Emiratis Want Dress Code For Tourists


Belligerent Drunk
Nov 19, 2010
Richmond VA
Well here we go again, Sharia law here we come.

Emiratis Want Dress Code For Tourists


ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates -- With the number of foreigners dwarfing that of locals in her hometown of Abu Dhabi, Asma al-Muhairi has become increasingly anxious at the prospect of her younger nieces abandoning their full-length black robes in favor of Western attire that seems to be everywhere she goes.

But it wasn't until the 23-year-old marketing worker came face to face with two scantily-clad female foreigners at one of the many luxury shopping malls in the United Arab Emirates that she decided to take action.

"While going to a mall, I saw two ladies wearing ... I can't say even shorts. It was underwear," said al-Muhairi, whose black abaya – a long garment worn by conservative Gulf women – is offset by a gold Versace watch and egg-shell blue handbag.

"Really, they were not shorts," she said. "I was standing and thinking: `Why is this continuing? Why is it in the mall? I see families. I see kids around.'"

Failing to persuade the mall to intervene, al-Muhairi and another Emirati woman, Hanan al-Rayes, took to Twitter to air their concerns in May.

They were inundated with responses that prompted them to launch a Twitter campaign dubbed (at)UAEDressCode that aims to explore ways to combat the growing number of shoppers in low-cut dresses and hot pants.

As the campaign picked up steam, it also has served to symbolize the growing concerns among Emiratis, a tiny minority in their own country.

Emirati citizens account for a little more than 10 percent of the 8 million people living in the Gulf nation. Most of the population is made up of Asian, African and Middle Eastern guest workers, as well as Western expatriates living here temporarily.

The overall population more than doubled over the past decade as the country embarked on a building boom that transformed Dubai, up the coast from Abu Dhabi, into the Arabian Gulf's financial hub and a popular tourist draw.

"I think in an increasingly tumultuous region and in an era of powerful and often intrusive globalizing forces, citizens of the UAE are increasingly concerned that their traditions and core values are being eroded," said Christopher Davidson, an expert on Gulf affairs at Britain's Durham University.

"In some senses, it is a grassroots reaction to authorities and leaders that have for many years done little to check this erosion," he added. "We've seen reactions to alcohol, so now we are seeing a reaction to immodest dress."

Emiratis Want Dress Code For Tourists
If a woman isn't allowed to walk around in public in her underwear how can we say that woman is truly free?

We must invade imediately!
If a woman isn't allowed to walk around in public in her underwear how can we say that woman is truly free?

We must invade imediately!

I have been to the Emirates before, at the time they were one of the better Arab countries to be in, good looking women, nice restaurants, good shopping malls. My first time trying Persian food was in an Iranian restaurant there, loved it. Sounds to me like they are going backwards though. First it starts with this, than the drinking will be banned.
"I think in an increasingly tumultuous region and in an era of powerful and often intrusive globalizing forces, citizens of the UAE are increasingly concerned that their traditions and core values are being eroded," said Christopher Davidson, an expert on Gulf affairs at Britain's Durham University.

"In some senses, it is a grassroots reaction to authorities and leaders that have for many years done little to check this erosion," he added. "We've seen reactions to alcohol, so now we are seeing a reaction to immodest dress."

Heaven forbid they lose their "core beliefs" that have kept them in the Middle Ages forever.

It's the 21st century for God's sake. Join the rest of us, you pitiful idiots. Don't want to change with the times? Want to hold on to your draconian/archaic laws such as women in heat stroke-inducing attire? Fine...just don't start having epileptic fits at the rest of us when your tourism-based economy collapses.
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"I think in an increasingly tumultuous region and in an era of powerful and often intrusive globalizing forces, citizens of the UAE are increasingly concerned that their traditions and core values are being eroded," said Christopher Davidson, an expert on Gulf affairs at Britain's Durham University.

"In some senses, it is a grassroots reaction to authorities and leaders that have for many years done little to check this erosion," he added. "We've seen reactions to alcohol, so now we are seeing a reaction to immodest dress."

Heaven forbid they lose their "core beliefs" that have kept them in the Middle Ages forever.

It's the 21st century for God's sake. Join the rest of us, you pitiful idiots. Don't want to change with the times? Want to hold on to your draconian/archaic laws such as women in heat stroke-inducing attire? Fine...just don't start having epileptic fits at the rest of us when your tourism-based economy collapses.

I agree, I should also state that I am against any law that requires a woman to wear more clothes, the less the better.
I cheer these two muslim women that started the blog about the obscene way that Western women dress in their country.

There needs to be a dress code for tourists and other foreign visitors.

If they don't like it; than don't visit. :cool:
Westerners just won't learn their lessons. Why are westerners so STUPID.

The middle east won't adopt western "freedom" and the women will NOT rebel and demand western ways nor fashions. It's silly to imagine that muslims will revel in a newfound freedom. When the average middle eastern muslim is exposed to our ways it validates all the evil they were taught. It justifies any sort of violence to stop its spread.

Americans and Europeans visiting in the middle east should be prepared to wear an abeya or burka and the men should leave their razors at home.

Just like people from the middle east coming here should be prepared to have the swaddling removed and wear thongs and halter tops.

Or, they can all stay home.
Basically, the West has no dress codes or apparel standards.

So women from the Middle East can wear their burqa's, hijab, niqab, and other exotic clothing in our country.

Remember, it's all about personal liberty, and Freedom of expression, and all of that jazz. :cool:
Basically, the West has no dress codes or apparel standards.

So women from the Middle East can wear their burqa's, hijab, niqab, and other exotic clothing in our country.

Remember, it's all about personal liberty, and Freedom of expression, and all of that jazz. :cool:

It is entirely senseless to imagine that when women from the middle east come here, they will adopt our standards or lack thereof. Be happy that they can FINALLY show their ass!

Oh sometimes I just can't believe how stupid we are.
I cheer these two muslim women that started the blog about the obscene way that Western women dress in their country.

There needs to be a dress code for tourists and other foreign visitors.

If they don't like it; than don't visit. :cool:

So in this country, we should be able to demand the islamic women wear less? You are a sad little man.
I cheer these two muslim women that started the blog about the obscene way that Western women dress in their country.

There needs to be a dress code for tourists and other foreign visitors.

If they don't like it; than don't visit. :cool:

So in this country, we should be able to demand the islamic women wear less? You are a sad little man.
English please. :cool:
Basically, the West has no dress codes or apparel standards.

So women from the Middle East can wear their burqa's, hijab, niqab, and other exotic clothing in our country.

Remember, it's all about personal liberty, and Freedom of expression, and all of that jazz. :cool:

and I have noticed the Somalian Muslims in our town let their women drive, walk alone and attend school. All without being harrassed, or subjugated like Muslim countries. Muslims would be much happier in the world without the dogmatic social oppression that they now face.
and I have noticed the Somalian Muslims in our town let their women drive, walk alone and attend school. All without being harrassed, or subjugated like Muslim countries. Muslims would be much happier in the world without the dogmatic social oppression that they now face.
Nitwit you have no idea what makes muslims happy.

Somalia is 100% muslim and ran by sharia law.

Women drive cars, walk alone, and go to school, in Somalia.

That's their culture. :cool:
What is wrong with a dress code? If you are visiting another country that is more conservative when it comes to clothing, then you should respect that culture and cover up. Parading around half naked shows a lack of respect for that country and its people.
well this is similar to France banning the Burka which i am with 100% and and also i am with this dress code enforced by UAE as well , let the people decide , do not decide for them if you believe in freedom !
One step forward, three steps backwards. Just your average day in the Islamic shithole of your choice.
Well here we go again, Sharia law here we come.

Emiratis Want Dress Code For Tourists


ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates -- With the number of foreigners dwarfing that of locals in her hometown of Abu Dhabi, Asma al-Muhairi has become increasingly anxious at the prospect of her younger nieces abandoning their full-length black robes in favor of Western attire that seems to be everywhere she goes.

But it wasn't until the 23-year-old marketing worker came face to face with two scantily-clad female foreigners at one of the many luxury shopping malls in the United Arab Emirates that she decided to take action.

"While going to a mall, I saw two ladies wearing ... I can't say even shorts. It was underwear," said al-Muhairi, whose black abaya – a long garment worn by conservative Gulf women – is offset by a gold Versace watch and egg-shell blue handbag.

"Really, they were not shorts," she said. "I was standing and thinking: `Why is this continuing? Why is it in the mall? I see families. I see kids around.'"

Failing to persuade the mall to intervene, al-Muhairi and another Emirati woman, Hanan al-Rayes, took to Twitter to air their concerns in May.

They were inundated with responses that prompted them to launch a Twitter campaign dubbed (at)UAEDressCode that aims to explore ways to combat the growing number of shoppers in low-cut dresses and hot pants.

As the campaign picked up steam, it also has served to symbolize the growing concerns among Emiratis, a tiny minority in their own country.

Emirati citizens account for a little more than 10 percent of the 8 million people living in the Gulf nation. Most of the population is made up of Asian, African and Middle Eastern guest workers, as well as Western expatriates living here temporarily.

The overall population more than doubled over the past decade as the country embarked on a building boom that transformed Dubai, up the coast from Abu Dhabi, into the Arabian Gulf's financial hub and a popular tourist draw.

"I think in an increasingly tumultuous region and in an era of powerful and often intrusive globalizing forces, citizens of the UAE are increasingly concerned that their traditions and core values are being eroded," said Christopher Davidson, an expert on Gulf affairs at Britain's Durham University.

"In some senses, it is a grassroots reaction to authorities and leaders that have for many years done little to check this erosion," he added. "We've seen reactions to alcohol, so now we are seeing a reaction to immodest dress."

Emiratis Want Dress Code For Tourists
How very Puritanical of them.

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