e pluribus......pluribus


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. While I am fully prepared to fight for this nation, I must frankly admit that I don't see a future other than the dystopian one written for us in Orwell's novel.
The tipping point has been reached,

2. Read this tale and see if you can come to any other conclusion:

"UCLA Suspends Professor for Refusing to Assign Grades Based on Skin Color

This is the state of American academia today: Gordon Klein has taught courses in business law, tax law, and financial analysis at UCLA’s Anderson School of Management for no fewer than forty years. He is a respected academic who has been on CNBC and quoted in the Wall Street Journal for his economic expertise. But now, after being suspended, he has filed suit in California Superior Court against the university regents over his suspension. Klein has a good case: He was suspended from teaching at UCLA for the crime of refusing to discriminate and treat his black students differently from how he treated others.

“a non-black student in my class on tax principles and law emailed me to ask that I grade his black classmates with greater ‘leniency’ than others in the class.”

4. In a sane society, a “non-black student” who demanded that black students be graded with greater “leniency” than others would be castigated as a racist. But in the Left’s funhouse mirror ethics, war is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength, and treating students differently based on race is racial justice.

5. The student wrote to Klein: “We are writing to express our tremendous concern about the impact that this final exam and project will have on the mental and physical health of our Black classmates.”
The letter went on to claim that black students were too traumatized by racism to do well on the final exam:
“The unjust murders of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and George Floyd, the life-threatening actions of Amy Cooper and the violent conduct of the [University of California Police Department] have led to fear and anxiety which is further compounded by the disproportionate effect of COVID-19 on the Black community. As we approach finals week, we recognize that these conditions place Black students at an unfair academic disadvantage due to traumatic circumstances out of their control.”
It concluded: “This is not a joint effort to get finals canceled for non-Black students, but rather an ask that you exercise compassion and leniency with Black students in our major.”

This is jaw-dropping with respect to how outrageous this issue, the suspension of the professor for believing in equality, and in the number of students who attacked him for this belief.

I would hope that black students come to the professor's defense.
6. "Klein responded to the student’s email with withering sarcasm: “Are there any students that may be of mixed parentage, such as half black half-Asian? What do you suggest I do with respect to them? A full concession or just half?
Also, do you have any idea if any students are from Minneapolis? I assume that they are probably especially devastated as well. I am thinking that a white student from there might possibly be even more devastated by this, especially because some might think that they’re racist even if they are not.”

To make matters even worse, Klein then added Martin Luther King’s words about people being judged not by the color of their skin, but the content of their character."

How can anyone not a totally rabid Democrat, not agree with the man????
7. I just opened Gad Saad's book, "The Parasitic Mind,' and in the very first page is this paragraph.....as if he read this article/thread:

"The West is currently suffering from such a devastating pandemic, a collective malady that destroys people’s capacity to think rationally. Unlike other pandemics where biological pathogens are to blame, the current culprit is composed of a col- lection of bad ideas, spawned on university campuses, that chip away at our edifices of reason, freedom, and individual dignity. This book identifies these idea pathogens, discusses their spread from the universities to all walks of life including politics, business, and popular culture, and offers ways to inoculate ourselves from their devastating effects.

...freedom of speech, the scientific method, intellectual diversity, and a meritocratic ethos rooted in individual dignity rather than adherence to the ide- ology of Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity (DIE) are nonnegotiable elements of a truly enlightened society.
A fair society ensures that its members have equality of opportunities and not equality of outcomes as mandated by DIE edicts."

If this article is to be believed, people should just make sure that when seeking professional assistance, do a bit of research especially around the issue of medical care.
For instance, if a university is giving "leniency" to black students seeking to become physicians, surgeons, care givers, any reasonable individual certainly wouldn't want care from individuals who are more apt to make mistakes, especially if their health/life is at stake.
The choice wouldn't be one of racism, but rather from the standpoint of health safety.
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8. “By that evening,” Klein notes, “students were calling for my job. Soon after, they circulated a petition demanding I be fired; within a day or two, nearly 20,000 had signed — without knowing anything about me or taking into account, as far as I could tell, the implications of non-color-blind grading. I was attacked for being a white man and ‘woefully racist.’ On June 5, three days after I was first emailed, I was suspended amid a growing online campaign directed at me.”


If this is America.....there no longer is an America.
If this article is to be believed, just make sure that should you seek professional assistance and do a bit of research especially around the issue of medical care.
For instance, if a university is giving "leniency" to black students seeking to become physicians, surgeons, care givers, you certainly don't want care from individuals who are more apt to make mistakes, especially as it is your health/life at stake.
The choice wouldn't be one of racism, but rather from the standpoint of health safety.

Be careful with the reference "you."

But.....been there, done that.

Affirmative Action, especially when it is applied to college admissions is a terrible plan.

Case in point, Dr. Patrick Chavis.

“Chavis received a degree of fame through the quest of Allan Bakke to gain admission to the medical school at the University of California-Davis in the 1970s. The medical school rejected the application of Bakke, who was white, but accepted five black applicants, including Dr. Chavis, who had lower test scores and lower college grades than Bakke. The five won admission under a special racial-preference quota.

…Chavis lost his medical license in 1997. He had switched his practice from ob-gyn to cosmetic surgery, including liposuction, areas in which he met with difficulties and was accused of malpractice.

An administrative law judge found Dr. Chavis guilty of gross negligence and incompetence in the treatment of three women, one of whom died, and the California medical board suspended his license, saying he had an "inability to perform some of the most basic duties required of a physician." https://www.washingtonpost.com/arch...is-dies/821232fc-42a4-495c-a65b-0625cd709b6a/
Be careful with the reference "you."

But.....been there, done that.

Affirmative Action, especially when it is applied to college admissions is a terrible plan.

Case in point, Dr. Patrick Chavis.

“Chavis received a degree of fame through the quest of Allan Bakke to gain admission to the medical school at the University of California-Davis in the 1970s. The medical school rejected the application of Bakke, who was white, but accepted five black applicants, including Dr. Chavis, who had lower test scores and lower college grades than Bakke. The five won admission under a special racial-preference quota.

…Chavis lost his medical license in 1997. He had switched his practice from ob-gyn to cosmetic surgery, including liposuction, areas in which he met with difficulties and was accused of malpractice.

An administrative law judge found Dr. Chavis guilty of gross negligence and incompetence in the treatment of three women, one of whom died, and the California medical board suspended his license, saying he had an "inability to perform some of the most basic duties required of a physician." https://www.washingtonpost.com/arch...is-dies/821232fc-42a4-495c-a65b-0625cd709b6a/
Changed it to "individuals." Happy?
1. While I am fully prepared to fight for this nation, I must frankly admit that I don't see a future other than the dystopian one written for us in Orwell's novel.
The tipping point has been reached,

2. Read this tale and see if you can come to any other conclusion:

"UCLA Suspends Professor for Refusing to Assign Grades Based on Skin Color

This is the state of American academia today: Gordon Klein has taught courses in business law, tax law, and financial analysis at UCLA’s Anderson School of Management for no fewer than forty years. He is a respected academic who has been on CNBC and quoted in the Wall Street Journal for his economic expertise. But now, after being suspended, he has filed suit in California Superior Court against the university regents over his suspension. Klein has a good case: He was suspended from teaching at UCLA for the crime of refusing to discriminate and treat his black students differently from how he treated others.

“a non-black student in my class on tax principles and law emailed me to ask that I grade his black classmates with greater ‘leniency’ than others in the class.”

4. In a sane society, a “non-black student” who demanded that black students be graded with greater “leniency” than others would be castigated as a racist. But in the Left’s funhouse mirror ethics, war is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength, and treating students differently based on race is racial justice.

5. The student wrote to Klein: “We are writing to express our tremendous concern about the impact that this final exam and project will have on the mental and physical health of our Black classmates.”
The letter went on to claim that black students were too traumatized by racism to do well on the final exam:
“The unjust murders of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and George Floyd, the life-threatening actions of Amy Cooper and the violent conduct of the [University of California Police Department] have led to fear and anxiety which is further compounded by the disproportionate effect of COVID-19 on the Black community. As we approach finals week, we recognize that these conditions place Black students at an unfair academic disadvantage due to traumatic circumstances out of their control.”
It concluded: “This is not a joint effort to get finals canceled for non-Black students, but rather an ask that you exercise compassion and leniency with Black students in our major.”

This is jaw-dropping with respect to how outrageous this issue, the suspension of the professor for believing in equality, and in the number of students who attacked him for this belief.

I would hope that black students come to the professor's defense.
Kim jong Unum...
Sorry PC that's the musician in me
6. "Klein responded to the student’s email with withering sarcasm: “Are there any students that may be of mixed parentage, such as half black half-Asian? What do you suggest I do with respect to them? A full concession or just half?
Also, do you have any idea if any students are from Minneapolis? I assume that they are probably especially devastated as well. I am thinking that a white student from there might possibly be even more devastated by this, especially because some might think that they’re racist even if they are not.”

How can anyone not a totally rabid Democrat, not agree with the man????
As usual, you take a complex issue and boil it down to Left vs Right. This all took place in the wake of the George Floyd killing and the unrest that followed. The leniency requested was only that the final exam be a 'no harm' final, in other words it would only help your current grade. Not totally unreasonable. The professor's reply was likewise not totally unreasonable.

Why the school got involved and bowed to student pressure, I don't know but that was the totally unreasonable part.
As usual, you take a complex issue and boil it down to Left vs Right. This all took place in the wake of the George Floyd killing and the unrest that followed. The leniency requested was only that the final exam be a 'no harm' final, in other words it would only help your current grade. Not totally unreasonable. The professor's reply was likewise not totally unreasonable.

Why the school got involved and bowed to student pressure, I don't know but that was the totally unreasonable part.

Not you again...
Isn’t it time for you to move to The Villages, get a big straw hat, and a golf cart?

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