Ex-Trump Staffer Complains About His legal Costs


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
There’s an old saying among crooks, “Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time.”

Former Trump adviser Michael Caputo should have taken these sage words of advice to heart, and perhaps, considered other related costs which could be incurred, before he chose to join the Big Orange Idiot’s criminal gang.

“Caputo the sniveler" is complaining about Big Orange forcing him to pay his own legal costs for lawyers to defend him in actions resulting from the Mueller investigation. (For those unaware of the purpose of the Mueller probe, it is an investigation into the corrupt dealings between the Big Orange Idiot’s criminal organization and the Russians. The investigation was initiated due to: “A report, based on intelligence gathered by the three main agencies, the CIA, FBI and NSA, said Russia’s aim was to ‘denigrate [Hillary] Clinton, and harm her electability and potential presidency’ because it had a ‘clear preference for President-elect Trump’.”

“Caputo the sniveler" said, “ ‘It's very expensive and nobody’s called me and offered to help.’ ” He also stated, “ ‘The problem is, it’s very specialized representation, so it takes a certain type of attorney, and they’re quite competent. And you’ll pay for competency.’ ” Additionally, he’s had to cash in “his children’s college fund to help pay the lawyer and also provide extra security for his family following ‘death threats’.” Waa waa waa.

“Caputo the sniveler" isn’t the only conservative whiner complaining about the costs of being investigated for his association with this corrupt administration. Another former adviser whined to the Examiner, but did so anonymously knowing the spiteful Big Orange Idiot would seek revenge on him for stating he, “ ‘hung us out to dry’.” The anonymous sniveler believes, “ ‘multi-billionaire Donald Trump has a moral obligation to pay the mounting legal bills of his advisers who are facing four-, five- and six-figure costs just for doing their jobs.’ ” And get this, he blames Hope Hicks and Kellyanne Conway for the legal woes of the staffers, current and present.

If these chronic complainers think they have it rough now, as Mueller’s investigation team continues to dig up more and more of the damning evidence they know is out there, the investigation will widen and more and more associates, also former and current, will find themselves incurring exorbitant legal costs for making the choice to join the Big Orange Idiot’s criminal enterprise.

After reading this OP and articles at the included links below, conservatives should realize it as their duty to open their checkbooks and donate generously to these friends and advisers of their Big Orange hero.


The Big Orange Idiot knows Mueller's investigating team is closing in. It is inevitable he will soon pull a “Nixon” and fire Mueller, thus admitting his and his criminal gang's guilt.




Yes, conservative denial is rampant concerning the evidence piling up against the Big Orange Idiot and his crime family.


So far, it has worked great for Putin, but not so much for the rest of the world.


Foreplay before the hookers come in to soak the Big Orange Idiot with their golden pee.


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