"Ender's Game" Boycott

It's not surprising that JoeBwhatever dislikes SciFi. As a genre, it has a more optimistic view of humanity and our future than other forms of fiction.

It also has a larger percentage of Mormon writers than any other genre.

Yeah, and the Mormon writers are the ones who produce crap. Of course, the Book of Mormon is bad Science Fiction, when you get down to it. Hebrews with submarines and God lives on a planet called Kolob. And Romney would have been a good president. There's science fiction for you.

Your bigotry and ignorance is showing again.

Douglass Adams
Piers Anthony
Ben Bova

Feel free to crawl into a corner and never post again.
It also has a larger percentage of Mormon writers than any other genre.

Yeah, and the Mormon writers are the ones who produce crap. Of course, the Book of Mormon is bad Science Fiction, when you get down to it. Hebrews with submarines and God lives on a planet called Kolob. And Romney would have been a good president. There's science fiction for you.

Your bigotry and ignorance is showing again.

Douglass Adams
Piers Anthony
Ben Bova

Feel free to crawl into a corner and never post again.

Douglas Adams was a self-described "Radical Atheist".
Piers Anthony is a English "Nontheist Quaker".
Ben Bova grew up Catholic, but is a vocal Atheist now.

As far as I can see, none of them have ever been Mormons.
1st post
It also has a larger percentage of Mormon writers than any other genre.

Yeah, and the Mormon writers are the ones who produce crap. Of course, the Book of Mormon is bad Science Fiction, when you get down to it. Hebrews with submarines and God lives on a planet called Kolob. And Romney would have been a good president. There's science fiction for you.

Your bigotry and ignorance is showing again.

Douglass Adams
Piers Anthony
Ben Bova

Feel free to crawl into a corner and never post again.

Douglass Adams was not a fucking Mormon. He was an atheist and he was darned proud of it.

Peirs anthony was not only not a Mormon, but actually attacked the origins of Mormonism in his writings. (Although he was also not very kind to the Bible, either.)
Yeah, and the Mormon writers are the ones who produce crap. Of course, the Book of Mormon is bad Science Fiction, when you get down to it. Hebrews with submarines and God lives on a planet called Kolob. And Romney would have been a good president. There's science fiction for you.

Your bigotry and ignorance is showing again.

Douglass Adams
Piers Anthony
Ben Bova

Feel free to crawl into a corner and never post again.

Douglas Adams was a self-described "Radical Atheist".
Piers Anthony is a English "Nontheist Quaker".
Ben Bova grew up Catholic, but is a vocal Atheist now.

As far as I can see, none of them have ever been Mormons.

That's okay, QW is off his Anti-Crazy pills again.
Yeah, and the Mormon writers are the ones who produce crap. Of course, the Book of Mormon is bad Science Fiction, when you get down to it. Hebrews with submarines and God lives on a planet called Kolob. And Romney would have been a good president. There's science fiction for you.

Your bigotry and ignorance is showing again.

Douglass Adams
Piers Anthony
Ben Bova

Feel free to crawl into a corner and never post again.

Douglass Adams was not a fucking Mormon. He was an atheist and he was darned proud of it.

Peirs anthony was not only not a Mormon, but actually attacked the origins of Mormonism in his writings. (Although he was also not very kind to the Bible, either.)

I looked at the wrong site, my bad.

Ever here of Brandon Sanderson or James Dashner?

How Stephanie Meyer?

By the way, Anthony has said some very good things about the Mormon church.
5th post
Your bigotry and ignorance is showing again.

Douglass Adams
Piers Anthony
Ben Bova

Feel free to crawl into a corner and never post again.

Douglas Adams was a self-described "Radical Atheist".
Piers Anthony is a English "Nontheist Quaker".
Ben Bova grew up Catholic, but is a vocal Atheist now.

As far as I can see, none of them have ever been Mormons.

That's okay, QW is off his Anti-Crazy pills again.

Did you ever admit you were wrong, or do you think Agatha Christie can't write?
Your bigotry and ignorance is showing again.

Douglass Adams
Piers Anthony
Ben Bova

Feel free to crawl into a corner and never post again.

Douglass Adams was not a fucking Mormon. He was an atheist and he was darned proud of it.

Peirs anthony was not only not a Mormon, but actually attacked the origins of Mormonism in his writings. (Although he was also not very kind to the Bible, either.)

I looked at the wrong site, my bad.

Ever here of Brandon Sanderson or James Dashner?

How Stephanie Meyer?

By the way, Anthony has said some very good things about the Mormon church.

Nope, never heard of them, so they can't be that important.

Hey, Maybe the Mormons baptized them after they are dead.

I told my relatives if the Mormons ever try to baptize me after I'm dead, I'm coming back as a Zombie.
Douglass Adams was not a fucking Mormon. He was an atheist and he was darned proud of it.

Peirs anthony was not only not a Mormon, but actually attacked the origins of Mormonism in his writings. (Although he was also not very kind to the Bible, either.)

I looked at the wrong site, my bad.

Ever here of Brandon Sanderson or James Dashner?

How Stephanie Meyer?

By the way, Anthony has said some very good things about the Mormon church.

Nope, never heard of them, so they can't be that important.

Hey, Maybe the Mormons baptized them after they are dead.

I told my relatives if the Mormons ever try to baptize me after I'm dead, I'm coming back as a Zombie.

You don't know any teenagers, do you?
10th post
Stephanie Meyer isn't exactly an author I'd use as a positive example of anything...

Is that because authors that sell large numbers of books can't write?

Or that they don't write anything good.

Shit? She's the person responsible for the Twilight Abortions?

The ones that turned vampires into total pussies that no one is afraid of anymore?

Jesus, just what I need. Yet another good reason to hate fucking Mormons!
Because, what, other genres have all great writers? There are no tedious series in other genres, just sci-fi? :tongue:

It's not surprising that JoeBwhatever dislikes SciFi. As a genre, it has a more optimistic view of humanity and our future than other forms of fiction.

It also has a larger percentage of Mormon writers than any other genre.

I didn't know that, but I CAN name two SF writers I know are Mormons. (Card and Tracey Hickman) Now that I think about it, Margaret Weis and Tracey Hickman's Dragonlance Chronicles seem to be a retelling of the Book of Mormon. (AFAIK, Weis is not a Mormon.)
Last edited:
It's not surprising that JoeBwhatever dislikes SciFi. As a genre, it has a more optimistic view of humanity and our future than other forms of fiction.

It also has a larger percentage of Mormon writers than any other genre.

I didn't know that, but I CAN name two SF writers I know are Mormons. (Card and Tracey Hickman) Now that I think about it, Margaret Weis and Tracey Hickman's Dragonlance Chronicles seem to be a retelling of the Book of Mormon. (AFAIK, Weis is not a Mormon.)

I feel confident that Dragonlance is a much better read than the book of Mormon. :lol:

Also, has Hickman written much (or any) science fiction? I can only recall his fantasy; Weiss is the one I know has written at least a little sci fi.
JoeBitch seems to think Dr. Who is good Science Fiction.


So much for its hope to ever have credibility.

You mean other than the fact it's been around for 50 years and has millions of fans.

Other than that, you mean?

So what is it? Is popularity the defining characteristic of good science fiction? Because I'm pretty sure Ender's Game is pretty popular as SF novels go.
15th post
Douglass Adams was not a fucking Mormon. He was an atheist and he was darned proud of it.

Peirs anthony was not only not a Mormon, but actually attacked the origins of Mormonism in his writings. (Although he was also not very kind to the Bible, either.)

I looked at the wrong site, my bad.

Ever here of Brandon Sanderson or James Dashner?

How Stephanie Meyer?

By the way, Anthony has said some very good things about the Mormon church.

Nope, never heard of them, so they can't be that important.

Hey, Maybe the Mormons baptized them after they are dead.

I told my relatives if the Mormons ever try to baptize me after I'm dead, I'm coming back as a Zombie.

Brandon Sanderson is a fantasy writer who was chosen by Robert Jordan's widow to finish writing the Wheel of Time series after Jordan died. He's written a number of novels of his own before and after doing the WoT, which I thought he did a good job with.
Stephanie Meyer isn't exactly an author I'd use as a positive example of anything...

Is that because authors that sell large numbers of books can't write?

Or that they don't write anything good.

Shit? She's the person responsible for the Twilight Abortions?

The ones that turned vampires into total pussies that no one is afraid of anymore?

Jesus, just what I need. Yet another good reason to hate fucking Mormons!

I never judge a book by its movie, if I did I would have to hate one of the best books ever written because it was made into a Robin Williams movie.
Is that because authors that sell large numbers of books can't write?

Or that they don't write anything good.

Shit? She's the person responsible for the Twilight Abortions?

The ones that turned vampires into total pussies that no one is afraid of anymore?

Jesus, just what I need. Yet another good reason to hate fucking Mormons!

I never judge a book by its movie, if I did I would have to hate one of the best books ever written because it was made into a Robin Williams movie.

I haven't watched the movies or read the books...

but Twilight turned vampires into imaginary gay boyfriends for wannabe Goth girls. Ugh.

Hey, let's not forget the other bit of silliness Mormons inflicted on SF.

Battlestar Gallactica. Or as I like to call it, "Mormons in Spaaaace".
Per the OP, I've been a fan of Ender's Game since I was little, and have no plans to "boycott" the movie - in fact, I'll likely see it at the midnight show when it comes out.

The politics of an author are not relevant to whether or not I enjoy their stories.

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