Driver of car that plowed through BLM demonstrators in Times Square 'is a Trump supporter'

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

The driver of a car that plowed into a crowd of Black Lives Matter demonstrators in New York City reportedly attended a Keep America Great counterprotest just hours earlier.

The man - who has not yet been publicly named - was caught on camera driving his black Ford Taurus sedan into the crowd in Times Square shortly after 8pm on Thursday evening.

NBC quotes police sources as saying the driver was 'was found to be a part of the Keep America Great rally' and that the group had 'exchanged heated words' with the BLM supporters.

Well here we go again. Another trump inspired goon that weaponised his car. At some point Trump should be held to account for his antics.

The driver of a car that plowed into a crowd of Black Lives Matter demonstrators in New York City reportedly attended a Keep America Great counterprotest just hours earlier.

The man - who has not yet been publicly named - was caught on camera driving his black Ford Taurus sedan into the crowd in Times Square shortly after 8pm on Thursday evening.

NBC quotes police sources as saying the driver was 'was found to be a part of the Keep America Great rally' and that the group had 'exchanged heated words' with the BLM supporters.

Well here we go again. Another trump inspired goon that weaponised his car. At some point Trump should be held to account for his antics.

Is every rioter who burns down business a Biden supporter? How about someone who hunts another human simply because of the hat they wear?

If you don't apply the same standard to others in the same manner, you are a hypocrite.

The driver of a car that plowed into a crowd of Black Lives Matter demonstrators in New York City reportedly attended a Keep America Great counterprotest just hours earlier.

The man - who has not yet been publicly named - was caught on camera driving his black Ford Taurus sedan into the crowd in Times Square shortly after 8pm on Thursday evening.

NBC quotes police sources as saying the driver was 'was found to be a part of the Keep America Great rally' and that the group had 'exchanged heated words' with the BLM supporters.

Well here we go again. Another trump inspired goon that weaponised his car. At some point Trump should be held to account for his antics.

Is every rioter who burns down business a Biden supporter? How about someone who hunts another human simply because of the hat they wear?

If you don't apply the same standard to others in the same manner, you are a hypocrite.

He a polesmoker, too.

The driver of a car that plowed into a crowd of Black Lives Matter demonstrators in New York City reportedly attended a Keep America Great counterprotest just hours earlier.

The man - who has not yet been publicly named - was caught on camera driving his black Ford Taurus sedan into the crowd in Times Square shortly after 8pm on Thursday evening.

NBC quotes police sources as saying the driver was 'was found to be a part of the Keep America Great rally' and that the group had 'exchanged heated words' with the BLM supporters.

Well here we go again. Another trump inspired goon that weaponised his car. At some point Trump should be held to account for his antics.


They better thank their lucky stars it wasn't me driving. I'd do dough-nuts on their asses.

The driver of a car that plowed into a crowd of Black Lives Matter demonstrators in New York City reportedly attended a Keep America Great counterprotest just hours earlier.

The man - who has not yet been publicly named - was caught on camera driving his black Ford Taurus sedan into the crowd in Times Square shortly after 8pm on Thursday evening.

NBC quotes police sources as saying the driver was 'was found to be a part of the Keep America Great rally' and that the group had 'exchanged heated words' with the BLM supporters.

Well here we go again. Another trump inspired goon that weaponised his car. At some point Trump should be held to account for his antics.

The moral of the story is don't play in the street

The driver of a car that plowed into a crowd of Black Lives Matter demonstrators in New York City reportedly attended a Keep America Great counterprotest just hours earlier.

The man - who has not yet been publicly named - was caught on camera driving his black Ford Taurus sedan into the crowd in Times Square shortly after 8pm on Thursday evening.

NBC quotes police sources as saying the driver was 'was found to be a part of the Keep America Great rally' and that the group had 'exchanged heated words' with the BLM supporters.

Well here we go again. Another trump inspired goon that weaponised his car. At some point Trump should be held to account for his antics.
if true that explains his driving thorough instead of stopping to talk,,

he would have been killed if he stopped,,,


The driver of a car that plowed into a crowd of Black Lives Matter demonstrators in New York City reportedly attended a Keep America Great counterprotest just hours earlier.

The man - who has not yet been publicly named - was caught on camera driving his black Ford Taurus sedan into the crowd in Times Square shortly after 8pm on Thursday evening.

NBC quotes police sources as saying the driver was 'was found to be a part of the Keep America Great rally' and that the group had 'exchanged heated words' with the BLM supporters.

Well here we go again. Another trump inspired goon that weaponised his car. At some point Trump should be held to account for his antics.
Pretty likely since he was the only one around with sense enough to know that cars belong on the street and not people.

The driver of a car that plowed into a crowd of Black Lives Matter demonstrators in New York City reportedly attended a Keep America Great counterprotest just hours earlier.

The man - who has not yet been publicly named - was caught on camera driving his black Ford Taurus sedan into the crowd in Times Square shortly after 8pm on Thursday evening.

NBC quotes police sources as saying the driver was 'was found to be a part of the Keep America Great rally' and that the group had 'exchanged heated words' with the BLM supporters.

Well here we go again. Another trump inspired goon that weaponised his car. At some point Trump should be held to account for his antics.

And? A violent terrorist group made up of joe biden voters...blm...a marxist communist group dedicated to the end of the United States and families tries to stop and terrorize the people in this car and you side with the monsters in are an idiot.

The driver of a car that plowed into a crowd of Black Lives Matter demonstrators in New York City reportedly attended a Keep America Great counterprotest just hours earlier.

The man - who has not yet been publicly named - was caught on camera driving his black Ford Taurus sedan into the crowd in Times Square shortly after 8pm on Thursday evening.

NBC quotes police sources as saying the driver was 'was found to be a part of the Keep America Great rally' and that the group had 'exchanged heated words' with the BLM supporters.

Well here we go again. Another trump inspired goon that weaponised his car. At some point Trump should be held to account for his antics.

Hey tommy, what you don't know is we're conditioning ANTIFA that we're going to run over them but the real plot is to get them to chase and we're going to throw it in reverse real quick and pile a dozen or so up on the trunk. And yes, it's a trunk not a fucking boot.

The driver of a car that plowed into a crowd of Black Lives Matter demonstrators in New York City reportedly attended a Keep America Great counterprotest just hours earlier.

The man - who has not yet been publicly named - was caught on camera driving his black Ford Taurus sedan into the crowd in Times Square shortly after 8pm on Thursday evening.

NBC quotes police sources as saying the driver was 'was found to be a part of the Keep America Great rally' and that the group had 'exchanged heated words' with the BLM supporters.

Well here we go again. Another trump inspired goon that weaponised his car. At some point Trump should be held to account for his antics.

Hey tommy, what you don't know is we're conditioning ANTIFA that we're going to run over them but the real plot is to get them to chase and we're going to throw it in reverse real quick and pile a dozen or so up on the trunk. And yes, it's a trunk not a fucking boot.

I can hear NPR soon talking about how Trump supporters are just callous inhumane people.

Tommy why was the BLM gal heard bitching in the background on the video of this event 'why they get their own ride. Look they get their own ride.' She sounded pretty upset that a police interceptor was getting those few people out of there for the BLM mob couldn't mangle and beat them.
All the trumpfisti are dangerous. When you see the merch, that is the only thing necessary to identify the threat.

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