Elizabeth Warren and CNN: Blacks must be given reparations for slavery.

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Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
Elizabeth Warren gives a full-throated endorsement of reparations at CNN town hall

Because when Russia-Gate fails (the insurance policy), bring in reparations for blacks and amnesty for illegal border invaders.

If whites won't support us, we'll bribe non-whites to vote against you!

How about white indentured servants?

“This is a stain on America and we’re not going to fix that, we’re not going to change that, until we address it head on, directly,” she said. “And make no mistake, it’s not just the original founding. It’s just what happened generation after generation.”

Warren said some of the most prominent examples of continued racial discrimination in the US include housing and employment discrimination against black families.

“Because of housing discrimination and employment discrimination, we live in a world where the average white family has $100 [and] the average black family has about $5,” she said. “So I believe it’s time to start the national full-blown conversation about reparations in this country. And that means I support the bill in the House to appoint a congressional panel of experts, people that are studying this and talk about different ways we may be able to do it and make a report back to Congress, so that we can as a nation do what’s right and begin to heal.”
If Warren feels so strongly the NEED to REPAY someone, she can start with repaying the college for that scholarship she stole from a Native American!!!
Which blacks? All blacks? Just the ones who are descendant from slaves? Just the ones descendant from people who were slaves on American soil? Will they have to prove their claim? What happens if there are no records available to trace their claims? We all know family records of slaves were a top priority of the racist white man back in the day.

Brown and Black people are stupid and need hand outs.... BRIBES to keep them on the plantation....

What do you expect from a party of racist bastards..
I agree with Warren.

EVERY former slave that was promised 30 acres and a mule should report to Congress immediately so Pelosi can cut them a check for today's monetary equivalence...

A promise is a promise, after all.

A promise of free money....some things, like the Democratic Party, never change.
Neither Warren nor any other candidate pushing this nonsense is serious. It's just pandering to a low IQ demographic.
Elizabeth Warren gives a full-throated endorsement of reparations at CNN town hall

Because when Russia-Gate fails (the insurance policy), bring in reparations for blacks and amnesty for illegal border invaders.

If whites won't support us, we'll bribe non-whites to vote against you!

How about white indentured servants?

“This is a stain on America and we’re not going to fix that, we’re not going to change that, until we address it head on, directly,” she said. “And make no mistake, it’s not just the original founding. It’s just what happened generation after generation.”

Warren said some of the most prominent examples of continued racial discrimination in the US include housing and employment discrimination against black families.

“Because of housing discrimination and employment discrimination, we live in a world where the average white family has $100 [and] the average black family has about $5,” she said. “So I believe it’s time to start the national full-blown conversation about reparations in this country. And that means I support the bill in the House to appoint a congressional panel of experts, people that are studying this and talk about different ways we may be able to do it and make a report back to Congress, so that we can as a nation do what’s right and begin to heal.”

if that was going to happen it should have happened in 1870 (or thereabouts)

Now is too late!
It's always the same with Dems. A contest to see who can promise the most free shit to get lazy people to vote for them.
I think I know the real reason why that ugly, man-looking, boy-haircut, androgynous bitch Elizabeth Warren has so much hatred for her own race: no white man would want to fuck that piece of female shit! Only black carpet-heads could be depraved and sexually animalistic "muh dick" enough to actually fuck such a loathsome, gyno-reprobate like her. What a nightcrawling imitation of the female gender that fucking boy-looking old whore is! A female-like creature like that is the Dalai Lama of everything the pissy, chip-on-shoulder female malcontents have done wrong.

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