Finland is opening access to 15 of its military bases to the United States! "bases in the east and west, north and south."

You are believing your own propaganda, or press handouts from your Government and the Ukrainians, the Russian economy grew by over three percent their military is far from weak, just because they didn't totally annihilate the whole of Ukraine like the Zionists are doing in Gaza doesn't mean they are weak, they could have launched shock and awe like you did in Iraq, but they see most Ukrainian people like themselves they have centuries of shared history, you said the ruble is collapsing in 2022 when it was the best performing currency, the economy in the UK my Country is trashed the German economy is destroying itself in an act of commercial suicide workers out of jobs etc.
Putin had a simple plan.
Mass his forces at the border, overwhelm the Donbas, encircle Kiev and force Zelensky and his Government to run to another country while Putin installs his own Russian puppet government.

His military proved to be too inept to execute such a plan, ran out of fuel and supplies and was forced to retreat.
They also didn’t expect Ukraine to fight back
Putin had a simple plan.
Mass his forces at the border, overwhelm the Donbas, encircle Kiev and force Zelensky and his Government to run to another country while Putin installs his own Russian puppet government.

His military proved to be too inept to execute such a plan, ran out of fuel and supplies and was forced to retreat.
They also didn’t expect Ukraine to fight back
You don't do that with 150k troops, and why all the nonsense about invading other Countries?
You don't do that with 150k troops, and why all the nonsense about invading other Countries?

Arrogance by Russia
They believed the press clippings about the power of their military might
Putin had a simple plan.
Mass his forces at the border, overwhelm the Donbas, encircle Kiev and force Zelensky and his Government to run to another country while Putin installs his own Russian puppet government.

His military proved to be too inept to execute such a plan, ran out of fuel and supplies and was forced to retreat.
They also didn’t expect Ukraine to fight back
You don't do that with 150k troops, and why all the nonsense about invading other Countries?
Arrogance by Russia
They believed the press clippings about the power of their military might
No arrogance by Russia, it's clear what the Russian strategy is now, grind down the Ukrainian forces with their suicide attacks so Ukraine can no longer mount offensive actions, i believe we are not far from that, Ukraine is running out of Western money etc, and Zelensky is running out of time, wouldn't surprise me if the Empire off the bloke, the only alternative those Nato bitches will have is to deploy their own troops into Ukraine and even that won't change the outcome,Nato is a paper tiger.
If the US cut it's military budget by 85%, it would still have the largest military budget than any other country.
What you should be asking is why that is? after all it's your tax $$, i refer you to General Smedley Butler, nothing has changed but i thought the American people would have woken up by now from their zombified state of mind.

“I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents.”
― Smedley D. Butler, War is a Racket
You don't do that with 150k troops, and why all the nonsense about invading other Countries?

No arrogance by Russia, it's clear what the Russian strategy is now, grind down the Ukrainian forces with their suicide attacks so Ukraine can no longer mount offensive actions, i believe we are not far from that, Ukraine is running out of Western money etc, and Zelensky is running out of time, wouldn't surprise me if the Empire off the bloke, the only alternative those Nato bitches will have is to deploy their own troops into Ukraine and even that won't change the outcome,Nato is a paper tiger.
Russian strategy is to hope Republicans gain power and stop supporting Ukraine
You don't do that with 150k troops …

No arrogance by Russia, it's clear what the Russian strategy is now, grind down the Ukrainian forces with their suicide attacks so Ukraine can no longer mount offensive actions, i believe we are not far from that, Ukraine is running out of Western money etc, and Zelensky is running out of time, wouldn't surprise me if the Empire off the bloke, the only alternative those Nato bitches will have is to deploy their own troops into Ukraine and even that won't change the outcome,Nato is a paper tiger.
Huge arrogance by Russia. Remember Putin at first denied he was about to invade, even as he massed his 150,000 troops. I also felt at the time he could not occupy the whole country with so few, and figured he was probably maneuvering for a deal.

Even Zelensky could hardly believe it and U.S. intelligence had to confirm Putin’s plans just a few days before, offering to take the Ukrainian cabinet out of the country or perhaps to Liviv. Both Russia and the U.S. underestimated Zelensky and the Ukrainians determination to stand and fight, and overestinated the Russian army … so there was no three day parade into Kiev by Russian troops invading from Belarus. No successful occupation even of the airport North of Kiev, a huge logistic disaster and profound evidence that corruption had turned all but elite paratroop forces into a Potemkin army.

The situation now has indeed changed, but Ukraine has already won back some 40% of the territory Putin stole from sovereign Ukraine in early 2022. If the U.S. and NATO continue to supply Ukraine with munitions and modern weapons I don’t believe Russia can “win” or even take back big cities like Kharkiv. His best hope now is to sow defeatism and chaos in the West and of course let the war grind down the Ukrainians as he feeds ever more unprepared Russians into the meat grinder.

A temporary “ceasefire” may happen in 2024 whether or not Trump is elected, but we will have to see. What is most important right now is that the West continue to provide the Ukrainian army with the ammunition and weapons and aid it needs to defend itself.
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What you should be asking is why that is? after all it's your tax $$, i refer you to General Smedley Butler, nothing has changed but i thought the American people would have woken up by now from their zombified state of mind.

“I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents.”
― Smedley D. Butler, War is a Racket
Please! Most of us have read that quote a thousand times and used it ourselves too!

Those were overseas U.S. troop invasions, or occupations. Those were indeed mostly examples of U.S. imperialism, or adventurism abroad, often accompanying coups against democratic or supposedly “communist” or nationalist forces.

More recently we have had major moves into the Middle East to re-establish our influence over oil there or for geo-political reasons or to overthrow hostile dictatorships or backward fanatic Islamic terrorists. Plenty of errors for sure, which I and millions of others opposed.

But here in the final analysis in this case it is Putin and Russia that is acting as the aggressive imperial power, occupying a sovereign country and showing it has no intention to leave. It plans on making much of Ukraine into a part of “Greater Russia.” Also, this is happening within Europe itself, where Russia has long occupied many countries that today understandably want no part of it or its dictatorial system, which is exactly the feeling of the great majority of Ukrainians.
I don’t believe Russia can “win” or even take back big cities like Kharkiv. His best hope now is to sow defeatism and chaos in the West and of course let the war grind down the Ukrainians as he feeds ever more unprepared Russians into the meat grinder.

The only Russian “win” is Ukraine concedes captured territory and agrees to stop fighting while the West agrees to let bygones be bygones, lifts all sanctions and restores Russian relations

That ain’t gunna happen
The only Russian “win” is Ukraine concedes captured territory and agrees to stop fighting while the West agrees to let bygones be bygones, lifts all sanctions and restores Russian relations

That ain’t gunna happen
So they have the aim, but not enough of resources for now. That should be a warning to those who seek peace with Muscovite 🇷🇺 🐔 🐖 🇷🇺barbarians ....
Please! Most of us have read that quote a thousand times and used it ourselves too!

Those were overseas U.S. troop invasions, or occupations. Those were indeed mostly examples of U.S. imperialism, or adventurism abroad, often accompanying coups against democratic or supposedly “communist” or nationalist forces.

More recently we have had major moves into the Middle East to re-establish our influence over oil there or for geo-political reasons or to overthrow hostile dictatorships or backward fanatic Islamic terrorists. Plenty of errors for sure, which I and millions of others opposed.

But here in the final analysis in this case it is Putin and Russia that is acting as the aggressive imperial power, occupying a sovereign country and showing it has no intention to leave. It plans on making much of Ukraine into a part of “Greater Russia.” Also, this is happening within Europe itself, where Russia has long occupied many countries that today understandably want no part of it or its dictatorial system, which is exactly the feeling of the great majority of Ukrainians.
You have it wrong, Russia is a democracy, problem is they keep voting for the wrong guy as far as the US is concerned, and there is no Russian Imperialism, they are dealing with a particular situation in Ukraine like they had to in Georgia, both conflicts instigated from outside, and Putin was not even President when that tie eating clown Saakashvili went insane and attacked South Ossetia killing Russian peacekeepers and civilians.

KGB may have spent $600 million on the peace offensive up to 1983,

In 1967, a CIA report on the US peace movement observed that "the Communist Party of the USA benefits from anti-US activity by Peace groups but does not appear to be inspiring them or directing them."[34] After demonstrations against NATO missiles in West Germany in 1981, an official investigation turned up circumstantial evidence but no absolute proof of KGB involvement. Western intelligence experts concluded that the movement in Europe at that time was probably not Soviet-inspired.[21]

In 1983, MI5 and MI6 reported to British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher on Soviet contacts with the peace movement, based on the testimony of KGB officer Oleg Gordievsky. According to Christopher Andrew's official history of MI5, Gordievsky's evidence indicated that there was little effective contact between either the KGB or the Soviet embassy and the peace movement.

It was the GRU orchestrating the American peace movement. The KGB wasn’t involved.
You have it wrong, Russia is a democracy, problem is they keep voting for the wrong guy as far as the US is concerned, and there is no Russian Imperialism, they are dealing with a particular situation in Ukraine like they had to in Georgia, both conflicts instigated from outside, and Putin was not even President when that tie eating clown Saakashvili went insane and attacked South Ossetia killing Russian peacekeepers and civilians.
Russia isn’t a democracy. It’s a kleptocracy run by oligarchs. In his last election, Putin took 76% of the vote. His opponent from the communist party only won two small areas with less than 12% of the vote. You don’t get percentages like that in an honest election.

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