Evangelicals and Trump

What then of religion? Has it lost its holiness, its goodness.

I subscribe to no organized religion or what they called revealed religion, however I respected all who practice whatever faith they choose ir inherent from their parents.

I detest those who “use” religion for personal and or group enrichment and political gain. Trump and Jerry Falwell Jr are the most recent in the news come to mind.
Trump’s Bible holding stunt across the street from the White is the most deplorable non-criminal, putrid, dishonest and repulsive conduct we see on matters of politics and religion.,

Christianity has not list its holiness. It is my opinion that in America Christianity has been hijacked by what generally is known as White Christian Nationalists who push the false idea that America was founded as a Christian Nation.

if you want to purify your evangelical religion you need to start by refuting the white Chrisian Nationalists and the man they worship right now. Donald J Trump.

Trump has not used religion. He has allied politically with the Religious Right, as they have shared goals, and shared enemies.

That is normal and healthy politics. No one finds it odd that black churches supported Bill Clinton.

Trump holding a bible was not "using religion" but showing respect to a significant portion of the population that is Christian.

After all, the context was a church being burnt down.
Trump holding a bible was not "using religion" but showing respect to a significant portion of the population that is Christian.
no, trump was displaying his militancy against an unsuspecting demonstration that had nothing to do with the christian church across the street. and everything to do with a photo op holding a christian bible as the excuse for his behavior.
What then of religion? Has it lost its holiness, its goodness.

I subscribe to no organized religion or what they called revealed religion, however I respected all who practice whatever faith they choose ir inherent from their parents.

I detest those who “use” religion for personal and or group enrichment and political gain. Trump and Jerry Falwell Jr are the most recent in the news come to mind.
Trump’s Bible holding stunt across the street from the White is the most deplorable non-criminal, putrid, dishonest and repulsive conduct we see on matters of politics and religion.,

Christianity has not list its holiness. It is my opinion that in America Christianity has been hijacked by what generally is known as White Christian Nationalists who push the false idea that America was founded as a Christian Nation.

if you want to purify your evangelical religion you need to start by refuting the white Chrisian Nationalists and the man they worship right now. Donald J Trump.

Trump has not used religion. He has allied politically with the Religious Right, as they have shared goals, and shared enemies.

That is normal and healthy politics. No one finds it odd that black churches supported Bill Clinton.

Trump holding a bible was not "using religion" but showing respect to a significant portion of the population that is Christian.

After all, the context was a church being burnt down.
Trump holding a bible was not "using religion" but showing respect to a significant portion of the population that is Christian.
no, trump was displaying his militancy against an unsuspecting demonstration that had nothing to do with the christian church across the street. and everything to do with a photo op holding a christian bible as the excuse for his behavior.

Holding a bible does is not a show of "militancy".

Holding a bible is nothing to the "demonstration".

HIs behavior was fine.

You string your words together as though they support your argument, (which to be fair, is more than most libs can do)

but, they actually DON'T support your argument or your conclusion.

Your claims are just false.
What then of religion? Has it lost its holiness, its goodness.

I subscribe to no organized religion or what they called revealed religion, however I respected all who practice whatever faith they choose ir inherent from their parents.

I detest those who “use” religion for personal and or group enrichment and political gain. Trump and Jerry Falwell Jr are the most recent in the news come to mind.
Trump’s Bible holding stunt across the street from the White is the most deplorable non-criminal, putrid, dishonest and repulsive conduct we see on matters of politics and religion.,

Christianity has not list its holiness. It is my opinion that in America Christianity has been hijacked by what generally is known as White Christian Nationalists who push the false idea that America was founded as a Christian Nation.

if you want to purify your evangelical religion you need to start by refuting the white Chrisian Nationalists and the man they worship right now. Donald J Trump.

Trump has not used religion. He has allied politically with the Religious Right, as they have shared goals, and shared enemies.

That is normal and healthy politics. No one finds it odd that black churches supported Bill Clinton.

Trump holding a bible was not "using religion" but showing respect to a significant portion of the population that is Christian.

After all, the context was a church being burnt down.
Trump holding a bible was not "using religion" but showing respect to a significant portion of the population that is Christian.
no, trump was displaying his militancy against an unsuspecting demonstration that had nothing to do with the christian church across the street. and everything to do with a photo op holding a christian bible as the excuse for his behavior.

Holding a bible does is not a show of "militancy".

Holding a bible is nothing to the "demonstration".

HIs behavior was fine.

You string your words together as though they support your argument, (which to be fair, is more than most libs can do)

but, they actually DON'T support your argument or your conclusion.

Your claims are just false.
Holding a bible does is not a show of "militancy".
really ...

take a closer look.
as for an example how to properly hold - that book

showing warmth - compassion and a sense of duty.
What then of religion? Has it lost its holiness, its goodness.

I subscribe to no organized religion or what they called revealed religion, however I respected all who practice whatever faith they choose ir inherent from their parents.

I detest those who “use” religion for personal and or group enrichment and political gain. Trump and Jerry Falwell Jr are the most recent in the news come to mind.
Trump’s Bible holding stunt across the street from the White is the most deplorable non-criminal, putrid, dishonest and repulsive conduct we see on matters of politics and religion.,

Christianity has not list its holiness. It is my opinion that in America Christianity has been hijacked by what generally is known as White Christian Nationalists who push the false idea that America was founded as a Christian Nation.

if you want to purify your evangelical religion you need to start by refuting the white Chrisian Nationalists and the man they worship right now. Donald J Trump.

Trump has not used religion. He has allied politically with the Religious Right, as they have shared goals, and shared enemies.

That is normal and healthy politics. No one finds it odd that black churches supported Bill Clinton.

Trump holding a bible was not "using religion" but showing respect to a significant portion of the population that is Christian.

After all, the context was a church being burnt down.
Trump holding a bible was not "using religion" but showing respect to a significant portion of the population that is Christian.
no, trump was displaying his militancy against an unsuspecting demonstration that had nothing to do with the christian church across the street. and everything to do with a photo op holding a christian bible as the excuse for his behavior.

Holding a bible does is not a show of "militancy".

Holding a bible is nothing to the "demonstration".

HIs behavior was fine.

You string your words together as though they support your argument, (which to be fair, is more than most libs can do)

but, they actually DON'T support your argument or your conclusion.

Your claims are just false.
Holding a bible does is not a show of "militancy".
really ...
View attachment 390918
take a closer look.
as for an example how to properly hold - that book
View attachment 390919
showing warmth - compassion and a sense of duty.
You mean to a book you label as forgeries. Your subversion knows no limit.
Trump holding a bible was not "using religion" but showing respect to a significant portion of the population that is Christian.

Explain exactly how holding up a Bible in any way shows respect to a significant portion of the population that is Christian.

If a Chimpanzee can be trained to hold a Bible up on cue for a banana, is that trained monkey showing respect to all Bible believers

Black folk are Christians. Is it your view that Trump’s white evangelical nationalist base are the only Christians that deserve respect from the President of the United States.

Here is what a Black Christian preacher has to say about Trump’s deranged Bible stunt.

The stunt in front of St. John’s Church was “shameful,” Forbes told me in a later call. “I think it’s blasphemous. I think it is the continuation of the pattern of using everything — even God, God’s symbols and sacred space — as an instrument of his own designs.”​
So much has been written about the white Evangelicals to whom Trump is pandering with his hunting-trophy Bible pose — 75 percent of whom, as recently as March, said they agreed with the president on many or all issues. One of those issues is race. White Evangelicals have a long, shameful history of racism — the Southern Baptist Convention endorsed slavery and Jim Crow laws; the KKK is a pseudo-religious organization — and even today, despite formal repudiations, 72 percent of white Evangelicals prefer to believe that the killing of African-American men by police are “isolated incidents” rather than the result of systemic racial oppression. It is a particular magic trick by Trump to be able to command the allegiance of these Christians with some clumsy authoritarian posturing — a pose, a church, some tear gas, a Bible — when they doubtless know that Bible (and its commandments about loving the least of these) far better than he does.​
Trump has not used religion. He has allied politically with the Religious Right, as they have shared goals, and shared enemies.

I fully understand that non-Relgious Trump is allied with a large Christian religious political force and that’s fine as far a politics goes, but when the non/religious quite unChristuan Behaving Trump holds up the sacred Holy BIBLE after ordering chemical agents used to disperse peaceful protesters it’s a crass political stunt that truly religious people would be appalled and ashamed to be associated with him.
I know you libs believe that Abortion is blessed,

Blessed by who, what or when? It’s a woman’s body and her choice, that’s what I believe.

Why can’t you address the issue based on facts instead of making things up about religious and not religious people you are incapable of understanding.
What then of religion? Has it lost its holiness, its goodness.

I subscribe to no organized religion or what they called revealed religion, however I respected all who practice whatever faith they choose ir inherent from their parents.

I detest those who “use” religion for personal and or group enrichment and political gain. Trump and Jerry Falwell Jr are the most recent in the news come to mind.
Trump’s Bible holding stunt across the street from the White is the most deplorable non-criminal, putrid, dishonest and repulsive conduct we see on matters of politics and religion.,

Christianity has not list its holiness. It is my opinion that in America Christianity has been hijacked by what generally is known as White Christian Nationalists who push the false idea that America was founded as a Christian Nation.

if you want to purify your evangelical religion you need to start by refuting the white Chrisian Nationalists and the man they worship right now. Donald J Trump.

Trump has not used religion. He has allied politically with the Religious Right, as they have shared goals, and shared enemies.

That is normal and healthy politics. No one finds it odd that black churches supported Bill Clinton.

Trump holding a bible was not "using religion" but showing respect to a significant portion of the population that is Christian.

After all, the context was a church being burnt down.
Trump holding a bible was not "using religion" but showing respect to a significant portion of the population that is Christian.
no, trump was displaying his militancy against an unsuspecting demonstration that had nothing to do with the christian church across the street. and everything to do with a photo op holding a christian bible as the excuse for his behavior.

Holding a bible does is not a show of "militancy".

Holding a bible is nothing to the "demonstration".

HIs behavior was fine.

You string your words together as though they support your argument, (which to be fair, is more than most libs can do)

but, they actually DON'T support your argument or your conclusion.

Your claims are just false.
Holding a bible does is not a show of "militancy".
really ...
View attachment 390918
take a closer look.
as for an example how to properly hold - that book
View attachment 390919
showing warmth - compassion and a sense of duty.
Just because someone knows how to act the part doesn't mean that he or she is sincere or honest.
Trump has not used religion. He has allied politically with the Religious Right, as they have shared goals, and shared enemies.

I fully understand that non-Relgious Trump is allied with a large Christian religious political force and that’s fine as far a politics goes, but when the non/religious quite unChristuan Behaving Trump holds up the sacred Holy BIBLE after ordering chemical agents used to disperse peaceful protesters it’s a crass political stunt that truly religious people would be appalled and ashamed to be associated with him.
Sorry, however, peaceful has nothing to do with setting fires, damaging cars and businesses. Peaceful doesn't apply the use of obscene language or gestures. Peaceful doesn't mean blocking traffic and throwing things at police.
Sorry, however, peaceful has nothing to do with setting fires, damaging cars and businesses. Peaceful doesn't apply the use of obscene language or gestures. Peaceful doesn't mean blocking traffic and throwing things at police.

Is it your argument that every single person at a peaceful protest is guilty of setting fires, throwing things at police, or damaging cars and businesses.

Please respond.
The op is retarded. Obama was a member of a racist and anti-American church for twenty years

Above we have a White Christian Nationalist calling a church founded by a black veteran of the United States Marine Corps racist and anti-American.

when you have a white racist calling a black church racist and a white American who holds a racist and distorted view of the founding of America calling an US Marine’s church anti-American I’m suggesting that this poster’s opinion be dismissed for what it is - poppycock.

The OP’s subject is worthy of further discussion and we can discuss why White Christian Nationalists are afraid to discuss it.
It's good to see comments and positions but abortion is a personal choice and it is not relevant for most of us. The position that life begins at conception ignores the reality of birth and the many conceptions that end naturally or later causing much pain and heartbreak for some woman and their families. We've been there. But see bottom link. How about we support all children and not impose laws with the pretense we care about children and people.

"“It’s a very sad, dark chapter of our history,” says Jacob Soboroff, who was among the first journalists to report on the Trump administration’s family separation policy."

'Separated: Inside An American Tragedy'



I agree with Sen. Goldwater here. The Religious Left, through characters like Jim Wallis and Lou Farrakhan have tried to impose their religious ideals into the government and condemned those who refuse it as "satanic" or "homophobic" if they don't like Gay Marriage.

You just described an Evangelical and a person who is an extreme NOI and you know the SPLC described them as a hate group. Obama even dismissed him.

Farrakhan praised Republican candidate Donald Trump as the only candidate "who has stood in front of the Jewish community and said 'I don’t want your money.'"

Obama was one of Farrakhan's chief lieutenants in putting together the Million Man March. O never condemned Calypso Louis when he was an office holder in the failed city of Chicago

Farrakhan, 82, has led the Nation of Islam since 1977.

And Obama was never one of Farrakhan generals. But Farrankhan loves tramp.

anyway this is about Politics and Evangelicals.

Wright was an admitted Black liberation theology pastor. That is marxism pretending to be faith, with anti-white racism as a topping.

Obama loved that message so much, he "converted" for it.

I don't know who wright was, can you tell me about him??

Obama' pastor and "spiritual advisor" and political ally for like twenty years. Leader of the Church that Obama took his daughter too.

Oh that has been. Obama denounced him.

After he got caught, and even then, not until his defense of the guy did not fly.

but but but i thought obama was a moooooooooooslim.

His words, "converted", implying he was something else, ie NOT A CHRISTIAN, until he found this "christian" church that was full of marxism and anti-white racism.

What part of that is confusing to you?

can you give a non biased link that states in his own words about conversion?

I read it in an excerpt from his autobiography. Links you would consider non biased, would not carry that information, for obvious reasons.

well since i can't find it myself - & you won't provide it - & i seriously doubt you have read anything written by obama - & it's an EXTREMELY RARE occurrence that i post anything from a 'biased' source, unless it's been confirmed by several media outlets & the source itself is rated high for factual reporting - i will give your assertion the CONsideration it deserves.

now.... putting that aside there is THIS which trumps ( yes i said trumps ) anything else rw nutters have to say about religion & the presidency:

article 6, section 3 of the constitution of the united states:

The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.

1. His words. He "converted" to Wrigth's church. The implication is obvious. He was of some other faith, or religious belief before BLT.

2. I never said that he should be barred from serving because of his Muslim background or his Atheism. But I think it is relevant to what kind of person he is, that he lived such a lie for so long and lied to the American people about who he is, AND that he found a marxist and racist church to be attractive.

3. It is also relevant that you lefties gave him a pass for all of that. YOu do not mind marxism or racism. Or blatant and overt Anti-Americanism.

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^' But I think it is relevant to what kind of person he is, that he lived such a lie for so long and lied to the American people about who he is...'

what hypocritical pablum.

donny - a 3x married adulterer who has defrauded people outa their hard earned life savings for a 'university' ...

ripped off charities by using his foundation as his personal piggy bank ...

been accused by over 20 women of sexual assault ...

bragged about sexually assaulting women ...

hung with jeffery epstein for years ...

never said a word of empathy to epstein's victims, but wished his personal whore/ procurer 'well' ...


Trump's failed marriages were a valid political issue and legitimately used against him by his enemies. As was his sometimes shady businesses.

Obama got a pass on far worse shit, ie being a member of a marxist and racist and anti-American organization for twenty years.

What part of this is confusing to you?

i'm not confused that you're full of poo.

what exactly has obama said/done that is marxist or racist?

& you claim donny isn't?


Obama said that he found the message of a marxist and racist and anti-American organization incredibly attractive and he joined it, and remained a member for twenty years.

Right there, that is plenty, but I can give you more if you want.

As to President Trump? NO, he is not marxist, racist or anti-American.

liar liar CB's pants are on fuego.

Funny, you could have challenged me to back up my claim that I could give more. But you choose to post retarded gibberish instead....

We both know why.

Hell, we ALL know why, as anyone reading this, knows too.

YOu lefties elected an anti-American, racist marxist to the Presidency. Twice. None of those factors, each one of which should have been a deal breaker by themselves, let alone combined,

none of them were a problem for you, at all.

Hell, they might have been pluses for you.

yes we BOTH know why - - - you're lying.

i thought i cleared that up for you. please list all the reasons why YOU believe obama is a marxist & racist.

you won't & everyone here knows why.

All the reasons? WHy? You haven't addressed my first. Here is what we will do. I will list them, one at a time and each time you fail to seriously challenge one point, I will add another, in no particular order.

1. His twenty year membership in a marxist, racist, anti-American organization.

2. His support of various "affirmative action" policies and laws that are clear anti-white discrimination.

1) what exactly has obama DONE ... thru his OWN ACTIONS that is marxist & racist?

YOU failed to provide what HE has done. that is a fact.

2) what AA policies? you haven't given CONcrete examples, & is your opinion. opinion is subjective.


Every growing list of proofs that Obama is a racist. (since you have failed to address my previous list)

1. His twenty year membership in a marxist, racist, anti-American organization.

2. His support of various "affirmative action" policies and laws that are clear anti-white discrimination.

3. The way he sided with the professor breaking into his own house, against the white cop.

lol ... so you got nothing. ya, what he said was stupid - doesn't prove that he is racist. sooooooooo......... that's all you got, 'eh?

oh please .... you still got nothin'.

Every growing list of proofs that Obama is a racist. (since you have failed to address my previous list)

1. His twenty year membership in a marxist, racist, anti-American organization.

2. His support of various "affirmative action" policies and laws that are clear anti-white discrimination.

3. The way he sided with the professor breaking into his own house, against the white cop.

4, The way he falsely accused McCain's campaign of being wacist.

you remind me of yer chosen one.... repeat something enough & you start to believe your own shit.

i want concrete links - unbiased of course to back up yer stuff that actually PROVES that he is racist.

like donny's lawsuit against him & daddy drumpf for racism.

btw - obama is 1/2 white & his kids have caucasion blood running thru their veins. guess he must hate the whitey part of himself & them.

Your quibbling is noted and dismissed, if you give a real challenge to any of more points, I will address it. Until them, the list grows.

Every growing list of proofs that Obama is a racist. (since you have failed to address my previous list)

1. His twenty year membership in a marxist, racist, anti-American organization.

2. His support of various "affirmative action" policies and laws that are clear anti-white discrimination.

3. The way he sided with the professor breaking into his own house, against the white cop.

4, The way he falsely accused McCain's campaign of being wacist.

5. The way he said the the thug Treyvon Martin would look like his hypothetical son, siding with the criminal based on race vs the hispanic would be victim.

still no links. & that you deny donny's racism thru concrete evidence.

you're dismissed, trump humper.
Last edited:
What then of religion? Has it lost its holiness, its goodness.

I subscribe to no organized religion or what they called revealed religion, however I respected all who practice whatever faith they choose ir inherent from their parents.

I detest those who “use” religion for personal and or group enrichment and political gain. Trump and Jerry Falwell Jr are the most recent in the news come to mind.
Trump’s Bible holding stunt across the street from the White is the most deplorable non-criminal, putrid, dishonest and repulsive conduct we see on matters of politics and religion.,

Christianity has not list its holiness. It is my opinion that in America Christianity has been hijacked by what generally is known as White Christian Nationalists who push the false idea that America was founded as a Christian Nation.

if you want to purify your evangelical religion you need to start by refuting the white Chrisian Nationalists and the man they worship right now. Donald J Trump.

Trump has not used religion. He has allied politically with the Religious Right, as they have shared goals, and shared enemies.

That is normal and healthy politics. No one finds it odd that black churches supported Bill Clinton.

Trump holding a bible was not "using religion" but showing respect to a significant portion of the population that is Christian.

After all, the context was a church being burnt down.

did 2 corinthians tell you that?

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