Fifteen Law Professors File Ethics Complaint Against Kellyanne Conway Over ‘Lies’


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
“She is behaving in a way that brings shame upon the legal profession,” states letter.

President Donald Trump’s counselor Kellyanne Conway should face sanctions for “professional misconduct,” which include repeated lies and ethics breaches, according to a formal complaint filed by 15 law professors across the nation.

“We do not file this complaint lightly,” states the letter, which legal ethics professors from leading universities such as Yale, Georgetown, Fordham and Duke filed this week. “We believe that, at one time, Ms. Conway understood her ethical responsibilities as a lawyer and abided by them. But she is currently behaving in a way that brings shame upon the legal profession.”

Conway obtained a law degree from George Washington University Law School. She was admitted to the Washington, D.C., bar in 1995, though she is currently suspended for nonpayment of dues, according to the complaint.

The letter, which The Washington Post obtained, was sent to the Washington, D.C., Office of Disciplinary Counsel of the Board of Professional Responsibility, which addresses complaints about members of the local bar.

The letter lists Conway’s lies, including those about the non-existent “Bowling Green Massacre” to justify Trump’s ban against travelers from seven predominantly Muslim countries. Not only was there no massacre, but “Ms. Conway knew there was no massacre,” the filing states.

The complaint also upbraids Conway’s touting of “alternative facts” — which are “not facts at all; they are lies,” the letter notes.

More: Law Professors File Ethics Complaint Against Kellyanne Conway Over ‘Lies’

This is great news! Conway should have known that she was violating professional legal ethics - not to mention human decency.
More from the OP:

Finally, Conway’s touting of products sold by the president’s daughter Ivanka Trump on national TV were a “clear violation of government ethics rules, which a lawyer and a member of the bar should surely know,” the document states.

The complaint concludes that Conway’s “conduct, clearly violative of the rules that regulate her professional status, cries out for sanctioning” by the bar.

There was no immediate response from the White House.
Hopefully Conway will be disbarred from the legal profession. She deserves it. Other than Trump, I've never seen such a pathological liar.
Remember Catharine Harris?

Yeah well, Ms Conway is headed for the same discard pile.
There's eight years of Obama administration ethical shortcomings to go through if they want to play that game. They can start with Benghazi. Stupid bastards.
Hopefully Conway will be disbarred from the legal profession. She deserves it. Other than Trump, I've never seen such a pathological liar.

She is a paid shrill. Upon a time her job was to trash Trump.
Remember Catharine Harris?

Yeah well, Ms Conway is headed for the same discard pile.

Yes, I remember Katherine Harris quite well. What a witch.
She didn't go around the media circuit lying to the public about what really happened in Benghazi to help get a candidate re-elected. Different priorities.

OMG, are you still suffering from Benghazi derangement syndrome - even after umpteen investigations and House hearings. How many times do you want Hillary to testify under oath - and make a fool of Trey Gowdy?
The DEPLORABLES: what lies?
Just remember every lie out of her mouth comes directly from her boss..
Remember Catharine Harris?

Yeah well, Ms Conway is headed for the same discard pile.

Yes, I remember Katherine Harris quite well. What a witch.
She didn't go around the media circuit lying to the public about what really happened in Benghazi to help get a candidate re-elected. Different priorities.
The Weasel: Oh look a squirrel.
Remember Catharine Harris?

Yeah well, Ms Conway is headed for the same discard pile.

Yes, I remember Katherine Harris quite well. What a witch.
She didn't go around the media circuit lying to the public about what really happened in Benghazi to help get a candidate re-elected. Different priorities.

OMG, are you still suffering from Benghazi derangement syndrome - even after umpteen investigations and House hearings. How many times do you want Hillary to testify under oath - and make a fool of Trey Gowdy?
LOL, the fool is YOU. We found out Hillary knew it was a terrorist attack, she told her daughter one thing, the families of the victims another. That wasn't illegal, what punishment could they have given her? Unethical as hell though, which is what this topic is about.

And don't forget, the Benghazi hearings is how we found out about her email and server situation. It may have cost her the election.
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Remember Catharine Harris?

Yeah well, Ms Conway is headed for the same discard pile.

Yes, I remember Katherine Harris quite well. What a witch.
She didn't go around the media circuit lying to the public about what really happened in Benghazi to help get a candidate re-elected. Different priorities.
The Weasel: Oh look a squirrel.
Oh look, a 'TARD.
Hopefully Conway will be disbarred from the legal profession. She deserves it. Other than Trump, I've never seen such a pathological liar.
Pretty sick that you wish Ill will on someone so lucky because
Hopefully Conway will be disbarred from the legal profession. She deserves it. Other than Trump, I've never seen such a pathological liar.
You are pretty sick in the head for wishing harm to Conway just because you don't like her. You should be ashamed, but are not because you lack character. Schmuck.

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