sex partner is illegal. Threatening the career of your employee to have sex with you in the Government is also illegal. Clinton did all of that. And turds like you defend him.

meanwhile this guy breaks no laws and you want to crucify him. Go figure.
Any of that illegal?


Regards from Rosie

Having sex with your employees in the Government is illegal, using State troops to procure your sex partner is illegal. Threatening the career of your employee to have sex with you in the Government is also illegal. Clinton did all of that. And turds like you defend him.

meanwhile this guy breaks no laws and you want to crucify him. Go figure.
No end to the depravity of the left.
Any of that illegal?
Nope...twisted? Yes...But none of my business...The lefty posters on these boards are in such desperation (KNOWING ObamaCare is sinking them), are digging for what they think is GOLD and will keep Democrats in power.

Average Joe on the street wouldn't care a WIT of this guy in the story....OP gets a C- for the try...
Oh, for Pete's sakes folks, Big Mouth Gingrich cheated on his first wife Battley with the woman that would become his second wife. While his first wife was in the hospital recovering from a cancer surgery, Gingrich showed up to talk about divorce. He refused to pay alimony or child support. Then he marries wife number two Ginther. While he is running his mouth jumping up and down screaming about Clinton..........he's out cheating on his wife with a woman that will become wife #3. Yep.

David Vitter cheats on wife with prostitute.

Larry Craig. Virulent antigay loud mouth. Caught in bathroom soliciting men.

The list goes on.

It's a tit for tat game.
Brings back fond memories of the Repub who dressed up as a nazi on his off hours.

But, I agree with WinterBorn - what consenting adults do in the privacy of their own home is no one's business.

I co however, consider the nazi wannabe unfit for public office.

In the US, that is.
Any of that illegal?


Regards from Rosie

Having sex with your employees in the Government is illegal, using State troops to procure your sex partner is illegal. Threatening the career of your employee to have sex with you in the Government is also illegal. Clinton did all of that. And turds like you defend him.

meanwhile this guy breaks no laws and you want to crucify him. Go figure.

Oh well! Ken Starr, impeachment hearings, millions of wasted dollars and you idiots could not get the job done.

It is often a surprise to find a Republican who is not impotent. So many of you are.

Regards from Rosie
Oh, for Pete's sakes folks, Big Mouth Gingrich cheated on his first wife Battley with the woman that would become his second wife. While his first wife was in the hospital recovering from a cancer surgery, Gingrich showed up to talk about divorce. He refused to pay alimony or child support. Then he marries wife number two Ginther. While he is running his mouth jumping up and down screaming about Clinton..........he's out cheating on his wife with a woman that will become wife #3. Yep.

David Vitter cheats on wife with prostitute.

Larry Craig. Virulent antigay loud mouth. Caught in bathroom soliciting men.

The list goes on.

It's a tit for tat game.

Don't forget that Santorum played go-between for the hush-money. Vitter, Santorum, Coburn broke laws which, IMO, puts them in a different and much lower class.
Brings back fond memories of the Repub who dressed up as a nazi on his off hours.

But, I agree with WinterBorn - what consenting adults do in the privacy of their own home is no one's business.

I co however, consider the nazi wannabe unfit for public office.

In the US, that is.

Are you sure you aren't mixed up with Prince Harry who wore a Nazi officer's uniform to a Halloween party? Or the republican who belonged to a Civil War Reenactment group and was a Confederate?
Well, that's kind of out there, but it's not illegal and what consenting adults do in the privacy of their own homes doesn't bother me much.

LOL, I was just going to ask, "what's wrong, conservative republicans aren't allowed to get their freak on?". I do think that he's into some crazy shit, but as long as it's legal, to each their own. :)

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