Elites Forcing Third Party Runs?


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
Shaping up that way as Bush talks of BREAKING his pledge and running third party. Note to Jeb, that 5% post debate support you saw will dwindle to 1% so fast you will be a foot note in political history. We do NOT want you and its NOT going to happen.

On the other side of the field dirty politics by the Clinton Machine may well FORCE Bernie to run third party. Note to Hillary, if you do that stupid well its over.
YOU split the party and you ALL lose.

Now in truth both of these things happening ARE better for America. Bush being thrown out of the GOP with his fellow elites cleans the party of the BS the hand wringing the get nothing done issue that has been a problem.
Bush has considered backing out of pledge if nominee is Trump: aide

At the DNC camp where its the season of dirty politics this little favor by the DNC to the Sanders supporters.
"“Worth noting DNC suspends Bernie Sanders’ access to voter file less than 12 hours after his biggest endorsement yet . . . ” tweeted Ben Jacobs, political reporter for The Guardian, on Friday.
Bernie Sanders loses access to Democratic Party data. Unfair?

Hillary is NOT going up in the polls, she is going down. Sanders IS going UP and comes close to Hillary in MANY races VERY close. So in this case the party "elite" are abusing their base. Who would have guessed right?

So while Bushes threat to leave the party would only cause 5% on its best day to re-commit a Hillary/Sanders split put ALMOST 50% of the party in play. And while the GOP's 5% will be mere house cleaning a party split is about party control.

This is going to be one wild election cycle for sure. And all those liberals said Trump would bail. Why? You don't bail when you are leading in polls. You don't bail when you spend less money per vote then ANYBODY else. That's wishful thinking on their part.
This is good...people are waking up. Even if you don't agree with Sanders or Trump their supporters are the ones who have figured the whole "game" out. They are the 'enlightened' ones. The ones still supporting the Corporatists/establishment are brainwashed zombies who don't know they're 'dead'.
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This is good...people are waking up. Even if you don't agree with Sanders or Trump their supporters are the ones who have figured the whole "game" out. They are the 'enlightened' ones. The ones still supporting the Corporatists/establishment are brainwashed zombies who don't know they're 'dead'.
I do NOT agree with the Sanders policy but that says I DO feel he is honest.
I do NOT always agree with Trump but I DO feel he is being honest.
Bush and Clinton leave me with the SAME feeling, Dirty.
This is good...people are waking up. Even if you don't agree with Sanders or Trump their supporters are the ones who have figured the whole "game" out. They are the 'enlightened' ones. The ones still supporting the Corporatists/establishment are brainwashed zombies who don't know they're 'dead'.
I do NOT agree with the Sanders policy but that says I DO feel he is honest.
I do NOT always agree with Trump but I DO feel he is being honest.
Bush and Clinton leave me with the SAME feeling, Dirty.
Agreed. But trust me, the DNC will let batshit Bernie back into the database before they let him run 3rd party.
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This is good...people are waking up. Even if you don't agree with Sanders or Trump their supporters are the ones who have figured the whole "game" out. They are the 'enlightened' ones. The ones still supporting the Corporatists/establishment are brainwashed zombies who don't know they're 'dead'.
I do NOT agree with the Sanders policy but that says I DO feel he is honest.
I do NOT always agree with Trump but I DO feel he is being honest.
Bush and Clinton leave me with the SAME feeling, Dirty.
Agreed. But trust me, the DNC will let batshit Bernie back into the database before they let him run 3rd party.
Yeah but how many stunts will the Hillary controlled DNC pull BEFORE the DNC tells her no more?
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Bernie's definitely smart enough not to run third party. If he doesn't make it, he'll want a Democrat in there.

Trump, on the other may, may not give a crap.
Trump has no reason to. That is why Bush is thinking of bolting.
Hillary's crap to destroy Bernie who IS a good man I think is a party splitter.
Sanders will declare as a third party candidate the day after Fred Phelps gives head to Lindsey Graham on pay-per-view.

Trump won't run third party, either. And after he loses the nomination, the GOP Establishment will silently condone him being used as frequently as possible as their gunslinger against Clinton on the talking head circuit.


She's probably got a Swiss bank account for all the money she's stolen. I don't know. Maybe.


She'll get us nuked by Iran. Believe me.


Don't get me wrong. I like her. But she'll take more time off then Hopey McChangepants. She hasn't come out the other side of that menopause in good shape, you know?

She'll be bringing those jihadis over here and giving them food stamps. And she'll be giving them drivers licenses so they can get to the nearest malls and daycare centers with their pipe bombs and RPGs as quickly as possible.

I don't want to call Chelsea an illegitimate child, but I've never seen her parents' marriage certificate. Have you? I mean a REAL one...

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