Elizabeth warren ancestor rounded up cherokees for trail of tears

Countdown to attacking the source...

I saw this story. I found it interesting. I chose not to post it because I knew the focus would end up on the source rather than the story. In fact, I was considering starting a thread about good stories we don't post because of the source.

I know I skip many a post for that reason alone...

I'm not attacking the source because the source found someone who did bad things to indians and ties that to Warren by saying "and apparently Ms. Warren's great-great-great grandfather". Doesnt say it IS Warrens grandfather...just apparently her grandfather.

Brietbart is dead, apparently being sodimized by Beelzebub

No, but you know there are many who attack the source of a story rather than address the substance of the story.

Like many others, I see no reason to hold the son (or daughter) accountable for the sins of the father. Regardless, I found the story interesting, but probably not for the same reasons as some.

I agree
So that's the new plan of attack? Holding people responsible for their ancestor's actions?

How many wives did Mitt's great-grandfather have again? And how old were they?

Indeed - we can keep it even more relevant

Did you know

Romney his great-grandfather was a polygamist. Miles Park Romney died in 1904


Papa Obama has a long tradition and more relevant-

Papa Obama’s father was a polygamist; his grandfather was a polygamist; and his great-grandfather was a polygamist who had five wives

No need to thank me
the cold hard fact is, the media loves this crap when it can be used to smear anyone but someone they like, the identity politics machine is in full overdrive when they can use it.........cut the crap folks, we all know it...is it inane and stupid? most def.

So, frankly, its their turn in the barrel and just goes to show that, for every action there is a reaction. warren should never have fronted this unless she was ready to truly defend it...... I am sure she never thought she would have to back in the day when she told Harvard her tale......but, shes in a race for a senate seat, when she said she would do it, she should have gotten out in font of it , she didn't, she gets clobbered. *shrugs*

I am sorry, but thats a riot...:lol::lol:
So that's the new plan of attack? Holding people responsible for their ancestor's actions?

How many wives did Mitt's great-grandfather have again? And how old were they?

No one's holding her responsible for her ancestor's actions. They are mocking her for her claims that she is Cherokee.

Now where did Romney claim to be decendant from monogamists?
Countdown to attacking the source...

I saw this story. I found it interesting. I chose not to post it because I knew the focus would end up on the source rather than the story. In fact, I was considering starting a thread about good stories we don't post because of the source.

I know I skip many a post for that reason alone...

I'm not attacking the source because the source found someone who did bad things to indians and ties that to Warren by saying "and apparently Ms. Warren's great-great-great grandfather". Doesnt say it IS Warrens grandfather...just apparently her grandfather.

Brietbart is dead, apparently being sodimized by Beelzebub

No, but you know there are many who attack the source of a story rather than address the substance of the story.

Like many others, I see no reason to hold the son (or daughter) accountable for the sins of the father. Regardless, I found the story interesting, but probably not for the same reasons as some.

Of course, fiction is interesting. See I dont care about Warren or her supposed ties to Indian ancestry but what I noticed is that the "interesting" story is only interesting if it's true. apparently, the author doesnt know if what he wrote is true or not with the use of the word "apparently".

The whole story becomes less interesting when that word is removed. If the word was switched to "I think it's Warrens granddad!" you wouldnt be able to stop laughing. But apparently, Apparently means true.

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