Eric Holder: Palin Wasn't a Good VP Candidate, Even Worse Judge of Who Should Be Impe

Mrs. Palin has more class and took on corruption in the State of Alaska

Holder is CLASSLESS racist corrupted pos

I agree and gotta laugh at HOLDER spewing his opinion about someone else.

The man is an abject failure as AG and would have been gone if not for his pal in the WH and his EO. He'd have been booted over FF when his bullshit caused the death of that Border Patrol agent.

Yep. Holder is a fine one to critizie anyone and he isn't fit to kiss Palins ass.

AG, FF, WH,, this gal has a lock on the language! :D

Yep I do and its all true.

Anyone who thinks Holders a great AG has rocks for brains. As for Palin? Last I heard she isn't running for anything and one has to wonder why all the lefties keep bringing her up??

According to them she's a nothing, nobody. Unless of course she isn't. LOL
I'm listening to Matt Tiabbi talk about his book "The Divide" on NPR, discussing how the rich skate and the poor get hammered.

I think he loses the argument when he discusses how violent crime went down as the prison population doubled. He says this makes no sense. It makes perfect sense. Fewer criminals on the streets means less crime.

This is an example of the kind of hardwired mindsets of liberals. Eric Holder and Barack Obama opitimize this type of screwed up thinking. To them welfare cheat isn't a criminal. But a banker that is forced to loan to unqualified borrowers is.
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Well he did fabricate the aftermath of Waco. So yeah, he took a place in murder.

Holder didn't have a damn thing to do with the Waco siege.

He didn't become Reno's deputy until 4 years later.

Holder knowingly supplied Mexican drug lords with automatic weapons, they killed hundreds of people with them, including a US Border Patrol Agent.

Eric Holder is a murderer.

riiiight,,a murderer.....walks away slowly.
If Republicans need the help of a Democratic AG in order to prove their 'scandals', then they have no scandals.

Give me a break. Holder is the Attorney General (supposedly) and he has been asked repeatedly by CONGRESS to investigate. What does he do? He stalls or he appoints an Obama campaign donor to "investigate" - and she hasn't been seen since.

You have probably forgotten this one salient point - but the Attorney General is SUPPOSED TO REPRESENT ALL AMERICANS. NOT JUST HIS BESTEST BUDDY OBARRY. HE IS NOT OBARRY'S LITTLE LAP DOG. Oh wait, yes he is. :cuckoo:

Congress has the power to investigate, and to subpoena, and to hold hearings, and to call people to testify under oath.

What can Holder do that they can't?

There is no doubt in anyone's mind that there has not been law breaking in the IRS, the VA, Benghazi, and the rest.

I agree! :lol:

Why should the left "condemn" him, exactly?

I'm not getting your point, I think. What's so "outrageous" or hateful about his comments?

If one was a classical liberal one would hate Holder. Instead we have pro big government pro LBJ style assholes on this board who adore everything their government does trying to pass themselves off as progressives.

All they are are government stooges.

How about answering his question?
Well he did fabricate the aftermath of Waco. So yeah, he took a place in murder.

Holder didn't have a damn thing to do with the Waco siege.

He didn't become Reno's deputy until 4 years later.

Holder knowingly supplied Mexican drug lords with automatic weapons, they killed hundreds of people with them, including a US Border Patrol Agent.

Eric Holder is a murderer.

Bush program. Try again. :lol:

Oh give me a break. The only reason we have the House from 2010 is because she rallied the base and got big time donations coming in from small folks.

She beat the shit out of Rove on who she backed by the way in 2012. RINOS can go fuck themselves.

The only reason the Red Sox won the World Series in 2004 was because of the pitching of Derek Lowe.

Any teams still looking for Derek Lowe to take the mound? Not a chance.

Palin was a flash in the pan, for all the wrong reasons. Intelligence and competence were not a factor in her brief celebrity.

Strangely, I agree with many of your points.

If the GOP had learned its lesson of what happened to Bob Dole (you know, a philandering, raping misogynist and congenital liar, Bill Clinton preferred to a decorated war hero), they would have known that America was no longer interested in honor, valor, honesty, integrity and love of country.

In the press McCain was loved profusely until he was the GOP candidate, but once he was, then he became nothing more than a bump on the road to the phony and undeserved coronation of a punk, whose only merit was a speech, a book written by someone else, a wife who was never proud of her country, a glorified resume of community agitator and a loving relationship to an unrepentant killer terrorist and a man of the cloth, who wants to see his country to bow to the same people who would never hesitate for a second to cut his throat.

The GOP should never again nominate the "next in line". Especially if the next in line is long in the tooth.

The GOP should nominate a fresh new face. Makes no difference of lack of worthwhile accomplishments on the resume. Obama had nothing and see how far nothing got him!

As the old saying goes, those who ignore the lessons of history are condemned to repeat it.

Guy, you just spent a whole paragraph regurgitating the space Obama has in your head rent free.

Bottom line. Obama won because Bush fucked up the war, he fucked up the economy and he fucked up the response to Katrina.

The reason why Americans tolerate the Republican Party being a party of heartless dicks is because they are heartless dicks who can get things done.

And Bush blew that by fucking things up.

The fact that Bill Ayers blew up an ugly statue 40 years ago doesn't make a lot of difference if you've just lost your job and your health insurance got cancelled.
And you must be pretty thick headed not to understand that back in those days, the newspapers did their jobs. These days left wing crooks like Holder can pretty much do whatever they please and get off Scott free.

They had the goods on mitchell as well as nixon including tapes. I see you deal in insults, not facts.

I'll call you out on Meese.

What dirty did you find on him? Do it or I will throw you against the USMB wall of shame.

You are now in my sights. I've got a bead on you. Tell me what Meese did.

He wasted time and taxpayer money on a long, boring report on pornography.

But the movie was good!

(thanks Bill Maher!)
Holder didn't have a damn thing to do with the Waco siege.

He didn't become Reno's deputy until 4 years later.

Holder knowingly supplied Mexican drug lords with automatic weapons, they killed hundreds of people with them, including a US Border Patrol Agent.

Eric Holder is a murderer.

riiiight,,a murderer.....walks away slowly.

Isn't it funny how the people faux-raging because Eric holder spoke the truth about Sarah Barracuda say the sickest most vile things about the president and anyone who works for him?

Murderer? He might want to put Dick Cheney's picture over that word.

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