Face it Conservorinos..Obama's doing a good job.


Where I ever threatened to "beat you up"?:eusa_angel:

It's seriously not worth the effort.

Besides..I don't think you'd even feel any pain...being as fat and stupid as you are..:lol:


So does it hurt to be that stupid? I mean, actual, physical pain?

Heavens to Betsy..:lol:

Did you get all frightened?

There's no threat..it's an observation.

Now change your pants..they are starting to stink!:lol::lol::lol::lol:
I think that obama has done a lot since he started office... he has helped so much with reforms, and his health care stuff is really good.
Despite the rants of the right..President Obama's proved time and time again he can handle it..and with a great amount of grace. He's got it down when it comes to the ridiculous hyperbole..and he does it with style. Although he sometimes infuriates me with his olive branches to the right..gotta say..he's got a lock on keeping his enemies close.
There's no conditions under which you'd ever say anything different.
The majority of Americans are against this bill. Furthermore, those that are actually "for it" couldn't tell you a single thing that will actually come out of this bill. Why? It's over 2,000 pages long and none of them can read "lawyer talk." They just believe the rhetoric Obama and Pelosi spew about it. Furthermore, if it was so great, why did Obama see to that it wouldn't be implemented until 2013? I'll tell you why, because after everyone realize the unintended consequences of this bill, he would have hoped to already have been re-elected. Just because a bill passed doesn't make it a good bill.

[quote}Finreg passed.

And specifically you are pleased why? Do you realize that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were unaffected by that change? They are billions in the hole and counting. Our govt is pouring money in this scam and you think Financial Regulations were fixed? No, they weren't. In fact, it will take years to recognize the unintended consequences. Futhermore, you are making a bold assumption that these changes will actually prevent another financial mess....I'll bet it doesn't.

Economy saved? Really? That is a pretty delusional comment. The housing market is still in shambles and will only get worse as unemployment remains high and jobs are leaving this country because there are absolutely no incentives for them to stay. We're hosed and Obama printed billions of fake dollars that we don't have to further enslave us and our future. If anything, he has doomed our future...not saved us at the present.

It took days for the seals to get a green-light to do this. It has been rumored that the hold up was Obama. However, that's conjecture...for arguments sake, I'll give you this one....albeit, what other response could he have had? I will say that for a bleeding heart liberal, I'm surprised he allowed it.

Record numbers? Can you show me some facts to back that up?

Actually Obama didn't do that. Although some terrorist attacks were thwarted during his tenure, there are thousands of people in our agencies that did that. Just like they do under every president's tenure. Most of the things that are actually prevented, the American public never hears about.

You think the BP spill was a success from Obama's handling? Really? What about the weeks where he didn't do a dang thing to get started on helping out with the clean-up? What about turning down help from foreign countries when we needed it? Obama completely mishandled the entire BP oil spill. Pulling out some of my own theories, he did it on purpose to shine a bad light on the oil industry and drew out what could have been averted much earlier.

Torture? Buh bye!

You call water-boarding torture? I'll tell you what, if you had a family member die in Iraq, Afghanistan or on 9/11 you wouldn't give two craps about water-boarding some towel-wrapped jihadist.

We shouldn't be involved at all in foreign politics. Those people should handle their own issues. Furthermore, wasn't Obama that swayed back and further with his comments about Mubarack stepping aside? Even though we shouldn't take a stance, I guess you are supporting Obama who supports seeing radical Islamists take over the country via the Muslim Brotherhood??? Which makes sense....he's supporting his own.

Get real. Obama has been a joke and will probably only get re-elected because the average American is an uninformed idiot.

There's not much to address here. Basically a rant.

Needless to say..though..the bottom line is that President Obama will probably get re-elected and things are continuing to get better.

Typical liberal response....not wanting to debate, just whitewash everything as racist, a rant, or insert-a-one-line-dismisal here.

I'm not debating his re-election, only the ill-conceived list of "successes" as approved by you. I'm sure he probably will get re-elected, the average American is highly uninformed and impressed by his "cool" stuff like beer summits and a Blackberry. So, the 20-somethings bought into his hype, and they should because most in that age bracket are are mentally stimulated by MTV. It's the 40 something's that bother me that they are so easily duped by huge ridicilous promises that had no basis in reality and they further were able to be duped by not asking the simple question of "how" when he spewed on the campaign trail for 2 years.

I'm further perplexed and disappointed in people that continue to try to salvage his pitiful presidency as something to behold. To me, that's more disappointing than his presidency because anyone with anything more than gray-matter between their ears should have seen through his empty promises and campaign rhetoric.

So, if you believe he's doing a good job, good for you and him. Vote for him again and with any luck you can push us to the brink of real change. Because real change is coming to the American people no matter how painful it may be....it's about time for it.
Tell me exactly what exactly his empty promises are, please.
He promised to overhaul the healthcare system. He did just that.
He promised to overturn Don't Ask Don't Tell. He did just that.
Under him one of the worst financial crises since the Great Depression was averted. Yes, unemployment is high and the housing market is in shambles. What do you expect him to do about it? He does not control the economy. I've always found it really curious that the same people angry at Obama for sticking his nose in their business expect him to snap his fingers and get jobs back.
Angry at him for unemployment? What exactly do you expect him to do about it?
Here's what you do; invest in our infrastructure, invest in science and education. But people don't want him to do that, they want him to focus on jobs. Kind of a catch-22, don't you think?

Of course he's not perfect, and yes he's had his failures. Show me the president who succeeded at everything he tried and kept every single promise. Compared to many, I think our current president has done a good job at doing what he promised so far.
This statement really doesn't make sense.....

The Super Liberal don't like him because he's not Left enough....
The Liberal don't like him because he worked with the right on extending the tax cuts.
The Right doesn't like him....The Conservatives don't like him.
The Independent don't belong to anyone until election time....

Who likes this guy and will be pinned down to say he's done a good job.
Young Black College students.
Young White Liberal College students.
These folks are using the smart phones to check to see when Mummy and Daddee have deposited more money into their debit card.
Tell me exactly what exactly his empty promises are, please.
He promised to overhaul the healthcare system. He did just that.
He promised to overturn Don't Ask Don't Tell. He did just that.
Under him one of the worst financial crises since the Great Depression was averted. Yes, unemployment is high and the housing market is in shambles. What do you expect him to do about it? He does not control the economy. I've always found it really curious that the same people angry at Obama for sticking his nose in their business expect him to snap his fingers and get jobs back.
Angry at him for unemployment? What exactly do you expect him to do about it?
Here's what you do; invest in our infrastructure, invest in science and education. But people don't want him to do that, they want him to focus on jobs. Kind of a catch-22, don't you think?

Of course he's not perfect, and yes he's had his failures. Show me the president who succeeded at everything he tried and kept every single promise. Compared to many, I think our current president has done a good job at doing what he promised so far.

Empty promises:

Good God, I don't have time to type all of this, but sift through these 79 pages and take your pick. A ton of promises with no real plan to implement them and for most that I've seen, none have actually been addressed.

Since I haven't reached 15 posts yet, I can't post a link, so to trick the server, please add the "www" at the beginning of the link:


Furthermore, he's botched the following:

1) The BP Oil spill. He didn't respond for days and days and when he did, he made idiotic comments (about kicking Tony Hayward's ass, etc), he turned down foreign help when it was needed, etc.

2) He had a laundry list of appointee's/aquantinances/etc that he had to distance himself from because of their sleaziness or he's just been brazen enough to keep them around, despite their ties to communism, tax evading issues, among a host of other outlandish things:

a) Mary Lloyd
b) Van Jones
c) Kevin Jennings
d) Nancy Killefer
e) Tom Daschle
f) Timothy Geithner
g) Bill Richardson
h) Tony Rezko
i) Jeremiah Wright
j) Governor Blagojevich
k) Rashid Khalidi

etc, etc, etc

3) The Beer Summit. What a joke and it only happened because of his ill-advised "police acted stupidly comment."

4) His Muslim NASA focus. Ridiculous.

5) Stark Treaty

6) Stating that the Stimulus packages would prevent unemployment from exceeding 8%

7) The Dream Act - barf.

8) Trying to secure the Olympics for Chicago in 2016.

9) His Nobel Peace prize

10) Continuing with Bush's bailing out of GM and Chrysler. Fail.

11) His Financial Regulation bill that doesn't address the real problems, but rather is a throw-back to big banks.

There's more, I'm sure, I'm tired of researching.

About fixing the economy. It's sooooo simple. It isn't Obama's job to create the exact jobs. He doesn't need to hire more government employees. He doesn't need to come up with 10 million road construction jobs. Nope. He needs to encourage jobs growth here. Period. How, cut the millions of regulations against companies, cut income tax levels on individuals and cut taxes on businesses. Encourage people to do work here. If he would do that, we would be miles ahead.

Instead, he spent billions, yes, billions on jobs that didn't last, never happened, or cost the taxpayers hundreds of dollars on the penny for what they were really worth. And what happened. Nothing. We have a few new roads, bridges, etc....and now no money and no jobs.

Is our economy saved? No. He just threw an outrageous amount of fake money at a symptom rather than problem. All he did was create a tidal wave to hit us right after a volcano explodes. Thanks. Our economy is more fragile and more susceptible to problems due to his "solution." He essentially realized that we had a flat tire on the front of the car and rotated it to the rear and now everyone thinks we got rid of the flat. Nope, it's smoke and mirrors. He has added to the problem, not detracted from it.

Furthermore, if you want to give him credit for the healthcare bill, please realize that even though he wanted this and it was a campaign promise, it is a terrible piece of legislation and will have so many unintended consequences that in a few years people will hate this. I used to work with a guy who worked in the UK and he warned me about the 4 or 5 things that would come out of such a bill and I can go into detail if wanted, but it's bad mojo baby.

"Dont' ask, Don't Tell" frankly, who gives a flying shit? With all of the problems we are facing are gays in the military even on anyone's top 100 list? Really?

So wow, he had a Congressional super-power with regards to numbers, 2 years of time, and the amount of momentum he had from the campaign and those 2 things are going to be his legacy? Pitiful in my opinion. Thank God he was so inept, otherwise we could have had more crappy legislation.
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No, it isn't Obama's job at all to create jobs. You want a free market, this is what you get. You want deregulation, then expect jobs to go oversee where they're cheaper. Hey, that's capitalism, right? Means cheaper goods for consumers over here. That's the price we pay.
As for cutting taxes, why is it that people don't seem to be able to grasp the concept that less taxes = less money. How on earth can you justify cutting taxes AND cutting spending to reduce the deficit? You can't do one or the other. Nobody wants to cut anything, yet nobody wants to see their taxes go up at all.
This statement really doesn't make sense.....

The Super Liberal don't like him because he's not Left enough....
The Liberal don't like him because he worked with the right on extending the tax cuts.
The Right doesn't like him....The Conservatives don't like him.
The Independent don't belong to anyone until election time....

He's Bush V. 2.0

Its that simple.
And specifically you are pleased why? Do you realize that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were unaffected by that change? They are billions in the hole and counting. Our govt is pouring money in this scam and you think Financial Regulations were fixed? No, they weren't. In fact, it will take years to recognize the unintended consequences. Futhermore, you are making a bold assumption that these changes will actually prevent another financial mess....I'll bet it doesn't.

Economy saved? Really? That is a pretty delusional comment. The housing market is still in shambles and will only get worse as unemployment remains high and jobs are leaving this country because there are absolutely no incentives for them to stay. We're hosed and Obama printed billions of fake dollars that we don't have to further enslave us and our future. If anything, he has doomed our future...not saved us at the present.

It took days for the seals to get a green-light to do this. It has been rumored that the hold up was Obama. However, that's conjecture...for arguments sake, I'll give you this one....albeit, what other response could he have had? I will say that for a bleeding heart liberal, I'm surprised he allowed it.

Record numbers? Can you show me some facts to back that up?

Actually Obama didn't do that. Although some terrorist attacks were thwarted during his tenure, there are thousands of people in our agencies that did that. Just like they do under every president's tenure. Most of the things that are actually prevented, the American public never hears about.

You think the BP spill was a success from Obama's handling? Really? What about the weeks where he didn't do a dang thing to get started on helping out with the clean-up? What about turning down help from foreign countries when we needed it? Obama completely mishandled the entire BP oil spill. Pulling out some of my own theories, he did it on purpose to shine a bad light on the oil industry and drew out what could have been averted much earlier.

You call water-boarding torture? I'll tell you what, if you had a family member die in Iraq, Afghanistan or on 9/11 you wouldn't give two craps about water-boarding some towel-wrapped jihadist.

We shouldn't be involved at all in foreign politics. Those people should handle their own issues. Furthermore, wasn't Obama that swayed back and further with his comments about Mubarack stepping aside? Even though we shouldn't take a stance, I guess you are supporting Obama who supports seeing radical Islamists take over the country via the Muslim Brotherhood??? Which makes sense....he's supporting his own.

Get real. Obama has been a joke and will probably only get re-elected because the average American is an uninformed idiot.

There's not much to address here. Basically a rant.

Needless to say..though..the bottom line is that President Obama will probably get re-elected and things are continuing to get better.

Typical liberal response....not wanting to debate, just whitewash everything as racist, a rant, or insert-a-one-line-dismisal here.

I'm not debating his re-election, only the ill-conceived list of "successes" as approved by you. I'm sure he probably will get re-elected, the average American is highly uninformed and impressed by his "cool" stuff like beer summits and a Blackberry. So, the 20-somethings bought into his hype, and they should because most in that age bracket are are mentally stimulated by MTV. It's the 40 something's that bother me that they are so easily duped by huge ridicilous promises that had no basis in reality and they further were able to be duped by not asking the simple question of "how" when he spewed on the campaign trail for 2 years.

I'm further perplexed and disappointed in people that continue to try to salvage his pitiful presidency as something to behold. To me, that's more disappointing than his presidency because anyone with anything more than gray-matter between their ears should have seen through his empty promises and campaign rhetoric.

So, if you believe he's doing a good job, good for you and him. Vote for him again and with any luck you can push us to the brink of real change. Because real change is coming to the American people no matter how painful it may be....it's about time for it.

There really wasn't much in your post to address, that hasn't been addressed ad naseum. President Obama worked hard on the BP debacle, torture is unconstitutional and he ridded the country of that blight, he's been hugely successful in getting his agenda passed, critical institutions to the economy were saved...but if you want to continue with posting things like "torture is aokay", have at it. And if you think he's doing a bad job..you are just as free to do with your vote..as I am to do. So vote against him.
There's not much to address here. Basically a rant.

Needless to say..though..the bottom line is that President Obama will probably get re-elected and things are continuing to get better.

Typical liberal response....not wanting to debate, just whitewash everything as racist, a rant, or insert-a-one-line-dismisal here.

I'm not debating his re-election, only the ill-conceived list of "successes" as approved by you. I'm sure he probably will get re-elected, the average American is highly uninformed and impressed by his "cool" stuff like beer summits and a Blackberry. So, the 20-somethings bought into his hype, and they should because most in that age bracket are are mentally stimulated by MTV. It's the 40 something's that bother me that they are so easily duped by huge ridicilous promises that had no basis in reality and they further were able to be duped by not asking the simple question of "how" when he spewed on the campaign trail for 2 years.

I'm further perplexed and disappointed in people that continue to try to salvage his pitiful presidency as something to behold. To me, that's more disappointing than his presidency because anyone with anything more than gray-matter between their ears should have seen through his empty promises and campaign rhetoric.

So, if you believe he's doing a good job, good for you and him. Vote for him again and with any luck you can push us to the brink of real change. Because real change is coming to the American people no matter how painful it may be....it's about time for it.

There really wasn't much in your post to address, that hasn't been addressed ad naseum. President Obama worked hard on the BP debacle, torture is unconstitutional and he ridded the country of that blight, he's been hugely successful in getting his agenda passed, critical institutions to the economy were saved...but if you want to continue with posting things like "torture is aokay", have at it. And if you think he's doing a bad job..you are just as free to do with your vote..as I am to do. So vote against him.

1) BO didn't work hard on BP spill, let's get real. Any manager/leader could have easily gotten the right people on the right course of action without being an oil expert. However, he's not a leader, he's never managed anything and this situation proved it.

Google "BP Oil Spill Timeline" it took him nearly 9 days to address it, nearly two weeks to make a quick PR visit and nearly 2 months to get all of the right people together. It was a failure. I'm not saying that the fix could have been implemented sooner, I am saying that his leadership to get the ball rolling was a failure.

2) Fine, torture is unconstitutional. So are about 4 million other regulations on the books....I don't see him taking issue with those.

3) The economy isn't saved. Give me a list of reasons why it is saved and why the things he did didn't just prolong and exacerbate the real issues. Face it, he's a simpleton and doesn't really know what is going on.

Agreed. You vote your way and I'll vote mine, however, I'll never stand quiet as people try to tout the things that he is doing as successes or as him doing a good job. Especially blanket statements that have no real meat to them.
No, it isn't Obama's job at all to create jobs. You want a free market, this is what you get. You want deregulation, then expect jobs to go oversee where they're cheaper. Hey, that's capitalism, right? Means cheaper goods for consumers over here. That's the price we pay.
As for cutting taxes, why is it that people don't seem to be able to grasp the concept that less taxes = less money. How on earth can you justify cutting taxes AND cutting spending to reduce the deficit? You can't do one or the other. Nobody wants to cut anything, yet nobody wants to see their taxes go up at all.

You are correct, it isn't Obama's job to create jobs...it's also not his job to punish businesses, thereby destroying jobs. No, we don't have a free market, and no this isn't what we get. If you think we have had a capitalistic society or a free market, you are sadly mistaken. I would say we truly haven't had a free market since mid-late 1800's. The regulation began sometime around that era and has grown exponential since. The over-regulation of our economy has now strangled our economy.

I'm afraid you are misguided on your thoughts about a free market. If you truly want to learn about a free market economy, I suggest you do some reading on Milton Friedman.

With regards to taxes, yes, we have to cut spending too. That is a huge part as well. However, if we continue to punish individuals and businesses, we will never rebuild our economy either. It's all a part of the same problem.
I'll say he's doing a great job when we see the end of the recession. Until then, the best I can say is that I find him less aggravating than Bush.

The recession has been over for a year and a half.

Really???? Has it???? Foreclosures are fixin to double down again, groceries, gas, power, and commodities costs more and more and more and unemployment is 9.2%... We're living on easy street right? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

You obviously don't know what a recession is.
Reality Check Class.... We are in an uncontrolled downward spiral due to out of control Government spending. Nothing is being Saved or Fixed for that matter. The Cycle needs to end, that's the hard truth. Government cannot fix the problem by raising Taxes. Government needs to root out corruption, incompetence, and misappropriation of Tax Dollars. There is No Santa.
I don't play your weak and childish word games, asshat...

The tax cuts your 0ssiah passed were not expired , they were extended...

The payroll tax is not a tax? Are you retarded?

Seriously...I'm genuinely curious...are you retarded? What is your IQ?

More word games from a dumb asshat...

The Bush tax cuts were not expired, they were extended...

Go be an asshat in another thread...

Do you ever wonder why even the libs here think you are a fuckstain?

Seriously... Do you?

OK, open audition here!!!

Does ANYONE agree with Dr. House that the payroll tax is not a tax??

Sign in please!
The payroll tax is not a tax? Are you retarded?

Seriously...I'm genuinely curious...are you retarded? What is your IQ?

More word games from a dumb asshat...

The Bush tax cuts were not expired, they were extended...

Go be an asshat in another thread...

Do you ever wonder why even the libs here think you are a fuckstain?

Seriously... Do you?

OK, open audition here!!!

Does ANYONE agree with Dr. House that the payroll tax is not a tax??

Sign in please!

I don't think its a tax in the classical sense, as its not pegged to a scale, its topped at 106K, it is not 'progressive', ( but is basically 'refunded' via tax 'credits' to those in lower brackets ante no net tax responsibility) its for a 'set' enacted fund for use after ones retirement, I'd actually call it a fee. *shrugs* its a tax like no other, for lack of a better phrase.
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More word games from a dumb asshat...

The Bush tax cuts were not expired, they were extended...

Go be an asshat in another thread...

Do you ever wonder why even the libs here think you are a fuckstain?

Seriously... Do you?

OK, open audition here!!!

Does ANYONE agree with Dr. House that the payroll tax is not a tax??

Sign in please!

I don't think its a tax in the classical sense, as its not pegged to a scale, its topped at 106K, it is not 'progressive', ( but is basically 'refunded' via tax 'credits' to those in lower brackets ante no net tax responsibility) its for a 'set' enacted fund for use after ones retirement, I'd actually call it a fee. *shrugs* its a tax like no other, for lack of a better phrase.

A tax doesn't have to be progressive to be a tax, where did you come up with that?

The child tax credit 'refunds' income tax; does that mean the income tax is not a tax?

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