EGYPT: US about to make another Iraq style blunder in ME

It's odd to me that people can take such a moral stance against a muslim killing dozens of innocent people with a suicide bomb or many suicide bombers killing hundreds of innocent people and at the same cheer on wars done by mostly christians that kill hundreds of thousands of innocent people and trade embargos that kill hundreds of thousands of innocent people.
Those wars are not religious wars and have nothing to do with Christianity. Now, if you are referring to a Christian war like the crusades then we can talk but I have a feeling that you are referring to more recent events. You can protest the wars (and I would agree with you on the case of Iraq) but there is no equivalent in them to the terrorists.

Of course the trade embargos are another matter altogether. I have a problem when people seem to think that refusing to sell an item to someone somehow equates to what you are eluding to. There is no requirement for me to supply anyone with anything and saying that the USA has some bullshit moral obligation to feed another country is crap. To put it another way - if you are not sending support over to the starving in Africa then YOU are the reason that I continue to see advertisements of children with bloated bellies for lack of food. Not supplying something to a populous is not indicative to murdering them. Granted, this is a bit more complex than that but it is the simple version.
All goes back to the grip religion has on people's brains.

"My religion and my God are right, theirs is wrong so the people who share my God are automatically right and those who don't are automatically wrong."
Then again, I am not a Christian. So, my question still stands:
What percentage of suicide bombers are NOT Muslim?

All you stated here is a straw man anyway. The facts are as they are presented and the main point is still there. You cannot face the problem and come up with a solution when the only thing you are interested in is denying the problem exists.

Your question doesn't still stand, you've conveniently changed it to better fit your agenda since your original question was so stupid. "What percentage of people kill a certain way?" What a useless question. What percentage of hunters use rifles compared to bow and arrow? Would that matter?

I don't care about motivation, but I'll bet a lot of our american soldiers say their God looks kindly upon what they're doing or of course they wouldn't be doing it.

Many of the battles of World War 2 meant certain death to the people who were first to arrive. Should we equate the first soldiers on the beach in Normandy as suicidal terrorists because they thought what they were doing was right in God's eyes and they faced certain death? I'm not understanding why in your brain style of killing is the most important thing in which trumps the numbers. Would you rather I kill your cousin in a weird manner or kill your entire family if faced with the choice?
It's odd to me that people can take such a moral stance against a muslim killing dozens of innocent people with a suicide bomb or many suicide bombers killing hundreds of innocent people and at the same cheer on wars done by mostly christians that kill hundreds of thousands of innocent people and trade embargos that kill hundreds of thousands of innocent people.
Those wars are not religious wars and have nothing to do with Christianity. Now, if you are referring to a Christian war like the crusades then we can talk but I have a feeling that you are referring to more recent events. You can protest the wars (and I would agree with you on the case of Iraq) but there is no equivalent in them to the terrorists.

Of course the trade embargos are another matter altogether. I have a problem when people seem to think that refusing to sell an item to someone somehow equates to what you are eluding to. There is no requirement for me to supply anyone with anything and saying that the USA has some bullshit moral obligation to feed another country is crap. To put it another way - if you are not sending support over to the starving in Africa then YOU are the reason that I continue to see advertisements of children with bloated bellies for lack of food. Not supplying something to a populous is not indicative to murdering them. Granted, this is a bit more complex than that but it is the simple version.
All goes back to the grip religion has on people's brains.

"My religion and my God are right, theirs is wrong so the people who share my God are automatically right and those who don't are automatically wrong."
Then again, I am not a Christian. So, my question still stands:
What percentage of suicide bombers are NOT Muslim?

All you stated here is a straw man anyway. The facts are as they are presented and the main point is still there. You cannot face the problem and come up with a solution when the only thing you are interested in is denying the problem exists.

Timothy McVeigh planted the bomb and then ran off. But it still killed a 168 men, women and children and maimed many more.
No they are like us.

Easily manipulated by their bureacrats (like the OP of this thread towards democrats) and they value religion over education like the vast majority of americans.

The only difference is they have a different god, and history shows when this is the case things don't end well for the country with less power.

No, there is one more tiny, teeny weeny difference.

They, and by they I mean MUSLIMS, a disturbing percentage of THEM, again, I mean MUSLIMS, tend to strap bombs to themselves and explode themselves in groups of strangers to get a point across, hoping THEY take as many of us (non Muslims) to the grave as possible.

But other than that tiny detail, sure, they're like us.

Us killing Iraqi Muslims.

al Qaeda killing around the world.

Who has killed more?

NOTE: How many times has Iraq attacked the US?

Depends on what you are referring to. In Iraq, Saddam killed more Iraqi's in the 10 years leading up to the war than the 10 years that we were at war with them. It is rather interesting that FEWER people were dying in open warfare than were dying in peacetime in that country.
PoliticalChic said:
"Jimmy Carter will go down in American history as "the president who lost Iran," which during his term went from being a major strategic ally of the United States to being the revolutionary Islamic Republic. Barack Obama will be remembered as the president who "lost" Turkey, Lebanon and Egypt, and during whose tenure America's alliances in the Middle East crumbled.

Obama began his presidency with trips to Turkey, Egypt and Saudi Arabia, and in speeches in Ankara and Cairo tried to forge new ties between the United States and the Muslim world. His message to Muslims was "I am one of you," and he backed it by quoting from the Koran. "
Obama will go down in history as the president who lost Egypt - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

I disagree. I think future historian will look at the 25 years of the Shahs brutal reign as the main cause of his demise, not President Carter. President Carter will likely be remembered for his call for the country to become energy independent to avoid compromising our nations security from rising influence and wealth of the oil rich Arab world.

Of course it was Raygun who reversed Carters call and told Americans everything is fine, Cheap Arab oil is good for business.........
Ummm we can't stay out of the middle east because they have the black crack that liberals like you refuse to allow us to drill for stateside! Trying to rationalize hatred of the Islamofacists is fools move. These people are irrational and driven by psychotic hatred that isn't easy to understand. Most countries in Europe keep their noses out of middle east affairs (other than trade relations) and yet they have been subject to far more Islamofacist terrorst attacks then the US received. The Netherlands, Norway (seriously Norway!), Germany (even before the Afghan war they were hit, but Afghanistan isn't the Middle East or Arab country anyways), esp France (who argued AGAINST the Iraq War the loudest) etc.

You want to rationalize their thinking go right ahead. In the end, its a cultural clash in which Islam isn't compatable with Western Civilization. :eek:

What many Americans fail to understand is "They are NOT us".

Many Americans, especially the right actually believes the rhetoric, "They hate us for our freedom". It has been repeated ad nauseum until the average American believes it's true. Like, "Obama is a socialist/Kenynan/Muslim" until even some Democrats believe it. Or "Obama took a two hundred million dollar a day trip".

America needs to "STAY OUT OF THE MIDDLE EAST".

Look at what happened in Iran. The Shah was kicked out, and the country became a hard right Islamic Theocracy the first chance they got. Republicans with the forced help of Democrats invaded Iraq and destroyed those people's government and the first time they vote, they vote into office a hard right Islamic Theocracy. It's even written into their constitution. You only need to read Article II to know that to be true.

Now America is saying Egypt must have "freedom" to vote and look at what they will vote into office. You can guarantee it will be a hard right Islamic Theocracy. Those people are wired that way.

In fact, if our freedoms weren't protected by our constitution, the religious right would create a hard right Christian Theocracy here. That's what the religious do. Because they do it for "Gawd".

If we weren't dependent on ME oil and if we stayed out of their affairs, this is what would happen:


They would become a democracy, which would end up making us safer.


They would become a religious theocracy, which would mean they are anti science and would be no threat to us. Science and religion don't mix. We know that looking at our own right wing.

This is why America needs to invest in our future and get us off foreign oil. Anything else will once again lead to disaster.
It's odd to me that people can take such a moral stance against a muslim killing dozens of innocent people with a suicide bomb or many suicide bombers killing hundreds of innocent people and at the same cheer on wars done by mostly christians that kill hundreds of thousands of innocent people and trade embargos that kill hundreds of thousands of innocent people.
Those wars are not religious wars and have nothing to do with Christianity. Now, if you are referring to a Christian war like the crusades then we can talk but I have a feeling that you are referring to more recent events. You can protest the wars (and I would agree with you on the case of Iraq) but there is no equivalent in them to the terrorists.

Of course the trade embargos are another matter altogether. I have a problem when people seem to think that refusing to sell an item to someone somehow equates to what you are eluding to. There is no requirement for me to supply anyone with anything and saying that the USA has some bullshit moral obligation to feed another country is crap. To put it another way - if you are not sending support over to the starving in Africa then YOU are the reason that I continue to see advertisements of children with bloated bellies for lack of food. Not supplying something to a populous is not indicative to murdering them. Granted, this is a bit more complex than that but it is the simple version.
All goes back to the grip religion has on people's brains.

"My religion and my God are right, theirs is wrong so the people who share my God are automatically right and those who don't are automatically wrong."
Then again, I am not a Christian. So, my question still stands:
What percentage of suicide bombers are NOT Muslim?

All you stated here is a straw man anyway. The facts are as they are presented and the main point is still there. You cannot face the problem and come up with a solution when the only thing you are interested in is denying the problem exists.

Timothy McVeigh planted the bomb and then ran off. But it still killed a 168 men, women and children and maimed many more.
The reason that I said ALMOST zero and NOT zero. There are examples of non-Muslim bombers. Not really the suicide type but there are bombers. The VAST VAST VAST majority are Muslim.
No, there is one more tiny, teeny weeny difference.

They, and by they I mean MUSLIMS, a disturbing percentage of THEM, again, I mean MUSLIMS, tend to strap bombs to themselves and explode themselves in groups of strangers to get a point across, hoping THEY take as many of us (non Muslims) to the grave as possible.

But other than that tiny detail, sure, they're like us.
What "disturbing" percentage of Muslims become suicide bombers?

How many Christian children have Muslim bombs killed, maimed or orphaned?

How much money do rich Muslims make from Hellfire missiles sales?

How about addressing on a day to day basis, I will start with 9/11, how many children lost a father, mother, brother, grandmother, grandfather, uncle, aunt, cousin, or sister.

3,000 dead, if we include the children who lost someone as George asks the number becomes very difficult, I say at least 250,000 children lost someone on that day celebrated across the Middle East.

Next of course we can address those who are killed in by airplanes being blown up or crashed, cruise ships attacked, those killed in Israel, or the 200,000 Christians being ethnically cleansed from Kosovo. Lets not forget the death and destruction across Africa.

Yes how many must die, the sad fact is that when it comes to people like George, they read Chomsky and Zinn, the more Chomsky and Zinn lied and called the USA actions murder and war crimes the more people like George bought their books, the more books Chomsky and Zinn sold the more they realized it was profitable to Hate the USA. Hence a horrible cycle was born.

How about how much of the hate and lies printed by Chomsky and Zinn are beleived by the under-educated leaders of the Middle East or by the Moslem press thus fueling the hatred that leads to mass murder by suicide bombers.

George thus by purchasing the anti-american rhetoric of Zinn and Chomsky has increased the popularity as such that the Moslem leaders become of aware of the books, and seeing that many in the USA support Chomsky and Zinn, the Moslems of lesser education are unable to see the hate filled lies from the truth.

We are talking about the Middle East. I wasn't aware Kosovo or Africa were in the Middle East. Christians in Uganda want to execute gays and put relatives of gays in prison for up to seven years for not turning in their family members.

Then there is the Christian population of Iraq that has mysteriously declined by about a million since we invaded Iraq. Since many, including women, Christians and gays, are saying their lives were better under Saddam, how can we pretend to be "moral"?

Apparently, our hands are dirty too.
I don't think they hate us for our freedom. I think they hate us for that 'Made In America' stamped on the weapons that have been used to keep them down.

It will be interesting to see how much power the Muslim Brotherhood has and if they will resort to violence to impose an Islamic Theocracy in the country.

The time to get us off foriegn oil was 30 years ago, but thanks to Raygun for taking the easy path with cheap foriegn oil (remember 8 dollars a barrel oil?), we basically are strung out over a barrel. It's going hurt alot more now than it would have then.

I imagine Israel is watching these developments very close indeed.
I would actually contend that it has nothing to do with freedom but PROSPERITY. We are hated because we are prosperous. For the Muslims it is also the fact that the majority of the population is Christian. Religion and envy, two very powerful motivators.
Ummm we can't stay out of the middle east because they have the black crack that liberals like you refuse to allow us to drill for stateside! Trying to rationalize hatred of the Islamofacists is fools move. These people are irrational and driven by psychotic hatred that isn't easy to understand. Most countries in Europe keep their noses out of middle east affairs (other than trade relations) and yet they have been subject to far more Islamofacist terrorst attacks then the US received. The Netherlands, Norway (seriously Norway!), Germany (even before the Afghan war they were hit, but Afghanistan isn't the Middle East or Arab country anyways), esp France (who argued AGAINST the Iraq War the loudest) etc.

You want to rationalize their thinking go right ahead. In the end, its a cultural clash in which Islam isn't compatable with Western Civilization. :eek:

What many Americans fail to understand is "They are NOT us".

Many Americans, especially the right actually believes the rhetoric, "They hate us for our freedom". It has been repeated ad nauseum until the average American believes it's true. Like, "Obama is a socialist/Kenynan/Muslim" until even some Democrats believe it. Or "Obama took a two hundred million dollar a day trip".

America needs to "STAY OUT OF THE MIDDLE EAST".

Look at what happened in Iran. The Shah was kicked out, and the country became a hard right Islamic Theocracy the first chance they got. Republicans with the forced help of Democrats invaded Iraq and destroyed those people's government and the first time they vote, they vote into office a hard right Islamic Theocracy. It's even written into their constitution. You only need to read Article II to know that to be true.

Now America is saying Egypt must have "freedom" to vote and look at what they will vote into office. You can guarantee it will be a hard right Islamic Theocracy. Those people are wired that way.

In fact, if our freedoms weren't protected by our constitution, the religious right would create a hard right Christian Theocracy here. That's what the religious do. Because they do it for "Gawd".

If we weren't dependent on ME oil and if we stayed out of their affairs, this is what would happen:


They would become a democracy, which would end up making us safer.


They would become a religious theocracy, which would mean they are anti science and would be no threat to us. Science and religion don't mix. We know that looking at our own right wing.

This is why America needs to invest in our future and get us off foreign oil. Anything else will once again lead to disaster.

Land is "leased" by oil companies.

Oil that is found, goes on the global market.

The oil found here is not OUR oil.

Democrats have tried to pass bills to keep oil found here, here. Those bills have been blocked by Republicans who are funded by oil companies.

People who shout slogans rarely understand how things truly work.
No, there is one more tiny, teeny weeny difference.

They, and by they I mean MUSLIMS, a disturbing percentage of THEM, again, I mean MUSLIMS, tend to strap bombs to themselves and explode themselves in groups of strangers to get a point across, hoping THEY take as many of us (non Muslims) to the grave as possible.

But other than that tiny detail, sure, they're like us.

Us killing Iraqi Muslims.

al Qaeda killing around the world.

Who has killed more?

NOTE: How many times has Iraq attacked the US?

Depends on what you are referring to. In Iraq, Saddam killed more Iraqi's in the 10 years leading up to the war than the 10 years that we were at war with them. It is rather interesting that FEWER people were dying in open warfare than were dying in peacetime in that country.

Got a source for that, well besides the Bush Administration?

Do you think by selling weapons to Iran during their war with Iraq the US was responsible for Iraqi deaths?

Do you think by selling weapons to Iraq during their war with Iran the US was responsible for Iranian deaths?

Iraq did attack the USS Stark during the Iran/Iraq war. Killing 37 sailors.
Getting out of the ME is a great idea. And the best way to do that is drill for our own oil.

Shame big 0 won't let us, thus forcing us to buy oil for the ME, thus putting more money into the pockets of terroist and dictators.

America has run out of Cheap oil. That's the bottom line. President Obama has very little to do with it.
Us killing Iraqi Muslims.

al Qaeda killing around the world.

Who has killed more?

NOTE: How many times has Iraq attacked the US?

Depends on what you are referring to. In Iraq, Saddam killed more Iraqi's in the 10 years leading up to the war than the 10 years that we were at war with them. It is rather interesting that FEWER people were dying in open warfare than were dying in peacetime in that country.

Got a source for that, well besides the Bush Administration?

Do you think by selling weapons to Iran during their war with Iraq the US was responsible for Iraqi deaths?

Do you think by selling weapons to Iraq during their war with Iran the US was responsible for Iranian deaths?

Iraq did attack the USS Stark during the Iran/Iraq war. Killing 37 sailors.

Just an interesting snapshot biography of the man. I would not count the military actions in the civilian death toll but that still leaves him around a million in his reign. that is an awfully high number for a nation that size.
Saddam Hussein killer file

No, I do not count the weapon sales as part of our death tolls. France and Russia were far bigger suppliers of weapons to Saddam. Should we not support anyone with the sales of weapons? That is a different issue anyway. The fact is that Saddam killed his own civilians with chemical weapons and mass gravesites. He was a butcher and it is well known/documented. There are several conflicting numbers on the total death tolls both before the occupation and before it. I will give you that.
No they are like us.

Easily manipulated by their bureacrats (like the OP of this thread towards democrats) and they value religion over education like the vast majority of americans.

The only difference is they have a different god, and history shows when this is the case things don't end well for the country with less power.

No, there is one more tiny, teeny weeny difference.

They, and by they I mean MUSLIMS, a disturbing percentage of THEM, again, I mean MUSLIMS, tend to strap bombs to themselves and explode themselves in groups of strangers to get a point across, hoping THEY take as many of us (non Muslims) to the grave as possible.

But other than that tiny detail, sure, they're like us.

What are you really trying to say?
No, there is one more tiny, teeny weeny difference.

They, and by they I mean MUSLIMS, a disturbing percentage of THEM, again, I mean MUSLIMS, tend to strap bombs to themselves and explode themselves in groups of strangers to get a point across, hoping THEY take as many of us (non Muslims) to the grave as possible.

But other than that tiny detail, sure, they're like us.

Please educate me on what that percentage is of muslims who strap bombs to themselves.

Poor uneducated middle easterners born in ghettos strap bombs to themselves and kill people, poor uneducated americans become gang bangers and kill people in drive bys and during criminal activity. The only difference is one is scarier to you and the ppl committing these terrible acts don't share your religion. Both strategies end up with innocent people dead.

Imagine how stupid it would be for me to claim a "disturbing percentage of christians are murdering gang bangers", but with the way our media molds people's brains you can see why people think they way they do. Imagine if everytime a christian gang member killed someone they had their face put on tv with the subtitle "fanatical christian terrorist strikes again" like we do with muslims.

I'm just so thankful that I'm not a member of any of these disgusting groups (muslim, democrat, christian, republican, etc etc).

Wrong. For one, the drive by shooters, evil as they are, have a specific target. Stray bullets do happen, but they have a target. You don't see Bloods or Crips strapping bombs to themselves and blowing up a mall. They just wanna shoot the homeboys who stole their dope. HUGE difference.

The 9-11 bombers, and lots of recent wannabes who tried, had good educations and money. Osama Bin Laden is a millionaire. The attempted NYC times square bomber had a house, middle class job, good life. But jihad called louder. Thats a liberal myth that terrorists are only poor Muslims. Many middle class and even wealthy Muslims crave jihad.

Lastly, Christians aren't killing gangbangers. And, if some of the gangbangers are Christians, and kill, they did it because of drugs or money. NOT because of religion. Unless the Bloods and Crips believe 72 virgins await them for blowing themselves up?

Islam has a radical mental cancer that it is in denial about.

Several studies have been done on what % of Muslims in any sector of the country are jihadists. Some are up to 40%. Google it, I'm not here to educate you.

But I can give you a ballpark % of how many suicide bombers are Muslim? What, 95% or more? Unless you include the Japs in WW2, the Muslims have a monopoly on exploding themselves among innocent people.

If you fail to provide the "facts" as you see them, then they are bullshit.
Depends on what you are referring to. In Iraq, Saddam killed more Iraqi's in the 10 years leading up to the war than the 10 years that we were at war with them. It is rather interesting that FEWER people were dying in open warfare than were dying in peacetime in that country.

Got a source for that, well besides the Bush Administration?

Do you think by selling weapons to Iran during their war with Iraq the US was responsible for Iraqi deaths?

Do you think by selling weapons to Iraq during their war with Iran the US was responsible for Iranian deaths?

Iraq did attack the USS Stark during the Iran/Iraq war. Killing 37 sailors.

Just an interesting snapshot biography of the man. I would not count the military actions in the civilian death toll but that still leaves him around a million in his reign. that is an awfully high number for a nation that size.
Saddam Hussein killer file

No, I do not count the weapon sales as part of our death tolls. France and Russia were far bigger suppliers of weapons to Saddam. Should we not support anyone with the sales of weapons? That is a different issue anyway. The fact is that Saddam killed his own civilians with chemical weapons and mass gravesites. He was a butcher and it is well known/documented. There are several conflicting numbers on the total death tolls both before the occupation and before it. I will give you that.

You are correct in that Russia did supply the Iraqi army.

Russia cut off weapon sale to Iraq after the war started. France did not. Iraq was suppied spare parts to their Russian made weapons by our allies:

See the Teicher affidavit.

The US was well aware that Saddam used gas on the Iranian and on the Kurds and we kept right on supporting him right up to the invasion of Kuwait.

Lets hope for a better outcome for the Egyptians than both Iran and Iraq!
The entire United States is a melting pot of people who look different and believe different ways. What makes us better is that some of us accept those differences.

In Texas, the 2010 Republican Party State Platform wants to make gay people "felons". Do you feel they should be "felons"?

Wanting to kill them, like they want to do in the ME is worse than what the Christians in Texas want to do, which is make them felons and imprison them. But only by a matter of degrees. You will always be gay, so should you always be in prison? For some, that is worse than death.

So it seems to me, the right wing is already "treating groups differently".

In Texas, the 2010 Republican Party State Platform wants to make gay people "felons". Do you feel they should be "felons"?

so Dean.....does this mean that ALL Republicans in the land want this?......or just the REAL Far Righties.......

So it seems to me, the right wing is already "treating groups differently".

i got news for you does the Left Wing....AND.....we have you as example A....
Well this is where aggressive Foreign Interventionist policies get us huh? I saw some Egyptian idiot on TV holding a sign that read "We hate your Hypocrisy America." That's why i always say aggressive Foreign Interventionism is a Lose/Lose proposition for America. If you support Mubarak,you're "Evil America." If you support the protesters,you're still "Evil America." A Lose/Lose for sure. World's Policeman & World's Referee policies should be ended for good. It is a failed Foreign Policy.
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The entire United States is a melting pot of people who look different and believe different ways. What makes us better is that some of us accept those differences.

In Texas, the 2010 Republican Party State Platform wants to make gay people "felons". Do you feel they should be "felons"?

Wanting to kill them, like they want to do in the ME is worse than what the Christians in Texas want to do, which is make them felons and imprison them. But only by a matter of degrees. You will always be gay, so should you always be in prison? For some, that is worse than death.

So it seems to me, the right wing is already "treating groups differently".

In Texas, the 2010 Republican Party State Platform wants to make gay people "felons". Do you feel they should be "felons"?

so Dean.....does this mean that ALL Republicans in the land want this?......or just the REAL Far Righties.......

So it seems to me, the right wing is already "treating groups differently".

i got news for you does the Left Wing....AND.....we have you as example A....

Just to make sure I understand. The Republicans in charge of the Republican Party in Texas aren't "real" Republicans? Instead, they are "fringe"? What about anti gay rhetoric in other Republican State Party Platforms. Exactly how many "fringe" do Republicans have????
The entire United States is a melting pot of people who look different and believe different ways. What makes us better is that some of us accept those differences.

In Texas, the 2010 Republican Party State Platform wants to make gay people "felons". Do you feel they should be "felons"?

Wanting to kill them, like they want to do in the ME is worse than what the Christians in Texas want to do, which is make them felons and imprison them. But only by a matter of degrees. You will always be gay, so should you always be in prison? For some, that is worse than death.

So it seems to me, the right wing is already "treating groups differently".

In Texas, the 2010 Republican Party State Platform wants to make gay people "felons". Do you feel they should be "felons"?

so Dean.....does this mean that ALL Republicans in the land want this?......or just the REAL Far Righties.......

So it seems to me, the right wing is already "treating groups differently".

i got news for you does the Left Wing....AND.....we have you as example A....

And yet, the Democrats, being a party of many, many different minorities still have to build coalitions to be able to work together. Democrats recognize that all those different groups ARE different.

The ONLY minority group right wingers respect are millionaires and billionaires. You know it. I know it. Don't you have another BP to apologize to? Or a tax break for people vacationing on the Riviera?
No, there is one more tiny, teeny weeny difference.

They, and by they I mean MUSLIMS, a disturbing percentage of THEM, again, I mean MUSLIMS, tend to strap bombs to themselves and explode themselves in groups of strangers to get a point across, hoping THEY take as many of us (non Muslims) to the grave as possible.

But other than that tiny detail, sure, they're like us.
What "disturbing" percentage of Muslims become suicide bombers?

How many Christian children have Muslim bombs killed, maimed or orphaned?

How much money do rich Muslims make from Hellfire missiles sales?

How about addressing on a day to day basis, I will start with 9/11, how many children lost a father, mother, brother, grandmother, grandfather, uncle, aunt, cousin, or sister.

3,000 dead, if we include the children who lost someone as George asks the number becomes very difficult, I say at least 250,000 children lost someone on that day celebrated across the Middle East.

Next of course we can address those who are killed in by airplanes being blown up or crashed, cruise ships attacked, those killed in Israel, or the 200,000 Christians being ethnically cleansed from Kosovo. Lets not forget the death and destruction across Africa.

Yes how many must die, the sad fact is that when it comes to people like George, they read Chomsky and Zinn, the more Chomsky and Zinn lied and called the USA actions murder and war crimes the more people like George bought their books, the more books Chomsky and Zinn sold the more they realized it was profitable to Hate the USA. Hence a horrible cycle was born.

How about how much of the hate and lies printed by Chomsky and Zinn are beleived by the under-educated leaders of the Middle East or by the Moslem press thus fueling the hatred that leads to mass murder by suicide bombers.

George thus by purchasing the anti-american rhetoric of Zinn and Chomsky has increased the popularity as such that the Moslem leaders become of aware of the books, and seeing that many in the USA support Chomsky and Zinn, the Moslems of lesser education are unable to see the hate filled lies from the truth.
Why do you arbitrarily choose 911 as a "starting" point?

The West had been killing Muslims for decades before that day. Remember Gulf War I?

"The increased importance of air attacks from both warplanes and cruise missiles led to much controversy over the number of civilian deaths caused during the initial stages of the war.

"Within the first 24 hours of the war, more than 1,000 sorties were flown, many against targets in Baghdad. The city was the target of heavy bombing, as it was the seat of power for President Saddam Hussein and the Iraqi forces' command and control. This ultimately led to substantial civilian casualties...

"An investigation by Beth Osborne Daponte estimated civilian fatalities at about 3,500 from bombing, and some 100,000 from other effects of the war."

On a day to day basis only one country on this planet garrisons hundreds of military bases outside its homeland. Only one country has killed millions of innocent civilians from Korea to Kosovo, AND it's the same country responsible for selling most of the killing instruments in existence.

The "Greatest" country is still the greatest purveyor of violence on the planet, and that's why many Muslims were celebrating on 911.

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