expect Rams to be back in LA next year.

Ryan_Kartje: "Viktor Nehring, 51, is not so sure. He grew up a Rams fan, but in the NFL’s long absence, took up rooting for the Packers. With the Rams now set to return, he’s undecided whether to renew his loyalties. “I mean, I’ve lived 20 years without an NFL team. I don’t really need one here.” It’s a tone that some in Los Angeles have taken – and many elsewhere have clung to – in criticizing the Rams’ move. But for Nehring, talking about the team is bringing back old memories. Now a day trader living in El Segundo, he longingly recalls being in the Coliseum stands in 1977 for the Rams’ legendary “Mud Bowl” loss. The memory has him feeling nostalgic for the NFL’s last stint in Los Angeles... here, as an old Rams fan rethinks whether to return to his childhood team, there is proof of how quickly sentiment in a region of mismatched but passionate fans could turn. “Maybe I’ve just gotten used to not having (the Rams) around,” Nehring wonders, as a beat passes... “WHAT THE HECK,” he exclaims. “I PROBABLY WILL GO BACK!”

Can the Rams – and maybe the Chargers – reach a generation that's grown up without an NFL team?
21 years ago, Bernie Miklasz shared his thoughts about L.A. and its fans: "As for the Rams and Frontiere, I care only about what happens from this day forward. The Los Angeles Rams are dead. The St. Louis Rams are alive...We will judge Frontiere and on how she handles this franchise, this city, and our trust, when the Rams kick off in 1995."
21 years ago, Bernie Miklasz shared his thoughts about L.A. and its fans: "As for the Rams and Frontiere, I care only about what happens from this day forward. The Los Angeles Rams are dead. The St. Louis Rams are alive...We will judge Frontiere and on how she handles this franchise, this city, and our trust, when the Rams kick off in 1995."

s for the Rams and Kroenke, I care only about what happens from this day forward. The St. Louis Rams are dead. The Los Angeles Rams are alive...again...We will judge Kroenke and on how he handles this franchise, this city, and our trust, when the Rams kick off in 2016."

Would you like some sweet & sour sauce with your karma, Bernie?

"Stop Whining, la; We Deserve Another Chance" by Miklasz, Bernie - St Louis Post-Dispatch (MO), January 18, 1995 | Online Research Library: Questia

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