Ethical it wrong to use the tactics of your enemy... political or otherwise...against them?


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
This discussion begins at the link below...and continues periodically throughout that thread between myself and user Golfing Gator up to the message quoted in this post...


So, your enemy rapes and kills your women and children, so you rape and kill theirs...what have you won?

Are you not now the same as your enemy?

So, your enemy tortures and kills POWs, so you torture and kills theirs...what have you won?

Are you not now the same as your enemy?

I disagree with the idea you have to become your enemy to defeat them.
You have set up a worst case scenario... seizing the offensive and setting the narrative of a thread is neither illegal nor immoral.
This discussion begins at the link below...and continues periodically to post between myself and Golfing Gator to the message quoted in this post...

You have set up a worst case scenario... seizing the offensive and setting the narrative of a thread is neither illegal nor immoral.

True, I did.

Here is my position. If you think it is wrong to politicize gun deaths, then do not do it.

Once you do it the first time you have lost the ability to criticize the other side for doing so.

I also find it a weak excuse to say "we are just doing it because they did it first" as if they control your actions.
True, I did.

Here is my position. If you think it is wrong to politicize gun deaths, then do not do it.

Once you do it the first time you have lost the ability to criticize the other side for doing so.

I also find it a weak excuse to say "we are just doing it because they did it first" as if they control your actions.
Let's go back to my example.

The British felt it was "wrong" to engage in guerilla warfare.

And....they got there asses kicked by those who DIDN'T believe that.

This isn't a moral is a utilitarian decision.

If you cede the battlefield to your've lost before you got started.

If the left chooses to use these tactics...we will follow suit...and do it better.

See anyone calling for gun control in that thread?

That's the smell of victory.
Let's go back to my example.

The British felt it was "wrong" to engage in guerilla warfare.

And....they got there asses kicked by those who DIDN'T believe that.

This isn't a moral is a utilitarian decision.

If you cede the battlefield to your've lost before you got started.

If the left chooses to use these tactics...we will follow suit...and do it better.

See anyone calling for gun control in that thread?

That's the smell of victory.

As I said in the other thread, you are free to call it whatever you like. Just never again say it is wrong to politicize gun deaths, because it clearly is not.
As I said in the other thread, you are free to call it whatever you like. Just never again say it is wrong to politicize gun deaths, because it clearly is not.
I did many others...that these shootings should not be politicized...but they invariably were.

How many times should we allow the left to kick us in the teeth before we are allowed to strike first?
I did many others...that these shootings should not be politicized...but they invariably were.

How many times should we allow the left to kick us in the teeth before we are allowed to strike first?

Yes, you said that.

And now you no longer believe that.

You can no longer claim that it is wrong for the left to do it once you join them.

Just like the British could no longer say it was wrong to engage in guerilla warfare once they started to do it themselves.
Let's go back to my example.

The British felt it was "wrong" to engage in guerilla warfare.

And....they got there asses kicked by those who DIDN'T believe that.

This isn't a moral is a utilitarian decision.

If you cede the battlefield to your've lost before you got started.

If the left chooses to use these tactics...we will follow suit...and do it better.

See anyone calling for gun control in that thread?

That's the smell of victory.
I'm always reminded. Some ignorant fuckhead like yourself was at a college one day and was pissed off that there was a "Black Student Union". So he organized a committee and they had a meeting one night to sign up new members. One of his professors went to the meeting. He listened politely to the discussions, speeches, etc. When the Q&A came, he stood up and went to the mikes and said, "I've heard a lot of discussion about the Black Student Union tonight. Why are you upset that one exists?" The head organizer--your fuckheaded brother in shame--stated that it was a racist to have one. At about that time, I guess it dawned on the fuckhead what he was doing....trying to be "just as racist" as others.

So yeah...enjoy trying to "do it better".... Whatever "it" is.
I'm always reminded. Some ignorant fuckhead like yourself was at a college one day and was pissed off that there was a "Black Student Union". So he organized a committee and they had a meeting one night to sign up new members. One of his professors went to the meeting. He listened politely to the discussions, speeches, etc. When the Q&A came, he stood up and went to the mikes and said, "I've heard a lot of discussion about the Black Student Union tonight. Why are you upset that one exists?" The head organizer--your fuckheaded brother in shame--stated that it was a racist to have one. At about that time, I guess it dawned on the fuckhead what he was doing....trying to be "just as racist" as others.

So yeah...enjoy trying to "do it better".... Whatever "it" is.
Yes, you said that.

And now you no longer believe that.

You can no longer claim that it is wrong for the left to do it once you join them.

Just like the British could no longer say it was wrong to engage in guerilla warfare once they started to do it themselves.
What I believe or don't believe is irrelevant.

The reality is the politicization occurs regardless of my beliefs.

The captain of the Titanic believed the ship was unsinkable... that didn't stop it from sinking.

Now I have a choice. I can continue to play defense... or go on offense
Golfing Gator

You we are, center left and center right, having a civilized discussion and this happens.

Leftist tactic... straight to insults and foul language.

You should chastise her severely for this type of behavior.
I was just showing you what you're becoming. Calling you an ignorant fuckhead is pretty much a factual accounting of the truth.
I'm not surprised.
And you shouldn't be.

You have lost the plot.

Be as full of anger as you wish... but I'm not getting pulled down into your maelstrom of hate.

There was a time I thought you were one of the most dangerous opponents on this board. But those days are long past. Keep up the good work. You're doing my job for me.
This discussion begins at the link below...and continues periodically throughout that thread between myself and user Golfing Gator up to the message quoted in this post...


You have set up a worst case scenario... seizing the offensive and setting the narrative of a thread is neither illegal nor immoral.
Historically speaking, the only way to deter atrocities and violations of the laws of war is reciprocity. Of course atrocity begets atrocity. But nothing works at all.
As it regards doing unto dems what they have done to the right-leaning for years I say it's time to take the Conan "Best In Life" approach in dealing with them.

I could give a hoot in hell for a gop politician who refers to a dem as "my friend across the isle".....Living by the feud on their ass in all things is the only way to un-fuck our country.
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IMHO, illegal or unethical tactics are wrong whether the other side does it or not. Some might say if you don't fight fire with fire then you lose. But in today's world a double standard exists in the media reportage and if the GOP resorts to the same shit the dems does then they get crucified for it.

Frankly, if America continues to elect unethical lying bastards then they'll get the gov't they deserve. And pay a heavy price for doing so.

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