Obama budget to cut $1.1 trillion in deficits

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- President Obama on Monday will propose a 2012 federal budget that the White House says will cut deficits by $1.1 trillion over 10 years.

The president's request calls for a mix of strategic spending to boost U.S. competitiveness and selective belt-tightening intended as a "down payment" on serious deficit reduction, according to his budget director Jacob Lew, who spoke on CNN's "State of the Union."

Full details on the budget will be released on Monday morning.

So it's not clear yet where all of the estimated $1.1 trillion in deficit reduction will come from, or exactly how significant a swipe it makes at long-term deficit reduction.

But one chunk -- $400 billion in savings -- would result from the president's call for a five-year freeze on non-security discretionary spending.

Obama budget to cut $1.1 trillion in deficits - Feb. 13, 2011

When I first saw the headline I was almost like a kid on Christmas morning because I thought this $1.1 trillion cut from the deficit was going to be for this next fiscal year, but it's not. It's over a ten year period.

Nope, not even close to being acceptable. This goes no where near far enough.
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- President Obama on Monday will propose a 2012 federal budget that the White House says will cut deficits by $1.1 trillion over 10 years.

The president's request calls for a mix of strategic spending to boost U.S. competitiveness and selective belt-tightening intended as a "down payment" on serious deficit reduction, according to his budget director Jacob Lew, who spoke on CNN's "State of the Union."

Full details on the budget will be released on Monday morning.

So it's not clear yet where all of the estimated $1.1 trillion in deficit reduction will come from, or exactly how significant a swipe it makes at long-term deficit reduction.

But one chunk -- $400 billion in savings -- would result from the president's call for a five-year freeze on non-security discretionary spending.

Obama budget to cut $1.1 trillion in deficits - Feb. 13, 2011

When I first saw the headline I was almost like a kid on Christmas morning because I thought this $1.1 trillion cut from the deficit was going to be for this next fiscal year, but it's not. It's over a ten year period.

Nope, not even close to being acceptable. This goes no where near far enough.
Republican presidents outspend Dems 3:1
• November 30, 2007 •

“If you look at the 59-year record of debt since the end of WWII, starting with Truman’s term, the difference between the two parties’ contributions to our national debt level change considerably. Since 1946, Democratic presidents increased the national debt an average of only 3.2% per year. The Republican presidents stay at an average increase of 9.7% per year. Republican Presidents out borrowed and spent Democratic presidents by a three to one ratio. Putting that in very real terms; for every dollar a Democratic president has raised the national debt in the past 59 years Republican presidents have raised the debt by $2.99.

..... The fact is that Reagan was able to push his tax cuts through both Houses of Congress, but he never pushed through any reduced spending programs. His weak leadership in this area makes him directly responsible for the unprecedented rise in borrowing during his time in office, an average of 13.8% per year. The increase in total debt during Reagan’s two terms was larger than all the debt accumulated by all the presidents before him combined.”


"Nope, not even close to being acceptable. This goes no where near far enough."
(Dont Taz Me Bro)

I love it when our conservative "friends," like "Dont Taz Me Bro," presume to lecture Democrats about fiscal responsibility.

Don't conservatives have an attention span of more than 2 years, haven't they learned that past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior?
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NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- President Obama on Monday will propose a 2012 federal budget that the White House says will cut deficits by $1.1 trillion over 10 years.

The president's request calls for a mix of strategic spending to boost U.S. competitiveness and selective belt-tightening intended as a "down payment" on serious deficit reduction, according to his budget director Jacob Lew, who spoke on CNN's "State of the Union."

Full details on the budget will be released on Monday morning.

So it's not clear yet where all of the estimated $1.1 trillion in deficit reduction will come from, or exactly how significant a swipe it makes at long-term deficit reduction.

But one chunk -- $400 billion in savings -- would result from the president's call for a five-year freeze on non-security discretionary spending.

Obama budget to cut $1.1 trillion in deficits - Feb. 13, 2011

When I first saw the headline I was almost like a kid on Christmas morning because I thought this $1.1 trillion cut from the deficit was going to be for this next fiscal year, but it's not. It's over a ten year period.

Nope, not even close to being acceptable. This goes no where near far enough.

"Urgency" and "Emergency" are not in his vocabulary, obviously. Just when , oh when, will this president GET IT????

Maybe when we start talking about the debt ceiling. "We'll put a freeze on it and it will be reduced in ten years."
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I love it when our conservative "friends," like "Dont Taz Me Bro," presume to lecture Democrats about fiscal responsibility.

I love it when a blustering horse's ass like yourself arrogantly presumes to know someone's political leanings or their knowledge of the facts.

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NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- President Obama on Monday will propose a 2012 federal budget that the White House says will cut deficits by $1.1 trillion over 10 years.

The president's request calls for a mix of strategic spending to boost U.S. competitiveness and selective belt-tightening intended as a "down payment" on serious deficit reduction, according to his budget director Jacob Lew, who spoke on CNN's "State of the Union."

Full details on the budget will be released on Monday morning.

So it's not clear yet where all of the estimated $1.1 trillion in deficit reduction will come from, or exactly how significant a swipe it makes at long-term deficit reduction.

But one chunk -- $400 billion in savings -- would result from the president's call for a five-year freeze on non-security discretionary spending.

Obama budget to cut $1.1 trillion in deficits - Feb. 13, 2011

When I first saw the headline I was almost like a kid on Christmas morning because I thought this $1.1 trillion cut from the deficit was going to be for this next fiscal year, but it's not. It's over a ten year period.

Nope, not even close to being acceptable. This goes no where near far enough.

"Urgency" and "Emergency" are not in his vocabulary, obviously. Just when , oh when, will this president GET IT????

That's exactly the problem. They are not taking this seriously.
So 100 billion a year? So we are gonna cut basically the equivalent over 10 years of what stimulus spent in 1?

Gotta love gubamint math.
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- President Obama on Monday will propose a 2012 federal budget that the White House says will cut deficits by $1.1 trillion over 10 years.

The president's request calls for a mix of strategic spending to boost U.S. competitiveness and selective belt-tightening intended as a "down payment" on serious deficit reduction, according to his budget director Jacob Lew, who spoke on CNN's "State of the Union."

Full details on the budget will be released on Monday morning.

So it's not clear yet where all of the estimated $1.1 trillion in deficit reduction will come from, or exactly how significant a swipe it makes at long-term deficit reduction.

But one chunk -- $400 billion in savings -- would result from the president's call for a five-year freeze on non-security discretionary spending.

Obama budget to cut $1.1 trillion in deficits - Feb. 13, 2011

When I first saw the headline I was almost like a kid on Christmas morning because I thought this $1.1 trillion cut from the deficit was going to be for this next fiscal year, but it's not. It's over a ten year period.

Nope, not even close to being acceptable. This goes no where near far enough.

that's a mere 110 Billion a year. Were spending 1.5 Trillion a year more than we take in. It's a start, but not even as good of one as the Congressional Republicans are proposing.

Would be like you spending 150 grand a year more than you make, and deciding to only spend 139 Grand a year more than you make for now on, and thinking things will get better.
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- President Obama on Monday will propose a 2012 federal budget that the White House says will cut deficits by $1.1 trillion over 10 years.

The president's request calls for a mix of strategic spending to boost U.S. competitiveness and selective belt-tightening intended as a "down payment" on serious deficit reduction, according to his budget director Jacob Lew, who spoke on CNN's "State of the Union."

Full details on the budget will be released on Monday morning.

So it's not clear yet where all of the estimated $1.1 trillion in deficit reduction will come from, or exactly how significant a swipe it makes at long-term deficit reduction.

But one chunk -- $400 billion in savings -- would result from the president's call for a five-year freeze on non-security discretionary spending.

Obama budget to cut $1.1 trillion in deficits - Feb. 13, 2011

When I first saw the headline I was almost like a kid on Christmas morning because I thought this $1.1 trillion cut from the deficit was going to be for this next fiscal year, but it's not. It's over a ten year period.

Nope, not even close to being acceptable. This goes no where near far enough.

and the alternative to cutting $110 billion a year estimate of the budget is ???????

....the 45 billion cut this year that the repubs are suggesting???

are you upset with the tea party and repubs in congress for not proposing more cuts?

6 or 1/2 dozen, imo.

neither have a good plan on deep cuts.....
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- President Obama on Monday will propose a 2012 federal budget that the White House says will cut deficits by $1.1 trillion over 10 years.

The president's request calls for a mix of strategic spending to boost U.S. competitiveness and selective belt-tightening intended as a "down payment" on serious deficit reduction, according to his budget director Jacob Lew, who spoke on CNN's "State of the Union."

Full details on the budget will be released on Monday morning.

So it's not clear yet where all of the estimated $1.1 trillion in deficit reduction will come from, or exactly how significant a swipe it makes at long-term deficit reduction.

But one chunk -- $400 billion in savings -- would result from the president's call for a five-year freeze on non-security discretionary spending.

Obama budget to cut $1.1 trillion in deficits - Feb. 13, 2011

When I first saw the headline I was almost like a kid on Christmas morning because I thought this $1.1 trillion cut from the deficit was going to be for this next fiscal year, but it's not. It's over a ten year period.

Nope, not even close to being acceptable. This goes no where near far enough.


Much like the "$2.5 trillion in cuts" the GOP proposed a couple of weeks ago this is not a serious proposal.

They need to do better than this.
My prediction....2012
Obama wins but not by a whole lot....Obama raises taxes...It will come down to cuts in spending and everyone has to pay more in taxes...We are so F_ _ ked thanks to these A holes.
Thanks Obama......
The interest payment alone last year was over 400 billion......
Thanks Obama !......


on that one, thank mostly, President Bush and his congresses for more than doubling our history's debt in his 8 years, of which we are paying for now.... obama and his congresses are responsible for about 10% of that interest payment right now....

come a few years he will have much more ownership of the debt payments, but for now....what is due in payments now, not so much...
My prediction....2012
Obama wins but not by a whole lot....Obama raises taxes...It will come down to cuts in spending and everyone has to pay more in taxes...We are so F_ _ ked thanks to these A holes.
Thanks Obama......

As long as Congress can make some real cuts I am quite fine with that scenario.
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- President Obama on Monday will propose a 2012 federal budget that the White House says will cut deficits by $1.1 trillion over 10 years.

The president's request calls for a mix of strategic spending to boost U.S. competitiveness and selective belt-tightening intended as a "down payment" on serious deficit reduction, according to his budget director Jacob Lew, who spoke on CNN's "State of the Union."

Full details on the budget will be released on Monday morning.

So it's not clear yet where all of the estimated $1.1 trillion in deficit reduction will come from, or exactly how significant a swipe it makes at long-term deficit reduction.

But one chunk -- $400 billion in savings -- would result from the president's call for a five-year freeze on non-security discretionary spending.

Obama budget to cut $1.1 trillion in deficits - Feb. 13, 2011

When I first saw the headline I was almost like a kid on Christmas morning because I thought this $1.1 trillion cut from the deficit was going to be for this next fiscal year, but it's not. It's over a ten year period.

Nope, not even close to being acceptable. This goes no where near far enough.

Oh great!! The way I translate this is "We are going to spend money to save money." It doesn't work like that and what we will end up with is more spending and no savings.

Selective "belt-tightening"? I want to see that before I actually believe it.

Spending is going to increase that is all that is certain in the OP.

My prediction....2012
Obama wins but not by a whole lot....Obama raises taxes...It will come down to cuts in spending and everyone has to pay more in taxes...We are so F_ _ ked thanks to these A holes.
Thanks Obama......

As long as Congress can make some real cuts I am quite fine with that scenario.

They "can"... the problem is that they "won't".


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