Enter the red herring for marshal law to be declared.

It's out there all you have to do is search for it.
Pictures: "Lego Block" Prison Cells Readied In Utah

I have worked on a few jails in construction, Did a couple in the mountains and one for Charlotte Mecklinburg it took over a year to build the one in Charlotte that had a 50 cell complex. with all the State certifications, They would inspect every cell down to the security screws. Now why would they need this many cells in mass with all the procedures that the government inspectors follow?

Look, I'm actually going to try to track down tonight why Ogden Utah needs a 54 foot tower to work a remote control blimp for the good of their people.

And now I've just found out and will get links up by tomorrow with the real deal out of Fargo. Cripes this one Sheriff alone should scare the crap out of any law abiding citizen over his use of a predator drone on the family that had cows wander on their property.

Apparently the Fargo police department were able to buy all sorts of military equipment. With a power tripper at the local helm of law enforcement that actually was able to bring in a predator drone?

Not good. And if anyone has ever lived rural and had someone who thinks they can run shit on you all the time (please watch Rambo :badgrin:) no fucking kidding here it's not good when that shit goes down.

And having Dems in power, you know the same people that gave you Janet Reno and WACO and puhlleeeeeeeeze libs don't hand me Randy because WACO was directed from the White House.

I don't like this at all.
Hells bells? Just look at how some Police Departments dress themselves these days? Many look paramilitary.

Is there any need for this?

None. Give me a bit more time. I'll make your head spin with stats that will make Linda Blair in the Exorcist look like she is in slow fucking motion when her head is spinning.

I'm coming up with numbers of cash given from DHS that would set a Volt on fire.

But I want to be really accurate on what I report. And with accurate figures.
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The thinking manifested in this thread flows directly from the mindset of Alex Jones.

Reminds me of the fifties SF novel by Phillip K Dick, "The World Jones Made" Jones being the unique individual of the 21st century who knew in advance every thing that would happen. In knowing, he made the world that he predicted.
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Oh they did. That they did. Did you watch any of it. You could watch them torture these people into a frenzy and then finally kill your fellow citizens. I had CNN on 24/7. It was insane what I witnessed.

Only thing that could come close was fucking Beslan but at least those terrorists were terrorists and not the American Law Dogs.

Sweet lord don't you know the whole scene at the time?

First: (Back on Planet Earth) Are you going to vote out the despot Sheriff?

Second: I watched the stand off. I didn't see any torture. I saw a tragedy that could have been avoided if a self appointed prophet had respected law enforcement.

You want to blame the government without laying any blame on Koresh for his actions. Once again: it's a bad idea to prompt a standoff with law enforcement. Especially if you live in a Tinderbox.

As for what I know: I know what I know and it is centered in a degree of reality. Once again, the government didn't murder the Branch Davidians. There was no premeditated malice. Just a horribly botched standoff.

You can believe what you want, but the reason the people didn't cry bloody murder is because the "reasonable person" didn't see government abuse. Just as the "reasonable person" doesn't see "government prisons" when a few portable concrete units go wheeling through the desert.
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Big Brother needs more power & control to fight that Terrorist Boogeyman. They always need more power & control. They've milked 911 for all it's worth. How much more power can they achieve? Pretty soon they'll have to invent a new Boogeyman to scare the People with. That new Boogeyman should finish off what little Freedom & Liberty we have left. After the Terrorist Boogeyman is milked to death,who or what will their new Boogeyman be? Probably something too dusturbing to contemplate. What a mess.
The thinking manifested in this thread flows directly from the mindset of Alex Jones.

Reminds me of the fifties SF novel by Phillip K Dick, "The World Jones Made" Jones being the unique individual of the 21st century who knew in advance every thing that would happen. In knowing, he made the world that he predicted.

I am beginning to think Alex Jones was right all along.
A pandemic like bird flu would't result in martial law (no it is not marshal, or even marital). The EPA shutting down 68 power plants comes closer to creating the kind of mass chaos that would result in quelling unrest by force. People will be hungry, cold, (or boiling in heat), won't be able to cook. No refrigeration. Stores closed unable to pay energy costs.

Decide whether you will run the fridge or the TV. How many hours a day will you be able to afford heat or ac.

AP IMPACT: EPA rules threaten older power plants - ABC 33/40 - Birmingham News, Weather, Sports
Out there on "info wars"?

No thanks.

Oh bite me. :D I'm no conspiracy chick theorist but when I have some asshole Sheriff to the south of me who just used a predator drone to go koo koo bye bye on a family over 6 cows who wandered on their property I have that old familiar feeling.

By the pricking in my thumbs something wicked this way comes.

I remember WACO vividly. Reno and company wiped out a whole batch of innocent US citizens with military assistance.

And don't even try to bs me back. I had CNN on live 24/7 at the time. It was unreal what they were doing to those people in WACO.

What we didn't have was the internet on a grand scale to communicate to each other what Reno was doing down there.

A Sheriff?

Why don't you all vote him out? It's a county office, not some massive national cabal.

Waco was the tragic but inevitable result of what happens when you prompt a prolonged standoff with law enforcement.

As much as you guys bitch about it, I've yet to hear anyone offer up the simple observation that Koresh prompted an armed standoff.

That doesn't make the end result acceptable, but it also doesn't necessarily square with the hystrionic history version that claims the government intentionally killed the Branch Davidians.

Quote: Originally Posted by tinydancer View Post
Oh they did. That they did. Did you watch any of it. You could watch them torture these people into a frenzy and then finally kill your fellow citizens. I had CNN on 24/7. It was insane what I witnessed.

Only thing that could come close was fucking Beslan but at least those terrorists were terrorists and not the American Law Dogs.

Sweet lord don't you know the whole scene at the time?
First: (Back on Planet Earth) Are you going to vote out the despot Sheriff?

Second: I watched the stand off. I didn't see any torture. I saw a tragedy that could have been avoided if a self appointed prophet had respected law enforcement.

You want to blame the government without laying any blame on Koresh for his actions. Once again: it's a bad idea to prompt a standoff with law enforcement. Especially if you live in a Tinderbox.

As for what I know: I know what I know and it is centered in a degree of reality. Once again, the government didn't murder the Branch Davidians. There was no premeditated malice. Just a horribly botched standoff.

You can believe what you want, but the reason the people didn't cry bloody murder is because the "reasonable person" didn't see government abuse. Just as the "reasonable person" doesn't see "government prisons" when a few portable concrete units go wheeling through the desert.

Do you know what it's like to have a sheriff wth a bead on your ass?

I bet you don't. A Sheriff that think he is god laws almighty and can rain down the thunder on you.

I've lived in counties like that.
I really don't think anyone wants to hear about your experiences with sheriffs who put beads in your ass. Don't share too much.
Do you know what it's like to have a sheriff wth a bead on your ass?

I bet you don't. A Sheriff that think he is god laws almighty and can rain down the thunder on you.

I've lived in counties like that.

No. I grew up in a small, rural community. I never gave the Sheriff a reason to have a bead on my ass.

The nice things about Sheriffs: their jurisdiction ends at the county line.

Also: they are elected officials.
Do you know what it's like to have a sheriff wth a bead on your ass?

I bet you don't. A Sheriff that think he is god laws almighty and can rain down the thunder on you.

I've lived in counties like that.

No. I grew up in a small, rural community. I never gave the Sheriff a reason to have a bead on my ass.

The nice things about Sheriffs: their jurisdiction ends at the county line.

Also: they are elected officials.

Oh stop with your puke.

All you ever have to do is ask anyone about Hickman County. Just shut up with your stupid shit that life is grand.

I saw law dogs continually target god fearing men and women because they could. Now I'm from the north where we believe in law and order and I would never ever have challenged a law dog in my whole life ever ever. ETA Canuck land not yankee land

But you should have seen what these dudes were doing to the locals. They were working them over every which day but loose.

How do you go about stopping it? Go to the law dogs that were fucking over everyone else in the county?
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Do you know what it's like to have a sheriff wth a bead on your ass?

I bet you don't. A Sheriff that think he is god laws almighty and can rain down the thunder on you.

I've lived in counties like that.

No. I grew up in a small, rural community. I never gave the Sheriff a reason to have a bead on my ass.

The nice things about Sheriffs: their jurisdiction ends at the county line.

Also: they are elected officials.

Oh stop with your puke.

All you ever have to do is ask anyone about Hickman County. Just shut up with your stupid shit that life is grand.

I saw law dogs continually target god fearing men and women because they could. Now I'm from the north where we believe in law and order and I would never ever have challenged a law dog in my whole life ever ever. ETA Canuck land not yankee land

But you should have seen what these dudes were doing to the locals. They were working them over every which day but loose.

How do you go about stopping it? Go to the law dogs that were fucking over everyone else in the county?

I never said "life is grand".

I said that Sheriff's are elected and if the people of Hickman County (wherever) are suffering under a tyrannical law enforcement issue; they have the option to fire them. If they have not, I suspect things are not as nefarious as you claim.

As for stopping it.... I believe most states have an Attorney General that is in charge of things of this nature. I also believe that the state patrol generally heads up investigations like this.

If that fails, vote them out.

If any law enforcement official falsely imprisons someone or is wrongly using their position to harm people, then they are guilty of federal civil rights violation under the "color of law". You can thank "Sheriff Bull Conners" for that.

For a modern example: http://blog.al.com/wire/2011/08/danzinger_bridge_case_5_office.html

So, if it's that bad, then it's a federal case.

Though, I suspect it is not.

Thoughts on Joe Arpiao? Because it looks like his little reign of terror is about to be over.
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I really don't think anyone wants to hear about your experiences with sheriffs who put beads in your ass. Don't share too much.

Oh too funny. I never thought city on that. Beads in my ass means something way different in the country.

No. I grew up in a small, rural community. I never gave the Sheriff a reason to have a bead on my ass.

The nice things about Sheriffs: their jurisdiction ends at the county line.

Also: they are elected officials.

Oh stop with your puke.

All you ever have to do is ask anyone about Hickman County. Just shut up with your stupid shit that life is grand.

I saw law dogs continually target god fearing men and women because they could. Now I'm from the north where we believe in law and order and I would never ever have challenged a law dog in my whole life ever ever. ETA Canuck land not yankee land

But you should have seen what these dudes were doing to the locals. They were working them over every which day but loose.

How do you go about stopping it? Go to the law dogs that were fucking over everyone else in the county?

I never said "life is grand".

I said that Sheriff's are elected and if the people of Hickman County (wherever) are suffering under a tyrannical law enforcement issue; they have the option to fire them. If they have not, I suspect things are not as nefarious as you claim.

As for stopping it.... I believe most states have an Attorney General that is in charge of things of this nature. I also believe that the state patrol generally heads up investigations like this.

If that fails, vote them out.


ah dearheart you are a good poster. look up Hickman County. When there were escapees from an Alabama prison my neighbors hit their trucks loaded for bear for $$$$$ for rescue money and my kid was with me in Toronto as I'm pointing all of them out laughing my ass off and going there's my guys.

Rog (aka traveller) is coming down the stairs as I'm screaming look honey it's the Weems hunting those escapees.

Normal life doesn't apply when you eat in a diner in Bucksnort.
No. I grew up in a small, rural community. I never gave the Sheriff a reason to have a bead on my ass.

The nice things about Sheriffs: their jurisdiction ends at the county line.

Also: they are elected officials.

Oh stop with your puke.

All you ever have to do is ask anyone about Hickman County. Just shut up with your stupid shit that life is grand.

I saw law dogs continually target god fearing men and women because they could. Now I'm from the north where we believe in law and order and I would never ever have challenged a law dog in my whole life ever ever. ETA Canuck land not yankee land

But you should have seen what these dudes were doing to the locals. They were working them over every which day but loose.

How do you go about stopping it? Go to the law dogs that were fucking over everyone else in the county?

I never said "life is grand".

I said that Sheriff's are elected and if the people of Hickman County (wherever) are suffering under a tyrannical law enforcement issue; they have the option to fire them. If they have not, I suspect things are not as nefarious as you claim.

As for stopping it.... I believe most states have an Attorney General that is in charge of things of this nature. I also believe that the state patrol generally heads up investigations like this.

If that fails, vote them out.

If any law enforcement official falsely imprisons someone or is wrongly using their position to harm people, then they are guilty of federal civil rights violation under the "color of law". You can thank "Sheriff Bull Conners" for that.

For a modern example: Danzinger Bridge case: 5 officers convicted in post-Katrina shootings | al.com

So, if it's that bad, then it's a federal case.

Though, I suspect it is not.

Thoughts on Joe Arpiao? Because it looks like his little reign of terror is about to be over.

Arpaio plays by the rules.

How do you feel about the Sheriff up here who has had this hard on for this family so bad he called in a predator drone over 6 cows that wandered on to their property.

How do you feel about that Sheriff crazy?
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Oh stop with your puke.

All you ever have to do is ask anyone about Hickman County. Just shut up with your stupid shit that life is grand.

I saw law dogs continually target god fearing men and women because they could. Now I'm from the north where we believe in law and order and I would never ever have challenged a law dog in my whole life ever ever. ETA Canuck land not yankee land

But you should have seen what these dudes were doing to the locals. They were working them over every which day but loose.

How do you go about stopping it? Go to the law dogs that were fucking over everyone else in the county?



  • $DramaQueenonChaise.jpg
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Oh stop with your puke.

All you ever have to do is ask anyone about Hickman County. Just shut up with your stupid shit that life is grand.

I saw law dogs continually target god fearing men and women because they could. Now I'm from the north where we believe in law and order and I would never ever have challenged a law dog in my whole life ever ever. ETA Canuck land not yankee land

But you should have seen what these dudes were doing to the locals. They were working them over every which day but loose.

How do you go about stopping it? Go to the law dogs that were fucking over everyone else in the county?


Oh fuck off. I'm no drama queen. I'm long off my periods and I don't need midol any more.

I lived in this place in Hickman County called Nunnelly Tennessee. Burke's Trailer Park.

Rent was a $100 a month but what a ride as I and my husband were going to save for a house.

He was at Saturn, so for down there we were rich. The cops were bad. Really bad.In the sense they had issues with every one else they ever grew up with. Human nature.

I loved them and they were cool with us. But human nature takes over.

Now being Canucks, clean and mean and the ability to do percussion and bow that to no end always impressed them, we were cool. Traveller is one of the best ever. Don't ever challenge him.

Me on percussion, you give me a .54 and I can drop anything and I love the smell and the way a Hawken pushes my shoulder.

And you bet when my husband says" you got him honey ?" I can say I got a bead on the man off my porch.

But I watched what they did to others. YIKES. Think Lord of the Flies.

It's just the way we are.
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Out there on "info wars"?

No thanks.

Oh bite me. :D I'm no conspiracy chick theorist but when I have some asshole Sheriff to the south of me who just used a predator drone to go koo koo bye bye on a family over 6 cows who wandered on their property I have that old familiar feeling.

By the pricking in my thumbs something wicked this way comes.

I remember WACO vividly. Reno and company wiped out a whole batch of innocent US citizens with military assistance.

And don't even try to bs me back. I had CNN on live 24/7 at the time. It was unreal what they were doing to those people in WACO.

What we didn't have was the internet on a grand scale to communicate to each other what Reno was doing down there.

A Sheriff?

Why don't you all vote him out? It's a county office, not some massive national cabal.

Waco was the tragic but inevitable result of what happens when you prompt a prolonged standoff with law enforcement.

As much as you guys bitch about it, I've yet to hear anyone offer up the simple observation that Koresh prompted an armed standoff.

That doesn't make the end result acceptable, but it also doesn't necessarily square with the hystrionic history version that claims the government intentionally killed the Branch Davidians.

Waco was a contrived confrontation between some cult members who seemed to gov types to be dangerous or if not dangerous then suspiciously so because they were known to be heavily armed. And there were "known" instances of child abuse. Agencies sent in there were mostly Rambo types and since they had weak leadership up the chain of command, things got completely out of control.

There were many opportunities to arrest DK outside the compound but the authorities chose confrontation and standoff. The guys running the operation didn't have a clue about basic human nature, or else we'd have to suspect their motives allowed for the eventual outcome.
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Oh stop with your puke.

All you ever have to do is ask anyone about Hickman County. Just shut up with your stupid shit that life is grand.

I saw law dogs continually target god fearing men and women because they could. Now I'm from the north where we believe in law and order and I would never ever have challenged a law dog in my whole life ever ever. ETA Canuck land not yankee land

But you should have seen what these dudes were doing to the locals. They were working them over every which day but loose.

How do you go about stopping it? Go to the law dogs that were fucking over everyone else in the county?


Oh fuck off. I'm no drama queen. I'm long off my periods and I don't need midol any more.

I lived in this place in Hickman County called Nunnelly Tennessee. Burke's Trailer Park.

Rent was a $100 a month but what a ride as I and my husband were going to save for a house.

He was at Saturn, so for down there we were rich. The cops were bad. Really bad.In the sense they had issues with every one else they ever grew up with. Human nature.

I loved them and they were cool with us. But human nature takes over.

Now being Canucks, clean and mean and the ability to do percussion and bow that to no end always impressed them, we were cool. Traveller is one of the best ever. Don't ever challenge him.

Me on percussion, you give me a .54 and I can drop anything and I love the smell and the way a Hawken pushes my shoulder.

And you bet when my husband says" you got him honey ?" I can say I got a bead on the man off my porch.

But I watched what they did to others. YIKES. Think Lord of the Flies.

It's just the way we are.



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