Drudge Poll last night...WHO Won the Debate.... LOL..Who do you think?

He wants the witting supporters of ISIS?
Perhaps there's an intelligence test too. That would mean none of Trump's followers could ever go there.

Or you.
As if it's my fault that over 70% of Trump followers never graduated from college.

Shrillary graduated from college, yet she's a fucking dumbass.

Graduating from college is not a valid indicator of either intelligence or common sense.

It may be your fault that you are so plodding.
As if further demonstration of your somewhat modest intellectual endowment were actually needed.

You just proved yet again that you are merely a limp dick.
Perhaps there's an intelligence test too. That would mean none of Trump's followers could ever go there.

Or you.
As if it's my fault that over 70% of Trump followers never graduated from college.

Shrillary graduated from college, yet she's a fucking dumbass.

Graduating from college is not a valid indicator of either intelligence or common sense.

It may be your fault that you are so plodding.
As if further demonstration of your somewhat modest intellectual endowment were actually needed.

You just proved yet again that you are merely a limp dick.
About what you'd expect from your typical dim witted Trump follower.
I think ...the dice is cast...so to speak...people know who will they vote for....even before this debate.

who won the debate?

hard to say but Cruz and Trump perhaps did.....a few others were excellent too.... but I don't think that will make any difference at this late stage

At the end of the day........ anybody is better than Hillbeast.
I am sorry my fellow conservatives, but if substance; or lack of it matters, Trump should now be toast. I am not against Trump except I can see now what Hillary is going to do to him in the debates, and it isn't good.

So what did I see you didn't, but every Democratic operative did? Are we NOW not looking for a Commander who can protect the homeland, and in the process, knows what he/she is talking about?

And so, all of you are political animals, or why would you be here if you weren't?!?!?! How many of you know/knew, what the triad was? I knew, because I am a political animal, Trump had no idea WTF the moderator was talking about; none whatsoever. Let me tell you this----------> I have a feeling that if they asked Fiorina or Carson the same question, the odds were 50-50, they didn't know what it was either; but they obviously wanted to target Trump, and he showed his ignorance on the subject for sure, and THAT IS OUR WHOLE NUCLEAR DETTERENCE STRATEGY, wake up people!

Let me put it this way.................Donald Trump made it absolutely clear why neither he Carson, nor Fiorina can win. While they are all highly intelligent, none of them have the working knowledge to know what in the hell Hillary will be talking about.

Look PEOPLE............imagine Trump and Hillary had won the nomination, and this had come up in the general.

Mr Trump, what is your opinion on the triad?

Trump: Oh, I think it is wonderful, I like nuclear, I am all for nuclear.

And yours Mrs, Clinton?

Hillary: And she goes on to explain what Rubio did, leaving the Donald looking TOTALLY incompetent, and not up to protecting America.........and she is really the incompetent one!

Please THINK! Donald does NOT have the working knowledge of the government to win the debate. He hasn't won a debate yet, he just keeps repeating the same thing, over, and over, and over again. When it is 2 hrs, just Trump and Clinton, he is going to have to have answers, and he is not even privy to what some of the questions mean. Clinton can stand there and proclaim that we have 1200 B-2 bombers, and Trump would not know if it was true or not.

Last night proved to me that Donald can not do it. He goes into the group with Bush and Kasich in my book. I still think Carson MIGHT be able to do it though. Why? Because instead of pretending he knows, he might say he would surround himself with people who DO know, Donald is to arrogant to say that.

I am sorry Donald supporters, unless Hilly is indicted during the general if Trump is the nominee, or unless she is totally dumb, and her handlers are to..........she will beat him easily! She didn't prove that, he did last night!
And so, all of you are political animals, or why would you be here if you weren't?!?!?! How many of you know/knew, what the triad was? I knew, because I am a political animal, Trump had no idea WTF the moderator was talking about; none whatsoever. Let me tell you this----------> I have a feeling that if they asked Fiorina or Carson the same question, the odds were 50-50, they didn't know what it was either; but they obviously wanted to target Trump, and he showed his ignorance on the subject for sure, and THAT IS OUR WHOLE NUCLEAR DETTERENCE STRATEGY, wake up people!

This was a designed "gotcha" question that fizzled. What did it have to do with current foreign policy, much less combating terrorism? Since you are a political animal, which branch of the triad would you upgrade first?
And so, all of you are political animals, or why would you be here if you weren't?!?!?! How many of you know/knew, what the triad was? I knew, because I am a political animal, Trump had no idea WTF the moderator was talking about; none whatsoever. Let me tell you this----------> I have a feeling that if they asked Fiorina or Carson the same question, the odds were 50-50, they didn't know what it was either; but they obviously wanted to target Trump, and he showed his ignorance on the subject for sure, and THAT IS OUR WHOLE NUCLEAR DETTERENCE STRATEGY, wake up people!

This was a designed "gotcha" question that fizzled. What did it have to do with current foreign policy, much less combating terrorism? Since you are a political animal, which branch of the triad would you upgrade first?

Why do you want to argue with the messenger? Seriously! Don't sound like a liberal, please.

How does one have credibility, when one has no idea what he is talking about?

Let me give you an example, and you can get angry if you want, but it is reasonable.............

Your neighbor gets in an accident and become a paraplegic. The reason the accident happened, was because the car they were driving, and you were a passenger in, had the accelerator stick. You seen it happen, you know it, and you tell everyone you ARE GOING TO MAKE YOUR NEIGHBOR GREAT again, because you are going to hose the auto manufacturer.

The auto manufacturer comes in with a lying, phoney, female lawyer named...... Hittlery, Hard -on, Klingerstone. She goes in front of the jury and tells them, that the reason the pedal stuck, was because your neighbor had (x) brand shoes on that had part of the sole melt, stick on the gas pedal, holding it to the floor.

Your response? What is a sole!

Not gonna work, sorry, over, adida, forget about it.


Oh trust me I sincerely hope Trump gets the nomination. I am praying for it.
Oh trust me I sincerely hope Trump gets the nomination. I am praying for it.

So are we!

Oh right you have so much to feel confident about! Even though he has the highest disapproval rating out of any other candidate among adults in general and shows in polls to lose in a hypothetical match up between both Hillary AND Bernie, he is still the loudest and dumbest candidate in the field. Good for him. I'm glad that's all it takes to win over republicans.
I truly and honestly do not know how Trump could be the winner in this poll...?

I watched a good deal of the debate and I felt several of the candidates had some really good, strong moments in the debate, Like Rubio and Cruz and even Rand had some eye opening things said that caught my attention, but Mr.Trump did not while I was watching.
Trump is the greatest man on earth.
Why Sarah?

Why do you think this...?

I've always gotten a kick out of his arrogance and a chuckle or two or three over the years of watching him, and really would have put him in a category of people liked, not people hated, if I had to compartmentalized...

and this new gig of his that appears bigoted in his stump speeches... I just figured it is all part of his marketing strategy, which has worked on many so far....

but there is no way, that I can see him in the gig of being President of the United States of America....because it is NOT a gig....it's for real.
As if it's my fault that over 70% of Trump followers never graduated from college.

Shrillary graduated from college, yet she's a fucking dumbass.

Graduating from college is not a valid indicator of either intelligence or common sense.

It may be your fault that you are so plodding.
As if further demonstration of your somewhat modest intellectual endowment were actually needed.

You just proved yet again that you are merely a limp dick.
About what you'd expect from your typical dim witted Trump follower.

You have great difficulty tracking even simple conversations.

Those paint chips you consumed like potato chips as a child had to have been heavily lead based.

I have not claimed to be a Trump follower. I HAVE said that I like some of HIS positions. I DO maintain that the incumbent President is an ineffectual loser and his Administration has been a disaster.

Tools like you cannot even begin to grasp what a clusterfuck of imbecility Obumbler has been.

In any event, some of the GOP candidates have said it and I agree that (if we discount schmucks like Lindsey Goober Graham, perhaps) there is not a single Republican presidential contender running for the nomination of the Republican Party who would not be VASTLY superior as President when compared to the asshole currently infesting the Oval Office.

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