Dressing up a pig on a spit or in a mud hole.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Comp. Immg. Reform Amnesty will not fix our broken immigration system. It will completely destroy it and any chance of ever controlling illegal immigration and securing the border. Enforcing our immigration laws and securing the border will bring 12 million out of the shadows and fix our immigration system, secure the border and re-unite families. Simple as that.

I just listen to a bunch or amnesty advocates, Carlos Gutierrez, Thomas Donohue, Johnny Young, Ali Noorani with the same old lame rhetoric why we should give amnesty to 12 million people who are here illegally and the lamest of all were “we have to give the full path to citizenship without any sanctions so they will come out of the shadows and pay taxes and a shortage of people to fill specific jobs that businesses need to fill.”

Our immigration system is broken because 12 million people decided to enter the country illegally, ignoring our immigration laws and our leaders failure to enforce our immigration laws and amnesty will not fix it which has been proven by the 1986 amnesty for 3 million that led to amnesty today for 12 million, etc.

I pray for this country that some one in leadership will see the entire picture of amnesty and don’t go alone with it because illegal immigrants are far from the immigrants of old the entered the country by way of Ellis Island and registered and all were not allowed to enter just because they got here. They actually built this country and illegal immigrants of today will tear it down. Illegal immigrants today is a slap in the face of immigrants of old.

Comp. Immg. Reform is nothing but amnesty and has nothing to do with controlling illegal immigration and securing the border. Call it what it really is and stop trying to dress up a pig on a spit or in a mud hole by calling it Comp. Immg. Reform. Dirty pool.

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