Excerpt: 'The Heart of Whiteness'

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
Hidden Racism in 'The Heart of Whiteness' : NPR

Some points that alot of in denial whites, especially Shogun, Kitterkoder and RGS hate to hear:

It may seem self-indulgent to talk about the fears of white people in a white-supremacist society. After all, what do white people really have to be afraid of in a world structured on white privilege? It may be self-indulgent, but it's critical to understand because these fears are part of what keeps many white people from confronting ourselves and the system.

The first, and perhaps most crucial, fear is that of facing the fact that some of what we white people have is unearned. It's a truism that we don't really make it on our own; we all have plenty of help to achieve whatever we achieve. That means that some of what we have is the product of the work of others, distributed unevenly across society, over which we may have little or no control individually. No matter how hard we work or how smart we are, we all know -- when we are honest with ourselves -- that we did not get where we are by merit alone. And many white people are afraid of that fact.

A second fear is crasser: White people's fear of losing what we have -- literally the fear of losing things we own if at some point the economic, political, and social systems in which we live become more just and equitable. That fear is not completely irrational; if white privilege -- along with the other kinds of privilege many of us have living in the middle class and above in an imperialist country that dominates much of the rest of the world -- were to evaporate, the distribution of resources in the United States and in the world would change, and that would be a good thing. We would have less. That redistribution of wealth would be fairer and more just. But in a world in which people have become used to affluence and material comfort, that possibility can be scary.

A third fear involves a slightly different scenario -- a world in which non-white people might someday gain the kind of power over whites that whites have long monopolized. One hears this constantly in the conversation about immigration, the lingering fear that somehow "they" (meaning not just Mexican-Americans and Latinos more generally, but any non-white immigrants) are going to keep moving to this country and at some point become the majority demographically. Even though whites likely can maintain a disproportionate share of wealth, those numbers will eventually translate into political, economic, and cultural power. And then what? Many whites fear that the result won't be a system that is more just, but a system in which white people become the minority and could be treated as whites have long treated non-whites. This is perhaps the deepest fear that lives in the heart of whiteness. It is not really a fear of non-white people. It's a fear of the depravity that lives in our own hearts: Are non-white people capable of doing to us the barbaric things we have done to them?

White people are cool.

ps, no one prohibits a single black person from going to Africa and starting a nation like the product of white men you enjoy so much here.

African Americans are Americans not Africans so we don't have to back to a place where are not from, except only in the ancestral sense.
African Americans are Americans not Africans so we don't have to back to a place where are not from, except only in the ancestral sense.

And, since America is the product of white people.....


Whatsa matter, guy? don't have the balls or backbone to go make your own black nation where you don't have white people to cry about?
African Americans are Americans not Africans so we don't have to back to a place where are not from, except only in the ancestral sense.

And, since America is the product of white people.....

America is *NOT* the ancestral place of Euro-Americans, bka white people, get over it. Blacks have been in America just as long as whites.


Whatsa matter, guy? don't have the balls or backbone to go make your own black nation where you don't have white people to cry about?

Your trolling doesn't diminish nor change the *REALITY* of this:

It may seem self-indulgent to talk about the fears of white people in a white-supremacist society. After all, what do white people really have to be afraid of in a world structured on white privilege? It may be self-indulgent, but it's critical to understand because these fears are part of what keeps many white people from confronting ourselves and the system.

The first, and perhaps most crucial, fear is that of facing the fact that some of what we white people have is unearned. It's a truism that we don't really make it on our own; we all have plenty of help to achieve whatever we achieve. That means that some of what we have is the product of the work of others, distributed unevenly across society, over which we may have little or no control individually. No matter how hard we work or how smart we are, we all know -- when we are honest with ourselves -- that we did not get where we are by merit alone. And many white people are afraid of that fact.

A second fear is crasser: White people's fear of losing what we have -- literally the fear of losing things we own if at some point the economic, political, and social systems in which we live become more just and equitable. That fear is not completely irrational; if white privilege -- along with the other kinds of privilege many of us have living in the middle class and above in an imperialist country that dominates much of the rest of the world -- were to evaporate, the distribution of resources in the United States and in the world would change, and that would be a good thing. We would have less. That redistribution of wealth would be fairer and more just. But in a world in which people have become used to affluence and material comfort, that possibility can be scary.

A third fear involves a slightly different scenario -- a world in which non-white people might someday gain the kind of power over whites that whites have long monopolized. One hears this constantly in the conversation about immigration, the lingering fear that somehow "they" (meaning not just Mexican-Americans and Latinos more generally, but any non-white immigrants) are going to keep moving to this country and at some point become the majority demographically. Even though whites likely can maintain a disproportionate share of wealth, those numbers will eventually translate into political, economic, and cultural power. And then what? Many whites fear that the result won't be a system that is more just, but a system in which white people become the minority and could be treated as whites have long treated non-whites. This is perhaps the deepest fear that lives in the heart of whiteness. It is not really a fear of non-white people. It's a fear of the depravity that lives in our own hearts: Are non-white people capable of doing to us the barbaric things we have done to them?

America is *NOT* the ancestral place of Euro-Americans, bka white people, get over it. Blacks have been in America just as long as whites.

THE UNITED STATES IS A WHITE PRODUCT BY WHITE MEN WHO WERE BUSY OWNING YOUR ANCESTORS. Believe what you want, dude, but these are occasions where your worthless ghetto education shines.

Your trolling doesn't diminish nor change the *REALITY* of this:

of what, that you have neither balls nor backbone to take your fucking ass to Africa and start your own nation like WHITEY DID HERE IN NORTH AMERICA?

Name the negro founding father, dude. I DARE you.

America is *NOT* the ancestral place of Euro-Americans, bka white people, get over it. Blacks have been in America just as long as whites.

THE UNITED STATES IS A WHITE PRODUCT BY WHITE MEN WHO WERE BUSY OWNING YOUR ANCESTORS. Believe what you want, dude, but these are occasions where your worthless ghetto education shines.

Repeat, the US is *NOT* the ancestral place of Euro-Americans, bka, white people, your people descend from Europeans who came to America, if African Americans should go back to Africa by your retarded logic[eventhough we've been here since the beginning and formation of this country] you can equally carry your sorry, broke white jackass back to Europe and quit the job that your black boss gave you. Now do you get the picture? Euro-Americans, bka white people, are no more "true real Americans"than African Americans who's ancestors have been here for well over 400 years, so why speak as if Aframs just came here off the boat?

America is *NOT* the ancestral place of Euro-Americans, bka white people, get over it. Blacks have been in America just as long as whites.

THE UNITED STATES IS A WHITE PRODUCT BY WHITE MEN WHO WERE BUSY OWNING YOUR ANCESTORS. Believe what you want, dude, but these are occasions where your worthless ghetto education shines.

Repeat, the US is *NOT* the ancestral place of Euro-Americans, bka, white people, your people descend from Europeans who came to America, if African Americans should go back to Africa by your retarded logic[eventhough we've been here since the beginning and formation of this country] you can equally carry your sorry, broke white jackass back to Europe and quit the job that your black boss gave you. Now do you get the picture? Euro-Americans, bka white people, are no more "true real Americans"than African Americans who's ancestors have been here for well over 400 years, so why speak as if Aframs just came here off the boat?

I didn't say anything about an ancestral homeland, negro. I said THE UNITED STATES OF MOTHERFUCKING AMERICA. Again, name the negro founding father, darkseat. I DARE you. Of course, your stalling and dancing illistrates your utter stupidity and desire to avoid the fact of the creation of this nation you enjoy. News flash, sambo... native americans didn't create the UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION nor did they fend off England in order to form this nation. I realize you got an F in AM History and, trust me, IT SHOWS.


America is *NOT* the ancestral place of Euro-Americans, bka white people, get over it. Blacks have been in America just as long as whites.

THE UNITED STATES IS A WHITE PRODUCT BY WHITE MEN WHO WERE BUSY OWNING YOUR ANCESTORS. Believe what you want, dude, but these are occasions where your worthless ghetto education shines.

Repeat, the US is *NOT* the ancestral place of Euro-Americans, bka, white people, your people descend from Europeans who came to America, if African Americans should go back to Africa by your retarded logic[eventhough we've been here since the beginning and formation of this country] you can equally carry your sorry, broke white jackass back to Europe and quit the job that your black boss gave you. Now do you get the picture? Euro-Americans, bka white people, are no more "true real Americans"than African Americans who's ancestors have been here for well over 400 years, so why speak as if Aframs just came here off the boat?

I didn't say anything about an ancestral homeland, negro. I said THE UNITED STATES OF MOTHERFUCKING AMERICA. Again, name the negro founding father, darkseat. I DARE you. Of course, your stalling and dancing illistrates your utter stupidity and desire to avoid the fact of the creation of this nation you enjoy. News flash, sambo... native americans didn't create the UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION nor did they fend off England in order to form this nation. I realize you got an F in AM History and, trust me, IT SHOWS.


White racist, cracker Americans have no authority to tell blacks to go the hell back to Africa, especially a broke joke of a sorry cracker who's employer is black, BS deaded, over .........
The Bass has his ears open and eyes open yet he hears nor sees any evidence that refutes the reality of this:

It may seem self-indulgent to talk about the fears of white people in a white-supremacist society. After all, what do white people really have to be afraid of in a world structured on white privilege? It may be self-indulgent, but it's critical to understand because these fears are part of what keeps many white people from confronting ourselves and the system.

The first, and perhaps most crucial, fear is that of facing the fact that some of what we white people have is unearned. It's a truism that we don't really make it on our own; we all have plenty of help to achieve whatever we achieve. That means that some of what we have is the product of the work of others, distributed unevenly across society, over which we may have little or no control individually. No matter how hard we work or how smart we are, we all know -- when we are honest with ourselves -- that we did not get where we are by merit alone. And many white people are afraid of that fact.

A second fear is crasser: White people's fear of losing what we have -- literally the fear of losing things we own if at some point the economic, political, and social systems in which we live become more just and equitable. That fear is not completely irrational; if white privilege -- along with the other kinds of privilege many of us have living in the middle class and above in an imperialist country that dominates much of the rest of the world -- were to evaporate, the distribution of resources in the United States and in the world would change, and that would be a good thing. We would have less. That redistribution of wealth would be fairer and more just. But in a world in which people have become used to affluence and material comfort, that possibility can be scary.

A third fear involves a slightly different scenario -- a world in which non-white people might someday gain the kind of power over whites that whites have long monopolized. One hears this constantly in the conversation about immigration, the lingering fear that somehow "they" (meaning not just Mexican-Americans and Latinos more generally, but any non-white immigrants) are going to keep moving to this country and at some point become the majority demographically. Even though whites likely can maintain a disproportionate share of wealth, those numbers will eventually translate into political, economic, and cultural power. And then what? Many whites fear that the result won't be a system that is more just, but a system in which white people become the minority and could be treated as whites have long treated non-whites. This is perhaps the deepest fear that lives in the heart of whiteness. It is not really a fear of non-white people. It's a fear of the depravity that lives in our own hearts: Are non-white people capable of doing to us the barbaric things we have done to them?
The first, and perhaps most crucial, fear is that of facing the fact that some of what we white people have is unearned.

bullshit. The white race is not a singular entity. Furthermore, much of what many Blacks has is unearned, taken from others as a part of the racial conflict wages by retarded afrocentrists who hate anyone lighter than a piece of black construction paper
a world in which non-white people might someday gain the kind of power over whites that whites have long monopolized.

So you admit to calling for a black apartheid and being an enemy of equality and liberty

you heard it here, folks
Repeat, the US is *NOT* the ancestral place of Euro-Americans, bka, white people, your people descend from Europeans who came to America, if African Americans should go back to Africa by your retarded logic[eventhough we've been here since the beginning and formation of this country] you can equally carry your sorry, broke white jackass back to Europe and quit the job that your black boss gave you. Now do you get the picture? Euro-Americans, bka white people, are no more "true real Americans"than African Americans who's ancestors have been here for well over 400 years, so why speak as if Aframs just came here off the boat?

I didn't say anything about an ancestral homeland, negro. I said THE UNITED STATES OF MOTHERFUCKING AMERICA. Again, name the negro founding father, darkseat. I DARE you. Of course, your stalling and dancing illistrates your utter stupidity and desire to avoid the fact of the creation of this nation you enjoy. News flash, sambo... native americans didn't create the UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION nor did they fend off England in order to form this nation. I realize you got an F in AM History and, trust me, IT SHOWS.


White racist, cracker Americans have no authority to tell blacks to go the hell back to Africa, especially a broke joke of a sorry cracker who's employer is black, BS deaded, over .........

Oh is THAT your retort, ******? I take it you didn't find a single black founding father of THE UNITED STATES then..

go figure.

Indeed, because I work for a black owned company I KNOW what kind of benefit it is to be black in the business world. When ALL ELSE is equal this company gets state bids for no other reason than the fact that the owner is not white. I really don't care who you need to blame, ******.. the FACT is that you won't scrap AA because you know it's a free point while every other white person doesn't get similar consideration.

now, go make me some tea before I have your black ass back out in the cotton field.
I didn't say anything about an ancestral homeland, negro. I said THE UNITED STATES OF MOTHERFUCKING AMERICA. Again, name the negro founding father, darkseat. I DARE you. Of course, your stalling and dancing illistrates your utter stupidity and desire to avoid the fact of the creation of this nation you enjoy. News flash, sambo... native americans didn't create the UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION nor did they fend off England in order to form this nation. I realize you got an F in AM History and, trust me, IT SHOWS.


White racist, cracker Americans have no authority to tell blacks to go the hell back to Africa, especially a broke joke of a sorry cracker who's employer is black, BS deaded, over .........

Oh is THAT your retort, ******? I take it you didn't find a single black founding father of THE UNITED STATES then..

go figure.

Indeed, because I work for a black owned company I KNOW what kind of benefit it is to be black in the business world. When ALL ELSE is equal this company gets state bids for no other reason than the fact that the owner is not white. I really don't care who you need to blame, ******.. the FACT is that you won't scrap AA because you know it's a free point while every other white person doesn't get similar consideration.

now, go make me some tea before I have your black ass back out in the cotton field.

White racist, cracker Americans have no authority to tell blacks to go the hell back to Africa, especially a broke joke of a sorry cracker who's employer is black, BS deaded, over .........

BTW, your jackass says the only your black boss gets anything is because he's black and it must be affirmative action and special preferences, where's your evidence for this? are you saying his hard work and his businesses are too sorry and substandard to accomplish anything without special preferences? You work for this same company and if that is the case what does that say about you?
White racist, cracker Americans have no authority to tell blacks to go the hell back to Africa, especially a broke joke of a sorry cracker who's employer is black, BS deaded, over .........

Oh is THAT your retort, ******? I take it you didn't find a single black founding father of THE UNITED STATES then..

go figure.

Indeed, because I work for a black owned company I KNOW what kind of benefit it is to be black in the business world. When ALL ELSE is equal this company gets state bids for no other reason than the fact that the owner is not white. I really don't care who you need to blame, ******.. the FACT is that you won't scrap AA because you know it's a free point while every other white person doesn't get similar consideration.

now, go make me some tea before I have your black ass back out in the cotton field.

White racist, cracker Americans have no authority to tell blacks to go the hell back to Africa, especially a broke joke of a sorry cracker who's employer is black, BS deaded, over .........

BTW, your jackass says the only your black boss gets anything is because he's black and it must be affirmative action and special preferences, where's your evidence for this? are you saying his hard work and his businesses are too sorry and substandard to accomplish anything without special preferences? You work for this same company and if that is the case what does that say about you?

Well, if you want to keep bitching about the US then you have the option to take your black ass back to Africa and settle your own nation. But, since we see how much you ENJOY THIS WHITE MANS PRODUCT OF A NATION...

Sorry, bass.. you are not smart enough to prod me into giving you personal info. I'm quite aware of just how bitter and resentful your ****** ass is and I'd hate to tempt you into thinking you have an automatic kinship with blacks around here. Suffice it to say, WE KNOW, and have jokes many times about, the fact that most of our accounts are the result of Affirmative Action rather than comparable service. I'm afraid i'll have to take the word of the owner over your silly little ghetto ass.


America is *NOT* the ancestral place of Euro-Americans, bka white people, get over it. Blacks have been in America just as long as whites.

THE UNITED STATES IS A WHITE PRODUCT BY WHITE MEN WHO WERE BUSY OWNING YOUR ANCESTORS. Believe what you want, dude, but these are occasions where your worthless ghetto education shines.

Your trolling doesn't diminish nor change the *REALITY* of this:

of what, that you have neither balls nor backbone to take your fucking ass to Africa and start your own nation like WHITEY DID HERE IN NORTH AMERICA?

Name the negro founding father, dude. I DARE you.

crispus attucks
You'd call Crispus a Founding Father? Isn't that sorta like calling Rodney Kind a Civil Rights pioneer?

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