Federal Lawsuit Says Obama is Kenyan

Glock! Haven't heard from you in a while.

Still shooting off your mouth I see.

The moneyed interests are throwing everything they can at Obama because he is not in their control. Their flying monkeys of the blogosphere are doing their bidding. Obama was born in the United States, therefore he is a U.S. citizen. End of story....

Absolutely amazing. :cuckoo:
It's all they have. When was the last time a right-whinger actually brought up policies consistantly.

Look at the history. Nobody remembers Kerry's policies, only what the Swift Boat Liars said. They tried that on Clinton with Jennifer Flowers and they succeeded with Gary Hart when he was thinking of running. They know their policies suck, so they go for the smear...

Was Kerry that decided to run on the platform of his Vietnam military service, not the right. It wasn't much more of a fatal error than had he tried to run on his political record, but a fatal error nonethless. The blame for that colossal screwup falls directly on Kerry.
All politicians play hardball on their opponents.

Republicans have made an artform of smearing and lying, that Democrats rarely touch. McCain gets made fun of for having seven houses. Maybe it's not fair, but it's true.

Obama gets smeared as a secret muslim, who isn't even an american citizen. Kerry gets smeared as a coward who lied to get medals. Outright fabrications, and willful lies.

You gotta be freaking kidding me, if you think the outright deception and lies are equivalent from both sides.

GMAFB. The Republicans are mere novices compared to Democrats at smear tactics.

Tis YOU who must be kidding claiming the Republicans are worse. I almost lost my coffee on that one.

Then there is the fact that your examples were not accusations made by the GOP. They were accusations made by supporters of the GOP. Shall we go the Louis Farrakhan has thrown the Nation of Islam's endorsement behind Barrack Obama? Or how about the fact his knowledge of energy begins and ends with understanding the switch on the wall makes it light or dark in the room?

Some of you peeps need to get a dose or reality in those thick skulls you carry about on your shoulders.
But there's nothing holding the Dems back from using the same tactics....except maybe creativity and a pair of balls. The biggest gripe from the left with the Dems during the 04 elections was that they were acting like a bunch of pussies. If Obama doesn't reach down and grab his nuts, he very well could lose this election. And that'd be a damn shame considering where he was in the polls before the campaign started.

Interesting POV, since it is the exact same one held by many about the GOP. They just acted like a bunch of pussies from 96-06 and got put out on their ears as a result.

It wouldn't be a shame if Obama lost. It would be a good thing, IMO. However, he's oversaturated the market with his face and empty rhetoric. He promised change and the more he's looked at, the more he looks like just another politician and every bit a part of the machine he claims he is not.
Yes it does. My post was about Republicans trumpet this BS. If you read my post, I referred to the Republican flying monkeys of the blogosphere, not to the law suit.

Reading is fundamental.

In other words you're just admitting you could come up with nothing betting than trying to deflect from the original topic.

You didn't need to tell anyone that. It's obvious.
Fact? A bogus lawsuit?

Who cares?

You have no facts, only rumor and innuendo. It is the coin of the realm of all the attacks on Obama. Here's a guy who was the president of the Harvard Law Review which means he was the smartest guy at Harvard Law School, and all the Republicans can do is start false rumors that he is a Muslim and a racist. It's pathetic.

And for all of what you allege is only rumor and innuendo, all you can do is deflect to attacking Republicans; which, as has been pointed on more than twice to you, have nothing to do with this lawsuit.

Get a clue, kool-aid man.
According to the lawsuit, if a person was born outside of the US, both of their parents have to be US citizens for the child to be born a US citizen, OR, if only one parent is a US citizen, they must be at least 19 years of age. Obama's mother was 18 when he was born.

It all comes down to whether or not Obama was born in Hawaii or in Kenya. I'd really laugh my ass off if they can find proof he was born in Kenya. Unfortunately, it's a frivolous lawsuit.

Fortunately, Obama still won't be President.

Wow. Someone addressing the actual topic. Must not be Kirk.

This lawsuit's going nowhere.
They hate America, sport.

Well that probably isn't fair.

They don't actually hate the land, they just hate the American way of life and the Americans it serves.

Hence their headlong rush to turn this place into a neo-feudal police state.

And what does the left want to turn the place into? Another member of he European union and a socialist mediocrity.

Now that we've accounted for the aberrant extremes on both sides, what about the vast majority in the middle? What is it THEY want?
And what does the left want to turn the place into? Another member of he European union and a socialist mediocrity.

News to me, and unlike you, I actually know leaders on the left.

Now that we've accounted for the aberrant extremes on both sides, what about the vast majority in the middle? What is it THEY want?

They want their country back, Gunny.
And the press has been sitting on this story for months and months. That's what's interesting. I knew about it and we talked about it briefly some time in here, that he was fudging about his birth certificate, that nobody had really seen an adequate one, and there was some question about it.

I said he's fudging because he's got something to hide and was sneered at.

He's got something to hide, obviously. And if it's that he's not eligible for the office of president, I really doubt the democratic party will survive.
And the press has been sitting on this story for months and months. That's what's interesting. I knew about it and we talked about it briefly some time in here, that he was fudging about his birth certificate, that nobody had really seen an adequate one, and there was some question about it.

I said he's fudging because he's got something to hide and was sneered at.

He's got something to hide, obviously. And if it's that he's not eligible for the office of president, I really doubt the democratic party will survive.

Aliie, YOU are just plain WRONG on this and are passing along inuendos and LIES.....


They saw the original, they took photos, they spoke to the state of Hawaii regarding his certificate, and verified it was a legitimate birth certificate, the short form, for the state of Hawaii...

ALSO, when barak was born, in the Hawaiin newspaper, there was a birth announcement of his birth.....do you think this was faked, way back then, because they forsaw him running for president someday? if you believe this idiocy, then i got a bridge to sell ya....

for goodness sakes, please read the darn link allie.....

enough, is enough....no more lies and inuendos, move on to something REAL that you don't like about him, imo.

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And the press has been sitting on this story for months and months. That's what's interesting. I knew about it and we talked about it briefly some time in here, that he was fudging about his birth certificate, that nobody had really seen an adequate one, and there was some question about it.

I said he's fudging because he's got something to hide and was sneered at.

He's got something to hide, obviously. And if it's that he's not eligible for the office of president, I really doubt the democratic party will survive.

WRONG. Hawaii has already stated for the record he has a valid state Birth Certificate.

Again even if he was born on MARS his mother is an American citizen and was one when he was born, making HIM an American citizen and a NATURAL born one at that. The law has been pointed out already in at least one other thread.
But wouldn't anyone born in a hospital have a valid birth certificate, regardless of their nationality?

I'm just curious, not insisting one way or the other.
Sorry Sarge but she was under 19 and not a citizen long enough for Obama to qualify as "natural born".

That is NOT the US law, you are referring to what someone claimed was Hawaian law. NO State decides who is and is not a US Citizen. Get your facts right.

The law states if you are born of one American parent you ARE an American. PERIOD end of story.

The only exception for Natural born is that the parent has to have lived for a period of time in the US prior to the birth.

There is NO age limit on determining if a child is a citizen.
Because of what Glock's saying. And if anyone regardless of nationality can get a birth certificate, I don't see how the existence of such proves his nationality.

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