FBI warned Trump about Russian infiltration in AUGUST of 2016


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
This is very interesting. The FBI had a sit down with Trump in August of 2016--and warned him that Russians may try to infiltrate. And that if any attempts were made he was supposed to call the FBI immediately to let them know about it.

WASHINGTON — In the weeks after he became the Republican nominee on July 19, 2016, Donald Trump was warned that foreign adversaries, including Russia, would probably try to spy on and infiltrate his campaign, according to multiple government officials familiar with the matter.The warning came in the form of a high-level counterintelligence briefing by senior FBI officials, the officials said. A similar briefing was given to Hillary Clinton, they added. They said the briefings, which are commonly provided to presidential nominees, were designed to educate the candidates and their top aides about potential threats from foreign spies.The candidates were urged to alert the FBI about any suspicious overtures to their campaigns, the officials said.
FBI told Trump Russians would try to infiltrate his campaign

Trump and his surrogates were being electonically monitored and watched by several foreign intelligence agencies since 2015. And this intelligence was passed onto the FBI.

GCHQ first beame aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added. Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said.The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said.
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

And Shep Smith in this February 2017 video states that Trump surrogates were on the phone with Russian intelligence agents the day that Russians hacked into DNC databases, (which happened in July 2016.)

Trump Jr.'s secret Russian meeting happened in June of 2016.

28 times Trump and his surrogates have denied any contact with any Russians during the campaign season, and when they had an opportunity to disclose that they did, they have to get caught first, then lie about it, then get caught again, lie about that, until they actually admit it.
Kushner contradicts Trump team's denials of Russia contacts - CNNPolitics

Obviously FBI director James Comey knew about all of these Russian contacts, as foreign intelligence was sending him all this information since 2015, and he didn't breath a single word about it. But he was out there giving speechs to congress about Hillary Clinton's emails, and breaking long standing DOJ protocol all over the place. Why? Then they have a meeting with Trump in August 2016 to "warn" him about Russians trying to inflitrate---:badgrin:


I think we now know what Trump meant when he said to Comey--"you know that thing we had going," as Comey denied knowing what he meant by that during direct testimony.
Full text: James Comey testimony transcript on Trump and Russia

“I have been very loyal to you, very loyal; we had that thing you know,” Trump told Comey, according to the written testimony.
‘I expect loyalty,’ Trump told Comey, according to written testimony

I think they may have had a thing going until Trump fired Comey--and then that thing broke apart.
The fake ass SWAMP "Russia thing" is about hacked emails from Crooked Hillary and her cabal. Shouldn't the FBI have warned Crooked Hillary, the DNC, Podesta, etc. to use a secure server or monitor disenchanted democrats downloading the emails to give to Wikileaks? Before they assassinate them?
The Guardian is a horrible source, more British patsies in that outlet than you can imagine.

The British are not a reliable actor on this issue. They are the same agency responsible for the Fusion GPS document that was handed to McCain in Canada (nice to have such allies eh?). Their government before and after his election have been hostile, the British thought they were exercising such control over the U.S until he won.

For these reasons, I can't imagine it's easy to be the president, surrounded by so many who do not want you to be successful, international funding coming into America and seeking to undermine his leadership from day one. Just what this infiltration is supposed to look like is beyond me, but the investigation by Mueller would have found this by now.
oreo is generally uneducated and relatively stupid... :p I like him though! He hangs in there, being consistent, consistently posting BULLSHIT.
oreo is generally uneducated and relatively stupid... :p I like him though! He hangs in there, being consistent, consistently posting BULLSHIT.

Looks like most of wha the posted was news. Ex:

WASHINGTON — In the weeks after he became the Republican nominee on July 19, 2016, Donald Trump was warned that foreign adversaries, including Russia, would probably try to spy on and infiltrate his campaign, according to multiple government officials familiar with the matter.The warning came in the form of a high-level counterintelligence briefing by senior FBI officials, the officials said. A similar briefing was given to Hillary Clinton, they added. They said the briefings, which are commonly provided to presidential nominees, were designed to educate the candidates and their top aides about potential threats from foreign spies.The candidates were urged to alert the FBI about any suspicious overtures to their campaigns, the officials said.
I want to fight "radical right" and "oreo" in an MMA cage match if they are interested. Yes two on one. I will knock them the fuck out meh neegah.
meh.........Soetero knew about it in 2016 and didn't do dick.:2up:

He expelled 35 russian diplomats, imposed sanctions, and confiscated two russian properties, which is why Putin is so pissed.

Barry also said, no one can interfere with US elections ( till Hillery lost). And he said, if he was a illegal alien he would vote in the presidential election.

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The Guardian is a horrible source, more British patsies in that outlet than you can imagine.

The British are not a reliable actor on this issue. They are the same agency responsible for the Fusion GPS document that was handed to McCain in Canada (nice to have such allies eh?). Their government before and after his election have been hostile, the British thought they were exercising such control over the U.S until he won.

For these reasons, I can't imagine it's easy to be the president, surrounded by so many who do not want you to be successful, international funding coming into America and seeking to undermine his leadership from day one. Just what this infiltration is supposed to look like is beyond me, but the investigation by Mueller would have found this by now.

Yes ask Obama how he felt.
meh.........Soetero knew about it in 2016 and didn't do dick.:2up:

He expelled 35 russian diplomats, imposed sanctions, and confiscated two russian properties, which is why Putin is so pissed.

Barry also said, no one can interfere with US elections ( till Hillery lost). And he said, if he was a illegal alien he would vote in the presidential election.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Lets get a link to him saying that.
This is very interesting. The FBI had a sit down with Trump in August of 2016--and warned him that Russians may try to infiltrate. And that if any attempts were made he was supposed to call the FBI immediately to let them know about it.

WASHINGTON — In the weeks after he became the Republican nominee on July 19, 2016, Donald Trump was warned that foreign adversaries, including Russia, would probably try to spy on and infiltrate his campaign, according to multiple government officials familiar with the matter.The warning came in the form of a high-level counterintelligence briefing by senior FBI officials, the officials said. A similar briefing was given to Hillary Clinton, they added. They said the briefings, which are commonly provided to presidential nominees, were designed to educate the candidates and their top aides about potential threats from foreign spies.The candidates were urged to alert the FBI about any suspicious overtures to their campaigns, the officials said.
FBI told Trump Russians would try to infiltrate his campaign

Trump and his surrogates were being electonically monitored and watched by several foreign intelligence agencies since 2015. And this intelligence was passed onto the FBI.

GCHQ first beame aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added. Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said.The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said.
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

And Shep Smith in this February 2017 video states that Trump surrogates were on the phone with Russian intelligence agents the day that Russians hacked into DNC databases, (which happened in July 2016.)

Trump Jr.'s secret Russian meeting happened in June of 2016.

28 times Trump and his surrogates have denied any contact with any Russians during the campaign season, and when they had an opportunity to disclose that they did, they have to get caught first, then lie about it, then get caught again, lie about that, until they actually admit it.
Kushner contradicts Trump team's denials of Russia contacts - CNNPolitics

Obviously FBI director James Comey knew about all of these Russian contacts, as foreign intelligence was sending him all this information since 2015, and he didn't breath a single word about it. But he was out there giving speechs to congress about Hillary Clinton's emails, and breaking long standing DOJ protocol all over the place. Why? Then they have a meeting with Trump in August 2016 to "warn" him about Russians trying to inflitrate---:badgrin:


I think we now know what Trump meant when he said to Comey--"you know that thing we had going," as Comey denied knowing what he meant by that during direct testimony.
Full text: James Comey testimony transcript on Trump and Russia

“I have been very loyal to you, very loyal; we had that thing you know,” Trump told Comey, according to the written testimony.
‘I expect loyalty,’ Trump told Comey, according to written testimony

I think they may have had a thing going until Trump fired Comey--and then that thing broke apart.

Of course, right wing morons will "ignore" this story (what choice does reality afford them BUT delusion?)

1. The facts are clear.......surveillance shows that the Trump camp was being infiltrated, especially by the Russians.

2. Trump morons were warned that such was happening

3. Trump was TOLD to report such attempts to the FBI

4. Trump never mentioned that they ALREADY had meetings with the Russians.

5. Trump never mentioned SUBSEQUENT meetings with the Russians to the FBI AFTER being told to do so .

Bottom line: Trump and his crooked entourage are either TOO FUCKING STUPID....................OR................TOO FUCKING ARROGANT .
I believe I saw this in The Onion as well.... :eusa_whistle:

For all right wing morons......

FBI warned Trump in 2016 Russians would try to infiltrate ... - NBC News
7 hours ago - WASHINGTON — In the weeks after he became the Republican nominee on July 19, 2016, Donald Trump was warned that foreign adversaries, including Russia, would probably try to spy on andinfiltrate his campaign, according to multiple government officials familiar with the matter. The warningcame in ...

Report: FBI Warned Trump Russians May Infiltrate His Campaign in ...

6 hours ago - FBI officials warned Donald Trump shortly after he became the Republican nominee last year that Russians might try to infiltrate his presidential campaign, NBC News reports, citing government officials. Both Trump and Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton were given a high-level counterintelligence briefing ...

FBI warned Trump that Russia would try to infiltrate campaign | MSNBC

upload_2017-12-19_5-58-52.jpeg▶ 4:11
19 hours ago
NBCNews exclusively reports that the FBI warned candidate Trump in 2016 that foreign adversaries ...

Trump received FBI warning that Russians would try to infiltrate ...
19 hours ago - The FBI reportedly warned then-Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump in the months before the election that Russia and other foreign adversaries would probably try to infiltrate his presidential campaign.

FBI Warned Trump in 2016 Russians Would Try to Infiltrate Campaign ...

19 hours ago - In the weeks after he became the Republican nominee on July 19, 2016, Donald Trumpwas warned that foreign adversaries, including Russia, would probably try to spy on and infiltrate his campaign, multiple...

Trump 'Briefed and Warned' by FBI About Russia Threat Before ...

16 hours ago - Donald Trump was reportedly “briefed and warned” by the FBI weeks after he became the Republican nominee for president that Russia and other foreign adversaries would likely watch and attempt to infiltrate his campaign. The briefings led by FBI counterintelligence specialists also were given to Trump's ...

FBI warned Trump that Russia would try to infiltrate his 2016 ...

19 hours ago - Donald Trump was warned in the weeks after he won the Republican presidential nomination in July 2016 that foreign adversaries — including Russians — would try to spy on andinfiltrate his campaign. The warning was a high-level counterintelligence briefing by senior FBI officials, NBC reported Monday ...

FBI warned Trump that Russia would try to spy on his campaign | New ...

18 hours ago - Top FBI officials told Donald Trump that Russia and other global adversaries would likely try to spy on and even infiltrate his campaign, a new report said...
And he said, if he was a illegal alien he would vote in the presidential election.

Lets get a link to him saying that.

Obama was talking to Michelle Rodriguez (the girl from fast and furious) a Puerto Rican actress and US citizen. They have posted a heavily edited and annotated quote to claim Obama was hinting that illegals should vote.
I see that Snouter the Doubter is blaming the entire thing on Crooked Hillary and generally being his usual tough guy self as if there was nothing to this.

What BS - this is as big of a blockbuster as we've had in quite some time (though the daily drip persists). So here you had the CIA prompting the FBI to go warn the Trump and his crooked pals after they KNEW this crap was going on and had already begun an investigation to implore them with the following: If you see something, SAY something with an underlying hint ---- Hey, if you've already had meetings or know anything about this, you'd best tell us NOW.

IOW, the FBI already knew the Russians were meddling to the benefit of Trump - There had already been 7 separate meetings with Russians including the one at Trump Tower. So this of course, would have been a GREAT time to tell the FBI what you knew and the meetings you'd had and then knock it the hell OFF.

This nonsense about Trump campaign inexperience and naïveté was already circling the drain but now it's down at the DC sewage treatment plant and has been for the past 18 months. And not only did they not tell the FBI about meetings they'd already had ... they CONTINUED to have those meetings and then LIED about every F-ing one of 'em. It also makes clear that the Toxic Orange Panther was FULLY involved, with either himself or Crooked Mike talking to Putin the very DAY the Wiki-Dicky started dripping pre-cum.

This my friends is a pisser -- a wicked pisser. :mad:
"Meddling." :p The only ones "meddling" were Obama/Crooked Hillary Swamp Rats attacking our democracy! :mad-61:

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