Earthquakes & Volcanoes


Wise ol' monkey
Feb 6, 2011
Okolona, KY
Granny says its the end times - we all gonna die...
Super volcanoes 'may be predicted'
1 February 2012 - The eruption of some of the largest volcanoes on the planet could be predicted several decades before the event, according to researchers.
Analysis of rock crystals from the Greek island of Santorini suggests eruptions are preceded by a fast build-up of magma underground, which might be detected using modern instrumentation. Such volcanoes can produce enough ash and gas to temporarily change the global climate. The research is in the journal Nature. Volcanologists refer to history's largest volcanoes as "caldera-forming eruptions", as the magma ejected is so voluminous that it leaves a massive depression on the Earth's surface and a crater-like structure known as a caldera. The largest of these volcanoes have been dubbed "super volcanoes" and their eruptions can trigger devastation with global impacts.

Such volcanoes can lie dormant for hundreds of thousands of years before blowing. But while researchers believe seismic data and other readings would give us a few month's notice of such an eruption, the new study suggests we might anticipate these events much earlier. "When volcanoes awaken and when the magma starts to ascend to the surface, cracking rock as it does, it sends out signals," Prof Tim Druitt of France's Blaise Pascal University and lead researcher told BBC News. "You get seismic signals, you get deformation of the surface, increasing gas emission at the surface - and this can be detected. "The question we're addressing here is what's going on at depth prior to these big eruptions. The classical view was that during long repose periods over thousands of years, magma slowly accumulates a few kilometres below the volcano and finally it blows. "What we're finding is that there's an acceleration phase of magma build-up on a time scale of a few decades, and that's surprisingly short given the thousands of years of repose that have preceded that eruption."

The evidence comes from analysis of crystals in pumice rock from the Santorini site, which the researchers in France, Switzerland and Singapore analysed using modern instrumentation including electron and ion microprobes. "The changes in composition of the crystals with time provide little histories of how the magma itself has evolved," said Prof Druitt. "What we found was that all the crystals in the magma grew within a few decades of the eruption."

Early warning

Caldera-forming eruption sites can be found all over the world, although it is believed that all are currently dormant. They include sites in Yellowstone National Park in the United States, Campi Flegrei in Italy and Santorini and its accompanying islands. The eruption at the latter site over 3,600 years ago is called the "Minoan" eruption as it occurred at the height of the Minoan civilisation on the nearby island of Crete and was once thought to have caused its collapse, although that is now a moot point. Predicting such events years rather than months before they happen could prove vital, says Prof Druitt. "What we're saying is that all caldera volcanoes, even those in remote regions of the globe, should be monitored using highly sensitive modern instruments in order to pick up these deep signals which may suggest reactivation," he said. "If you had a big eruption of this sort, let's say in the middle of Europe today, the effects would be enormous and a few months might not be enough to get your act together."

More BBC News - Super volcanoes 'may be predicted'
This POV doesn't belong in environment.

It belongs in the fruitcake end of the world religion section
Thanks for sharing information about the Earthquake and Volcanoes .This one is the nature disaster .People can not prevent but we should precaution about the all this natural disaster.
A supervolcano eruption would be a very bad thing for our civilization but there is no real evidence currently that any of them are getting ready to pop any time soon.

There is something that presents a much more immanent threat in the area of 'earthquakes and volcanoes.

Fire and Ice: Melting Glaciers Trigger Earthquakes, Tsunamis and Volcanoes
Geologists Say Global Warming Expected to Cause Many New Seismic Events

Climatologists have been raising alarms about global warming for years, and now geologists are getting into the act, warning that melting glaciers will lead to an increasing number of earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions in unexpected places. Ice is extremely heavy—weighing about one ton per cubic meter—and glaciers are massive sheets of ice. When they are intact, glaciers exert enormous pressure on the portion of the Earth’s surface they cover. When glaciers begin to melt—as they are doing now at an increasingly rapid rate due to global warming—that pressure is reduced and eventually released. Geologists say releasing that pressure on the Earth’s surface will cause all sorts of geologic reactions, such as earthquakes, tsunamis (caused by undersea earthquakes) and volcanic eruptions. "What happens is the weight of this thick ice puts a lot of stress on the earth," said Patrick Wu, a geologist at the University of Alberta in Canada, in an interview with the Canadian Press. "The weight sort of suppresses the earthquakes, but when you melt the ice the earthquakes get triggered." Wu said melting ice in Antarctica is already triggering earthquakes and underwater landslides. These events aren’t getting much attention, but they are early warnings of the more serious events that scientists believe are coming. According to Wu, global warming will create “lots of earthquakes.” Writing in New Scientist magazine, Bill McGuire, professor of geological hazards at University College in London, said: "All over the world evidence is stacking up that changes in global climate can and do affect the frequencies of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and catastrophic sea-floor landslides. Not only has this happened several times throughout Earth's history, the evidence suggests it is happening again."

(In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.)
A supervolcano eruption would be a very bad thing for our civilization but there is no real evidence currently that any of them are getting ready to pop any time soon.

There is something that presents a much more immanent threat in the area of 'earthquakes and volcanoes.

Fire and Ice: Melting Glaciers Trigger Earthquakes, Tsunamis and Volcanoes
Geologists Say Global Warming Expected to Cause Many New Seismic Events

Climatologists have been raising alarms about global warming for years, and now geologists are getting into the act, warning that melting glaciers will lead to an increasing number of earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions in unexpected places. Ice is extremely heavy—weighing about one ton per cubic meter—and glaciers are massive sheets of ice. When they are intact, glaciers exert enormous pressure on the portion of the Earth’s surface they cover. When glaciers begin to melt—as they are doing now at an increasingly rapid rate due to global warming—that pressure is reduced and eventually released. Geologists say releasing that pressure on the Earth’s surface will cause all sorts of geologic reactions, such as earthquakes, tsunamis (caused by undersea earthquakes) and volcanic eruptions. "What happens is the weight of this thick ice puts a lot of stress on the earth," said Patrick Wu, a geologist at the University of Alberta in Canada, in an interview with the Canadian Press. "The weight sort of suppresses the earthquakes, but when you melt the ice the earthquakes get triggered." Wu said melting ice in Antarctica is already triggering earthquakes and underwater landslides. These events aren’t getting much attention, but they are early warnings of the more serious events that scientists believe are coming. According to Wu, global warming will create “lots of earthquakes.” Writing in New Scientist magazine, Bill McGuire, professor of geological hazards at University College in London, said: "All over the world evidence is stacking up that changes in global climate can and do affect the frequencies of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and catastrophic sea-floor landslides. Not only has this happened several times throughout Earth's history, the evidence suggests it is happening again."

(In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.)


Losing s0n.....because the world has determined that environmental alarmism is gay.
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You know.........some of the shit we see in here is nothing less than fascinating...........

Nutters like Konrad and Rolling Thunder..............these dolts think tsunami's and hurricanes are some kind of a new phenomenon!!!!

Fucking cool..........these people are the shit..............really :poop:

Imagine living life where every single weather event becomes something to get hysterical over.:rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock:
Good news for me.............

Off the coast of Africa sits LaPalma........scientists say it has a high probablility of collapse due to eruption which could trigger a mega-tsunami 1,000 feet high. I live on the east coast 10 miles from the ocean. I like to boggie board still, but that would be a bit ridiculous, although if you're going to go out, what a way to go!!
Glaciers are getting bigger, not smaller.

Only in your denier cult retardo-fantasyland.

In the real world, on the other hand....

Understanding Glacier Melt : UNEP and WGMS report highlights global trends on glaciers and ice caps
The last assessment on glacier melt by UNEP and the World Glacier Monitoring Service (WGMS) shows that the average annual melting rate of glaciers doubled after the turn of the millennium.


Nairobi, 21 January 2010 - The last assessment on glacier melt by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Glacier Monitoring Service (WGMS) shows that the average annual melting rate of glaciers doubled after the turn of the millennium. The report, 'Global Glacier Changes: Facts and Figures', was published by UNEP and WGMS in September 2008. It highlights global trends in glacier retreat and shows that record losses were posted in 2006 for a key network of reference sites.

The previous record loss in the year 1998 was already exceeded three times in the years 2003, 2004 and 2006, with the losses in 2004 and 2006 being almost twice as high as the previous 1998 record loss. The global average annual mass loss of more than half a metre during the decade of 1996 to 2005 represents twice the ice loss of the previous decade (1986-95), and over four times the rate of the decade from 1976 to 1985. Early measurements indicate strong ice losses as early as the 1940s and 1950s, followed by a moderate ice loss between 1966 and 1985, and accelerating ice losses until present. Overall, the 2008 report provided mounting evidence that climate change is triggering a shrinking and thinning of many glaciers worldwide, which may eventually put at risk water supplies for hundreds of millions of people.
Glaciers are getting bigger, not smaller.

Gotta link, dumb fuck?

Glaciers Melting Worldwide, Study Finds

Glaciers Melting Worldwide, Study Finds

Robert S. Boyd
Contra Costa Times

August 21, 2002

New surveys from satellites and aircraft document an alarming acceleration in the melting of glaciers around the world.

The swift retreat of these great ice streams is helping to raise ocean levels and is threatening significant changes in human, animal, and plant life—some good, but mostly bad.

Like a canary in a coal mine, the dwindling of the glaciers is visible evidence that the earth really is getting hotter.
Granny says its the end times - we all gonna die...
Super volcanoes 'may be predicted'
1 February 2012 - The eruption of some of the largest volcanoes on the planet could be predicted several decades before the event, according to researchers.
Analysis of rock crystals from the Greek island of Santorini suggests eruptions are preceded by a fast build-up of magma underground, which might be detected using modern instrumentation. Such volcanoes can produce enough ash and gas to temporarily change the global climate. The research is in the journal Nature. Volcanologists refer to history's largest volcanoes as "caldera-forming eruptions", as the magma ejected is so voluminous that it leaves a massive depression on the Earth's surface and a crater-like structure known as a caldera. The largest of these volcanoes have been dubbed "super volcanoes" and their eruptions can trigger devastation with global impacts.

Such volcanoes can lie dormant for hundreds of thousands of years before blowing. But while researchers believe seismic data and other readings would give us a few month's notice of such an eruption, the new study suggests we might anticipate these events much earlier. "When volcanoes awaken and when the magma starts to ascend to the surface, cracking rock as it does, it sends out signals," Prof Tim Druitt of France's Blaise Pascal University and lead researcher told BBC News. "You get seismic signals, you get deformation of the surface, increasing gas emission at the surface - and this can be detected. "The question we're addressing here is what's going on at depth prior to these big eruptions. The classical view was that during long repose periods over thousands of years, magma slowly accumulates a few kilometres below the volcano and finally it blows. "What we're finding is that there's an acceleration phase of magma build-up on a time scale of a few decades, and that's surprisingly short given the thousands of years of repose that have preceded that eruption."

The evidence comes from analysis of crystals in pumice rock from the Santorini site, which the researchers in France, Switzerland and Singapore analysed using modern instrumentation including electron and ion microprobes. "The changes in composition of the crystals with time provide little histories of how the magma itself has evolved," said Prof Druitt. "What we found was that all the crystals in the magma grew within a few decades of the eruption."

Early warning

Caldera-forming eruption sites can be found all over the world, although it is believed that all are currently dormant. They include sites in Yellowstone National Park in the United States, Campi Flegrei in Italy and Santorini and its accompanying islands. The eruption at the latter site over 3,600 years ago is called the "Minoan" eruption as it occurred at the height of the Minoan civilisation on the nearby island of Crete and was once thought to have caused its collapse, although that is now a moot point. Predicting such events years rather than months before they happen could prove vital, says Prof Druitt. "What we're saying is that all caldera volcanoes, even those in remote regions of the globe, should be monitored using highly sensitive modern instruments in order to pick up these deep signals which may suggest reactivation," he said. "If you had a big eruption of this sort, let's say in the middle of Europe today, the effects would be enormous and a few months might not be enough to get your act together."

More BBC News - Super volcanoes 'may be predicted'

The rough periodicity of the Yellowstone Caldera is 600,000 years, and it has been over 600,000 years since it erupted. A freind once asked me if I thought it would erupt in the near future. I stated that I did. His next question was "How soon". I told him probably within the next 50,000 years. He did not seem amused by a geological sense of time.
A supervolcano eruption would be a very bad thing for our civilization but there is no real evidence currently that any of them are getting ready to pop any time soon.

There is something that presents a much more immanent threat in the area of 'earthquakes and volcanoes.

Fire and Ice: Melting Glaciers Trigger Earthquakes, Tsunamis and Volcanoes
Geologists Say Global Warming Expected to Cause Many New Seismic Events

Climatologists have been raising alarms about global warming for years, and now geologists are getting into the act, warning that melting glaciers will lead to an increasing number of earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions in unexpected places. Ice is extremely heavy—weighing about one ton per cubic meter—and glaciers are massive sheets of ice. When they are intact, glaciers exert enormous pressure on the portion of the Earth’s surface they cover. When glaciers begin to melt—as they are doing now at an increasingly rapid rate due to global warming—that pressure is reduced and eventually released. Geologists say releasing that pressure on the Earth’s surface will cause all sorts of geologic reactions, such as earthquakes, tsunamis (caused by undersea earthquakes) and volcanic eruptions. "What happens is the weight of this thick ice puts a lot of stress on the earth," said Patrick Wu, a geologist at the University of Alberta in Canada, in an interview with the Canadian Press. "The weight sort of suppresses the earthquakes, but when you melt the ice the earthquakes get triggered." Wu said melting ice in Antarctica is already triggering earthquakes and underwater landslides. These events aren’t getting much attention, but they are early warnings of the more serious events that scientists believe are coming. According to Wu, global warming will create “lots of earthquakes.” Writing in New Scientist magazine, Bill McGuire, professor of geological hazards at University College in London, said: "All over the world evidence is stacking up that changes in global climate can and do affect the frequencies of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and catastrophic sea-floor landslides. Not only has this happened several times throughout Earth's history, the evidence suggests it is happening again."

(In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.)


Losing s0n.....because the world has determined that environmental alarmism is gay.

Philosophical Transactions A - Climate forcing of geological and geomorphological hazards
A supervolcano eruption would be a very bad thing for our civilization but there is no real evidence currently that any of them are getting ready to pop any time soon.

There is something that presents a much more immanent threat in the area of 'earthquakes and volcanoes.

Fire and Ice: Melting Glaciers Trigger Earthquakes, Tsunamis and Volcanoes
Geologists Say Global Warming Expected to Cause Many New Seismic Events

Climatologists have been raising alarms about global warming for years, and now geologists are getting into the act, warning that melting glaciers will lead to an increasing number of earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions in unexpected places. Ice is extremely heavy—weighing about one ton per cubic meter—and glaciers are massive sheets of ice. When they are intact, glaciers exert enormous pressure on the portion of the Earth’s surface they cover. When glaciers begin to melt—as they are doing now at an increasingly rapid rate due to global warming—that pressure is reduced and eventually released. Geologists say releasing that pressure on the Earth’s surface will cause all sorts of geologic reactions, such as earthquakes, tsunamis (caused by undersea earthquakes) and volcanic eruptions. "What happens is the weight of this thick ice puts a lot of stress on the earth," said Patrick Wu, a geologist at the University of Alberta in Canada, in an interview with the Canadian Press. "The weight sort of suppresses the earthquakes, but when you melt the ice the earthquakes get triggered." Wu said melting ice in Antarctica is already triggering earthquakes and underwater landslides. These events aren’t getting much attention, but they are early warnings of the more serious events that scientists believe are coming. According to Wu, global warming will create “lots of earthquakes.” Writing in New Scientist magazine, Bill McGuire, professor of geological hazards at University College in London, said: "All over the world evidence is stacking up that changes in global climate can and do affect the frequencies of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and catastrophic sea-floor landslides. Not only has this happened several times throughout Earth's history, the evidence suggests it is happening again."

(In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.)


Losing s0n.....because the world has determined that environmental alarmism is gay.

Philosophical Transactions A - Climate forcing of geological and geomorphological hazards

The operative word being: "Philisophical".............

Trying to perpetuate a philosophy does not lend itself to winning.

Im waiting for a single link that definitively shows that the AGW crowd is winning in the forum where it matters: public opinion. But you wont find a single link anywhere on the internet in 2012. The "consensus science" is moving NOBODY to action because the public does not believe the science to be genuine. Its that simple.

No links = losing. No matter how much "real science" is posted up.
Glaciers are getting bigger.

ARCTIC GLACIERS ARE GETTING BIGGER - Ice Caps Also Increasing in Thickness, Captain MacMillan Reports. - Article -

We know they are getting bigger because glaciers are forming ice bergs that are larger and more numerous. Ice bergs are formed by a process known as calving. A portion of a glacier gets too big and too heavy. Part of it breaks off as an ice berg. For a glacier to form an ice berg at all, it has to be growing.

If you serously look at the effect of global warming on glaciers, what you will find are reports that some glaciers are growing and some are shrinking. Shrinking glaciers are evidence of global warming. Growing glaciers are the effect of global warming. If both are true, then neither is true.

Over and over global warming has been proven to be a hoax.
Thanks for sharing information about the Earthquake and Volcanoes .This one is the nature disaster .People can not prevent but we should precaution about the all this natural disaster.

Santorini has had big eruptions before so it's not new. best we can do is keep an eye on it and get people out of the way and prepared for a lot of hardship. We'll survive, we have in the past. No point getting worried about it, we can't stop it.
Have you always been a lying piece of shyt or is this a recent development?

Your article is from 1924, retard.

We know they are getting bigger because glaciers are forming ice bergs that are larger and more numerous. Ice bergs are formed by a process known as calving. A portion of a glacier gets too big and too heavy. Part of it breaks off as an ice berg. For a glacier to form an ice berg at all, it has to be growing.
We know you're a clueless retard when you post drivel like this. Glaciers produce more icebergs when they are moving faster towards the ocean, not because they are "growing", you hopelessly ignorant fool.

If you serously look at the effect of global warming on glaciers, what you will find are reports that some glaciers are growing and some are shrinking. Shrinking glaciers are evidence of global warming. Growing glaciers are the effect of global warming. If both are true, then neither is true. Over and over global warming has been proven to be a hoax.
Over and over, you denier cult dingleberries have been proven to be deluded, politically motivated, anti-science halfwits without a clue as to what is actually going on. If you didn't have your head jammed so far up your ass, you would see that the scientific studies indicate that the large majority of glaciers worldwide are shrinking and disappearing very rapidly and only a very small number are growing. And yeah, numbnuts, they are indeed growing because global warming has increased the water vapor levels in the atmosphere by 4% and in some places where the winds are just right, this has increased the snowfall on a few glaciers. Scientists say even these glaciers will start shrinking soon, as most of them are doing now.

Glaciers 'moving faster' - study

5 February 2006

The rate at which two major Greenland glaciers are moving has seen a dramatic acceleration, a study warns. Swansea University researchers say the flow rate, or the speed at which the constantly travelling glaciers move, has doubled in two years. Scientists have warned the findings could mean the ice cap is melting even more quickly than previously thought. There are two possible reasons for the acceleration, said Dr Luckman. Either an increase in surface melt-water is lubricating the passage of the glaciers or rising ocean temperatures.

In the report, the Glaciology Group at Swansea's school of the environment and society has said: "The period of continued warming and thinning appears to have primed these glaciers for a step-change in dynamics not included in current models. We should expect further Greenland outlet glaciers to follow suit." Dr Luckman said that the results indicated that, "the time of the disappearance of the Greenland ice sheet will be quicker than that suggested."
Granny predicts its gonna blow on Dec. 21...
Yellowstone supervolcano more active, less 'super'
April 30,`12 (UPI) -- Yellowstone's supervolcano has erupted more frequently but with less violence than previously estimated, U.S. researchers say.
The biggest Yellowstone eruption, creating the 2-million-year-old Huckleberry Ridge deposit, was actually two different eruptions at least 6,000 years apart, Washington State University reported Monday.

Before the researchers determined the one eruption was in fact two, it had been estimated as the fourth largest known to science. "The Yellowstone volcano's previous behavior is the best guide of what it will do in the future," WSU researcher Ben Ellis said. "This research suggests explosive volcanism from Yellowstone is more frequent than previously thought."

The scientists say the output of the first eruption was 644 cubic miles, roughly 12 percent less than previously thought, and then a second eruption of 85 cubic miles took place more than 6,000 years later. By comparison, the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens produced 0.26 of a cubic mile of ash.

That first Yellowstone eruption still deserves to be called "super," the researchers emphasized, as it is one of the largest to ever occur on Earth and darkened the skies with ash from southern California to the Mississippi River. The U.S. Geological Survey says the term "supervolcano" implies a volcanic center that has had an eruption of magnitude 8 on the Volcano Explosivity Index, meaning the measured deposits for that eruption is greater than 240 cubic miles.


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