Elie Wiesel, Nobel Peace Prize winner and Holocaust survivor, dies at 87

Incredibly, there apparently is no existing image of Elie Wiesel’s alleged tattoo.

This is the only known footage of Wiesel with both sleeves rolled up, and no tattoo is visible anywhere on the left arm, which is where Wiesel claims he still has this tattoo.

Proves nothing as tattoos fade with time as the body fights the invasion. So what point are you trying to make, would it be similar to the Arafat escapade when he died of aids caught from his paid male prostitutes
Apples "In my imagination, in my mind, I believed it," Rosenblat said on Good Morning America. "Even now, I believe it, that she was there and she threw apples to me ... In my imagination, it was true."

Herman Rosenblat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Is that like the LIES of the mass murders committed by Jews that in reality were done by muslims
Sunni Man, et al,

Yeah! I was very surprised how many peoplle belong to the group called "Holocaust Deniers" and the harsh realities of Extermination Camps at Auschwitz-Birkenau, Chelmno, Majdanek, Sobibor, Treblinka and Bełżec, Poland --- and Sajmište, Serbia. I was assigned in Munich (Bavaria) for a time, and had the occasion to see Dachau. It was too small to be an Extermination Camp but was, by itself, brought about the death of over 30,000 Jewish internees.

Sunni is a great representative of the typical Muslim mentality and why people are fed up with Islam in general.
What's the problem?? ... :dunno:
All I did was post his own words concerning the Holohoax fantasy. ..... :cool:

There have been, for as long as I can remember, those that believed the Holocaust an elaborate hoax. I was astonished at the number of anti-Semitic views and those making the accusation that the Allied Powers exaggerated the enormity of the undertaking that resulted in 6 million deaths (Jews, Gypsies, Incompetent and Gays). Others simply or willfully dismisses the evidence and allegations as a huge deception; a set of coordinated conspiracies on the part of the Allied Powers. And there are some that simply believe that the Extermination Program "never happened." Or as our friend "Sunni Man" says: "Holohoax fantasy."

But what ever it is that you believe, Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel talked about applying the lessons of the past to the advancement of civilization into the future. He always spoke of a bright and positive future; that was one reason behind of the Nobel Prize.

Most Respectfully,

No, it wasn't 6 million victims altogether. It was 6 million Jews, and 5 million others (Gypsies, gays, physically and mentally handicapped, Soviet POW's, political dissidents and some clergy, etc.) These are just the victims of the camps and mass-grave shootings. If you count soldiers and bombing casualties, around 50 million people died in WW2.

My dad's entire family was wiped out--his parents, brother, 2 sisters and a little niece who was smashed into a tree.
"Night" should be required reading for everyone.
BTW, this thread really doesn't belong on the I/P Board. Just Sayin'
Notice the sickness that permeates the Muslim mind. No wonder that over 75% of Americans agree with Trump's ban on Muslims, and UK voted for Brexit.

Keep up the good work, guys, you are a great representative of how the Muskim mind works. Any other tidbits of knowledge (mentall illness actually) you'd like to share with us?
Notice the sickness that permeates the Muslim mind. No wonder that over 75% of Americans agree with Trump's ban on Muslims, and UK voted for Brexit.

Keep up the good work, guys, you are a great representative of how the Muskim mind works. Any other tidbits of knowledge (mentall illness actually) you'd like to share with us?

They now face their second GATES OF VIENNA and will be pushed back into the sea for their invasions of Europe. They are not welcome here, and they are hated, despised and feared by all decent people who want them gone. Watch it all kick of this summer in Europe and see the claims of the muslims be swept aside as LIES
Couldn't have put it better myself, a Jewish person's response:

September 9, 2014
A Response to Elie Wiesel

by Sara Roy (Sara Roy is a senior research scholar at the Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Harvard University.)

"Mr. Wiesel,

I read your statement about Palestinians, which appeared in The New York Times on August 4th. I cannot help feeling that your attack against Hamas and stunning accusations of child sacrifice are really an attack, carefully veiled but unmistakable, against all Palestinians, their children included. As a child of Holocaust survivors—both my parents survived Auschwitz—I am appalled by your anti-Palestinian position, one I know you have long held. I have always wanted to ask you, why? What crime have Palestinians committed in your eyes? Exposing Israel as an occupier and themselves as its nearly defenseless victims? Resisting a near half century of oppression imposed by Jews and through such resistance forcing us as a people to confront our lost innocence (to which you so tenaciously cling)?

Unlike you, Mr. Wiesel, I have spent a great deal of time in Gaza among Palestinians. In that time, I have seen many terrible things and I must confess I try not to remember them because of the agony they continue to inflict. I have seen Israeli soldiers shoot into crowds of young children who were doing nothing more than taunting them, some with stones, some with just words. I have witnessed too many horrors, more than I want to describe. But I must tell you that the worst things I have seen, those memories that continue to haunt me, insisting never to be forgotten, are not acts of violence but acts of dehumanization.

There is a story I want to tell you, Mr. Wiesel, for I have carried it inside of me for many years and have only written about it once a very long time ago. I was in a refugee camp in Gaza when an Israeli army unit on foot patrol came upon a small baby perched in the sand sitting just outside the door to its home. Some soldiers approached the baby and surrounded it. Standing close together, the soldiers began shunting the child between them with their feet, mimicking a ball in a game of soccer. The baby began screaming hysterically and its mother rushed out shrieking, trying desperately to extricate her child from the soldiers’ legs and feet. After a few more seconds of “play,” the soldiers stopped and walked away, leaving the terrified child to its distraught mother.

Now, I know what you must be thinking: this was the act of a few misguided men. But I do not agree because I have seen so many acts of dehumanization since, among which I must now include yours. Mr. Wiesel, how can you defend the slaughter of over 500 innocent children by arguing that Hamas uses them as human shields? Let us say for the sake of argument that Hamas does use children in this way; does this then justify or vindicate their murder in your eyes? How can any ethical human being make such a grotesque argument? In doing so, Mr. Wiesel, I see no difference between you and the Israeli soldiers who used the baby as a soccer ball. Your manner may differ from theirs—perhaps you could never bring yourself to treat a Palestinian child as an inanimate object—but the effect of your words is the same: to dehumanize and objectify Palestinians to the point where the death of Arab children, some murdered inside their own homes, no longer affects you. All that truly concerns you is that Jews not be blamed for the children’s savage destruction.

Despite your eloquence, it is clear that you believe only Jews are capable of loving and protecting their children and possess a humanity that Palestinians do not. If this is so, Mr. Wiesel, how would you explain the very public satisfaction among many Israelis over the carnage in Gaza—some assembled as if at a party, within easy sight of the bombing, watching the destruction of innocents, entertained by the devastation? How are these Israelis different from those people who stood outside the walls of the Jewish ghettos in Poland watching the ghettos burn or listening indifferently to the gunshots and screams of other innocents within—among them members of my own family and perhaps yours—while they were being hunted and destroyed?

You see us as you want us to be and not as many of us actually are. We are not all insensate to the suffering we inflict, acceding to cruelty with ease and calm. And because of you, Mr. Wiesel, because of your words—which deny Palestinians their humanity and deprive them of their victimhood—too many can embrace our lack of mercy as if it were something noble, which it is not. Rather, it is something monstrous." A Response to Elie Wiesel

RIP Mr. Wiesel, may your hatreds die with you.
This is the statement made by Elie Weisel as noted above:

Jews rejected child sacrifice 3,500 years ago’

More than three thousand years ago, Abraham had two children. One son had been sent into the wilderness and was in danger of dying. God saved him with water from a spring.

The other son was bound, his throat about to be cut by his own father. But God stayed the knife. Both sons – Ishmael and Isaac – received promises that they would father great nations.

With these narratives, monotheism and western civilization begin. And the Canaanite practices of child sacrifice to Moloch are forever left behind by the descendants of Abraham.

Except they are not.

In my own lifetime, I have seen Jewish children thrown into the fire. And now I have seen Muslim children used as human shields, in both cases, by worshippers of death cults indistinguishable from that of the Molochites.

What we are suffering through today is not a battle of Jew versus Arab or Israeli versus Palestinian. Rather, it is a battle between those who celebrate life and those who champion death. It is a battle of civilization versus barbarism.

Do the two cultures that brought us the Psalms of David and the rich libraries of the Ottoman Empire not share a love of life, of transmitting wisdom and opportunity to their children? And is any of this discernible in the dark future offered by Hamas to Arab children, to be suicide bombers or human shields for rockets?

Palestinian parents want a hopeful future for their children, just like Israeli parents do. And both should be joining together in peace.

But before sleepless mothers in both Gaza City and Tel Aviv can rest, before diplomats can begin in earnest the crucial business of rebuilding dialogue… the Hamas death cult must be confronted for what it is.

Moderate men and women of faith, whether that faith is in God or man, must shift their criticism from the Israeli soldiers – whose terrible choice is to fire and risk harming human shields, or hold their fire and risk the death of their loved ones – to the terrorists who have taken away all choice from the Palestinian children of Gaza.

I call upon the Palestinian people to find true Muslims to represent them, Muslims who would never voluntarily place a child in danger.

I call upon President Obama and the leaders of the world to condemn Hamas’ use of children as human shields.

And I enjoin the American public to stand firmly with the people of Israel who are in yet another struggle for survival, and with the suffering people of Gaza who reject terror and embrace peace.

Let us return child sacrifice to the darkest corner of history, and work towards a brighter future with those who choose life, Arabs and Jews alike, all of us Abraham’s children.

I cannot help feeling that your attack against Hamas and stunning accusations of child sacrifice are really an attack, carefully veiled but unmistakable, against all Palestinians...

Actually no. Mr. Wiesel was very clear in naming Hamas, and in calling upon mothers in Gaza, and upon moderate people of all faiths, and upon Palestinians in particular to fight against terrorism. He very clearly differentiated between those who support terrorism and evil deeds and those who do not -- be they Palestinians, or Muslims, or mothers, or people of any faith.

What crime have Palestinians committed in your eyes?

Oh come, on. Really? Indiscriminate attacks on civilians in the form of rockets and suicide/homicide bombers and tunnels. Failure to separate military objectives from civilian areas and populations. Using civilians as human shields on the roofs of buildings holding military objectives. Placing military objectives in the vicinity of civilian areas such as schools, hospitals, mosques and refugee areas. Training and using children as soldiers.

All that truly concerns you is that Jews not be blamed for the children’s savage destruction.

Well, yes, it does concern us that the Jewish people not be blamed for the crimes (listed above) that are committed by Palestinians. The Palestinians should be held accountable for the crimes they commit.

Despite your eloquence, it is clear that you believe only Jews are capable of loving and protecting their children and possess a humanity that Palestinians do not.

On the contrary, the piece clearly demonstrated a hope and an expectation that the Palestinians would demonstrate their love and protection for their children by fighting against war crimes and terrorism.
Another Jewish obituary:

"Elie Wiesel is dead. The Holocaust world I cut my teeth on is coming to an end.

Is the world that cut its teeth on the Holocaust also coming to an end?

In their life and death, iconic figure like Elie Wiesel move us in different ways. The day after Wiesel’s death, it is time to take stock. In which direction are we heading?

I have been reading and writing about Wiesel for more than forty years. Though I have my arguments with Wiesel and other theologians and philosophers of the Holocaust, I never dismissed them as fakes or fools as some have. I will not do so today.

Those who explored the depths of the Holocaust were a great and deeply flawed generation. With reference to their hawkish stands on Israel, Wiesel and other Holocaust commentators simply did not understand what they had become involved in. If and when they understood, it was too late.

In the end, Wiesel was deeply corrupted by his use of the Holocaust he suffered so deeply from. Once an insurgent in Jewish life by insisting on the overriding importance of the Holocaust, in his later years, Wiesel became a cheerleader for an apartheid Israel and American military sanctions and intervention in the Middle East, all revolving around his support for Israel.

Wiesel became a caricature of himself. He trivialized the Holocaust he wrote so movingly about.

Through his invocations of the Holocaust, Wiesel achieved great wealth and garnered many honors; both compromised his witness. Politicians used him as the tributes accorded him in the coming days will no doubt show. But Wiesel and the Jewish establishment also used politicians to further entrench and extend their power and influence. So it goes, it seems.

We Jews live after the Holocaust and after Israel. By after Israel, I mean what Israel has done and is doing to the Palestinian people. Those of us who live in the shadow of the Holocaust – and Israel – must ask ourselves the same questions we ask of Wiesel. What is our witness in the world? Has our standing in the world and what we represent corrupted us?

Elie Wiesel was hardly alone in becoming so stuck in Holocaust suffering that he failed to realize or care about what Jewish power was and is doing to the Palestinian people. We, the Jewish people, averted our eyes. We, the Jewish people, became corrupted through our use of unjust power against others.

Through Wiesel, Christians became heavily involved in the meaning of Holocaust suffering and support for the state of Israel without regard for the plight of Palestinians. Christians averted their eyes. Christians became corrupted through support of Jewish power against others.

So Elie Wiesel’s death must become our challenge. After the Holocaust and Israel, what are we to do? Do we really understand who we have become?

Once understood, we must stand for justice, at a personal and, if need be, at a collective cost. Lest we become other than whom we are called to be.

Here lies the unintended aspect of Elie Wiesel’s flawed witness. In the beginning Wiesel and others who reflected on the Holocaust invoked solidarity with the suffering as the key lesson of the Holocaust. True, again from the beginning, Jews were a priority. Yet, this solidarity also extended to those suffering after the Holocaust. Missing, of course, were Palestinians.

With the ascendancy of the Holocaust and Israel as the epitome of the Jewish and Christian witness, Wiesel helped ignite Jewish and Christian resistance to the oppression of the Palestinian people. By making the Holocaust and Israel central to the destiny of the Jewish people, Jewish and Christian resistance to Israel’s abuse of power was destined to take hold.

Today this resistance is exploding. Among others, Jewish Voice for Peace and the Christian struggle for divestment in a variety of denominational settings are deeply indebted to the flawed witness of Elie Wiesel.

As Elie Wiesel is honored and buried in the coming days, we would do well to reflect on other iconic figures of our day and those who use them for their own ends. Unlike iconic figures, injustice cannot be buried.

Resistance is always waiting in the shadows of unjust power. Thus our challenge as Elie Wiesel – and his generation – is laid to rest.

Marc H. Ellis is retired Director and Professor of Jewish Studies at Baylor University and author of The Heartbeat of the Prophetic - See more at: Elie Wiesel is Dead
"Night" should be required reading for everyone.
Why should people be forced to read a book of science fiction? ...... :dunno:

You are mentally ill. Living in the Jewish community, I am not only the child of survivors, but I have heard many survivors speak in person. One such man had been in 6 death camps. He said that he saw Gypsies being slaughtered too. Why would he make that up? You might think you're funny, but your "cute" remarks are a slap in the face to survivors. I'll leave you with an incredible story that I saw in a Holocaust documentary recently. A Jewish family was removed from their house in Hungary. They were first told to go on a long march. The 80-year-old grandmother said, "I can't go. I'll be crushed in the march. Goodbye my children. I'll sit here and whatever happens, happens." So she sat on the stoop, all alone. A Nazi sped by on his motorcycle, and asked why she didn't go on the march with everyone else in their village. "I can't walk because I'm too old. Whatever my fate is, I'll accept it". Hungary was one of the last countries to be occupied by the Germans, in 1944. The Nazi spared the old woman, who was reunited with her grandson after the war. The grandson, now an old man himself, told this story in the documentary. So, Sunni Man, can't you at least be like that Nazi? By the way, the $100 that my dad got from the German gov't monthly, did not make up for losing his whole family.
In 1946, after learning of the Jewish terrorist group Irgun's deadly bombing of the King David Hotel, Wiesel aligned himself with the murderous anti-British and anti-Arab underground movement -- translating propaganda articles from Hebrew to Yiddish for Irgun publications. Strangely enough, for a full decade after the war, Wiesel had never once written nor talked about the Holocaust TM. After a meeting with the well-known French author Francois Mauriac (a communist sympathizer) E-Lie the Weasel was persuaded to begin writing about his alleged experiences.

And that was the moment in time when a relatively obscure, pro-terrorist Zionist newspaper hack-journalist discovered his calling as a holohoaxer -- part of an industry still in its infancy when E-Lie the Weasel began writing about it. He would go on to become a multi, and we do mean mean multi, millionaire -- authoring 57 books, some of them hyped-up by Sulzberger's Slimes and the likes of Oprah Winfrey. While pumping out his libelous literary trash, E-Lie the Weasel further enhanced his stupendous income by giving paid lecture after paid lecture after paid lecture. He was also awarded a professorship at Boston University.
E-LIE THE WEASEL (1928-2016)
In 1946, after learning of the Jewish terrorist group Irgun's deadly bombing of the King David Hotel, Wiesel aligned himself with the murderous anti-British and anti-Arab underground movement -- translating propaganda articles from Hebrew to Yiddish for Irgun publications. Strangely enough, for a full decade after the war, Wiesel had never once written nor talked about the Holocaust TM. After a meeting with the well-known French author Francois Mauriac (a communist sympathizer) E-Lie the Weasel was persuaded to begin writing about his alleged experiences.

And that was the moment in time when a relatively obscure, pro-terrorist Zionist newspaper hack-journalist discovered his calling as a holohoaxer -- part of an industry still in its infancy when E-Lie the Weasel began writing about it. He would go on to become a multi, and we do mean mean multi, millionaire -- authoring 57 books, some of them hyped-up by Sulzberger's Slimes and the likes of Oprah Winfrey. While pumping out his libelous literary trash, E-Lie the Weasel further enhanced his stupendous income by giving paid lecture after paid lecture after paid lecture. He was also awarded a professorship at Boston University.
E-LIE THE WEASEL (1928-2016)
Nice Nazi conspiracy site you got there. Ha ha ha.

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