Example #20,000 - Why the government needs OUT of our lives.


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
College Education.

Average inflation over 25 years....about 100%.
Medical costs - what everyone is complaining about - and the government wants to get involved because of it..218%

Getting that degree is now DOUBLE what it was just 10 years ago. years.

Why? - Easy. The government bankrolls it with taxpayer dollars.
25 years ago not everyone could go to college. You had to meet certain criteria...today...you don't even need a high school diploma.

Not to mention that college drop out rates are a stunning 50% in America.
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Dammit...I knew I sould have put Glen beck or Bachman in the title of the thread....only way to get responses.
OK so maybe the title is not a good one.

No one is outraged that college tuition has raised 439%???
OK so maybe the title is not a good one.

No one is outraged that college tuition has raised 439%???

The libs think of it as: their little secret. You can be an average student, get a teaching degree, jump thru the political and academic hoops for a master's or doctorate and make $400,000 a year salary (while lecturing the public on how schools need more money). It is a ponzi scheme that is working, nicely. Please don't expose it, and ruin it for them.
439% might even be acceptable if there were even a 50% shot at being able to pay it off by obtaining a decent job
We need less liberal arts education in this country and more technical education.

More money for vocational education and stop telling every kid that they can and should go to college.
... and stop telling every kid that they can and should go to college.

This is a big part of the problem.
You don't even need a high school diploma to go to college now, maybe we should stop and think...gee..maybe little Jill and Johnny who were in the bottom 20% of the class will not be successful in higher education. Ya think?

Think of how much tax dollars are wasted on kids who never finish college, and default on their loans. As of 2010, 7% of all student loans are never paid.. At the same time Federal grants are slowly reaching the 50% mark - almost half of all students are getting grants that are of course paid by taxpayers.

Meanwhile schools campuses are becoming resorts. Virtually all larger institutions now have (on campus or near campus) - olympic-sized swimming pools, tennis courts, full sized golf courses etc. etc.
Not to mention tenured professors who don't even show up for class.
Expecting a nation's educational system to be healthier than the society from which it is drawn is a fool's expectation.

I'm looking forward to CHARTER schools because I'm reasonably sure that they will ALSO fail to solve the nationa's educational woes.

Perhaps when enough people see that the market cannot solve this problem, either, then perhaps they will understand that in a society sickened by the philosphy of GREED, nothing is goign to work particularly well.
Expecting a nation's educational system to be healthier than the society from which it is drawn is a fool's expectation.

I'm looking forward to CHARTER schools because I'm reasonably sure that they will ALSO fail to solve the nationa's educational woes.

Perhaps when enough people see that the market cannot solve this problem, either, then perhaps they will understand that in a society sickened by the philosphy of GREED, nothing is goign to work particularly well.

What does the market have to do with education?
Pre- collegiate education in this country is completely funded and controlled by the government.
Higher education is slowly becoming totally funded by the government (which means slowly being controlled by the government)

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