FDR said what!!!!

I don't think they have a solid definition of any word in their vocabulary.

FDR won by a landslide his second term. So will Obama.

And you like bying Chinese? Me too. The difference is that I understand the negatives to doing it.

Doesn't affect you? Don't you have kids, neighbors and friends who might not all be as successful as you? Don't you care about them? You only care about yourself? Typical righty.

No. I am not obligated to care about them and the fact that so many people on the left demand that we care about complete strangers as if they were a member of our family is just repeating the motivations behind every fascist government.

And yes I do care about others but my caring about others is not extended to every member of our nation. Many people are pricks, including my neighbors, who do not deserve an ounce of caring from me. I may choose to be a Jesus and love every man on the globe but who the hell does that and still remains happy in their own life.

Rich Americans don't care so much about being Americans as they do being rich. If they can get richer by selling out America, they will. In fact, they did and continue to do so.

And I'm not asking that 100% of us be rich. I'm asking for unemployment to be below 10% so wages go up with profits. Instead foreigners are getting our work and CEO's are getting rich. But we are left behind. America must protect its middle class. Every other country does. And when we stopped, that's when the economy crashed.

Look what $4 a gallon did. It was a big contributor to the recession. People who drove for a living went out of business. People went further into debt too because they were pissing their money away on gas.

And we weren't spending on other things so we went into a recession. Its more than that, but you must at least grasp that.

And if you feel the way you do, then you aren't a good citizen. You aren't a bad one, but you certainly aren't one that contributes to society.

But the funny thing is, conservatives are quick to help their neighbors. But when we ask them to help the overall poor, that's when they get cheap and greedy.

A great country isn't defined by how it treats its richest citizens, but by how it treats its poorest. Remember that.

And the CEO's of these corporations that went overseas. They too aren't obligated to care about the American middle class. They only care about profits. So that is what our government is for. If their business doesn't benefit America, then we do something about it. Tarriff them or shut them down. Or at least take away any tax breaks they are getting.
Yes, ihopehefails, Rush, me, Dude, and everybody else who calls themselves American are responsible for the welfare of their fellow Americans. If they can't see it, so be it. They are still going to contribute to that welfare. Don't like it, any of you? Then move to Iraq.

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