First-grader has TOY gun at school. Liberals demand expulsion for a year!!


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
According to the article liberals got a rule passed that he HAS to be expelled for a year!!

First Grader Turns Himself In for Having Toy Gun, Faces Expulsion

6 Jun 2014,
NEW KENSINGTON, Pa., June 6 (UPI) --
A first-grader in Pennsylvania is facing expulsion after turning himself in for accidentally bringing a toy gun to school.

According to 7-year-old Darin Simak's parents, Darin left his backpack at a friend's house and had to be sent to school with a backup. When he discovered the toy in the bag, knowing it was illegal, Darin turned the contraband into his teacher.

Darin's teacher followed protocol and brought the first grader to the principal, where he was immediately suspended pending an expulsion hearing. According to the school charter, the punishment for bringing a toy weapon to school is expulsion for "a period of not less than one (1) year."

When Darin was brought to school the following day he was promptly placed in on-campus suspension, prompting his father to pick him up for the day.

"I'm just going to send him to [an amusement park] so he can have a nice day and so he doesn't feel like he's punished.
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Americans do far more killing with cars than guns but ya think there'd be any consequences if the kid had a toy car.? Liberals are such hypocrites.
According to the article liberals got a rule passed that he HAS to be expelled for a year!!

First Grader Turns Himself In for Having Toy Gun, Faces Expulsion

6 Jun 2014,
NEW KENSINGTON, Pa., June 6 (UPI) --
A first-grader in Pennsylvania is facing expulsion after turning himself in for accidentally bringing a toy gun to school.

According to 7-year-old Darin Simak's parents, Darin left his backpack at a friend's house and had to be sent to school with a backup. When he discovered the toy in the bag, knowing it was illegal, Darin turned the contraband into his teacher.

Darin's teacher followed protocol and brought the first grader to the principal, where he was immediately suspended pending an expulsion hearing. According to the school charter, the punishment for bringing a toy weapon to school is expulsion for "a period of not less than one (1) year."

When Darin was brought to school the following day he was promptly placed in on-campus suspension, prompting his father to pick him up for the day.

"I'm just going to send him to [an amusement park] so he can have a nice day and so he doesn't feel like he's punished.

A day suspension....does that equal a year?
It was good of the dad to make sure the kid had a fun day. The best thing to happen is for the kid to get expelled and into a decent and sane school.
This sort of crap is nothing new.

When my son was 8 years old, he brought a brightly colored squirt gun to school in his backpack.

One of his classmates saw the squirt gun, and told the teacher.

The teacher took my son to the principal's office (a fat old female who was nearing retirement), the principal called the local police, the police came to the school, led my 8 year old son out of the school IN HANDCUFFS, and took him to the cop shop, where the cops called me to come get him. Charges were never filed, but needless to say, my head almost exploded with anger.

This all happened in the state of Michigan in 2000.............14 years ago.
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This sort of crap is nothing new.

When my son was 8 years old, he brought a brightly colored squirt gun to school in his backpack.

One of his classmates saw the squirt gun, and told the teacher.

The teacher took my son to the principal's office (a fat old female who was nearing retirement), the principal called the local police, the police came to the school, HANDCUFFED my 8 year old son, and took him to the cop shop, where the cops called me to come get him. Charges were never filed, but needless to say, my head almost exploded with anger.

This all happened in the state of Michigan in 2000.............14 years ago.

That's nothing. My 4 year old was maced and held without bail for 72 hours in gen pop for sneezing during an anti-gun commercial :evil:
This sort of crap is nothing new.

When my son was 8 years old, he brought a brightly colored squirt gun to school in his backpack.

One of his classmates saw the squirt gun, and told the teacher.

The teacher took my son to the principal's office (a fat old female who was nearing retirement), the principal called the local police, the police came to the school, HANDCUFFED my 8 year old son, and took him to the cop shop, where the cops called me to come get him. Charges were never filed, but needless to say, my head almost exploded with anger.

This all happened in the state of Michigan in 2000.............14 years ago.

That's nothing. My 4 year old was maced and held without bail for 72 hours in gen pop for sneezing during an anti-gun commercial :evil:

Liberals made my 8 year old daughter do the duckwalk around the football field 3 times for pointing out that gun is an anagram of gnu (the african animal).
I had to do duckwalk in my school for exercise, no violation needed...Then again in the violation needed...if I was ever to get suspended I would have gotten my ass beaten for a weak, no matter the reason...
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More subversive insanity,,,,,

How Eric Holder’s Disparate Impact Crusade Leads To Quotas

Daily Caller ^

In a May 17 speech commemorating Brown v. Board of Education, Attorney General Holder claimed that “in too many of our school districts,” “segregation has reoccurred.” That includes, he erroneously said, “zero-tolerance school discipline practices that, while well-intentioned and aimed at promoting school safety, affect black males at a rate three times higher than their white peers.” But higher black suspension rates reflect higher rates of misbehavior among blacks, not zero-tolerance policies. Indeed, zero-tolerance policies suspend a slightly larger number of white students relative to black students than milder forms of discipline. Ironically, as Walter Olson notes, “zero-tolerance policies were...
I saw an 8-year-old kick my dog. I yelled at him and he ran away. If I see him again, I'll give him a good boot in his (synonym for donkey).

I have no proof whatsoever, but I'm sure he's a LIBRUL!!!
According to the article liberals got a rule passed that he HAS to be expelled for a year!!

First Grader Turns Himself In for Having Toy Gun, Faces Expulsion

6 Jun 2014,
NEW KENSINGTON, Pa., June 6 (UPI) --
A first-grader in Pennsylvania is facing expulsion after turning himself in for accidentally bringing a toy gun to school.

According to 7-year-old Darin Simak's parents, Darin left his backpack at a friend's house and had to be sent to school with a backup. When he discovered the toy in the bag, knowing it was illegal, Darin turned the contraband into his teacher.

Darin's teacher followed protocol and brought the first grader to the principal, where he was immediately suspended pending an expulsion hearing. According to the school charter, the punishment for bringing a toy weapon to school is expulsion for "a period of not less than one (1) year."

When Darin was brought to school the following day he was promptly placed in on-campus suspension, prompting his father to pick him up for the day.

"I'm just going to send him to [an amusement park] so he can have a nice day and so he doesn't feel like he's punished.

Its a toy gun, for heaven sakes. Why can't young boys be boys and play with toy guns like they used to?

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