Entire Florida State football team enters transfer portal to go to Alabama


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Tallahassee Florida - After a controversial decision to leave the unbeaten Florida State University football team out of the college football playoffs so that once beaten Alabama could play there instead, a decision was reached to have the entire football team enter the transfer portal into Alabama so they could all play in the playoff against Michigan like they feel they should have to begin with.

Not to be outdone, couch Harbaugh entered coach Day of Ohio State into Alabama as well without his permission. Harbaugh said, "Coach Day has not beaten me yet, nor will he ever!" boasted Harbaugh. "With coach Day coaching Alabama, this will seal the win!"

However, this then prompted coach Woody Hays to enter a time portal to replace Day as head coach at Alabama. "It's about time that Michigan loving Pansi they call coach Day at Ohio State be replaced. He can't beat Michigan, what a disgrace!!", said Woody. "But I will be no coach at Alabama. Instead, I've decided to put the Ohio State players back into the transfer portal back to Ohio State, but I will also enter them into a time portal where Ohio State is playing for a national championship again. Screw Bama, the Tide sucks", said Woody.

After these events a spokesperson for the NCAA said, "Cheaters gonna cheat, just like Harbaugh, whatta gonna do? Oh well, play ball!"

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